• last year
Young yob Rex Tobin gets caught in the act. Will he 'go straight' or will he get his comeuppance?

Source: IMDB
01:00you've had your breakfast, Timmy. you know you have. you need to make notes to
01:19yourself like I do so you remember. eggs, cheese, cotton wool, savings book. now why
01:24did I put that Timmy? oh of course so I remember. to take a tea, a floor cloth. right.
01:33shan't be long Timmy. oh you're as bad as me Timmy.
01:54good morning mrs. Jackson. not so cold is it? and how's Kieran? still good as gold?
02:14oh yes. he's cut another tooth. he is. clever boy. get a move on missus.
02:54oh no.
03:10hello. yes I have. I forget my head mix. what will Timmy say? my purse and my savings book.
03:25oh no. my key too. I'd soon be a candidate for the Fonny farm. I did remember to give
03:45mrs. Jackson back my key didn't I? what are you doing? you get away from there.
04:00you panic you see. you weren't expecting me back were you? and I forgetting my purse and it's
04:28waiting for you. can you move? I wouldn't be sitting here would I if I could. I reckon I've
04:33bust it. oh it mayn't be as bad as you think. we can't just leave you sitting here can we? come
04:42on. up sir Daisy. I say one thing for you. you saved me the trouble of bothering mrs. Jackson
04:59for my spare key and that's rather a relief because I've had to ask for it five times in
05:03the past three weeks. she says she doesn't mind but I think I'm a trouble too. what are you gonna
05:09do? call the police? we'll talk about that later. first we must see to your poor ankle. that's the
05:15most important thing surely isn't it? oh you young people today. desperate aren't you? come on in we
05:22go. oh dear. hang on. here we are.
05:53oh dear. it's swollen already. it'll be as big as a football if we don't bail. bleeding thing? no it's
06:07not bleeding. there's no abrasion at all. now you sit still. what are you gonna do? call the law? no
06:17I'm not. hot water Epsom salts. you just rest. typical young man Timmy. ruthless. a dandle. but
06:35we must do our best for him. mr. Grady always said there's some good somewhere in everyone.
06:41that your old man? yes that's Oliver my late husband. he died two years ago. oh such a good
06:57man. he was a social worker. a soft cop. I beg your pardon. that's what they call all them people
07:07from the welfare. soft cops. in we go. ow! a grown lad like you it's not that hot. it is. oh dear. that's mine. indeed it is. and
07:31sadly so. oh what an awful thing. you're getting used to the hot water. sort of yeah. good. you put
07:45cold water on sprains. I don't. everybody I know does. now why? is a nice lad like you carrying a
07:52weapon like this? protection. is that so? and from what may I ask? old ladies like me? no but well.
08:08that's the trouble with you young people today. knives, gangs, violence. whatever goes on in your
08:17heads I don't know. it was never like that when I was young. oh we had our share of crime. but it was
08:26never so brutal. my husband was brutally mugged. he died of a heart attack three days later. I
08:38didn't do it. did I say you did?
08:48but the police never caught them.
08:50I thought you recognized Oliver. I didn't. when did I? just now. I didn't.
09:06well now we can dry your foot and strap it up.
09:29how does it feel? bit better. good.
09:37I was old lady Sisson's housekeeper. I used to nurse her sometimes. oh? you never heard of the
09:46Sissons? Lord Sisson. the merchant banker. quite one of the richest men in Britain. in later life
09:54he took up prison reform but after a time he gave it up. appalled by human nature. he said to me
10:02mrs. Grady it's no use. the prisoners are vicious. unrepentant. but so are we. it's a
10:14vicious circle. vicious. that's what he said to me. they were very kind to me the Sissons.
10:24you want to know if I'm going to tell the police don't you? suppose I don't. you reckon you won't?
10:37no I'm not saying that. not just yet. I don't want to. I want to believe the best of you.
10:47I don't even know your name. Rex. Rex what? Tobin. well mr. Tobin if I let you go how do I know you
11:04won't rob someone else? possibly commit grievous bodily harm as well on your way home? well I mightn't.
11:13you mean you could reform? don't know. would you like to? what? I think you're halfway there. now how
11:31would you feel for example if I were to take a club and beat you? I shan't. don't worry. but I'd
11:41have every justification wouldn't I? you tried to break in. indeed you succeeded. my purse and
11:51savings book were in the kitchen. if you had taken them oh what would I have done? yeah well I didn't
11:58did I? you intended to. I can't help it. but you can. it's the way things are. I mean that's how it is.
12:06the luck of the draw. has it never occurred to you mr. Tobin you might try to make the world a
12:14better place rather than a worse one. but Al these things happen don't they? of course. crime is as
12:26old as Cain and Abel. but what I'm saying is there's no need. that'll give you some support. can you
12:38stand do you think? come on. have a go. oh still tender. yeah. you just rest it and I make you a
12:53nice cup of tea hmm. yeah hang on a minute missus. what? well no one's ever talked to me like that
13:02you know. yeah I mean the teachers and that they talked but it was easy for them wasn't it? but you
13:10I was gonna rob you wasn't I? will it be bad for you if I turn you over to the police? shop you
13:22isn't that what you say? my meaning is I dare say you have a record. but you've given me out missus.
13:38do you really mean that? yeah. I never. I mean you didn't preach. not really. I mean you helped me
13:58ankle all this. how old are you? 19.
14:10that wasn't me I swear. oh I'm so glad. 19. all your life ahead of you. but if I
14:24let you go how can I be sure that some innocent person won't suffer? well I don't know but I could
14:35try couldn't I? if you believed in me nobody ever has before. but are you man enough to keep a
14:44promise? all I'm saying is I'd try. try to mend your ways. lead a decent life. yeah I will. you see
14:56you're right I know you are. I've got someone now who really wants me to go straight haven't I? yes
15:04like mr. Grady my late husband I'm looking for the good in you and I think I can see it. so you
15:20ain't gonna turn me in then? not if you promise. promise me. right it's a deal I promise. cross me
15:26are and hope to die. no more flick knives no more violence no more thieving. that's asking a lot.
15:34the excitement's like a drug I believe. that's what Lord Sisson told me about those
15:42unfortunates he used to visit in prison. I'm going straight. how's that? that's nice. well done Rex. I
15:51may call you Rex. of course you can yeah. and anytime you feel like going back to your old
15:59ways you'll come and have a chat with me hmm? yeah good idea. I will. you'll see me right? right I'll make
16:09that tea then.
16:21stupid old cow.
16:25informed young man
16:51do you take sugar Rex?
17:22you won't wait for your tea? no. but why? you can't go like that. I can. I can walk on the
17:30bandage. are you all right? what is it? I've got to go. oh no you. oh yeah mrs. put that terrible
17:39thing away. you promised. I don't want to hurt you. get out of the way. I'm off right? on me way.
17:44leave in nice and quiet right? you keep your mouth shut till I'm away. you gave me a break now I'm
17:49giving you one okay? but you have... you say anything to the cops and I'll come back and carve you
17:59right? Rex you promised. get away. oh no.
18:30oh dear.
18:32oh damn him.
19:00he was tempted and fell. and I ask you Timmy who wouldn't be tempted?
19:21that's him.
19:25that's the kid who stole the milk.
19:30black jacket maize strides. that's him. you're keen this morning aren't you?
19:37butler milk. crimes crime. the lady in them flats was right to report him. he
19:45threw the empty over a wall. could have been some... charmer isn't he?
19:59all right sonny.
20:18well what happened to your foot son?
20:47offensive weapon
21:15what the heck's this? well well. here let's have a look at that Sarge. all that from a
21:26bottle of nuke. I'll just check this. yes
21:51sit down now son.
21:56I've never seen any of that stuff. wait.
22:10picked him up in Askin Street.
22:14sir. sit down. so you pulled the Sissons job eh? you what? oh come on son this.
22:27this belonged to Lady Sisson in Grosvenor Square. where's that? Mayfair.
22:35me do a job in Mayfair? yes you. why not? never. tough luck son. start talking.
22:43I've never seen it before. try another.
22:55I told you I've never seen it before.
23:00I found it in the street I was gonna land it in.
23:19you found it in the street?
23:30ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
24:00I remember Lady Sisson wearing this and I remember thinking to me one must have a
24:22nest egg in this uncertain world poor Rex all bash and bang to me no finesse at all
