Nicolas Maduro: ¨ Venezuela holds the admiration of the whole world¨

  • last month
From the south shares at this hour an exclusive interview given by the Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro to telesur's journalist Luis Guillermo Garcia.
The president assured Venezuela is part of the creation of a new world order, and it is also an international reference for its moral struggle against the harassment and siege imposed by the United States and its western allies. In this sense, the Bolivarian leader also assured his nation is willing to keep building its economic ties with Türkiye, an economic relation that this 2024, will report 800 million us dollars in trades.


00:00From the South shows at this hour an exclusive interview given by the Venezuelan President
00:12Nicolás Maduro to television journalist Luis Guillermo García.
00:17He is going to offer statements in the context where, for example, the United Nations General
00:22Assembly are holding debates today regarding the global challenges of the world.
00:28Just a few minutes ago, the foreign minister of Venezuela offered his statements.
00:32Iván Gil assured during his intervention how Venezuela is willing to support the world
00:38in an orderly pace.
00:40Let's listen to the statements of President Nicolás Maduro during the interview.
00:45President, well, we saw it in the opening session of this fair.
00:51What is the meaning?
00:52Because Turkey is a particular country in the middle of two continents, Asia and Europe.
01:00The NATO also, but it's not Muslim.
01:06It has sometimes positions that are in confrontation with the interests of the imperialist world
01:14and NATO.
01:17What is the meaning for Venezuela of this crisis?
01:21The world is facing a transition towards a new era that is born already.
01:33The era of a pluricentric world, pluripolar world, several pluricentric and pluripolar
01:45two concepts.
01:48Bolivar said 200 years ago the balance of the universe, a balanced world where neocolonial
01:56or imperialist colonies don't pretend to impose to other people.
02:06This world has powers and superpowers.
02:08We and Turkey are part of those emerging nations, and we are in a transition towards
02:19countries with strong economies, with its own educational, technological, scientific
02:27process and with a new political independence that is growing.
02:34In this world, new groups are conforming so that this world has its expression in the
02:45dialogue between civilizations, the religious dialogue, the cultural dialogue, and a new
02:52and powerful economy has emerged.
02:56This world has as great superpowers China, Russia, India, it has as emerging powers countries
03:09like South Africa, the continent of Africa in general, countries like Brazil, Mexico,
03:17and Turkey is also one of these emerging powers.
03:20So we are building new geopolitics of the world.
03:25We are part and are protagonists from long ago of new geopolitics of the world.
03:33Modestly we can say from Venezuela, land of freedom, liberators, it was not a casualty
03:42that we have Francisco de Miranda, José de Sucre here, Simón Rodríguez, Andrés Peyo,
03:50Josefa Joaquina Sánchez, Luisa Cáceres Alesmendez, that today is celebrating anniversary.
04:02Among all of these, let's say, leaders and personalities of the highest level of the
04:08world, Venezuela is today a reference in the whole world in the political, moral, and spiritual
04:14field because we are in the middle of a great battle and Venezuela holds the admiration
04:22of the whole world since we had fought and have won in spite of the harassment and siege
04:34and also the fact of being a blocked and pursued country.
04:40I was saying this specifically in the installation of the second international affair, Turkey,
04:47Venezuela, even any place Venezuela is appreciated, if any people love Venezuela, it's Turquoise
04:59And as I was saying, it's a very important nation because it's Euro-Asiatic.
05:08Istanbul was important for all civilizations.
05:14You go to Istanbul and half of it is Europe and they have borders with Eastern Europe,
05:27Romania and other countries and half of Istanbul towards the Eastern is Asia and you see the
05:40difference of culture and color.
05:43So it's a marvelous country and I have proposed to the President that we not only are going
05:52to do an affair per year but two international affairs to Turkey and Venezuela, one after
06:03three months of each year and the other one in the last quarter and it has to be considered
06:11an economical, commercial, and technological affair of international character and to look
06:21for several levels of investment beyond our two countries.
06:25So I believe that from the first quarter of 2025, a new stage of economic relations between
06:35two countries is going to start.
06:37We are in the same path of building a new world, building peace for the world and we
06:42love each other, which is something marvelous.
06:47We not only want to advance together because we have the same vision of the world but also
06:55because we have better business opportunities for economic development between both countries
07:02and we want to make progress together because we love each other.
07:06The love from Turkey for Venezuela is great and the love that Venezuela's people have
07:12for Turkey also is great.
07:14Can you give us some details about that relation?
07:17How is the correlation of economic forces between Turkey and Venezuela, imports, exports,
07:24and potentials of both countries and relations?
07:28This year we will achieve $800 million of trade exchange with real products produced
07:39by the immense economic apparatus of Turkey with a great quality and products of Venezuela.
07:48And I have good news because in December we hope to reach $800 million on their side and
07:56$400 million on ours.
07:58We import $400 million and export $400 million.
08:03We are achieving balance in trade, the golden dream of any economic relation between countries
08:11and we are achieving it in 2024.
08:14So perspective of development and economic growth are amazing.
08:19We are at the doors of an economic advance between both countries.
08:28Our coffee is, last time we saw each other, the ex-account was eliminated just because
08:40you were in my program and Elon Musk attacked this Venezuelan journalist that was also a
08:50victim of other attacks.
08:58We achieved it but we took revenge when we expelled X from Venezuela.
09:10That's Venezuelan or Turkish coffee?
09:15Venezuelan coffee is going to Turkey because they like the coffee there.
09:22The Ottoman Empire in Turkey was when Yemen's coffee arrived and they started to drink coffee
09:35at that time where the Ottoman Empire was in power.
09:43And it expanded to the whole Muslim sphere.
09:49Speaking about Turkey, the President in the United Nations compared Benjamin Netanyahu
09:58with Hitler, a bold position which made me remember Chavez's position in 2006 when he
10:05said we need to re-found the United Nations.
10:16Those capacities of the United Nations are not enough to end with the problems of humanity.
10:25One of the guests, President of Colombia, Petro, was in favor of Venezuela and Cuba.
10:31He said that if DASA will vanish, humanity also will do it.
10:36He was speaking before the United Nations lately.
10:46Are you recording with a camera?
10:56President of the Ascension, Ivan Hill, was appointed in the United Nations.
11:06He is Vice President of the General Assembly of the United Nations and he preceded several sessions.
11:12What I was about to say is that something that is happening now happened 100 years ago
11:23and it's a good fact that journalists like you who have great progress in the story analyze this.
11:30A hundred years ago, we had something called the Society of Nations.
11:37It was the United Nations at that time, the first attempt of humanity to try to found
11:45an organization where all countries of the world would be represented.
11:50A hundred years ago, the world was very different and the rise of fascism and Nazism and Frankism
12:00and the partnership of the whole colonialist Western and of the United States of America
12:09by then destroyed the experience and society of the United Nations.
12:16We need to remember this for your own generations.
12:21There was an experience where a multilateral system based in international law died.
12:33And why?
12:34Because it was killed by allies of fascism and Nazism.
12:40Same thing is happening today.
12:41The main debate that has marked this 79th session of the National Assembly of the United
12:51Nations was debate against fascism and Nazism of Netanyahu and against Ukraine and lack
13:05of capability of the United Nations to stop crimes against the peoples of the world.
13:11That's the main topic right now.
13:14What Erdogan president did of comparing Netanyahu with Hitler is very important historically
13:21and it will be remembered in the future, the opinions of these brave men like President
13:28Petro that denounced the massacre.
13:31We have spoke to denounce the massacre, not only against the Palestinian people and the
13:40destruction of Gaza, the crime, the genocide, but also the crime that is being committed
13:47against the Arab peoples and the threats that face the Muslim and Arab peoples of that region,
13:58the threats against Russia and a war of NATO against Russia and threats against the Bolivarian
14:08Venezuela, those mercenaries and murderers who want to create a civil war in Venezuela.
14:18We are in a milestone moment or the United Nations acts or it will be a useless agency
14:30and the responsibility will rely on the same powers, the United States and Europe, same
14:39elites that are allies of Netanyahu.
14:46Does the Zionists have something to do with the fact that the United Nations don't encourage
14:55actions to reach peace?
14:57Briggs may have helped to change things.
15:01We have hoped to change, we hope to change the world system and achieve the balance of
15:09the universe that Bolivar wanted and I'm sure that we will have paths for humanity unlike
15:19a hundred years ago.
15:20We have a powerful alternative today.
15:22A hundred years ago, they used all of the forces of monarchies, fascism, Nazism,
15:30Frankism in Spain.
15:32You must not forget that elites from London, Washington, and all of the countries of Europe
15:40started to support Hitler, Mussolini, and the war against the Second Republic of Spain
15:50and isolated the Soviet Union.
15:52Today, the world is different, I might say.
15:55First, humanity wants peace and it's interconnected and humanity will be in charge with a powerful
16:04public opinion movement and powerful social movements also in the United States, Europe,
16:10and the world to stop this threat of extermination and war and fascism will be defeated.
16:18It won't have the impact it had before.
16:22We have stopped fascism here in Venezuela and defeated it in all of its expressions
16:29and Venezuela is becoming a world reference of how to fight fascism, neo-Nazism, hatred,
16:38and projects of re-canalization in peace with the law and constitution.
16:47Venezuela is an example of the fight against fascism, neo-fascism, and similar expressions
16:53and we are victorious and have received the support of the world in the United Nations.
16:58Two great topics have been tweeted.
17:01First, rejection towards Zionism, Netanyahu, fascism, Millet, Mrs. Machado, and all of
17:10the allies of fascism and the crimes committed against the Muslim and Arab peoples, the Gaza
17:16people, and Lebanon, total rejection.
17:22In Venezuela, the people who support these crimes are part of fascism, Mrs. Maria Corina
17:29Machado is the one who supports the crimes committed for Millet and Netanyahu.
17:35That was the great topic, rejection towards genocide and fascism.
17:42Second topic, the support to Venezuela.
17:46We have got support to the Venezuelan people in its fight against the blockade and fascism.
17:55I cannot finish this interview without asking you about a topic that is underway, which
18:05is the complaint about a payment that the government of Iván Duque made with money
18:24from drug trafficking, $11 million they used to buy a virtual system to explore conversations
18:34with maybe yours or mine.
18:36I understand that Iván Zepeda, senator, is going to demand Duque due to this fact that
18:44is being proven.
18:48It has been suggested that a summit must be celebrated among Venezuela, Mexico, and Colombia
18:55due to the fact that they have spied on social leaders.
19:02It was bought to an Israeli company.
19:06It seems like everything is connected.
19:09We denounce at that time the cruel crimes committed by Iván Duque within Colombia with
19:22the social protests behind the murder of young so-called first line in Cali, Medellín, Bogotá,
19:32Iván Duque was related to that.
19:33I know what I'm talking about because we know a lot of the things that happened in that
19:39place because people, honorable people, were there who were against his crimes.
19:47He was behind all these crimes.
19:49Then he bought this Pegasus system and we were warned about it because he had access
19:56to cell phones of important political, social, police, civilian leaders of Venezuela.
20:04And he was behind supporting at that time Juan Guaido to achieve a coup d'etat in Venezuela.
20:14But they couldn't do it and won't be able to do it.
20:18But we were informed about how it was used to conspire and try to kill us.
20:24Iván Duque was behind the plans to try to kill important political, social, military
20:33leaders of the Venezuelan revolution, especially persecution against me and obsession.
20:43He is a murderer, a criminal who lives with obsessions.
20:50At the time I denounced it.
20:53It must be recorded somewhere in a cloud.
20:57I denounced at that time his participation in the murder of the president of Haiti.
21:08And at the same time they tried, from Colombia, Vicky Dávila, who participated and knew about
21:18all the information related to Pegasus and used it for his journalism work, which is
21:27not journalism but psychological work, and was taking stuff proportionated by Iván Duque
21:36from the illegal system Pegasus.
21:40At that time I denounced it.
21:44When they had the opportunity, they tried to pretend that Venezuela was involved in
21:54It was the people that captured mercenaries, members of the Colombian police, and we captured
22:05And the truth was revealed a few hours ago.
22:08The mercenaries who killed the president of Haiti were from Colombia.
22:13And then it was revealed that these same mercenaries carried out other operations in
22:19America, South America, and responded to the Palace of Marinho.
22:24If an investigation was carried out by the Prosecutor's Office of Colombia, they would
22:30find the links between the Pegasus of Marinho de Iván Duque and the murder of the president
22:37of Haiti, who had a conflict with the interests of the Colombian drug trafficking, and he
22:48was murdered.
22:51We have been victims of those crimes, and today I have been a witness of the scandal
23:01of Venezuela with this system Pegasus.
23:04Some of the things I've read are true, and we all wonder who owns this system and what
23:13is it being used for.
23:15I know it's being used to overthrow President Petro and, at the same time, try to hurt Venezuela
23:30and its implication with the drug trafficking who's behind this.
23:34I've been denouncing it today.
23:36This scandal of Pegasus in Colombia coincides with the plan to murder or overthrow President
23:46It's financed by the same people who tried to cause violence in Venezuela or overthrow
23:55the revolutionary government of Venezuela.
24:01I denounced it.
24:02Of course, he was always doing it.
24:06FBI, DEA, CIA, CIA has headquarters in Bogota, and they look for mercenaries there.
24:22We have proof of this, and ask yourself, how could we survive this four years of decay?
24:35We know how to defend ourselves, and there, in Colombian institutions, there are a lot
24:41of people who love Venezuela and want peace for our country.
24:46Peace in Colombia and political stability in Colombia is also peace and stability in
24:52So, this scandal related to Pegasus is very relevant, and we will continue to denounce
25:03it because we want peace, respect for democracy, and stability in Colombia.
25:08I'm very grateful for your interview.
25:11I don't know if you would like to share something with the world.
25:15A lot of things I would like to share, but it would be in the next edition of A Coffee
25:20with Luis Guillermo.
25:21Thank you very much, Mr. President.
25:24President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moro, has given us this interview
25:28right when the second Expo Fair to Kiev, Venezuela, has been inaugurated, with great expectations
25:35for both nations.
25:36Thank you very much.
25:39We were listening to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, who offered an exclusive
25:43interview to Telesur's journalist Luis Guillermo García.
25:46During the dialogue, President Nicolás Maduro highlighted the role of the emerging powers,
25:51countries like China, Mexico and Turkey, which are building the new geopolitics of the world.
25:56The President assured Venezuela is part of the creation of a new world order and it is
26:01also an international reference for its moral struggle against the harassment and siege
26:05imposed by the United States and also its Western allies.
26:09In this sense, the Bolivarian leader also assured his nation is willing to keep building
26:13its economic ties with Turkey, an economic relation that this 2024, for example, will
26:19report US$800 million in trades.
26:22Regarding the ongoing United Nations General Assembly, the President highlighted that the
26:27main debate that has marked this 79th session is the condemnation against fascism of Israel
26:34and the urgent call for the end of genocide against the people of Palestine.
26:38At the end of the interview, the President reassured Venezuela's determination to safeguard
26:43its democracy and sovereignty in the face of any threat.
26:47This is all for the moment.
26:48Stay tuned with From the South.
