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00:00Yo, what's going on guys faze rug here, but what is here and today?
00:03We are going to be trying the spiciest item from every fast-food chain to see which one is the best let's go guys
00:10Let's go guys
00:12Okay, bro. So you're going for like low production today, right? Yeah, I'm changing it up a little bit
00:17I got inspired by you usually for your channel. You would have like tripods
00:22Someone filming it right yeah, so guys
00:24I got inspired by Brandon's videos to kind of tone it down a little bit see the way I work
00:30I don't have a filmer. I don't have an editor
00:32I kind of do everything myself you feel better at the end of the day knowing you did it yourself
00:37It might be lower production the quality might be worse and the views definitely are not up to faze rug views
00:41But you just feel better knowing you did it all on your own with no help, and I feel like it's like natural
00:46Yeah, whereas you would usually have a tripod in this situation. We're using something green stepping stool
00:51My last video no self promo, but if you guys love low production videos subscribe to brawadis YouTube channel now
00:57Let's go have some spicy freaking food. Hey, where are we going first?
01:00I think almost every fast-food place has spicy. Yeah, cuz even places like McDonald's has spicy chicken sandwich
01:06Oh Wendy's has um chicken nugget spicy chicken nuggets. Yeah, let's start with jack-in-the-box jack-in-the-box
01:12Do they do they have spicy they have jalapeno poppers? Okay? Okay? Yeah, go sons. Let's
01:17go guys
01:20Okay, bro, let's do the intro before we get into the jack-in-the-box
01:24Why are you doing in the same exact spot that I did mine, bro?
01:28This is a better view of the sign bro. You'd be copying my video. Hey, I'm not gonna lie guys
01:32I did a video with Brandon like a week ago, and I loved it so much and I told him bro
01:36We're gonna do a low quality video just like yours. All right chill. We're if I make fun of myself
01:41That's okay, but if anyone else makes fun of my low quality videos, and you guys are in trouble
01:46This is giving like og rug vlogs and you know, this is how I started YouTube
01:50So I want to sprinkle that in I feel like a lot of my videos are very high production, which I like
01:54But I also want to satisfy my og viewers out there
01:57This is what they grew up watching you with these raw vlog. If you guys want to see more, please drop a like
02:01I think I'm even gonna like edit this way less to guys. We're starting at
02:06Yo, have some respect. Oh like I hate hold the camera. I have to do it. No, actually
02:11I hate when we're filming and the cars on the street
02:14Don't slam their brakes and just stop in place while we record our clip and when we stop recording then they can continue to drive
02:21I hate when they keep driving while we film. What's up, man?
02:27Thank you, thank you a fan love everywhere we go bro
02:30Alright guys, so we're at jack-in-the-box and we're just gonna ask for the spiciest item on their menu
02:35I'm an avid jack-in-the-box go over. Yeah, bro. This is our childhood right here
02:38Where my mom used to always bring us we would get a breakfast jack and curly fries
02:41Oh, let me put a tripod here. Hold on. Oh, yeah, see if this works
02:47They don't have Clorox wipes. Do you guys have Clark's wife? Wait for what?
02:50Oh to put both building the best tripod you always your base has to be Clorox wipes
02:55Okay, so what is the spiciest item on your menu like the spiciest thing?
03:02Okay, how are the jalapeno poppers are those spicy
03:12I see chicken. Okay, we'll do two orders of those. Wait, why not? Just one? Okay. Sorry. He didn't do good on YouTube this
03:18I'm sorry. I'm sorry
03:23We're limiting ourselves, okay, we're going to multiple fast-food chain. Okay. Okay, just one. I also have a question
03:28Who do you think looks older between us?
03:31Okay, so now like is there no music no transitions no nothing like what so I'll talk to my editor, too, okay
03:39You edit the video yourself. I'm supposed to edit this if you're going for a brawada style video
03:44You don't pay an editor to do no. No, no. No, I'm not editing my video. Please. No, I can't do that
03:49Do what you do when you edit this video barely any subtitles. Okay, barely
03:53What you do when you edit this video barely any subtitles, okay barely
03:58light background music, okay, no
04:01Transitions no pop-ups both both the fans like what like raw. It's like they're here with us. Thank you
04:07Okay, thank you for the tips though guys
04:09This is honestly like a test video like of course
04:11I used to vlog like this back in the day and then you know, I made my videos more higher quality famous. Hi
04:18Don't try to make me look bad here. No, no, I'm just saying hey famous
04:22Oh, you had to up your production. I'm not even hating on my high production videos
04:26I like them, but I know a lot of you guys miss these vlogs and look I'm turning into you
04:30I'm repeating what I'm saying 50 times. It's so good to repeat yourself. No, it's not not from you, bro
04:35You actually repeat yourself like 15 times. Okay, you're gonna start this again. Yes, you need to chill out this again
04:41Yes, I'm gonna start it because it's true guys this dude
04:43Okay, I don't want to get into get come outside when you film sometimes you repeat yourself
04:47But there's this thing called editing you edit your videos, right?
04:50You edit them yourself you see yourself repeating yourself and you're like nah, I'm gonna just keep it in why okay
04:56The fans want to know why let me answer that question to make you feel stupid real quick
05:00So when you don't have the luxury of having your own editor, I do it all myself
05:05But when I'm in the editing program after already thinking of a video idea filming the video myself being the creator in the video
05:11Then I finally get to the editing part. I'm so burnt out from the amount of work that I've done
05:16It gets the editing part. I'm like damn. My brain is just fried
05:19So like sometimes I forget to cut out parts and I'm just so tired from all the work
05:23I've had to do because I get it. I get it pay people to edit their videos. So the editors fresh. Yeah, I get it
05:27I should have timed how long that sentence of yours was cuz that was
05:34No, no, no, I promise I'm not trying to be funny I'm not because it's not funny
05:40If you were funny wouldn't be a YouTuber you
05:42Let's ask them who's funnier me or you and I'll let me ask well, okay, go ahead and ask
05:46Okay, cuz he thinks you got glazed him. No, I don't I didn't say that
05:50I didn't say that you guys are gonna answer this question his way. Who do you think is the funnier brother?
05:57Hold up we got one for me
06:01One to one it's all of you. Do you know who we are? I don't know why we came out
06:05No, we assume everyone everyone know it
06:08Really have you subscribed to him?
06:12It's all good
06:14Way space. Well, it's some dog. Okay. Wait, it's up to you. Who's funnier for a wadis or phase, right?
06:19Why are you dapping him up? He didn't even answer. I know
06:23Okay, what do you think?
06:30Okay, now who yaps the most in videos
06:34Wait, what wait, yeah, no this guy yaps. He's a professional yapper, bro
06:40Do you bleep out the cuss words in your channel or uh in the beginning of the video I do
06:44But then later on like I said, I get tired and burnt out from editing. Yeah. Yeah
06:49I coulda swore they said rug. I don't know
06:59Okay, two to one ratio bro Jordan that's sick well speaking of Jordan, you know, Devin Booker is better than Michael Jordan
07:06Okay, you got you have to not support him after saying that do you guys agree with that statement?
07:12All knowledge down the drain guys, this is Brianna she would is it Brianna Brianna Brianna Brianna
07:18She was in my gas station video you subscribe to me. I did you're the only one I've subscribed. No way
07:26Thank you
07:28Let's go on top of every spicy whatever they gave us freaking reds hot buffalo hot sauce. Okay, I repeated hot
07:36Filming this video Brian gives you more appreciation of what I do cuz it's a lot harder when you don't have a Noah and you know
07:41You're right. You're actually right. I said Dennis for leaving me and moving back to Arizona. Thanks, bro. Like facts Dennis
07:46No, no come back. Oh my gosh
07:49Yo, shout out chug rug. Not only is it the greatest drink out there, but it serves a multi-purpose. Yes, bro. It's a tripod
07:56This is the broadest tripod dude. We there's no Clorox wipes
07:59But we were struggling to think of a tripod and this just came through clutch. It's gonna fall
08:04By the chicken tenders cuz they're probably cold as hell by now. I said cold as hell the hell's burning. Oh my god
08:11Bro, you are burping on top of the food that I do this
08:17No, who cares? You're burping on top of the food. We're about to eat. Okay, who is this spider-man?
08:25Wait, okay
08:29When you edit this video don't move Brian, it's Deadpool
08:35It's that bad, I don't know that by the time we eat those tenders they're gonna feel like my gosh, okay
08:41Okay, let's get a good shot at least can we get a good shot of the food? Okay go. How's that?
08:47And you drop two of them my god
08:50We only got three. I was trying to get a good shot. What are we gonna do now share one?
08:55It was like eight bucks brother. It's $16 in your bank account. I say something. It's not about the price
09:00It's about I feel like we're not gonna eat all of it and it's gonna go to a waste
09:04I don't want to waste all so to grown-ass humans can't finish six chicken tenders to grown-ass humans can do that
09:10But they're not going to
09:13They can't
09:15It's like going in
09:21They want enough talking Brian. Yeah, it's like crazy. So we're just gonna try that. How did they say?
09:26Oh, yeah, I don't get it here
09:27Well, it's cuz they don't watch my videos the only high production thing that I'm gonna do in this videos
09:32They're not popping up the rating. Yes, we are. We're ranking it on the tier list. No
09:37Production can we eat? Well, I have a question. I'm talking
09:40Here's the question. No, it's serious
09:42Are we rating this based on the taste of the food or how spicy it is you idiot the taste we could say how spicy
09:49it is
09:52Okay, there's no way there's a spiciest thing on their menu. It's not even spicy
09:55Yeah, the little kick like it's a little spicier than regular chicken tenders, but I only there's a spiciest thing on their menu
10:01But it definitely has a little kick. No, I know it's spicy. Wait. Okay, hold on. No, it's actually spicy
10:05Now I taste the spice a little bit. It's spicy guys. I'm gonna go away
10:10Are we doing here? Let's start one to ten. It's up to you make the calls today. Did that too spicy?
10:14I know it's really it just takes a second to kick in. We'll go one to ten. Yeah, just go one
10:19Okay, I'm gonna give this a six out of ten. No. Yeah, I think it was good
10:24But definitely not like the best thing we're gonna try today
10:27I'll give it a seven out of ten
10:29Like I wouldn't mind eating it again, but I'll never be in bed and be like damn I'm craving some
10:34What is it maroon five chickens dead pool chickens chicken strips, so I don't like this lining I don't like this
10:41Okay, then let's go on to the next place. You gave it a six. I gave it a seven. It's right behind us
10:45No, hell no, where Carl's jr. No, we're not doing that. Why because my video late guys. I'm copying Brandon's video
10:52We went jack in the box now. We're going to Carl's you wait
10:55How am I supposed to put this in my father this video? How wait, how do I put this in just over?
11:00Yeah, don't yeah. Oh wait. I should have just thrown it in the
11:04No, oh my god heavens. No, bro. Well, my car is actually clean Brian that's editing this in the future
11:11You're gonna add Brandon's car floor versus mine. Oh, hey, don't show the floor Brian
11:16That's not going in the video. If you're copying everything I do in this video. Can I copyright and make the money off this?
11:21Yes, really?
11:23And the other thing I was gonna say is um
11:25Do you want updated clip of what my car looks like now cuz we filmed that video two weeks ago homie
11:29It's a lot freaking worse right now. Oh, you're insane. Why can't you just keep your car clean?
11:33Let's go down to Carl's jr. Carl jr. Has like a Diablo burgers
11:39Bro, there's something called Diablo. We're screwed. Oh
11:45This tripod is sick, bro
11:51That might be too tall oh
11:53I'm looking at the El Diablo right now. It has jalapenos inside pepper jack cheese. What else throw the sauce?
12:00It literally says the heat with a flame look at this guys. Oh my gosh. What is this? Why is it doing that on my camera?
12:09Yo, brother question is the El Diablo is it like really spicy we have low spice tolerance
12:16Is that the spiciest thing on your menu?
12:18Okay. Okay. Can we get one? Just shut up. Can we please get two burgers to El Diablo burgers?
12:25So it has okay jalapenos and pepper jack cheese. What about the sauce? Does that make it spicy, too?
12:29Yeah, it's all fiery. We're gonna be on the toilet all night. Oh my god. We're gonna set it up in the same spot
12:36No, no, no. No. Okay, Brian. It's one thing to get inspo from another YouTube video
12:42You're literally copying my exact video. Are you gonna spit on me this but let me tell you why I'm not mad cuz I've probably
12:49Copied a hundred videos off your channel. So it's all good. You could copy
12:52All right
12:55It's probably gonna be the spiciest thing we have today cuz it's literally called Diablo
12:59It's not like a spicy chicken sandwich or and there's literally a warning flame logo on the night. That's crazy
13:05You know who La Flame is La Flame is a rapper. Yeah, wait, really? Yeah
13:11Oh Gucci Mane. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, good stuff
13:13I don't know this stuff because I was thinking you were tricking me and it was like a popular youtuber
13:17So I was like, okay, I don't want to get this wrong. So not Travis Scott. Yeah, it is good
13:21It is Travis Gucci Mane for La Flame. That's crazy since I know that's gonna get clipped on tik-tok. So I'm such an idiot
13:27Yo, what's up tik-tok the funniest viral clip from your last video was the if you want a burger you've never seen that
13:33You have a son. You turn the camera this way for better lighting if you want a burger eat a burger
13:39If you want some French fries eat some French fries. Thanks, bro. Thank you. Appreciate you Diego, but that's good
13:45Okay, can you give me like a nice homemade tripod? Okay, candles are good paper. Oh, I have a good idea
13:49Hold this but where are you gonna put it though on the table or you're gonna put the whole high chair on the table?
13:58I guarantee you it's gonna look good guarantee. What are you we don't put it in the center you eat it. Oh my
14:07Oh wait, huh, there's a smart idea bro, what the hell? All right guys, you got our custom tripod
14:12Oh, no, we have to take a picture of this or I could do the broadest iPhone clip
14:16Yeah, W tripod. Hey this one up all the ones that I
14:21What's up guys look?
14:23Bro, that's a smart idea. Okay, let's try this a story. He turned up the music. That's good. You know what?
14:30Bro, Diego's not your homie. He's not gonna listen to you
14:35Yeah, oh shout out Diego, let's see imagine it turns out it's a club
14:41Brian I swear just cuz Brian got followers. He became things his way. No, I think he has pretty privilege
14:47Mm-hmm. It's not pretty privilege. It's YouTube has nothing to do with followers or anything
14:51You simply ask and if they say no you say, thank you. Okay, if you're a regular person
14:55They would have turned the music off and Carl's jr. Yeah
14:58Okay. Are you serious? This looks spicy as hell. Why did yours up walk and mine doesn't am I being pranked?
15:04And he went to the worker and told him brother. No, I wouldn't be showing you then
15:08But wait, that's not the same burger mine doesn't have walk and lettuce and tomato and all that. Are we being pranked by Diego?
15:17This is welcome on it. We're in an alternate universe
15:19We just got pranked was it a prank or just a simple mistake? Wait, Brian. Oh my gosh guys
15:25We didn't like we don't have high spice tolerance and this is very spicy. So already
15:36You taste the jalapeno right away
15:39Yeah, you could taste the spice right away
15:43That's spicy. Oh, it's the jalapenos for sure
15:47It's good. Don't get me wrong. That's flavor, but actually fire damn
15:51I thought you could take a couple bites and it's good
15:53But when you start eating the whole burger, then it's just torture like it's too spicy. It's bro. That's actually really good
15:58I definitely like it more than the strips that we had
16:02It's definitely spicier than the strips, but it also tastes better. So I'll go 7.5. That's pretty good
16:07I'm gonna go 8 out of 10 cuz I think Carl's jr. Burgers are underrated in general
16:11We recently found out they make their their burgers fresh and they have that charbroiled taste like bro
16:16Carl's jr. Burgers are underrated 8 out of 10, but it is pretty spicy. I'm not gonna lie
16:21All right on to the next
16:23Wendy's Wendy's nuts
16:26It's your face
16:30Wendy hi Wendy, where's Willito?
16:35All right guys
16:36Well, I think Wendy's has some spicy stuff like I actually love the spicy chicken nuggets and they're really spicy
16:42But we'll see if they have something even spicier. I want the spicy nugget. You're so good. What's up to the employee?
16:47No, let's just order the spicy nuggets. We don't ask this one. Okay, how about this? How about this?
16:50How is it we ask and if they don't say that we'll just yeah, we phase rugged. Yeah
16:54We're on the same page. Let's go
16:59Welcome oh you think I repeat myself. Look at this sign. Welcome to real
17:05Welcome, that's three. The broad is frickin
17:08Establishment. Oh, whoa
17:11You're looking at the wrong thing
17:13Dessert my idea before this was trying every fast-food dessert. Hold on put that in my notes
17:18Video, I'm actually gonna do that. You don't want to be on fire. Oh my gosh. Can we get this Brandon, please?
17:25Off camera, I'm getting the dessert looks fire and I have a sweet off camera. Yo, he's trying to phase rugs a video
17:30He literally got no. No, you gotta tell him he can't be doing that originator of phase. It doesn't matter
17:35I'm trying to stop that. Oh, listen, we're eating spicy food from every fast-food chain, and he wanted to get dessert
17:41Can you tell him that's not the agenda of the day?
17:48Okay, wait a frosty maybe we can make it spicy. Oh you want a dessert but I can't get dessert
17:53Whoa, what is this a triple berry frosty?
17:57No, no, he's got me
18:00I put this right here every frosty
18:02We were wondering what the spiciest thing you guys have on your menu is is it the chicken nuggets or is it?
18:08Ghost pepper ranch chicken ghost pepper. That's like a YouTube challenge, bro
18:12If something has ghost pepper in the name, that's fine. I want spicy nugget. Okay, you can have spicy nuggets
18:17I'll get the ghost pepper ranch chicken. Thanks dad who yaps the most in their YouTube videos. Come on, bro
18:23I mean I've seen
18:25Any point of everything from what I've seen yo, that's actually very true, but I'm not gonna lie
18:31I don't mouth on me. Oh, yeah, I can't cuss. It's a phase rug video. I forgot cherry cream soda
18:36What this is such a hit or miss with people
18:38Do you guys like cream soda or not? Cuz I'm a huge cream soda guy. I love cream
18:43It's time for me to start getting in a bad mood
18:45Why cuz you're making me miss a Thursday night football game Bill's Dolphins, bro
18:49Really said it's time for him to start getting in a bad mood. Hi guys
18:54Good nice to meet you. Nice to meet you both. Yes, sir. Yeah, how you guys doing today, dude
18:58You know, you kind of remind me of do you know who clicks is? Nope. Yeah
19:03Well, yeah kind of yeah low-key, right? I don't know you watch phase road consistently
19:07Yeah, he favorite part about your video is the food video because I always get food and I'm watching guess what we're doing now
19:13We're doing a food video my sister with autism watches you like three times
19:17Thank you so much. I appreciate that. Tell her I say thank you as well. That's awesome. Hopefully I get to meet her one day
19:22What's your name? Send record a video? Yeah, I could do a video for her. Yo, what's up? Haley? It's phase rug
19:28We're here with your brother and he told us that you watch my videos. Thank you so much for the support
19:34Hopefully one day I get to meet you best brother in the world for getting you this video. Absolutely
19:38Hey, love you. Take care, bro. Look at their tables. I love Wendy's food, but the one bad thing
19:43They don't have much tripod option. Yeah, like there's no napkins on the table. No way, bro. That is the new tripod
19:50That's our new tripod
19:52It might be too high here
20:01Guys if this camera falls, it's an expensive camera. Okay, and the lighting's better. I'm not gonna lie. I'm ngl. Hi Wendy's frosty
20:07We already know
20:10Wow, if you didn't know ghost pepper is one of the hottest peppers in the world, it's 78.5 million Scoville
20:17It's not I know I just made that Michael Schofield
20:20But I feel like if you say it like confidently people believe you
20:22You know ghost pepper is 78.5 million on the Scoville unit scale. Wait, can you see this on the camera?
20:29No on the camera. Oh, I don't know. I thought you asked me to smell it. Yeah, you could looks good. Yeah
20:34Oh, what kind of sauce is that?
20:37No guys, this smells spicy. Okay, I'm gonna make a prediction
20:40I think this is gonna be spicy but not spicier than that Carl's jr. Diablo. You think so, bro?
20:45I think ghost pepper is scary. Okay. Okay ready? Okay
20:56It's hot, oh my god damn usually the phase rug walk happens when the food is good
21:01I've never seen the phase rug won't have no spice. Mm-hmm. It's way spicier. Oh, really? Oh my god
21:06Okay, oh my god, the chicken nuggets are a little spicy, but not too bad. They actually taste good. This might be bad
21:13Let it kick in I
21:15Need the frosty after that. It's good though. It just broke. My tongue is on fire
21:20Okay, it does have a spice to it. We shouldn't yeah, it's called ghost pepper
21:25I was gonna say we should never underestimate anything that has ghost pepper in the type and the name
21:30Title, no, no, no, but it's spicy. That's worse than the Carl's jr. Hey have a nugget
21:34It's actually good. It is spicy a little bit, but I don't it's not like the burger spicy. It's good
21:38Yeah, but once you already have something spicy
21:43Now these are good I am going to give the ghost pepper chicken sandwich I'd say a
21:497-1 solid said you were about to pass out from spice and you're giving it a 7
21:53I mean like I still like spice but like the level of spice was a little intense
21:56But it was still good for that reason. I'm only giving it a 5 because the flavor is good
22:01I like how it tastes but it's so spicy. I feel like you can't eat too much of it
22:05So it like yeah, it would hurt your stomach. Okay, the spicy chicken nuggets, though
22:08I'm gonna go with an 8 out of 10
22:10These are just something I used to get before doing this video and they're actually fire if you like spice and chicken nuggets
22:15It's fire. See this is a level of spice where it adds a kick and you feel it
22:19But it's not too spicy where you can't like finish like the flavor, you know, yeah, it adds a good level of spice
22:24So I'm gonna give these like an 8.5. These are probably so far out of everything. We've tried
22:28I think this is my favorite item so far literally fire
22:32Alright guys, we just pulled up to everyone's
22:36Favorite fast food, I think better ingredients better tacos Taco Bell
22:40So guys, we're at Taco Bell and we're about to see what their spiciest menu item is
22:44I I just thought they have spicy sauce but not actual spicy
22:48No, I swear they have a burrito with like jalapenos melted on the outside. How are you?
22:55No, that's new
22:58I'm trying to find like the spiciest item on your menu
23:04It's there like a burrito with like jalapenos like just something that's like the spiciest menu item
23:11All right, they ended up having something it was called a double
23:15It was a steak grilled cheese burrito and you could add jalapenos on the outside and we also got Diablo sauce
23:21Which is insanely hot from here. Oh, I've tried the fire sauce from here. And that was already spicy
23:27Imagine the Diablo sauce. That's a level up since when did food start incorporating Diablo with all their stuff?
23:33I know it's cuz like we don't usually look for anything spicy since this is like an og vlog
23:38I think there's only one artist in that time Betty Wop Betty Wop Betty Wop and I got this
23:46Okay, can we please okay we did that for your video let's do another one let's do trap Wayne Oh trap Queen guys
23:53There's a throwback
23:53We obviously can't play the actual song because of copyright, but we could try to sing it
23:58Hello, I just want to chill got a sec for us to roll. Baby. Won't you come my way?
24:05Can't do it. Okay. Hey, that just reminds me of LeBron. Yeah, he was singing he's in Cleveland now, bro
24:11I will say okay Fetty Wap when you hear a Fetty Wap song
24:14It just throws you back to better times in life like times were just simpler when these Fetty Wap songs were popping
24:20You had less stress in your life. You were younger
24:232015-2016 era guys music life YouTube, whatever it was
24:28I feel like that time era was just so different Brandon. This is you cuz you don't like freeze. You're a weirdo
24:33Okay freeze or the soda
24:36Me too
24:40There's vanilla cream that you could put wait, can I add it to this? Yes. Are you doing too much?
24:47vanilla cream in a Baja blast
24:51No, thank you so much. Wait, what's your name?
24:56Zelenia nice to meet you
24:57Appreciate you damn shout out Taco Bell. We will look. All right. I want to try this so bad, bro
25:03That's potential to be the greatest invention ever
25:07Vanilla cream with Baja blasts cuz Bob last alone is already fire. Holy crap. That's so we try
25:13I know you don't like when I drink from your straw, but bro, I need to okay
25:16I saw people comments about that saying oh, it's messed up Brian. Didn't let you drink from it. Thank you guys for having my back
25:21Yeah, you're having his back but the lips that my brother has like you don't know where they've been
25:26You know, I mean yours are worse than mine
25:29It's you have to like cream though
25:30Like you have to like cream soda if you don't like that and I just you know, it's crazy
25:34I just said at Wendy's you love cream soda because you haven't shut up all day
25:38It's good
25:38But I feel like the Baja blast already has such a good flavor on its own that you don't even need to add the cream
25:44That's doing too much. Yeah, that's true. How much Diablo sauce did you ask for two?
25:49Guessing they put more than two. They literally hooked it up. Oh
25:53Wait, so we have to eat all this shut your mouth, dude. That's actually nuts
25:58Okay, we have to try to drink one of these you cheapo broke
26:01what I
26:03Only got one
26:05One burrito, so now we have to do the thing where we each buy and then our nose is almost
26:13Put the clip from my video when Brian burped, you know what?
26:17My favorite part about that burp is you didn't just burp you you wind it up. You went
26:22All I'm saying is we have
26:28Don't let it slip this
26:30Cup holder. Oh they can see we have to add Diablo sauce
26:34The jalapenos already make it. Sorry. Let's not do Diablo sauce first bite. Are you dumb Diablo sauce on there?
26:40Okay. Okay guys, here we go
26:41Hey, I'm not gonna lie put the spiciness to the side. How good does it smell? It smells really good, bro
26:46Taco Bell's underrated double steak grilled cheese burrito add jalapenos. Don't put a lot Brian. It's very spicy
26:51Take a sip from that if you're a man for your viewers Brandon
26:55Okay, just lick that laying on the wrapper on the outside on that. Okay. Yeah, sure
27:00You idiot what I lick my hands
27:08Bro went down the wrong pipe. The Diablo sauce is actually bad. It's spicy bro charity
27:24Definitely just took off the jalapeno out of my mouth. Oh, it's a sauce for not the burrito as a sauce
27:30My god my lips wait put that away I'm done. Why do you sound like future?
27:36If you just add the jalapenos to your burrito, it's not that bad
27:39It just adds a nice kick, but that Diablo sauce is something else. Oh, bro. Nice spicy
27:44I took another bite. This is good. The flavor is bomb. This is by far like I think my favorite thing of today
27:49It's not really hot bro after all this food so tired
27:51I know you want to film a video after this, but we just change it to like two weeks
27:55No, you're not doing this to me. I'm helping you with this video. You got to help me with one back
27:58Okay, guys, is that fair?
28:02Yeah, I think it is fair if I help you with a YouTube video you can help me with one guys
28:06You know what? He said off-camera. So we've been filming this video for like three hours by the time we're done
28:10It'll be like three and a half four hours, right?
28:12Brian told me that after we film his video once again for like four hours that I have 30 minutes to fill mine
28:17We've only filmed for two and a half hours right now. Are we done? We have one more spot. Okay. All right
28:22Eight point five eight point five. Mm-hmm. I'm gonna give this a seven point five
28:26It was good, but I don't know. I just like the Wendy's a little bit better go to the next spot
28:30Okay, and now for our last spot bro, and then now has no spicy items
28:36You're just using this as an excuse to have in and out because you love it
28:39See, I'm glad you mentioned that because in and out actually does have something you could put in your burger to make it actually very
28:46Spicy like one of the spiciest burgers ever really so they have banana peppers here at one point
28:51They were super spicy where they had to like tone it down
28:54But I heard that I think they made it spicy again. Is it the chilies? It's the yellow banana peppers. Yeah
29:00But what you order your burger? Can I get chilies? Is that what it is? Oh, I've heard I've seen people do that
29:05It's actually spicy. They literally say it's super spicy. Okay, but so wait, so you've tried it. Yeah, is it spicier?
29:10Do you think than the Wendy's ghost pepper chicken or the Carl's jr. LD?
29:15I think they're like on the same level what low-key this might be spicier. What? Oh my gosh guys
29:20Hey right now if you made it this far throughout the video
29:23I'll know you're a og because you're watching the whole vlog comment the word spicy
29:26I want to see how many spicy comments we could get down below because I will be reading the comments and so will big head
29:32I don't have time to read your comments
29:35Used to be nervous vlogging in public, but you just gotta embrace it sometimes imagine we walk in I'm like this you're shaking
29:41I know put it down like this. No, I still but sometimes I get like nervous
29:46I've been doing YouTube for nine years, and I'm nervous. I still get nervous filming in public
29:50You just don't know how people are gonna react
29:53Okay, how are you?
29:55The love of God get two burgers. Okay, we're gonna get two burgers, but we're trying to like make them spicy
30:00So do you guys have the banana peppers?
30:03Okay, so they used to be really spicy then they made them less spicy. Did they make them spicy again or no?
30:09Okay. Okay. What's something else we could add on top of the banana peppers to make it spicy?
30:16Okay, okay do that. Yeah, I think do no lettuce or tomato so we could actually taste the banana pepper, okay
30:24Let's do extra. Thank you
30:26You too, bro. So Carl's jr. Two burgers were 17 bucks. How much was it at In-N-Out? This is eight eight dollars
30:34That's okay. Thank you
30:35Put some respect on In-N-Out's name and the quality at In-N-Out is way better than Carl's jr
30:40Anyway, dude, it's way cheap like literally half the price
30:42I think in and out's the greatest most affordable fast food and you get like a nice full meal with french fries burger drink like
30:49In-N-Out sponsor me, please. It's been too long, bro. It's been too long since I've been talking so highly about you
30:54All right, let's go outside bro. You see the chilies literally poking out. Oh, I can't wait
31:00And by the way, these are the spicy ones they brought back this won't work, but we'll try it
31:05Hi guys
31:07Okay, all right guys, so we got cheeseburger with no lettuce no tomato but add banana peppers bro the spice
31:14I think it's actually gonna be the spiciest thing we've had. Yeah, i'm nervous
31:17If you're saying this is like spicier than the wendy's one, bro
31:20This is like a real thing pov. You're on a date with faze rug damn with in and out I would
31:25Literally love to go home with you
31:27That's how good you look. All right. All right. Here we go and take the bite from the chili side
31:34Bro, okay. Here we go. I feel like i'm gonna cry. Okay, relax
31:44Oh, oh yeah, oh, oh
31:53She's fired because it's an in-n-out burger
31:56But it's literal fire, bro. Is it super spicy?
31:59Damn, your nose is already my nose. Yeah, my nose is runny, bro
32:03It's not because i'm a big nose, okay, i'm scared now bro, it's honestly not that spicy you just
32:10That's not okay. No. No now it's kicking. Oh, okay
32:13Okay, okay. This is not gonna be good and i'd say i'm the brother with the lower spice stories. No, i'm actually serious
32:19It's not that bad
32:25Let it kick in let it kick in oh, I just crunched it a little crunchy
32:33Oh, yeah
32:36Oh, yeah, it's definitely spicy it's good though. It's very good, right?
32:39So I know you're kind of like an avid french fry hater from in-n-out. Yeah, but what about their burgers?
32:45Oh, their burgers are top tier guys me personally the french fries are where they're at
32:50No in-n-out french fries are literal trash, but they're burgers, but they can't say that right here, bro
32:56Like in front of in-n-out, what are they gonna do ban me from the premises?
32:59Yeah, maybe if we didn't get extra chilies and we just got the regular amount then it would be like, you know tolerable
33:06but the extra just makes it like
33:08It's bad. It's spicy rating ratings time. I'm gonna go 8.5
33:128.5. Yeah. Yeah, I think even though it's super spicy
33:15You can't give it a low rating because it's an in-n-out burger
33:17So it still has the in-n-out meat the in-n-out spread the perfect buns
33:22So I think it tastes like in and out just with higher spice
33:25So i'll give it a 9 this you're always one upping my ratings every time well, bro, you one-up me in life
33:31So this is the only thing
33:32I think this is the best thing i've had today higher than the uh, wendy's spicy chicken nuggets. Okay, shout out in and out, baby
33:40And we just ran into some supporters
33:45I appreciate you guys. Thank you
33:49Hey, i'm not gonna lie look how short I look next to actually hoopers. Yeah, bro
33:55Could never be me could never be me bro, bro. What do they be feeding kids nowadays?
33:59You don't understand guys this new generation. I'll have like a 12 year old come up to me and they're like six foot two
34:04I swear are we ending this video? It's time to end the video because i'm about to say something super real
34:10Okay, since we are doing a raw vlog and go ahead go ahead roast me bro. No, i'm not roasting you
34:15I'm, just saying by the time it gets to like the end of filming a youtube video and we're on like the last clip
34:20I'm, not gonna lie. You just want to shut that freaking camera off and just
34:24Stop it's like a work day
34:26When you get to your last hour of your shifts, you just want to freaking go home
34:30Yeah, that is relatable like guys
34:32I don't know if you can even tell just like the energy switch like when we got to our last place we're like, okay
34:36Like let's push through it. Let's do it because yeah towards the end your energy is low-key just down but on the bright side
34:42We're about to start filming a video for my channel guys. We're gonna end the video. I had so much fun today brandon
34:49I love you. I love you, too
34:50A lot of people think our banter is real and that I actually don't like you bro. I love you to death
34:54No, you don't shut up drop a like on the video guys hit that subscribe button
34:57Please let me know if you want to see more videos like this because I would love to make more
35:00It felt like a 2015 phase rug vlog. It felt like we weren't filming like it didn't feel like a film day
35:06It felt like we were just hanging out as brothers and there was just a camera there exactly
35:09All right, guys. Love you all so much. Make sure you drop like I said that already. Oh my god
35:13I'm learning from you. No, I can't do this beat yourself. Peace out guys. Peace out. No, no


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