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00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays and today we'll be taking a look at 10 easter eggs you may not
00:11have noticed or fully understood while playing Astro Bot.
00:21Before we begin, we publish new videos all week long, so be sure to subscribe to Mojo
00:25Plays and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
00:29A Brief Rift Apart
00:37Smacking bots around will show funny little animations and interactions, but a few of
00:41them have some special details hidden that only fans will notice.
00:45For instance, one of the very first VIP bots you rescue has a neat detail that only Astro's
00:51Playroom fans might have spotted.
00:53Assuming you already nabbed the Rivet Bots collectible, smacking her will cause her to
00:58fall into a rift before reappearing, but did you notice where she was transported to?
01:03The rift sent her to the Labo Room.
01:06Wait, if that was the case, why didn't Team Asobi add her into Astro's Playroom then?
01:13We smell a paradox.
01:17Devilishly Delightful Dice
01:23If you've gone through all of Slow Mo Casino, you probably already know about the bot-based
01:28on Devil Dice.
01:29Oddly enough, this little character is not the only nod to the long-forgotten PS1 puzzler.
01:35Remember the room you found Little Devil in?
01:37All of those dice blocks and the way they slowly sink into the ground are done in the
01:42exact same way as they do in the original game.
01:45In other words, you may as well have briefly stumbled into a prototype for a modern Devil
01:50Dice level.
01:51A little rudimentary, yes, but still a neat way to find a new VIP bot.
02:02A Toon for the Ages
02:10You may not have realized this, but saving the various parts of the sentient PS5 do have
02:15a neat little secret of theirs that you might not have thought to check out.
02:19As you progress and save more parts and pieces, you'll notice your fellow bots slowly build
02:23scaffolding around the PS5.
02:26Head over to the shorter scaffolding and make your way to the top.
02:29That side of the PS5 will open up and you will be able to hear each part sing along
02:33with the crash site's music.
02:34Of course, all of these vocals are directly pulled from the various levels featured in
02:39Astro's Playroom.
02:49Surprised Possession
02:55Didn't expect to see ol' Kazuma Kiryu in Astro Bot, but the Yakuza series does have some heritage
03:01with PlayStation, as the first handful of games were exclusive to PS2 and PS3.
03:06What's funny about Kiryu's inclusion here, though, is how he'll allow you to smack him
03:11without repercussions, and when you do, an object will fly out from his pockets.
03:16Among them is a microphone, and it was almost enough for us to utter those sacred words.
03:22Baka Mitai
03:28The Dirtiest Little Bot
03:35The Metal Gear bots have some hilarious nods to the series for fans to discover.
03:40Our favorite, however, was Solid Snake's special interaction.
03:43Initially, he may just panic from being discovered before going back inside his box, but smack
03:49him again and you might catch him in the act of fantasizing over a magazine model.
03:55Good sir, this is an E-rated game.
03:58The real Solid Snake might be able to get away with that sort of thing, but not here.
04:02Put that smut away, you dirty little bot.
04:12Raven Hunting
04:18The level Bot of War holds plenty of references and nods to the Nordic God of War games.
04:23It can be easy to completely forget about the level's secret collectible.
04:27Yes, Bot of War has a trophy tied to its own secret collectible, and the opening does hint
04:34at what it is.
04:35Yeah, it's Odin's stupid birds.
04:38Bot of War is hiding a total of eight ravens for you to destroy.
04:42Some are in obvious spots, others not so obvious spots.
04:47Just in case you can't tell if you found them all, there is an area with a mural that
04:51signifies how many you've found.
04:53Better get to hunting.
05:01Dances with Marsupials
05:10If you care about trophies, you probably already know about this, but your average player may
05:14not have thought to do this.
05:16Along with Ratchet and Rivet, Crash Bandicoot is one of the very first VIP bots you'll
05:21rescue in the game.
05:22However, to unlock his special interaction, you will need to unlock his collectible, the
05:27mighty Aku Aku.
05:29Once you do, head over to Crash's location at the Crash site and press down on the D-pad.
05:34Astro will then do Crash's iconic dance with the famed Marsupial, and yes, I was giggling
05:42like a complete idiot.
05:50The story of the Dude Raider
05:57To an outsider, calling an Uncharted-themed level Dude Raider might sound like a playful
06:02joke that doubles as a Tomb Raider reference.
06:05On the contrary, this name goes all the way back to when the very first Uncharted game
06:09was still in development.
06:11This may sound hard to believe, but folks weren't too keen on Nathan Drake initially.
06:16Because of the similarities to Tomb Raider, many dismissed Naughty Dog's new game as
06:21Dude Raider, nothing more than a knockoff Lara Croft.
06:25Funny how opinion shifts suddenly when the game turns out awesome, huh?
06:36The Most Valuable Treasure
06:43While the Dude Raider bit might not be news to some, there is another piece of Uncharted
06:47history some might have overlooked in Astro Bot.
06:51Upon defeating Lady Venamara, Nathan Drake appears from her chest along with a heap of
06:56gold coins, but sticking out of the treasure is a large gold PlayStation trophy.
07:02A nice touch, but there's more to the story here.
07:06Uncharted Drake's Fortune was the very first game to ever receive trophy support on PlayStation
07:12Network, and its trophy list was the first to be published before the game was even out.
07:17Since then, PlayStation trophies have spawned a community of their own and has encouraged
07:22many players to finally see their games through until the very end.
07:26Yours truly included, by the way.
07:28165 Platts
07:35Invasion of the Rubber Duckies
07:44One of the strange things you might have noticed about Astro Bot is just how often you'll
07:48see a rubber ducky.
07:50Every level, every room, every which where, you will find a rubber ducky hiding somewhere.
07:56What is with all the bath time mallards?
07:59Well, as bizarre as it may sound, rubber duckies do have a notable role in PlayStation's
08:05Back when it was still gearing up for launch, Sony used a tech demo for the PS3 that showed
08:09a bathtub filled with water and a handful of rubber duckies.
08:14This was done to show off the system's capabilities in rendering water and giving
08:17physics to multiple objects at once without severely compromising software.
08:22A few months after the PS3 launched, Sony even published a game based on the demo called
08:27Super Rub-n-Dub, which tasked players with trying to keep duckies in the tub while dumping
08:33out sharks.
08:41But what was your favorite Easter egg in Astro Bot?
08:44Let us know down in the comments below, and be sure to subscribe to Mojo Plays for more
08:47great videos every day.