Who is a Christian, and who is not?

  • last month
“We are all fundamentally good. Yes, there are some rogues and sinners, but the heart itself is good.” Pope Francis

“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked;
Who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind,
Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings. Jeremiah 17.9-10

#churchleadership #faith #jesus #Messiah #PopeFrancis #salvation #WhoIsAChristian



00:00Well, the answer is Jesus.
00:04Just to close with another little item from the news which I picked up.
00:09The Pope was interviewed by somebody called Nora O'Donnell on the US 60 Minutes program
00:16which he made this statement, we are all fundamentally good, yes, there are some rogues and sinners
00:22but the heart itself is good.
00:27So the answer is that we're all good people and we're going to sort it out.
00:32Now I don't know what Bible the Pope reads but it's not my Bible because my Bible tells
00:37me that the heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can
00:42know it?
00:44And Jesus said those things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, they define
00:47a man.
00:48Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness,
00:55these are the things which define a man.
00:58These are the reasons why the world is in such a mess because out of the heart of man
01:00comes not good things but bad things and we need to be delivered from those bad things
01:06through repentance and faith in Jesus.
01:10Bible tells us that all humans have a sinful human nature, that only through repentance
01:14and faith in Jesus Christ can we be delivered from this.
01:19Paul wrote there's no difference, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
01:23being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom
01:28God sent forth as the propitiation by his blood through faith.
01:34That's the basic message.
01:35Now if we're basically good there's no need for Jesus to shed his blood on the cross as
01:39a sacrifice for our sins.
01:41This case the resurrection through which you conquered sin and death and the devil has
01:45no meaning either.
01:46So there's no need for the church to preach the gospel that Christ died for our sins,
01:50was buried and rose again from the dead.
01:54So maybe we'll all close down Christian churches that preach this message.
01:58Actually the Pope has said there should be no proselytism in the church.
02:03By this he means trying to persuade someone who's not a Christian to become one, in other
02:06words what we call evangelism, telling others the good news.
02:11He says you should not use doctrinal convictions, in other words Bible teaching, to convince
02:15non-believers that they are lost in sin and need to be saved.
02:19According to the Pope what we have to do is encourage people to have an encounter with
02:22Jesus but how we do this remains a bit of a mystery, clearly not by repenting of our
02:28sins and believing the gospel.
02:32So is the Pope a Christian?
02:36Well as he's the head of the largest domination of a religion called Christianity I suppose
02:40you have to say he is a Christian because you have to give him the right to define himself
02:45how he is.
02:47But as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, definitely not.
02:50And actually Jesus didn't tell us to go and make Christians, did you know that?
02:55The word Christian only appears three times in the New Testament, twice used by unbelievers.
03:01Jesus said go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing with the name of
03:05the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
03:10Basically I don't want you to be just a Christian who has a nominal faith and joins to some
03:14kind of a religious system, I want you to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, that means
03:18you learn from Jesus, means you put into practice what he said in his words and you put it into
03:22practice in your life.
03:24And sadly when we look at the leaders of so many of our denominations, not just Catholic
03:28but also Anglican and Methodist and Baptist, they're led by people who are definitely not
03:34disciples of Jesus Christ because they're teaching people to do things which are not
03:37Christian, including blessing gay marriage.
03:41Anybody who is a true disciple of Jesus could possibly say that they could bless a homosexual
03:45couple in a church because homosexuality is a sin against God.
03:49You can't bless sin.
03:51It's just one of many things which show that the nominal Christian church has gone away
03:55from the true faith delivered to us by the Lord Jesus and by the apostles.
04:02What we have to do is to turn back to the true faith of Jesus Christ as delivered to
04:06us once and for all by his apostles and revealed to us in the New Testament, and we have to
04:13become disciples of Jesus Christ.
04:17What is a disciple?
04:18A disciple is somebody who learns, somebody who learns from Jesus and is also willing
04:23to pass on what they've learned to others, as I say, go into all the world and preach
04:28the gospel.
04:29Writing to his disciple Timothy, Paul wrote, therefore you, my son, be strong in the grace
04:40that is in Christ Jesus.
04:41The things you've heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who
04:45will be able to teach others also.
04:48You must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
04:54Commit these things to faithful men and faithful women who will be able to teach others also.
04:59That's our purpose in being disciples of Jesus, not just to have our ears tickled and
05:04have a nice message or even a nasty message like I've given you tonight, but to have one
05:09which is hopefully challenging you to recognize that we are living in serious days and that
05:13what we think is secure and okay around us may not be secure and okay in the future,
05:20maybe even the near future.
05:24So we need to be rooted in Jesus Christ.
05:26We need to be building our house on the rock of faith in him, not on the sand of our own
05:32good ideas and our own religious system.
05:35We need to become disciples of Jesus and to believe in him and to do his will.
05:40That's the only answer.
05:41It's the only thing I can give you, which is good news.
05:44And if you are a disciple of Jesus, then you can look up when you see these things happening
05:47because your redemption is drawing near.
05:49Jesus is coming.
05:50He's going to take us to be with himself.
05:52You're going to be given a new body.
05:55You're going to be with him for all eternity.
05:57But if we're going to come back with him and reign on the earth when he sorts out the mess
06:00which the present government has made and the governments of the world and we're going
06:06to see the government upon his shoulder.
06:09So you want to see a good governmental system, believe in Jesus and put your trust in him
06:14because when the government's upon his shoulder, when the kingdoms of this world become the
06:18kingdom of our God and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever, then we'll have
06:23peace and justice.
06:24We'll have a good society run properly by the Lord as a prelude to the eternal state
06:31in which we'll be with him forever in the new heavens and the new earth.
06:35Hope to see you all there.
06:36Make sure you've got your place by believing the gospel and believing on the Lord Jesus
06:40Christ and look up because although I've told you some bad news, the good news is much more
06:47Jesus is coming and he's going to sort out the mess which humans have made of this planet.
06:52He's going to be with us, give us eternal life in his eternal kingdom.
06:57So Lord, we just thank you for your word.
06:59We thank you for the hope we have in Jesus.
07:01We thank you that though we see the great darkness coming on the earth, the glory of
07:04God will rise upon your people and we will see Jesus coming in power and great glory
07:10and setting up your kingdom here on the earth and bringing peace and justice in the end
07:15to this troubled planet.
07:17Pray for the lost outside.
07:18We pray particularly for Israel and the Jewish people.
07:20We pray that you'll protect your land and your people.
07:23We pray that you'll set up your borders on that land and you'll hold back the forces
07:26of destruction.
07:28We pray for the millions of poor people who are starving in the nations particularly of
07:32Africa and in other parts of the world where the harvests have failed and where the crops
07:37are not there.
07:38Just provide for them we pray.
07:40And we pray Lord for our own nation that is so far from you and is facing a new government
07:48and Lord we just pray that people will recognise that they need to repent and believe the gospel
07:53and put their trust in Jesus.
07:55We pray this in his name and for his glory.