Elevation Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Set in the post-apocalyptic Rocky Mountains, a single father and two women venture from the safety of their homes to face monstrous creatures to save the life of a young boy. The film stars Anthony Mackie, Morena Baccarin, and Maddie Hasson and is directed by George Nolfi. Vertical will release the thriller in theaters on November 8, 2024.
Short filmTranscript
00:10This isn't about what I've lost.
00:15It's about fighting for what I have left.
00:30I'm coming back. I promise.
00:37Once you cross that line, they'll be there waiting for you.
00:41I know.
00:59We're not meant to share the planet with those things.
01:08A lot more of us are gonna die.
01:23They're Earth's new apex predators. And more prey.