• last month
00:00What should you do when you do something out of passion?
00:13Markus now also knows about Christoph Neustadt's theory. He was really angry.
00:18And I didn't like that I didn't tell him the truth, otherwise he would have attacked him right away.
00:24I just had to make sure that she was really okay.
00:28Thank you for coming.
00:31I'm just a little dizzy.
00:35Okay, should I call someone or ...?
00:41Hey, Vincent!
00:45I don't see Stella yet. That means we still have a moment or two.
00:51Hello, Theo.
00:58Are you crazy?
01:00What do you look like?
01:02Why? Don't you like me?
01:04Behind your hair, you look just like Lale.
01:06I must have confused you.
01:08Nothing happened.
01:19What did you do with your hair?
01:22Coloured. Do I look okay?
01:24This is exactly my colour.
01:28I just had it from behind. I completely confused you.
01:31No wonder. And why do you wear the same top as me?
01:34We wanted to talk. I don't walk in a partner look with you through Bichlheim.
01:38Sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't do that on purpose.
01:43Besides, I just wanted to see how I look.
01:45That's not okay, Stella.
01:47You can't walk around like my copy. Does that make you retarded or something?
01:51The hair is coloured.
01:53You can't wash it out.
01:55Besides, I really didn't know that I look like you.
01:59Come on, Stella. Don't tell me crap. That's exactly what you did.
02:02No, I didn't. Not at all.
02:04Lale, please believe me.
02:06Lale, that...
02:23He's on his way to you. Prepare the ointment.
02:27What about Vincent?
02:29He probably has internal bleeding.
02:31Such complications can occur after an operation.
02:34Does that mean he has to be operated on again?
02:37If the suspicion is confirmed.
02:39But the colleagues will look at it first.
02:41God, and what about him?
02:43Nicole, if the bleeding can't be stopped, then...
02:49We'll do everything to save him.
02:52Peter, I can't tell him anymore.
02:54And I'm not allowed to. I'm sorry.
03:01I didn't think I'd recover so quickly after the operation.
03:05I can only thank Vincent for that.
03:08It was so brave of him that he agreed to the transplant.
03:13And also that he went back and forth with it.
03:16As soon as I can get up, I visit him.
03:21Hello, Mrs. Alves.
03:25How are you?
03:27Very well.
03:29No pain?
03:31Very nice.
03:33That sounds good.
03:35Can I go to another station soon?
03:38I'll take a look at your values first.
03:41If they're okay, then you can stay here.
03:43Excuse me.
03:46I'll come back later.
03:48Is everything okay? I have to go to an emergency surgery.
04:14A few days later.
04:25Markus is terribly upset that Christoph is suspecting me now.
04:29How does he know that?
04:31They told him right away. I tried to calm him down, but...
04:34I hope it doesn't escalate between the two of them again.
04:37Are you talking about Christoph and Markus?
04:39Of course. Who else?
04:41I just got back from the prosecutor.
04:44The investigations against Markus have been suspended.
04:47Due to lack of evidence.
04:49At least that's good news for me.
04:51I hope Christoph doesn't lose his cool.
04:53He wouldn't like that at all.
04:55I'm afraid so, too.
04:57He's convinced that Markus gave him the sleeping pill.
05:00Well, by now he suspects me, too.
05:03After his fall, he still suffers a lot from the side effects.
05:06And he really wants to find a sin box for that.
05:09I'll try to teach him as gently as possible.
05:13In the end, Christoph has no choice but to accept the decision of the prosecutor's office.
05:18I hope he does.
05:25No matter how Christoph Saalfeld reacts,
05:28I'm definitely glad that the prosecution is off the table for now and
05:32that Markus Forrest is out of the picture.
05:41Hey, Markus.
05:45That would be my draft for the job description.
05:47Would you like to take a look at it?
05:49A job for a horse caretaker.
05:51Caretaker, okay.
05:53Right. And this is for the management of the beauty salon.
05:59Yes, no appointments. You can leave now. Thank you.
06:03Great. Then I'll take care of it.
06:14By the way, I'm really glad that Anna and Vincent survived the surgery so well.
06:20It looks like it.
06:22A blessing.
06:25Anna now has the chance to get well again.
06:28And to lead a normal life.
06:30But you're not going to give her hope again, are you?
06:34She owes her future especially to Vincent.
06:40Of course not. Don't worry.
06:50I just wanted to let you know.
06:52I was just at her son's hospital and...
06:54there were complications.
06:57What? Complications?
06:59Apparently there was hemorrhage.
07:01And now he's being operated on again.
07:03I'll be right there.
07:05Yes, that would be good.
07:08Did something happen?
07:11Vincent has hemorrhage or something.
07:14I don't know exactly what it is yet.
07:19If Anna finds out, she'll be very worried.
07:22She'll feel guilty.
07:24What? Is that the only thing you're thinking about in this situation?
07:28No, of course not. I want Vincent to get better.
07:30Hey, can I do something for you?
07:32Please cancel all my appointments for today.
07:39She looks almost exactly like you from behind.
07:42I almost...
07:44This time she really went too far.
07:46First the same top, then the hair.
07:48Did you notice that she even wears the same perfume as you?
07:53And she always talks her way out of things. It's all a coincidence.
07:56Stella copies me.
07:58I didn't want it to be true at first because we got along so well.
08:01And that she admired me so much, I somehow liked it.
08:04But now...
08:06It's getting scary, isn't it?
08:08Torte is worried about you more often, and I didn't take it seriously.
08:12I'm really sorry about all the stress we had.
08:16It's okay.
08:18Now we have to deal with it somehow.
08:23I don't know what to do now.
08:26I can't forbid her to dress up like me.
08:30It's best if you keep your distance and don't let her go through with this tour.
08:55Dr. Niederbühel!
08:57I heard my son had to be operated on a second time.
09:00Please, come in.
09:08After the surgery, a kidney resection can lead to post-tumor bleeding.
09:12The colleague is currently stopping the bleeding.
09:15Vincent should never have taken this risk.
09:17It was his free will.
09:19I advised him against it!
09:21But he didn't care, he wanted to help Anna, and now...
09:24Now we wait.
09:26Dr. Weber is currently stopping the bleeding.
09:28I'm sure he will succeed and everything will be fine again.
09:31They were already optimistic.
09:37Oh, hi!
09:39Greta, are you cooking for your attractive interior designer again?
09:45I'm cooking for myself, but you can eat with me.
09:48It looks even better than it smells.
09:50Besides, he's not an interior designer, he's my cook.
09:54What? Why is that?
09:56Did you lie to us, Greta?
09:58No, it was a misunderstanding.
09:59Greta, you're dating a completely unknown man, and you're being lied to?
10:04He didn't lie!
10:06And you both interpreted that with the interior designer.
10:09You said he...
10:11Designs rooms!
10:13And then he's a interior designer.
10:15I heard exactly the same. He said he was currently designing rooms.
10:19And he's doing it!
10:21For his new restaurant in Tölz.
10:24He's opening a restaurant in Tölz?
10:27In Tölz?
10:29Then maybe it's not such a bad idea.
10:32Hold back!
10:35Well, look at this.
10:37No one wants it.
10:39Come on, let's cook!
10:41You could make it a little simpler, right?
10:43Exactly. We're not doing that.
10:46Why don't you want to?
10:48You said you liked him.
10:50Yeah, but that's why we don't have to cook together right away,
10:52we can do other things that normal couples...
10:56Ouch! ...do together.
10:58What do normal couples do together?
11:01Well, for example, I don't know if we'll ever see each other again.
11:05And you like that?
11:07I think it's exciting.
11:10It feels like an adventure.
11:13Don't you get it?
11:15No, I...
11:17No, I don't get it.
11:18I'm glad I know what I'm doing with Erik in every relationship.
11:21And I want my independence.
11:23That way, everyone gets what they need.
11:25You and Dr. Weber both assured me that the operation was a success.
11:29But something must have gone wrong.
11:31There are several reasons.
11:33A few hours ago, my son was still very healthy.
11:36He should never have gotten this transplant.
11:39That's it. Please wait.
11:41Oh, I'm sorry.
11:43That slipped out of my mouth.
11:46Of course I didn't mean that.
11:48No, no.
11:50I'm really sorry that your son is not doing well.
11:53Of course, you're worried.
11:55I would think the same.
11:57If there's anything I can do for you...
11:59Thank you. Thank you very much.
12:01But I have to get some fresh air.
12:06Oh, God.
12:08This must be bad for him.
12:10I can't imagine how Anna will react when something happens to her.
12:16Maybe it would be better...
12:19if she didn't find out beforehand.
12:21You mean...
12:23so that she doesn't get upset in her condition?
12:25Give her time to calm down.
12:28Until then, it might be better for Vincent.
13:01I tried to reach you.
13:03Oh, sorry. I was in Munich.
13:06I saw a children's clinic.
13:08My phone was off.
13:11What's up?
13:13I have pretty good news.
13:17Markus doesn't have to go to court.
13:19The trial against him has been suspended.
13:24That's great.
13:28That means...
13:30maybe there will be something between you and Markus.
13:33Yes. Now we have to stay on top of it.
13:35First of all, it doesn't go that fast.
13:37And secondly, I still have doubts.
13:39Yes, but Mom...
13:41I've been hiding the truth from him the whole time.
13:45And I've seen how he's suffering under these accusations.
13:50It's not without.
13:55I should have just turned myself in.
13:57Oh, no.
13:59That was the absolutely right decision.
14:01Finish your doctoral thesis first,
14:03until the grass has grown on the field.
14:05And until then,
14:07I hope Markus has recovered from the story.
14:16Thank you for taking care of me.
14:20You're the most important thing to me.
14:23You know that.
14:27You're the best, Mom.
14:32But you have to promise me one thing.
14:36Don't ever bring us back into this situation, okay?
14:40I promise.
14:43I mean...
14:45I've learned my lesson.
14:58I thought you were at the meeting with the new laundry supplier.
15:01I had to cancel. I suddenly had such a headache.
15:04I couldn't concentrate anymore.
15:06Then you'd better take a pill.
15:08I already did. It's no use.
15:10You have such bad attacks again and again, hm?
15:14Exactly since my fall in the forest.
15:16Probably a result of a concussion.
15:19Then please go to the doctor again, okay?
15:27Here, drink something. It helps.
15:44There are news that you won't like.
15:50Yes, tell me.
15:53The prosecutor has suspended the case against Markus.
15:57What did you say?
15:59There is no evidence.
16:02Excuse me, what else has to happen for you to finally do something?
16:06Do I have to go first?
16:07You have to go first.
16:09I'm sorry, but...
16:11Now you could have gotten this guy.
16:13But the prosecutor...
16:15He's pulling his tail.
16:17I understand that you're angry, but...
16:19This is supposed to be justice.
16:21The justice has reviewed the case and decided that you can't do anything.
16:27I don't accept that.
16:38We're back!
16:49And you?
16:51Did you dye your hair?
16:54What's wrong, Stella?
16:58Yes, but it looks good.
17:00It suits you.
17:02Right, Alfons?
17:04Yes, of course.
17:05The dark blonde was pretty, too, but...
17:08But this is nice, too.
17:10Looks a bit like Lalli, doesn't it?
17:23Now tell us what's going on.
17:27I just wanted to try a new hair color.
17:40But that's not bad at all.
17:52Such a drama just because of the hair color.
17:56There's something else behind it.
18:32What are you doing here?
18:34Brandes told me that Vincent had to be operated on again.
18:37Yes, yes, it just happened.
18:39And? How is he?
18:41I don't know yet.
18:43He's in the emergency room right now.
18:45I just hope that they can stop this hemorrhage.
18:49The doctors said he'll be fine.
18:52Then you should trust them, too.
18:56But after the first surgery they told me that, too.
19:03It's lovely that you came here.
19:08I have a little good news for you, too.
19:11The investigation was stopped.
19:14That's really good news.
19:17Then we can hope that Christoph will finally leave us alone with his suspicions.
19:23If he gives up so quickly.
19:25Yes, I have a second one, too.
19:27Yes, what is it?
19:29Sorry, it doesn't matter at the moment.
19:32The main thing is that Vincent will be healthy again.
19:37Come here.
19:40Oh, you.
19:48I'll go and see if I can find something new, okay?
19:54Keep your fingers crossed.
20:02It's really...
20:04It's really lovely that you came. Thank you.
20:13Mom, I can do it myself.
20:16No way.
20:18You just came down from the intensive care unit.
20:21You'd better get some rest.
20:23Yes, but the doctor said it's even better if you move after the surgery.
20:25Because of the risk of thrombosis.
20:27That's why the physiotherapist will come right away and tell you what you can and can't do.
20:34Maybe I can finally visit Vincent.
20:39Anna, don't overdo it.
20:42You just had surgery.
20:45But I feel okay.
20:47Yes, but you still look pale and you're exhausted.
20:50Please promise me that you'll keep your feet still today, okay?
20:53Yes, I promise.
20:57Have you seen him yet?
21:03His surgery was before mine, so he should have woken up earlier.
21:07I just stopped by.
21:09He's doing well, isn't he?
21:12The doctors said the surgery went well.
21:20Then I'll visit him tomorrow at the latest.
21:24Mom, is everything really okay?
21:26Yes, of course.
21:30I'm just a little tired.
21:33Yes, of course.
21:35The whole thing was exhausting for you, of course.
21:38And you've been in the hospital the whole time.
21:43Maybe I should go home and get some rest.
21:46I was just about to suggest that.
21:49Thank you for being there.
21:51Of course.
21:53And you should get some rest, okay?
21:56I will.
22:19I'd like to know what's going on in that girl.
22:21What's going on?
22:23These constant mood swings.
22:26As I said, she's flying high up in the sky, and then...
22:29Then she's depressed to death.
22:33What do you mean, what's going on?
22:37She's floating all over for Lale.
22:41Apparently she's trying to take Lale for herself.
22:45And that doesn't suit Theo, of course.
22:48Yes, that's understandable.
22:50Hopefully there's nothing serious behind it.
22:54You mean like with Tom?
22:56Well, he was also completely fixated on the black bar.
23:01It's just that I didn't notice for ages that something was wrong.
23:05And I don't want to make the same mistake again.
23:09Then maybe we should talk to Lale tomorrow.
23:12She has the best access to her.
23:15Maybe you can convince her to get a little support.
23:20That's a good idea.
23:23My Alphonse.
23:25What are we getting ourselves into again and again?
23:45I don't know.
24:10You're awake!
24:12Have you been sitting there for a long time?
24:16I must have fallen asleep.
24:22How are you?
24:24I feel like I was fighting a bull, to be honest.
24:29Is this the intensive care unit?
24:32How can you remember?
24:41Nicole visited me.
24:48You had internal bleeding and you were operated on a second time.
24:53The doctors said you were over the top, but I think you don't look good at all.
24:58I'll call someone.
25:00Good morning.
25:02Good morning.
25:03I think... I think my son has a fever.
25:05Can you please go to him?
25:06I was just about to do that.
25:08Would you please leave the room for the examination?
25:10Yes, of course.
25:13Vincent, I'll come back.
25:15I'll come back to you.
25:25If Anna finds out what happened, she'll have such a bad conscience.
25:29Probably, yes.
25:31It's the worst for her.
25:32If someone else has to suffer because of her.
25:34But it was right that we didn't say anything yesterday.
25:36If she finds out today, Vincent has already survived the worst.
25:40Yes, she talked to me directly about it.
25:42As if she had guessed something.
25:43But the truth...
25:44And I lied to her.
25:46Nicole, the truth would have burdened her.
25:49It was right to protect her.
25:55I really have to go now.
25:59Leave it. I'll do it.
26:00Okay, thank you.
26:03So, have a nice day, okay?
26:18Good morning.
26:19Ah, hello.
26:20Good morning, Anne.
26:21It's good that you're here.
26:23We have to talk to you for a moment.
26:27What's the matter?
26:29We're worried about Stella.
26:32What about Stella?
26:34Well, she has such a strong mood swing.
26:38Last night, when we got home, she was sitting at the kitchen table and crying and crying and crying.
26:43Yes, and in the evening, and also this morning, she didn't eat anything at all.
26:48So, we have the feeling that she's standing in her own way.
26:51I mean, Theo already hinted at something like that to me.
26:57Did you have arguments?
27:00Stella copies me and I made it clear to her that I don't think that's so cool.
27:04Well, she's orienting herself quite nicely to him.
27:07Well, your friendship is apparently the most important thing to her.
27:11I don't even know if that's a real friendship.
27:14I mean, she thinks what I think is good and what I think is stupid is stupid.
27:18Well, she wants to be made by you.
27:20And that's why we thought that you couldn't even talk to her.
27:24I mean, she listens to you.
27:26And what should I say?
27:28Well, that she can turn to us at any time, for example, if she needs help.
27:34Yes, yes, and that she could also ask for psychological help.
27:38If I tell her that, she'll shut up.
27:41And besides, I don't think she needs therapy.
27:44Yes, but last night she was particularly confused.
27:47Yes, because I finally referred her to her wardrobes.
27:51I mean, Hildegard is worried today because we recently had to experience something similar.
27:56You mean because Tom was so fixated on Mrs. Schwarzbach.
27:59But with us it's something completely different, you can't compare that.
28:03No, of course not.
28:05But still, I think she'll get it together again.
28:12You can't compare that.
28:32How did you manage to get the trial to drop on you?
28:38You know yourself that it wasn't necessary.
28:40You totally got away with it, that's all.
28:44You did something together, you and your girlfriend.
28:47Oh, please!
28:49Christoph, stop fantasizing something together!
28:54I'll find the necessary evidence against you.
29:01You're starting to run out of arguments, aren't you?
29:05Christoph, I have completely different problems right now.
29:11I'll make sure she gets her fair punishment.
29:19You can rely on that.
29:24It's really strange that Vinci wasn't in his room.
29:27Could you maybe call the station nurse?
29:29Yes, I can do that.
29:32Michael, hey!
29:34Do you happen to know which room Vinci was transferred to?
29:39Everything is fine now.
29:42But please don't get worked up.
29:44He's at the intensive care unit.
29:47What happened?
29:48He had internal bleeding.
29:50He had to be operated on again yesterday.
29:54And why doesn't anyone tell me?
29:56I asked my mother and she said everything was fine.
29:59Yes, because we wanted to protect you.
30:01And what if he doesn't recover now?
30:03Or maybe...
30:05Dr. Weber assured me that the operation went well.
30:09He will be released from the intensive care unit soon.
30:12And then you can see each other again.
30:14But now I'm asking you to go back to your room and rest.
30:18But if...
30:19No, please, no buts, Anna.
30:21You have a very serious attack behind you.
30:23And you're endangering the success of the transplant.
30:26And you're not helping Vincent at all with that.
30:33But can you please send him my regards when you see him?
30:36Of course.
30:37And as soon as his condition changes, let me know, okay?
30:40I promise.
30:44Please bring Mrs. Alves back to her room.
30:47Of course, Doctor.
30:59Julia, would you please show Lea the fridge?
31:01There's the second cheesecake.
31:03Of course, of course.
31:08Hello, Nicole.
31:09Ah, Nadja.
31:16We heard that your daughter is getting better after the surgery.
31:20Anna has recovered well.
31:21Oh, great.
31:22But there were complications with Vincent.
31:25With what?
31:26Yes, he had to be operated on again.
31:28Oh, God.
31:29But now he's on the way to recovery.
31:31Okay, but then I'll go to the hospital and look for him.
31:34I can bring him a little supplement, can't I?
31:36A very good choice, but not for Vincent.
31:39Anna and he are still on antibiotics.
31:41Then maybe a few flowers?
31:43Yes, but Vincent doesn't mind if I don't eat a head, does he?
31:46Oh, come on.
31:49Just try it first.
31:51It's good for the house.
31:57Oh, honey.
31:58Now you look like a little Santa Claus.
32:02Ho, ho, ho.
32:03Much better.
32:05What would I do without you?
32:14Now that's exactly what happened, what I was most afraid of.
32:32Vincent put his health at risk.
32:36And that's my fault.
32:38I should never have accepted his offer.
32:48Can you use company?
32:51I was hoping there would be something new from Vincent.
32:57Unfortunately, no.
33:00Then did you hear what happened?
33:08Vincent knew exactly what he was getting into.
33:12And that post-operative bleeding can occur.
33:16Dr. Niederbühl informed us about this beforehand.
33:18We would have taken both.
33:20Yes, but ...
33:21You help him most if you just do everything to get well again quickly.
33:28If Vincent realizes that his victim is not in vain, then it will definitely do him good.
33:36Yes, maybe.
33:41I'm even quite sure.
33:48Thank you for being there.
33:50Now that the investigations have been stopped, it seems that it is no longer necessary to defend yourself.
33:56Markus really has other worries right now.
33:58His son donated a kidney to Anne Alves.
34:02After the operation, there were complications.
34:05And now Dr. Ritter is in intensive care after an emergency operation.
34:13That's bad for a father.
34:16Markus and I have been through all of this before.
34:24You think you've processed it all to some extent.
34:27And then I just have to wait a moment on this damn hospital floor and everything is there again.
34:36Can you not end your search for revenge?
34:39I don't want that anymore.
34:40I want to look into the future with you.
34:44I just want to concentrate on the positive.
34:47Our wedding.
34:49It would be so nice if we could all be able to live together peacefully until then.
34:53I know it's hard for you to jump over your shadow, especially when it's about Markus.
34:57But I...
35:02I'll try.
35:05For you.
35:20Any news from Vincent?
35:26Dr. Niedergüller just called.
35:29They also found a wound infection.
35:32That's why the high fever came.
35:40But then you have to be able to do something.
35:44The thing is a bit complicated.
35:46There are now investigations going on, laboratory investigations.
35:49Then you have to find the right antibiotic.
35:58But Dr. Niedergüller thinks they'll get it under control again.
36:04You mustn't go crazy.
36:06What if the antibiotic doesn't work?
36:10And his condition worsens?
36:15Shall we go to Vincent together?
36:18No, I shouldn't come now until the situation has calmed down.
36:21I understand.
36:24But he says...
36:26...Vincent will be better by this evening.
36:29Then you have to believe him.
36:36I lost my child after an operation.
36:44They also said...
36:46...everything would be fine.
36:48And then...
36:49That shouldn't happen again, Markus.
37:00Thank you for being here.
37:23Hello, honey.
37:25I brought you something.
37:28The new novel by Ella Winter.
37:30You like to read it, don't you?
37:33Didn't you sleep well?
37:39You look a bit pale, but...
37:41...better than yesterday.
37:44Is something wrong?
37:49I'm fine.
37:51Is something wrong?
37:55You didn't tell me yesterday how bad Vincent is.
37:58Even though you knew something went wrong.
38:02That was shortly after your operation.
38:04We just didn't want you to get upset.
38:06Yes, but we couldn't just pretend everything was fine.
38:09I would have told you today.
38:11You just decided over my head.
38:14It's my body.
38:16My operation.
38:17My operation.
38:18And my responsibility for Vincent.
38:20I know.
38:21We just wanted the best for you.
38:23Michael and I were in the view...
38:25...it would be the best...
38:26...to lie.
38:27...to protect you.
38:29I can handle the truth.
38:31I know that.
38:34I'm sorry.
38:41I'd like to be alone now.
38:47I'm sorry.
39:17Do you remember how it was at Elenie's wedding?
39:19Suddenly everything fell into place.
39:21I don't want that at our wedding.
39:23Ah, you're planning your wedding?
39:25Isn't that a bit early?
39:27Yes, we don't want to risk getting in trouble.
39:31You wanted to get married here, not at the prince's court?
39:35There's a place nearby that means a lot to us.
39:39Ah, I see.
39:41Well, it's a wonderful little piece of earth here.
39:46Excuse me, we have to go.
39:48We have an appointment with an artist...
39:50...who's supposed to design some rooms here.
39:55Another headache?
39:57Do you need a pill?
40:00It's not necessary.
40:02I owe it all to Markus and his cowardly action.
40:06I just need a little rest, then I'll be fine again.
40:09Come on, we cancel the appointment and I'll take you back to the hotel.
40:12No, no, listen.
40:13You're meeting the gentleman alone.
40:15Are you sure?
40:16Very sure.
40:17See you later.
40:18I'll be right back.
40:21See you.
40:22Get well soon, Christoph.
40:28Does he get these attacks more often?
40:30Almost every day.
40:32And they get worse.
40:34Is that what the doctors say?
40:38Well, that doesn't make the situation between your ex-husband and Christoph any easier, does it?
40:44That's why I'm trying to distract Christoph as best I can.
40:47He should focus on the positive things.
40:50That we'll be grandparents.
40:51And get married.
40:54Then he won't think about this painful thing with the sleeping pills all the time.
40:59Yes, hopefully.
41:14Okay, see you tomorrow.
41:16Same time?
41:17Yes, sure.
41:18Get well soon.
41:19Thank you, you too.
41:24Can we talk for a second?
41:29I wanted to talk to you, too.
41:37Listen, it was really stupid of me to just run away yesterday.
41:42It was just so uncomfortable.
41:46And I just wasn't aware that I dressed exactly like you.
41:51Sorry, Stella, but I won't buy that from you.
41:55Why are you doing this?
41:58I don't know.
41:59I think because I just think you're so great.
42:02And look at how you get into your videos.
42:04And all your followers.
42:05And I thought, if I'm a bit like you, I'll be more successful.
42:10Stella, you can't just copy someone.
42:12You have to find your own style.
42:14I already told you that.
42:16Yes, I know.
42:17And I'm really sorry.
42:19Can you forgive me one more time?
42:30Hi, Maxi.
42:33How are you?
42:35How are you?
42:36I'm going to take a little break with Lala and I got her favorite cake.
42:40Pumpkin cake.
42:41Do you have something good to do again?
42:43No, I'm just happy.
42:45Lala finally realized that her relationship with Stella isn't good for us.
42:50What was the problem with Stella?
42:55Oh, you don't know that yet.
42:57Stella was constantly pushing herself between us.
42:59And she was also responsible for making Lala jealous.
43:04But the jealousy, we cleared that up, I thought.
43:07After I talked to Lala about it recently.
43:09Yes, yes.
43:10But now the topic is finally over.
43:13And yes, I'm sure that Lala won't be able to get involved with Stella anymore.
43:17Why is that?
43:20Let's put it this way.
43:22Stella pushed herself into it yesterday.
43:24And I didn't have to do anything about it.
43:28Yes, sometimes our problems solve themselves.
43:32It was similar with me yesterday.
43:35Oh, what was it?
43:38Let's say my mom and I are on a very good path again.
43:42Oh, that's nice.
43:45Well then, nice jogging.
43:48And have fun with Lala.
43:51I will.
44:03Why can't you give me another chance?
44:07I don't know if the problem is solved if I forgive you.
44:10Yes, of course, why not?
44:16The Zombies had the impression that you're not doing so well.
44:19They're worried.
44:21What? That's totally exaggerated.
44:23They mean if you need someone to talk to, then you can...
44:25No way.
44:26Or professional help.
44:28I'm not a psychologist.
44:30I need you to talk to me.
44:32Our friendship means so much to me.
44:34Maybe too much.
44:38Look, I don't want to be your only friend.
44:42I think it's great that you're with Theo and that Anna lives with you.
44:46Oh yeah?
44:48And why do you want to stay in our flat?
44:50And you're always talking between Theo and me?
44:53What do you mean?
44:55We had a lot of stress because of you.
44:57We had a lot of stress because of you.
45:00But I didn't want that at all.
45:09Lani, don't be like this. Don't leave me hanging. Please.
45:13I didn't do anything bad.
45:17Think about all the fun we had.
45:19And on the way to Gutthalheim.
45:21Or at your video shoot.
45:23Lani, I wrote you a homework.
45:26Why can't everything be like it was before?
45:29Sorry, but...
45:31Please, Lani. We're friends. Don't leave me hanging.
45:36It's better if we keep our distance.
45:38Why is that?
45:40Lani, you can't be serious.
45:59Listen, I'm going to Vincent's and I got him flowers.
46:03Is that weird?
46:05No, nonsense.
46:07Men also like flowers.
46:09They do, right?
46:12Is there anything new from Anna?
46:15How is she?
46:17She's doing better.
46:20She's doing better.
46:24And what else?
46:30She's really mad at me.
46:32Because I hid the complications with Vincent.
46:38I didn't want her to get upset right after the surgery.
46:41Nicole, I'm sorry. She understands.
46:43But she's really mad at me.
46:45She threw me out more or less.
46:48Nicole, look.
46:50I wouldn't put it on the gold scale.
46:53If someone wakes up from a surgery, he might be a little bit thin-skinned.
46:57You two will get together.
47:00Like he always does.
47:02You didn't do anything wrong.
47:06Thank you, Erik.
47:27Is everything okay?
47:33If you really love someone, you want to help them.
47:37And then it doesn't matter if it's the brother, the wife or the mother.
47:42So send my mother.
47:45Do I have to do that?
47:49So send my mother.
47:52Do I have to worry about that?
47:55Well, she was so nice to me.
47:57Maybe it's a bad conscience.
48:00All this excitement...
48:02It's not good for you.
48:03Should I just act like Vincent isn't fighting for his life?
48:07Man, why doesn't anyone understand me?
48:10What's going on?
48:12I just talked to my parents.
48:17My sister Tamara is...
48:20She was killed yesterday.
48:22For God's sake.