En Los Ángeles, durante una jornada especialmente agobiante a causa del calor y del colapso del tráfico, de repente, un ciudadano normal se rebela de manera violenta y destructiva contra todo lo que lo rodea. Bill Foster (Michael Douglas) no es más que un hombre corriente que supera como puede las frustraciones de cada día y que lo único que quiere es regresar a casa. Un oficial del departamento de policía (Robert Duvall) intentará poner fin a su violencia y agresividad.
Crédito: Warner Bros.
Crédito: Warner Bros.
00:30What the hell?
00:38Well, it must be the groundskeeper.
00:42Well, he's out of uniform.
00:43Hey, you there!
00:44What are you doing there?
00:45Just passing through.
00:46Nobody said you could play through.
00:47Get off my hole.
00:48Frank, Frank, he said he was passing through, passing through.
00:49He's not even a man, but look at the way he's dressed for Christ's sake.
00:58Are you trying to get off my golf course?
01:00I am!
01:02Go back the way you came!
01:04All right, Frank, listen. I don't like the looks of this guy.
01:06Leave him alone, will you?
01:08Listen, what do I pay my fucking dues for? This is my golf course!
01:10If I want to play here, I will play here, you understand?
01:12If he gets hit with my Titleist, that's his fucking problem!
01:14Don't yell at me. I'm just here playing with you.
01:16That's what I'm saying. That's the boy.
01:30Hey, whoa. What the hell are you trying to do?
01:32Kill me with a golf ball?
01:34Is that enough?
01:36You got all these beautiful acres fenced in for your little game,
01:38but you ought to kill me with a golf ball?
01:40You should have children playing here.
01:42You should have families having picnics.
01:44You should have a goddamn petting zoo.
01:46Instead, you got these stupid electric carts for you old men
01:48have nothing better to do?
01:58Frank! Frank! What's wrong, Frank?
02:00Frank! Frank, are you okay?
02:02Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
02:04For my God!
02:06What's wrong with you?
02:08Your heart?
02:10Something's wrong with your heart?
02:12Well, what can I do?
02:18Where are your pills?
02:26Well, I guess you're out of luck, aren't you?
02:28Your little cart's gonna drown.
02:30Now, aren't you sorry
02:32you didn't let me pass through your golf course?
02:34My golf course?
02:38And now you're gonna die wearing that stupid little hat.
02:40How does it feel?