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Sırbistan Cumhurbaşkanı Aleksandar Vucic, BM 79. Genel Kurulu'nda yaptığı konuşmada, dünya genelinde artan tehditlere dikkat çekerek, Sırbistan'ın bağımsız politikalarını savundu. Vucic, nükleer felaket riski ve kosova konusunda adaletin sağlanmadığını dile getirdi.
- Sırbistan Cumhurbaşkanı Vucic: "ABD'nin de Rusya'nın da kölesi değiliz"
"Dünya nükleer Holokost'un eşiğinde gibi görünüyor, uçurumun kenarına yaklaşıyoruz"
NEW YORK - Sırbistan Cumhurbaşkanı Aleksandar Vucic, Birleşmiş Milletler 79. Genel Kurulu'nda yaptığı konuşmada, "Yıllardır Rusya yüzünden Balkanlar'da savaş çıkaracağımızı iddia ederek yalan söylüyorlar. Biz ABD'nin de Rusya'nın da kölesi değiliz" dedi.
Sırbistan Cumhurbaşkanı Aleksandar Vucic, New York'ta düzenlenen Birleşmiş Milletler 79. Genel Kurulu'na hitap etti. Cumhurbaşkanı Vucic, dünyadaki durumun bir yıl öncesine göre daha zorlu ve daha karanlık göründüğünü söyledi. Eski ABD Başkanı John F.



00:20Madam President, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, Mahatma Gandhi said,
00:27There is no path to peace. Peace is the path.
00:32In the same spirit of fraternal love and open heart, I address you today on behalf of the Republic of Serbia,
00:39a founding country of the United Nations, a country of freedom and justice.
00:44It is my honor to address you as President of the Republic of Serbia,
00:48the country on whose behalf I stand proudly before you today.
00:51A country that, despite the current global challenges,
00:56consistently perseveres in defending the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law,
01:03and that, through its activities and principled policy, strongly advocates the idea that is the main topic of this year's session.
01:11Ladies and gentlemen, when we talk about the current moment, this year again,
01:15to my immense regret, I have to state that the situation in the world seems even more difficult and dark than a year ago.
01:24The tensions are growing and challenges are becoming more numerous and complex.
01:29What worries me the most is that, despite our declaratory efforts for peace, development and prosperity of humanity,
01:36there is no end in sight to this geopolitical nightmare.
01:39I would not like to see the wise words of the former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy becoming the words of a prophet.
01:46And when you ask them, when we ask them, in accordance to which international document you do that,
01:52because all that is the attempt to provoke a war violation of the UN norms,
01:57and then, like a fig leaf, you get the stupidest possible answer in the world.
02:01Well, we do not accept the UN Charter and the UN Resolution because, for us, the situation has changed.
02:08Because we recognized the independence of Kosovo 15 years ago.
02:12And what is their message to us, my dear friends?
02:15Their message is, we are the power, we are God, we don't care about the United Nations,
02:21the law of the United Nations and the UN Resolution.
02:24We can do whatever we want, the way we want, and as long as we want.
02:29And now I am asking you, dear friends, dear representatives,
02:32not the ones of obedient and satellite puppet countries, but you freedom-loving nations and countries,
02:38what we, as a small country, can do? How can we fight?
02:42Because everybody in the world speaks about Ukraine, no one dares to speak about Serbia.
02:47And even if they do, they say how we will start the war in the Balkans upon the Russian order.
02:52To understand well the mechanisms of lies, the mechanisms of fraud in international relations,
02:58and to try to gather here, in the most important organization, to try to change it, to try to respect it.
03:06Because it is the only way to preserve peace.
03:09This way, the world is on the verge of disaster, and everyone is allegedly defending principles,
03:16no one admits any mistakes, and it is clear to everybody that there are no principles anywhere, nor anybody has them.
03:23Neither ones, nor the others.
03:24Only the small ones that have nowhere else to go, and the principles are the only thing they can grasp.
03:31And the only thing that has left to the big ones, ones that have crushed all the small ones, is to eat each other.
03:39And when the bite is no longer so easy and small, it is then that they remember the principles
03:44and accuse the others for violating those same principles.
03:48A representative of my country, Vladislav Jovanovich, exceptional Serbian diplomat,
03:52very respected one, on that 24th of March 1999,
03:58when the aggression against Serbia started in the Security Council of the United Nations,
04:03on behalf of the government of the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
04:07made an urgent appeal to all countries to categorically oppose to aggression against our country.
04:13And just hear his words 25 years after.
04:17On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Republic of Yugoslavia,
04:22President of the Republic of Yugoslavia,
04:24President of the Republic of Yugoslavia,
04:26President of the Republic of Yugoslavia,
04:28President of the Republic of Yugoslavia,
