Short filmTranscript
00:30Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:32oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:34oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:36oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:38oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:40oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:42oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:44oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:46oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:48oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:50oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:52oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:54oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:56oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:58oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:00oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:02oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:04oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:06oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:08oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:10oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:12oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:14oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:16oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:18oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:20oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:22oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:24oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:26oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:28oh, oh, oh, oh
01:58Mi madre nos ha usurpado el negocio, ¿por qué no lo recuperamos?
02:01En vez de estar buscando información sobre el amor, si quieres saber algo sobre eso, ¡puedes preguntármelo!
02:05Tengo mucha experiencia en el tema con Sanem, ¡ponme a prueba, hazlo!
02:09Yo soy capaz de hacerlo, tú solo dilo y yo lo hago.
02:13Musa, estamos intentando comprender el concepto del amor.
02:16Déjame hacerte una pregunta.
02:18¿Cómo puedes estar tan seguro de que algún día serás la pareja de Sanem?
02:22No me gusta tu tono, ¿qué clase de pregunta es esa? ¡Cuida tus palabras, Aihan!
02:26¿Cómo que pareja?
02:27Tengo la intención de casarme con ella, hablé con su familia y dijeron que iban a pensarlo.
02:33Ay, Musa, ya lo sé. Conozco tu historia de amor de principio a fin, soy tu testigo más cercano.
02:38Sí, eso no es verdad.
02:41¿Sabes qué? Si eso es el amor, yo no lo quiero en mi vida.
02:45Amiga, escucha lo que voy a decirte, voy a explicarte qué es el amor.
02:49El amor es algo increíble, siempre que no haya obstáculos y no existieran esos buitres que vuelan alrededor de Sanem,
02:56esperando encajar en las garras, todo sería perfecto.
03:00Uf, me paso todo el día viendo las fotos que sube a las redes sociales.
03:05Te voy a mostrar su cuenta.
03:07Mira eso, ¿ya viste qué estilo tiene?
03:08Y pasa horas en el gimnasio, ¿cómo competiré con él?
03:11Si fuera Osman, aún podría hacer algo.
03:14Cuando éramos pequeños, yo siempre le ganaba jugando al fútbol, pero ese chico es demasiado para mí.
03:19Los jefes deberían ser calvos, y ve nada más el jefe que tiene, Sanem, el tipo es un ícono de la moda.
03:25Ay Musa, ya basta, por favor, en lugar de escuchar tus consejos sobre el amor, preferiría hablar con las paredes, sería más provechoso.
03:32Y es que no lo entiendo, ¿cómo es posible que haya tantas personas con problemas de amor en este lugar?
03:37Da igual, voy a ir a la playa, veré las gaviotas, miraré las olas, leeré algo de poesía, bueno, no sé qué voy a hacer.
03:46Vamos Musa.
03:49Sí, ya voy, mira esas piernotas, ese tipo es increíble, debo admitir que le tengo mucha envidia.
04:02Hoy te ves espectacular.
04:04Tú también, Gulis, luces muy hermosa.
04:08Estoy pensando en JJ, y está trabajando mientras nosotras vamos a la fiesta, pobre.
04:13Tal vez se una a la fiesta cuando termine.
04:15Eso espero.
04:16Esta noche va a ser grandiosa, la pasaremos genial.
04:19Las fiestas de la familia David son famosas en la ciudad, seguro que Jan le preparó muchas sorpresas a Polen.
04:25Claro que le preparará algo, es su fiesta de cumpleaños.
04:29Pero no es solo su fiesta de cumpleaños, Jan y Polen vivirán juntos de ahora en adelante.
04:36¿Qué dijiste?
04:37Nuestro conductor ayudó a Polen esta mañana y llevaron todas sus pertenencias desde la casa de su madre hasta la casa de Jan.
04:45¿Qué te parece?
04:49¿Estás segura?
04:50Completamente, yo le mandé al conductor y no fue todo.
04:54Además cancelé su billete de regreso y le concerté una cita de negocios para ella en Ankara.
05:04Entonces se queda.
05:05Y eso no es todo, se va a quedar a vivir con nuestro jefe Jan David.
05:09¡Ay, qué romántico!
05:15Liz, no tengo ganas de ir a la fiesta.
05:17¿Qué? Va a ser muy divertido.
05:19Me siento mal porque J.J. no estará ahí y es una fiesta de cumpleaños privada y yo no me siento cómoda.
05:26Disculpe, ¿puede dejarme por aquí?
05:29Por favor, prefiero ir a ayudar a J.J. a la ópera.
05:32Zanem, ¿por qué te quieres ir? Estaremos todo el tiempo juntas y nos divertiremos mucho.
05:45♫ Çık fikrimden ♫
05:52♫ Beni yalnız bırak, uyku ne mümkün seni düşünmeden ♫
06:01♫ Beni yalnız bırak, üstüme gelme, hediye sileyim mi seni, nereye koyayım bu hisleri? ♫
06:15♫ Tepe taklak, tepe taklak, tepe taklak oldu hayatım ben ♫
06:56♫ Kokusu ezberimde, hayatım ellerinde, yoldan çıktım göre göre ♫
07:07♫ Kokusu ezberimde, yoldan çıktım göre göre ♫
07:12Acércate, ven aquí un segundo.
07:14Oye, ¿dónde está Zanem? ¿Qué sabes de ella?
07:17Sí, veníamos juntas y de pronto se bajó del auto, dijo que iría a la ópera a ayudar a J.J.
07:23¿Y por qué se bajó?
07:24Bueno, le dije que usted y la señorita Polen vivirían juntos y me dijo que sería una fiesta privada y que no se sentía cómoda viniendo aquí.
07:32Güliz, ¿le dijiste que Polen y yo vamos a vivir juntos?
07:37¿Por qué se lo dijiste? ¿De dónde sacas esa idea?
07:39Ella me pidió que cancelara el boleto de regreso y averigüe que trajeron sus pertenencias por acá.
07:44Estupendo, Güliz. Bien hecho. Sigue por ese camino. Continúa así y nunca cambies, ¿entiendes?
07:49Señor Jan, lo siento mucho. Fue un error. No se preocupe, yo lo resolveré.
07:53¿Resolverlo? ¿Y cómo?
07:56Señor Jan, no entendí bien la información y ahora Zanem también está equivocada. De todas formas, ¿por qué le da tanta importancia todo esto?
08:04De acuerdo. Disculpe. Lo siento mucho. Señor Jan, de verdad, lo siento.
08:19Aquí es.
08:20Zanem llamando.
08:30JJ, voy para allá. ¿Todavía sigues ahí?
08:33Estoy en la puerta trasera del Palacio de la Ópera. El cuidador me dejó las llaves. Es una larga historia, Zanem.
08:39Hay algo más. Es que me dan fobia a los edificios. Así que no puedo entrar. No me atrevo. Me da miedo. No puedo entrar. No puedo.
08:47Está bien. Cálmate. Ya voy para allá.
08:50Muy bien. Aquí te espero.
09:00¿Dónde estás?
09:01¿Dónde estás?
09:02¿Dónde estás?
09:03¿Dónde estás?
09:04¿Dónde estás?
09:05¿Dónde estás?
09:06¿Dónde estás?
09:07¿Dónde estás?
09:08¿Dónde estás?
09:09¿Dónde estás?
09:10¿Dónde estás?
09:11¿Dónde estás?
09:12¿Dónde estás?
09:13¿Dónde estás?
09:14¿Dónde estás?
09:15¿Dónde estás?
09:16¿Dónde estás?
09:17¿Dónde estás?
09:18¿Dónde estás?
09:19¿Dónde estás?
09:20¿Dónde estás?
09:21¿Dónde estás?
09:22¿Dónde estás?
09:23¿Dónde estás?
09:24¿Dónde estás?
09:25¿Dónde estás?
09:26¿Dónde estás?
09:27¿Dónde estás?
09:51Angel, I'm dead, I'm dead.
09:53You come to ask me the last questions, right?
09:55What questions are they?
09:56What kind of questions are these?
09:57I had a heart attack.
09:58What should I do?
09:59How did I die?
10:00I had never died.
10:01I'm dead.
10:01I'm dead.
10:02Tell me.
10:03I'm dead.
10:03Calm down, Jeje.
10:04I'm Sanem.
10:05Are you Sanem?
10:07Well, you look like an angel.
10:14I thought I was dead.
10:15You look like an angel from heaven, Sanem.
10:17You know, I also thought I was dead, Jeje.
10:20What are you doing?
10:22I came to check the lights.
10:23And also other things.
10:26We're in the hallway, right?
10:28That's right.
10:29Where's the entrance to the living room?
10:30The entrance to the living room is there on the right.
11:12¿Cómo te llamas?
11:22Entré a un parco, pero era el equivocado.
11:25No podíamos vernos bien.
11:27Él me confundió con otra persona y me besó.
11:29Yo salí corriendo de ahí.
11:31¿Quién crees que era?
11:32¿Pudo ser alguien de la oficina?
11:34Sinceramente, podría ser cualquier persona relacionada con el Sr. Aziz.
11:41¡Rey malvado!
11:49¿Estás bien, Sanem?
11:58Tengo que irme.
11:59Por favor, dame cinco minutos.
12:01Por favor.
12:01Por favor.
12:02Por favor.
12:03Por favor.
12:03Cinco minutos.
12:04Por favor.
12:34Ojalá estuviéramos juntos.
12:50Me gustaría que fueras Albatros.
14:04Oye, Sanem.
14:05Ya casi termino.
14:06Estamos por irnos.
14:10¿Crees en los cuentos de hadas, Yeyey?
14:13En los cuentos de hadas, sí.
14:15Y también en las películas de miedo.
14:18¿Y tú?
14:22Sobre todo en los cuentos de hadas.
14:26¿Y tú?
14:27¿Y tú?
14:29¿Y tú?
14:30¿Y tú?
14:31¿Y tú?
14:35Creo que un día un príncipe vendrá a buscarme
14:38y siempre me llevará en su corazón y en su pensamiento.
14:47Y solo me querrá a mí.
14:51Un buen día logrará encontrarme.
14:57¿Sabes que gracias a ti todo esto empezó?
15:00¿Ah, sí? ¿Por qué? ¿Yo qué hice?
15:03Tú te equivocaste.
15:04En la fiesta de aniversario me dijiste que debía sentarme contigo en la zona D,
15:09así que subí las escaleras y me metí en ese palco.
15:16Siempre cometo esa clase de errores.
15:18¿Qué fue lo que ocurrió allá arriba?
15:20No sé por qué me equivoco tanto.
15:25En realidad hiciste algo increíble.
15:28Hiciste que conociera a mi príncipe azul llamado Albatros.
15:33Él me besó en la oscuridad.
15:36¿Tú y Albatros? ¿La noche de la fiesta aquí?
15:46¿Recuerdas que una vez te dije que había alguien que nunca me querría?
15:51Claro que sí, el hombre misterioso.
15:58Ahora sé que nunca me querrá.
16:02Estoy segura que nunca me querrá.
16:06Porque él quiere a otra persona.
16:10Y esa chica se mudará a su casa.
16:13Y lo acepto.
16:19Es el destino.
16:24Aquí estoy de nuevo.
16:27Para olvidar al hombre que amo.
16:31Y rezando para que venga Albatros.
16:41Oigan, ¿saben dónde está Yan?
16:45Ni idea.
17:07¿A dónde irá?
17:13Soy una ingenua.
17:15Tengo la cabeza llena de pájaros.
17:18Sanem, mira, nadie puede vivir sin sus sueños.
17:23Y si Albatros siente lo mismo por ti, entonces te encontrará.
17:28No pierdas la esperanza, ¿entiendes?
17:32¿De acuerdo?
17:37Iré a apagar las luces.
18:45¡Apaga las luces!
19:15¡Apaga las luces!
19:45¡Apaga las luces!
20:45Me gustaría saber cómo termina el mensaje.
21:47Oh, Albatross?
21:56You, Albatross?
22:00You're Albatross and Mr. Jan, really?
22:04Or is this an illusion, Jan?
22:06And well?
22:08And well!
22:10I feel great and I still can't believe it.
22:15I've read a lot of novels, but not in books do things like this happen.
22:19Right now, I don't know how I feel.
22:21My feet, I can't feel my feet.
22:23And my hands don't stop shaking.
22:26Mr. Jan.
22:27You look beautiful.
22:29And please, Sanem, don't call me Mr. Jan.
22:33Just call me Jan.
22:43Jan, well, I think it's a good time to go.
22:46So, I'm leaving.
22:47No, no, no, no.
22:48Where are you going?
22:50Mr. Jan.
22:52I don't feel well.
22:54I'm serious.
22:55My heart is beating so fast.
22:57Something's wrong with my heart.
22:59I don't feel well.
23:00I think I'm going to get sick.
23:03Don't go, please.
23:05Stay by my side.
23:08I'll take care of your heart.
23:11Mr. Jan.
23:13Jan, I'm going out to get some fresh air.
23:15Or I'll stick to you like a magnet.
23:17And I'll never be able to leave you again.
23:19I can assure you.
23:22Let's go out together and I'll take you home.
23:28Yes, Jan.
23:32Honestly, I'd rather go alone.
23:36See you soon.
23:39See you.
23:46See you, Jan.
23:55I feel like I'm flying.
23:57Jan is Albatross.
23:58You can believe it.
23:59Albatross is Mr. Jan.
24:00I'm sorry.
24:01I'm sorry.
24:02I'm sorry.
24:08Can I have it?
24:10All together.
24:15Albatross is Jan.
24:16Can you believe it?
24:18I want to see them as happy as I am.
24:20Come on.
24:29Mucho gracias.
24:33Mucho gracias.
24:41Come here.
24:42Albatross is Mr. Jan.
24:44Can you believe it?
24:45Let's go one more time.
24:46One more time.
24:56Albatross is Mr. Jan.
25:02Mucho gracias.
25:03Mucho gracias.
25:04Mucho gracias.
25:05Mucho gracias.
25:06Mucho gracias.
25:07Mucho gracias.
25:08Mucho gracias.
25:09Mucho gracias.
25:10Mucho gracias.
25:11Mucho gracias.
25:12Mucho gracias.
25:13Mucho gracias.
25:14Mucho gracias.
25:15Mucho gracias.
25:16Mucho gracias.
25:17Mucho gracias.
25:18Mucho gracias.
25:19Mucho gracias.
25:20Mucho gracias.
25:21Mucho gracias.
25:22Mucho gracias.
25:23Mucho gracias.
25:24Mucho gracias.
25:25Mucho gracias.
25:26Mucho gracias.
25:27Mucho gracias.
25:28Mucho gracias.
25:29Mucho gracias.
25:30Mucho gracias.
25:31Mucho gracias.
25:32Mucho gracias.
25:33Mucho gracias.
25:34Mucho gracias.
25:45How are you?
25:47Sorry, I hope I didn't wake you.
25:50I know, Captain Asis is not sleeping right now.
25:53Where are you?
25:56You're in the south?
25:57That's beautiful.
25:57You're going to sit nicely.
25:58You'll see.
25:59It's great, I...
26:00I'm from...
26:01I'm fine.
26:03In fact, I'm very, very, very fine.
26:09Well, I feel amazing, Dad.
26:11But I miss you, and I wanted to share my happiness with you.
26:17I listened to you, and I'm very glad to be working at the agency.
26:21Sure, well, uh...
26:23Let's say I found what I was looking for here in Istanbul.
26:27Something unique.
26:31No, you don't have to go to the doctor.
26:33I don't have a fever.
26:35No, Dad, no.
26:37Yes, it's me, your son, Yandivid.
26:39Hey, don't make fun of me.
26:41I shouldn't have told you.
26:43Magnificent things are happening here.
26:45I'll tell you when you get back.
26:47Maybe I'll introduce you to that beautiful thing.
26:49Yes, when you get back.
26:51But here we all miss you.
26:53Go home.
26:55I'm sure you've traveled half the world.
26:59I already told you yes.
27:01When you get back, I'll tell you everything, okay?
27:03Well, I'll leave you.
27:05Take care, Captain.
27:07Good night.
27:09See you soon.
27:27The land is safe.
27:29Why don't you come back?
27:31I can't come back.
27:33If the same thing happens to you, you wouldn't want to come back either.
27:35Why don't you be happy for me?
27:37But of course I'm happy.
27:39No, you don't understand that.
27:41Why don't you imagine these things?
27:43Because men never understand anything.
27:45Tell me, when is Ayhan coming?
27:47He's with Yeye.
27:49And if I don't realize anything, why did you call me?
27:51Ayhan wasn't here, and I had to tell someone.
27:53It's your turn.
27:55We always do this kind of thing.
27:57If we kiss a boy, we share what we feel.
27:59We scream together.
28:01We cry together.
28:03We hug and we dance.
28:05Osman, I think I'm in love.
28:07I'll never forget that kiss.
28:09It was amazing.
28:11It's about Mr. Shah.
28:13Sanem, I don't know what you want me to tell you.
28:15Maybe it's a little rushed,
28:17but I think he's in love with me too.
28:19If he wasn't, he wouldn't have kissed me, right?
28:21Don't you think it makes sense, Osman?
28:23I mean, if this isn't love...
28:25And what are you going to do if that's true?
28:33What am I going to do if he loves me?
28:35It's a good question.
28:37I've told him a lot of lies.
28:39I'm sure he won't want to look me in the face.
28:41And he won't want to know anything about me,
28:43after all the lies.
28:45Oh, Sanem.
28:47The only thing I can do is go far away from here,
28:49out of the country.
28:51What do I do, Osman?
28:53Okay, calm down.
28:55You'll see how we come up with something to fix it, okay?
28:57Very well.
29:01Did Polen leave?
29:03I don't know.
29:05Sanem, didn't you tell me that Polen was living
29:07in Mr. Jan's house?
29:09That's right.
29:11Therefore, he is living with a woman.
29:13However, he kissed you.
29:15I don't understand it.
29:17Well, the truth is, I don't understand it either.
29:19Didn't you say it was Albatros?
29:21And Mr. Jan was with you.
29:23Yes, and Polen was there too.
29:25I don't understand anything.
29:27If I were Albatros, I would have told you the next day, Sanem.
29:29Polen and you went to the cabin?
29:33And you didn't come back alone?
29:35Yes, that's right.
29:37Well, what do I tell you?
29:39If he loves you, you're going to suffer.
29:41And if you don't, you will.
29:43At this moment, I can't think straight.
29:45But I prefer him to love me.
29:47What am I going to do now?
29:49Calm down, Sanem.
29:51I'm sure you'll find all the answers to your questions.
29:53And then you'll make a decision, okay?
29:55Oh, okay.
29:57Maybe I'll think about it later.
30:11Besides, you can't imagine how he kisses.
30:21Yes, Deryn.
30:23Hello, good evening, Jan.
30:25They called from Orgate.
30:27They changed their mind about the actor and tomorrow's photos.
30:29They really like Osman,
30:31and that's why they prefer to work with him.
30:33Okay, then prepare the budget.
30:35Invite Osman to the office tomorrow.
30:37We'll talk to him.
30:39Yes, perfect.
30:41Hey Jan, I also want to tell you something else.
30:43In fact, I'm even ashamed to ask you.
30:45This budget is very low.
30:47Do you think we could work with your camera?
30:49I know it's very valuable to you,
30:51Jan, nobody lends it to you,
30:53but our photographer is a professional.
30:55I promise you nothing will happen to the camera, okay?
30:57Yes, of course.
30:59I'll take it to you tomorrow.
31:01Oh, that's easy.
31:03Are you sure you'll lend us your camera?
31:05Yes, I'll take it to you tomorrow.
31:07Jan, you sound very happy.
31:09Is everything okay?
31:11The truth is that you're right,
31:13because I'm very, very happy.
31:15Oh, great.
31:17We were a little worried
31:19when we saw you leave the party unannounced.
31:21I'm fine, Deren.
31:23Good night.
31:25Good night.
31:29Jan is my dear Albatros.
31:31He gave me a pen
31:33and his last name means inkwell.
31:35How poetic.
31:37That's right.
31:39Get off that cloud.
31:41That boy is playing with you.
31:43What happened to Polen?
31:45Shut up, I'm pretty confused.
31:47I'm your smart self, your common sense.
31:49This is not love.
31:51Please control yourself.
31:53You slept one night in a hammock and he kissed you,
31:55but that's enough.
31:59Do you think so?
32:01If that man is in love with you,
32:03I assure you that everything is over.
32:05You've told him a lot of lies, forget about him.
32:07Use Polen as an excuse.
32:09Get away from his life.
32:11It's not so easy to do it.
32:13Do it yourself.
32:15I know he may not have a future for me,
32:17but I feel extremely attracted.
32:19I'm going to do it.
32:21Yes, right?
32:23You can't.
32:25I don't trust you.
32:27Hey, you're always so negative.
32:29Don't drive me crazy.
32:31Calm down a little.
32:33I'm going to sleep.
32:35I'm going to sleep.
32:57I was picking up things
32:59and all of a sudden,
33:01Mr. Jan showed up in a lab coat.
33:03I thought he was a ghost.
33:05I almost died of fright.
33:07Then he told me to get out of here.
33:09He asked me to leave.
33:11I thought he had fired me.
33:13I asked him,
33:15are you firing me now
33:17or are you definitely firing me?
33:19Tell me the truth.
33:21Do you think it's funny?
33:23Well, JJ, I don't think he put on that suit to fire you.
33:25He's the boss, and bosses can fire you
33:27even when they're wearing pajamas.
33:29And why was he wearing a label?
33:31I don't know.
33:33Mr. Jan is a little weird,
33:35and I'd rather not question him.
33:37And Zanem was at that party?
33:39Yes, but I guess he fired her too
33:41because I didn't see her again
33:43and then I came here.
33:45Hey, Aihan, all this albatross thing,
33:47Zanem's love,
33:49did you know they met
33:51thanks to my intervention?
33:55Yes, I'm very excited,
33:57and I hope you're very happy.
34:01I thought a lot about love.
34:03Well, I wasn't just thinking.
34:05I've also seen romantic movies,
34:07I've read poems,
34:09I've seen what's around me,
34:11I've talked to seagulls,
34:13I've enjoyed the waves,
34:15and all those things related to love,
34:17but I must confess
34:19that I felt absolutely nothing.
34:21So I must be honest
34:23and tell you that
34:25I don't feel the same as you.
34:29You say you don't?
34:33It's good to clear things up.
34:35Telling the truth is always better.
34:37I have to go.
34:39Wait, don't go.
34:41Wait a minute, JJ.
34:43I mean, I want to know,
34:45JJ, if you're okay.
34:47When you feel an unanswered love,
34:49it's usually painful.
34:51At least now I have it clearer.
34:53And the truth is,
34:55I don't want a girl who doesn't love me
34:57and who has never had a boyfriend.
34:59That could be very stressful.
35:01It's better that way.
35:03Wait, wait.
35:05If you're better,
35:07maybe what you felt wasn't real love.
35:09You're supposed to be suffering.
35:11I'll take the love I feel
35:13and over time I'll forget it.
35:15Because I'm JJ.
35:17I'm leaving.
35:19JJ, I'll keep seeing you.
35:21You can call me whenever you want.
35:23I'm still your coach, right?
35:25I already have your number.
35:53I'll stay at my mother's house.
35:55I'll return to England.
35:57I tried, but it didn't work.
38:55Come on.
38:59What's up?
39:03I'll call my friend.
39:09I'll be right back.
39:13Where are you going, Zanem?
39:18What are you talking about?
39:21And then?
39:23I'm going to the office.
39:25Zanem will be later.
39:28See you later.
39:29Have a good day, daughter.
39:31See you later.
39:33Nihat, it turns out that Jan ate the albondigas tartar.
39:37Surely Zanem is very excited.
39:39I'm dying to know everything that has happened.
39:43He is Albatros!
39:44I can't believe it! It's incredible!
39:46Let's see if I understand.
39:47So Albatros and Jan are the same person?
39:50How is it possible?
39:51And what? Did he kiss you in the mouth?
39:53Like this?
39:54Tell me, did you like it?
39:55I'm glad you're my friend.
39:57Osman didn't give it much importance.
39:59Forget about my brother and tell me.
40:01Tell me how it was.
40:02How did it happen?
40:03Did he kiss you first?
40:04And then what happened?
40:05Tell me!
40:07It was the most romantic thing in the world.
40:09We were on the stage, the music was playing,
40:12and she was wearing the same suit.
40:14Oh, wow!
40:19Oh, birds in the air.
40:24Yes, they were fascinated by the albondigas.
40:26They should be proud of me.
40:28Tell everyone I'm a good cook.
40:30I'm just like my mother.
40:31She taught me how to cook.
40:33Well, I didn't need to because I'm her daughter.
40:35And I have her genes.
40:36And of course, I inherited her talent.
40:39Well, I'm going to work.
40:41I don't want to be late.
40:43And I'm going to go with Sanem,
40:46because I also have a lot of work to do.
40:49See you later.
40:51Did you close the door?
40:52No, I was leaving.
40:55Come on, tell me everything.
41:07Here you go.
41:08Oh, Han, she's not a fool.
41:10There's no doubt.
41:11They were hugging and dancing.
41:13They were jumping with joy.
41:15Hey, hey, what's wrong with that?
41:18I like it when they're so close.
41:20You like it?
41:22But she's very excited because Jan ate the albondigas.
41:26Don't exaggerate, woman.
41:29You already know our daughter.
41:31She has nothing to do with Leila.
41:33Sanem is full of energy,
41:34and when he's with Jan, his energy doubles.
41:36I know our daughters are a little different,
41:39and I accept it.
41:40It's clear to me, but let's be realistic.
41:42Those albondigas tartaras were horrible, Nihat.
41:45And something else.
41:46Why didn't Leila go to that party, huh?
41:49Let's see.
41:50Tell me why she went alone.
41:52Maybe she was tired.
41:53She works a lot in the office,
41:54and it's normal for the poor girl to be tired, Mevkibe.
41:57No, not at all.
41:58I'm her mother, and I take care of everything.
42:01You know that.
42:02Yes, Mevkibe, you're right.
42:04As you say, woman.
42:05But we have to open the store.
42:07It's getting late.
42:08And we have to take out the newspapers.
42:10Yes, I'm coming, I'm coming.
42:24Good morning.
42:27Good morning, Mr. Jan.
42:29Mr. Jan?
42:30Hey, why do you call me Mr. Jan?
42:33Didn't we agree that from now on it was only Jan?
42:36What's going on in your head, huh?
42:41I spent all night thinking about it.
42:43Oh yeah?
42:44You've been thinking all night?
42:46We better talk.
42:47Yes, of course.
42:48We'll talk because I'm very curious to know what you think.
42:51Let's go to my office.
42:57Now you say you have doubts?
42:58Don't lie.
43:08I thought I saw a mosquito.
43:13Come to my office.
43:14Right now, Mr. Jan.
43:19Mr. Jan.
43:21Sure, when you say, hey Sanem.
43:25Jan, we have to talk about the photos.
43:28Come to my office.
43:31Oh, I'm sorry.
43:32It wasn't for you.
43:35Sanem, come to my office.
43:36Deren, I need you urgently.
43:39It's urgent?
43:41And what the hell can be so urgent with the girl from the messages?
43:45If you need something urgently, Deren, I can help you.
43:48Well, bring me a coffee.
43:49I'm coming.
43:51I'm coming.
43:52And she's screaming at me.
43:53She's crazy.
44:01Are you going to do an interrogation?
44:03Excuse me?
44:04You said you had a thousand questions to ask Albatros.
44:08So here I am.
44:10Yes, of course.
44:11I have many questions prepared.
44:13Yes, I'm going to do them.
44:14Very good.
44:16Whenever you want.
44:17Well, I'm going to start.
44:19How did you know?
44:21How did you know that the girl you kissed on the stage was me?
44:24Was it dark?
44:25Your perfume.
44:27I smelled it the first day and ...
44:30your smell was impregnated.
44:32When I smelled ...
44:35that perfume, I knew it was you right away.
44:39I understand.
44:41Another question.
44:43Since when did you know it was me?
44:44For a long time.
44:47For a long time.
44:50That means you've been lying to me all this time.
44:52I should be ashamed of you.
44:54You were engaged.
44:56What did you want me to tell you?
44:58How was I going to tell you that I kissed you?
45:01No, you couldn't.
45:02Of course.
45:03It's logical.
45:04Yes, it's very logical.
45:05Very logical.
45:07Shall we continue?
45:08Guys, come closer.
45:09We have a meeting.
45:10Ah, I have to go to the meeting.
45:11I'm leaving.
45:12Did I solve your doubts?
45:14No, not yet.
45:15Because first I'm going to think about all your answers.
45:17And I'll think if I have any more questions.
45:20I'm not in a hurry.