How a Reddit Post Changed my Life

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Climbing! Whenever I talk about climbing to people that don't do it. It's like they just phase out and it's just not that inter- HEY!
00:08Pay attention. Okay, listen video games. You're a gamer, right?
00:12There's climbing in video games, Nathan Drake, Kratos, Link,
00:18My sims 4 character. They all are
00:21Epic climbers. I always joke that
00:24Bouldering is the most video game type of exercise and the more I think about it. It actually is
00:30Flashy colors. Some even has RGBs. Gamers love RGB. Really gay butts.
00:40There's even different grades with different difficulties
00:44It's been a year since I started bouldering for the very first time
00:47So I wanted to share my progress with you guys because that's what I do on this channel now progression videos
00:52Yay, this all actually started from you guys. You are the culprits. That was a reddit post that said try bouldering
01:00Japan is so ducking good at bouldering and I wholeheartedly believe you'll be a natural at it. Who would have thought reddit changed my life?
01:08Here I am a year later and I love it
01:10I mentioned this to my friend Connor and he was like, yeah, we should go
01:14There's a ton of great places and immediately I was sucked in for the reasons I mentioned flashy colors
01:22It's just fun to climb. Everyone loves climbing. Okay, but there were some climbs that I couldn't do
01:28So I know I wanted to come back again to really try them when I'm not as tired and thus I was sucked in forever
01:34Because that cycle just rinse and repeat
01:37Pretty much until now. So let's check out the epic progression. Here's me trying the actual lowest grade for the first time v0 or
01:46Goku in Japanese rating pretty good
01:51Back then you had to wear masks at the gym. So that's a fun reminder for your all of you
01:55I don't know what you're thinking. Why don't you just climb it? How hard can it be? It's hard. It's hard
02:00I'm basically touching nothing there. It's like climbing air water. It's flying
02:05Okay warning jump scare in three two out too late
02:13God get rid of it disgusting basically since I already work out
02:17I felt like I could try stuff that was above my skill because I could just power through it, but my hands could not
02:24Absolutely, not moving on to March. I climbed my very first
02:31Japan is kind of notorious for having grading things a bit more difficult
02:36And this gym at least I think is no exception
02:39But I was very proud that I was able to do it and I remember when I got to the end
02:42I was so I was so scared. I know I'm barely off the ground, but okay
02:47But I was scary. I'm 34. If I fall I will hurt myself. I'm an old man
02:52I realized once I was up there that I have to put my leg on that big round thing
02:57Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do it
02:58But I didn't want to do it because I felt so scared. I was gonna fall and you can really see
03:09Yeah, v0, let's go moving on to April
03:13This is goal cue which is v2
03:15Starting to move my body a bit more when you start off you tend to just be kind of static on the wall
03:20So, I don't know. There's some progression there
03:23It's fun for me to look back at these because at the time it was so difficult
03:28I have to put my whole heart and soul into that climb. But now I feel like yeah, I will do that so easily
03:34I started to try and do more bodyweight exercises at home just because it's kind of fun to change out a bit as well here
03:40I'm doing weighted pull-ups
03:43It's about
03:44500 kilos or something like I don't remember it's pretty good and in May I was able to climb a even higher grade again
03:50This was my very first
03:52Young Q which is v2 or v3
04:03One of the staff members were looking at me and I got a little hooray after
04:15Kind of shameful to admit just how happy it makes me when someone encouraged you for a climb because in in Japan
04:21There's a you probably heard it in animes. There's a word for encouragement, which is gamba
04:26Okay, so a lot of times people yell gamba and for short
04:30To support each other when they're climbing and it's so I love how it's such a social sport
04:34And and whenever you get a gamba, you gotta try your hardest
04:38And yeah, I was stuck on v2 for a very long time and but I was able to climb them more and more consistently and
04:44Just feeling more confident overall
04:47But I think you know
04:48I tend to just do these kind of overhangs because that's what I was good at I can rely less on technique and
04:54More just sheer strength, but this was my all-time
04:58Favorite moment for me in climbing. I didn't get it on video
05:01This is just me climbing it
05:03But basically one of the staff members who was trying to help me, but they weren't super good
05:08So they couldn't really show me how to do it
05:10There was an older person there with gray hair and I love to see just like how many old people actually still climb and exercise
05:16He was really strong, but this was an overhang so he didn't want to show it
05:20So he grabbed a younger guy and that was really good and he was like, hey should show this guy how to do it
05:25So he did and I was like, oh, okay. It's basically this one here
05:29I didn't understand how to grab it because it's this way, but I'm hanging this way. It doesn't make any sense
05:37You basically have to flag your leg out and I don't it. No one cares. The point is I just said, okay
05:43You showed me. Thank you. I really appreciate it thinking they would leave but they stuck around to see me actually try it and
05:50I couldn't do it. So I was said, thank you
05:53You can go now. I'm kind of awkward and introverted. So I felt kind of weird, but no they stayed still
06:00And the last chance they all were cheering me on I got all the gun butt there
06:04And then when once I was able to do it, they were all cheering me on applauding and I don't know
06:09It's such a small thing, but it just made me so happy. This is so nice
06:13It feels a bit cringe admit saying this part out loud, but I don't know
06:17I just wanted to kind of share why it's more than just climbing I guess next month
06:22I did this jumping one and I couldn't do it
06:26The ending was just so difficult and I guess that's just part of bouldering, you know
06:29You're not gonna be able to do all of them and it can be kind of embarrassing or and you feel stupid like trying
06:35The same things over and over and you can't do it. You get more tired, but that's just part of the game, you know
06:44And at this point I was bouldering maybe once every week
06:48I wasn't super into it to be honest in the beginning because I was more into surfing but then
07:04This guy just showed up
07:06huh, and I didn't really have time to go surfing anymore because
07:10It's just takes up too much time and it's too difficult
07:15It's difficult to schedule the waves
07:19It's okay, you're 10 million times more important and maybe one day when you're older we can go surfing together
07:28Huh deal
07:30Okay, cool
07:33Back to mommy. So inevitably it made more sense for me to just kind of stick with bouldering instead because it's indoors
07:40I don't have to rely on the weather and it just takes doesn't take up as much time
07:43But what was also good was once the baby was out. I could climb with Marzia
07:47And I was finally able to do this stupid one
07:58As genuine surprise I didn't think I was gonna be able to do it
08:01I got that Marzia string. Your girl is watching you gotta perform, you know
08:06But this is when I started taking more seriously. I went to twice a week instead
08:10I got one of those finger boards so I can actually start powerboarding
08:15Fingerboards so I can actually start powering up my fingers and yeah, they really work
08:19I know you're supposed to be careful on them because you can get injured, but I always felt look at that beefy as hell
08:25I always felt like finger string was was what was really holding me back before I could hang for 10 seconds now
08:30I could hold for 60 seconds, which I think is a pretty good improvement
08:34But yeah took it more seriously did finger training started doing more bouldering kind of exercise it at home
08:40I was really really getting into it
08:42But I remember telling Marzia like everyone has the different strength in climbing and I felt like overhangs was my strength for sure
08:48but it makes you so that you just don't do the ones that aren't and I was telling Marzia like you should get something for
08:54climbing all of the ones in a gym or like all of the same grade because
08:58Otherwise you just naturally don't do them because no one wants to look dumb and fall and as it turns out
09:04Friend of mine told me in a gym if you can climb all of the ones in a grade you get ready for this
09:12a pin
09:14I want that pin
09:17So jumping ahead to February
09:192023 this is me trying to get climb all the EQ. I think it's called which is v5 v6
09:27There was nine of them in total.
09:30I knew I was gonna be able to do the overhang one easy-peasy
09:34This one was actually for me really hard because you have to get your left foot up super high and it feels super unnatural and weird
09:41But once you get the hang of it, it's not that bad. But this
09:45Was my arch nemesis. I could not climb this one
09:49You have to heel hook and then you just hanging off to this sloper thing. I
09:54Might as well be hanging on to a waterfall
09:57I just couldn't get a grip on it and I got really worried cuz I thought
10:00This is not I'm not gonna be able to do it because this one is just too difficult
10:04That happens a lot with bouldering where even though it's the same grade some some won't just seem impossible
10:09So I tried again and couldn't even do the start I
10:16Just couldn't get a grip on it. I felt like if I let go of my left hand, I'm just gonna fall
10:22Of course I just needed to brush it right that's the only issue it makes it more texture
10:26So the texture shows this was it I was gonna do it
10:35Needed more chalk, I actually don't use chalk I'd use I just
10:39This is a little trade secret, but what you can use things G fuel instead just get the G fuel powder and you're good to go
10:48Still can't do the start I
10:50Was getting closer, but I thought it would be a good time to move on and do the other ones
10:54I remember seeing someone do this one and I thought oh, that would be so easy
10:58And then you get up to it and you're like, oh shit
11:01But as soon as you get your leg up, it's actually it's not it's not bad at all
11:06Then we had this jumping one, which I didn't think I was gonna be able to do I
11:11Just kept under shooting. I have to grab that big
11:14Red ball, but I got help with a friend of mine
11:17And he was like, I think you can totally do it and that kind of gave me the confidence
11:23It felt so good to stick it
11:25This one was really fun a little scary because you're not really standing on anything in the end
11:31At least it feels like it and you have to hope that you can grab it
11:35So one thing about me is that I am extremely tall
11:39Okay, I'm not tall. I'm 170
11:4370s. I'm 180. I'm 180 which is kind of normal height, but in Japan, I
11:49Am tall. Why do you think I moved there?
11:53But another thing that I have advantage of is long arms. I got long arms
11:58Apparently it's a thing where if you have longer arms than your own height
12:02Then you kind of have a little bit of an advantage
12:07188 and a half
12:09That's how tall I am
12:12I told you I have long arms. I told you what do you mean? I should have been what do you mean?
12:22So a lot of times what I can do in bouldering is just stretch a lot and that's all I have to do
12:32You gotta use your strength, right?
12:34I think what I am the worst at in bouldering is this wall the slab which is tilted inwards and it's more focused on
12:42balance this one was
12:44Ridiculously hard. It doesn't look like much but this hold here
12:48You can barely it's nothing. I am mean before but that's nothing. That's like holding butter
12:54You're supposed to grab that one and get your right foot up to where my hand is
12:58And that's how you progress and I saw even the
13:01Person working there. So was struggling on this one. That's how hard it was but me remember me
13:07Long arms, I realized if I really really really
13:12Stretched with every inch of my body. I can just reach for the next hole
13:20See I could kind of reach it like the very tip of my finger could reach it
13:24I thought it was hopeless. Like I wasn't gonna get the EQ v5 v6 pin that I wanted because of this one
13:31But this kind of gave me some hope that it was possible. I love it
13:34It doesn't look like it but I remember feeling my entire back just being back. I
13:39Managed to grab it and the end was terrifying. Look at my legs shaking
13:48But I managed to do it and I started to feel like oh shit I could actually do it
13:52I could get the v5 v6 pink. I want it. It's within my grasp. But of course to do so
13:57I have to climb this fucking white one
14:01It's still struggling I still couldn't do it so I took another break from it just to clear up the last ones
14:10This one's pretty easy
14:16As I was saying this one was pretty easy
14:20Don't even need the last two holds long arms and then I just cleared up the last overhang these ones
14:26I would be I would hate before because I just didn't have the finger strength
14:29But now I feel like I almost have too much finger strength just to get some more confidence. I climbed a harder grade
14:34This is itchy done, but I still couldn't really do it
14:42To be fair this gym grades a lot softer than other gyms in Japan
14:46Which I like because big number sounds better
14:49So this is technically a v7 v8, but it's more like a V. I don't know before maybe v3 in Japan standard
15:12Look long arms just reach for the end don't have to do any fancy moves
15:18So now I was feeling way more confident and I feel like I okay
15:21I gotta be able to do this in one tried it again
15:25And this time I don't know what I did differently
15:27For some reason my hand just felt like I got a grip on it and I was able to grab the next one
15:48Sometimes all you need is a gumbo and that was it
15:50I was able to get my b5 e6 pin
15:53Climbed all the ones in the gym and it felt like a really good end to my first year of bouldering
15:58So yeah, that was my first year of climbing. I hope you guys enjoyed. Thank you for letting me share
16:02If you're looking to pick up climbing, I really recommend it. It's a super fun exercise. I love that. It's social
16:08I love that people support each other
16:09It's the kind of sport where I feel like a lot of beginners
16:13Maybe are self-conscious because they're not you know, they're climbing lower grades and they feel silly or whatever. Everyone's feel silly
16:20It's not just you and even if you're watching the best like pros or you're watching someone beginner
16:25It doesn't really matter because it's always fun to watch someone overcome
16:31Obstacles, it's just that in bouldering, you know seeing someone struggle with a grade and then being able to do it
16:36I no matter what difficulty is always fun to watch that. Yeah, that's just what I like about the sport
16:42I look forward to trying to improve more next year and
16:51For anyone that commented I should climb with Magnus meet but you can delete that comment
16:56I refuse to climb with Magnus unless he apologizes for being Norwegian
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