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Justice - Official Trailer [English] | Netflix
Napad - Oficjalny zwiastun | Netflix

A young detective seeks the help of a discharged police officer, giving him the chance to reclaim his old life in exchange for solving a bank raid case.

Starring: Olaf Lubaszenko, Jędrzej Hycnar, Wiktoria Gorodeckaja

Release: October 16, 2024

#justice #trailer #netflix
00:00What is this proposal all about?
00:15You can return to active service.
00:16We'll forget all about your past actions with the Communist Party.
00:21There's no way one person did all this.
00:26He seems like a man who, once he sets his mind on something, he doesn't let go.
00:32Mr. Kaspar Sermyak?
00:38You've got a week, then they'll kill the case.
00:48I recognize desperation when I see it.
00:51Someone has made a mistake, and it's too late for them to undo it.
00:58Gadaz is a son of a...
01:02But he's my son.
01:08You know the police came to see me?
01:10Looking for cash from the robbery.
01:12What kind of person would actually do something like that?
01:15He hates himself. That's why he needs to control people. He likes control.
01:19You didn't tell us the whole truth.
01:26Maybe they'll make an exception for you, and you'll become the last pole to be hanged.
01:35These recordings won't hold up in court.
01:37We're setting up blockades on all exit roads out of town. We can't let this guy get away.
01:42Open up! I'm your only family now!
01:45Go ahead.
01:48I know you can do it, too.
01:52Eventually, I'll find something you've missed.