New movie south #newmovie #stree2movie

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New movie south #newmovie #stree2movie
00:00Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
00:15Are you hurt?
00:16Please get up.
00:17What happened?
00:18I'm so sorry.
00:19Are you okay?
00:20I was just taking a dump.
00:21It's okay.
00:22I'll check on my phone.
00:23You should've checked on the car.
00:24It's not their fault.
00:25I'll check on my phone.
00:26It's okay.
00:27Yeah, I'm sorry.
00:28It's okay.
00:29Yeah, I'm fine.
00:40It's twenty past ten.
00:41You were talking about this dedicated, punctual and talented character.
00:44Come on, Riyan. It's Mumbai.
00:45There are more cars than cars on the roads.
00:48But Rewa just said that she's on the way.
00:50So, let's please wait for some time.
00:52No need.
00:54Riyan, one second.
00:58Rewa, this meeting is very important for us.
01:00And it's even more important that she cannot take us for granted.
01:09Meeting over, guys.
01:10Back to work.
01:15Excuse me, conference room?
01:16This way.
01:23Hi, sir.
01:28Sorry, sir.
01:29What time was the meeting?
01:31Ten o'clock.
01:32And what's the time?
01:36Ten twenty.
01:37Twenty two.
01:40Sorry, sir. I'm usually late.
01:41You've selected a special day to be late.
01:46Oh, Kathar.
01:48Guys, Dadi will be here in forty minutes.
01:50So, let's not waste any more time.
01:55Sir, I'm really sorry.
01:57But if you allow me, I can compensate for this twenty minute delay.
02:03Shall we?
02:13Guys, whoever has not met, she's Kathar.
02:28I know I'm late, so I'll get straight to the point.
02:30If we want to do justice to this project,
02:32then first of all, we have to stop being arrogant.
02:38Who do you think is arrogant in this room?
02:42All of us.
02:44We build buildings, sir.
02:45We put our lives into these buildings.
02:47We give them names and identities.
02:49So, we're their creators, right?
02:52In a way, we're the gods of this creation.
02:55As an architect,
02:56no one can understand better than us
02:58that every building has its own soul.
03:00And the mistake we're making now is
03:02that we're trying to put a new soul into these Dubai heritage buildings.
03:08We just want to keep them alive.
03:10We're not their gods.
03:12Their gods were their ancestors.
03:14A few hundred years ago,
03:15some Dubai architect must have put his life into them.
03:18We just want to keep them alive.
03:20Sit down and give the presentation.
03:24You're coming in front of the slides again and again.
03:27It's distracting.
03:40Sir, these are the designs
03:41that I made with today's contemporary architectural understanding.
03:45I've already rejected them in my mind.
03:49Sir, these are the designs
03:50that I made after researching the Dubai heritage.
03:53Are you sure these will be able to clear the rules and regulations of Dubai heritage?
03:56Sir, I think...
04:00Oh, are you sure?
04:05I'm sure, sir.
04:08Because I made these designs after studying the culture of Dubai.
04:11Look, Katha, I like the philosophies.
04:13But as an architect,
04:14Sir, we'll have to change the raw material of the preservation process.
04:19If we don't use cement, what will we use?
04:25Of course, with a local binder.
04:26But cement is ten times more durable.
04:29But, sir, Dubai's heritage buildings are not made of cement,
04:32but sand.
04:33I agree that now buildings are made of cement
04:35where people live.
04:36But, sir,
04:37if we don't use the raw material of the preservation process,
04:39what will we use?
04:41I agree that now buildings are made of cement
04:43where people live.
04:44But in buildings made of sand,
04:46their future, their pride is at stake.
04:49Today, if any Indian is told that
04:52Gateway of India should be restored not with stone,
04:54but with cement,
04:56we'll feel betrayed by our heritage.
05:08Sir, all I'm saying is that
05:09the foundation of the soil
05:11should be repaired with that.
05:13If we mix it for our convenience,
05:15it will be a betrayal.
05:17Sir, from a business point of view, it's also beneficial for us.
05:19Because we won't have to go to the desert to find sand.
05:22But we'll have to import cement.
05:24Which will increase our cost
05:26and also increase the carbon footprint.
05:28Which is against your company's philosophy.
05:32That's a valid point.
05:35So, sir, basically what I'm saying is
05:37that these old buildings
05:39have their own identity.
05:41Every architectural heritage has its own soul.
05:45We should ask that question twice.
05:47How can we keep you alive?
06:02Sam, Mr. Aptali is here. We need to hurry up.
06:04Guys, the client is here. He's early.
06:06That's why it's important to start the meeting on time.
06:09But I'm done, sir.
06:11Sir, I just wanted to tell you about the change in approach.
06:13The rest of the technical details are in the file.
06:15That will help you in your meeting.
06:23Thank you, sir.
06:24You patiently let me present my ideas.
06:27Don't thank me now.
06:28Your permanence
06:29depends on whether we get the project or not.
06:32Next time, don't be late even by mistake.
06:35And good job today.
06:40Thank you, sir.
06:41Presentation was really good.
06:55Wow, Katha!
06:57I don't know how to congratulate you.
06:59I don't know how to congratulate you.
07:01You're getting angry.
07:03To tell you the truth, a car driver hit me.
07:05He broke my bones.
07:06Oh, no!
07:07And now your Mr. Vyaan has shaken my confidence.
07:09I'm still alive.
07:10Why don't you get angry now?
07:12I hope I didn't hit you too hard.
07:14The presentation was good, right?
07:16I got hurt badly.
07:17And what about me?
07:18You know, there was a 20-minute pin drop silence in the conference room.
07:21Everyone was staring at me.
07:24Actually, Aarav was unwell in the morning.
07:27Is he okay now?
07:28Yeah, he's better now.
07:30Get him some water, please.
07:35Who is it?
07:37It's Aarav's doctor.
07:41Hi, doctor.
07:42Hi, Katha.
07:43Can I come to the hospital?
07:44What happened, doctor?
07:45Is it something urgent?
07:46Yes, you can come now.
07:48Yes, I'll be there.
07:49Yeah, waiting.
07:51What happened?
07:53Aarav's doctor called me urgently.
07:56I have to go now.
07:58Everyone in the office thinks I'm single.
08:00I'm not a single mother.
08:01And single people don't have any excuses.
08:04I don't know what to say, Aarav.
08:05Forget the excuses.
08:06I'll handle it.
08:07You go.
08:08Sure, right?
08:09Please manage.
08:10It's okay. Bye.
08:20Please, have a seat.
08:21Have a seat.
08:26So, we want to be the humble restorers of your heritage.
08:30Not just the architects.
08:33And that is why, for the designs of the Dubai heritage…
08:37We'll use sand.
08:39Because the sand of the desert is your biggest…
08:46The buildings made of sand have your past and your pride.
08:49And also the solution to your one-year deadline.
08:52If we use sand, our material procurement time will be reduced by half.
08:58We want to give this project that face…
09:01Which is similar to his character.
09:02Which means, his soul will be clearly visible on his face.
09:06Our lead designer says…
09:08That every architectural heritage has a soul of its own.
09:12We should talk to him and ask him…
09:14Brother, you tell us…
09:15How do we keep you alive?
09:25I didn't get the last part.
09:28But I feel you.
09:29This is so…
09:33But what I want to know is…
09:35Will this project be completed within the given timeline?
09:43I've thought about this as well.
09:46What you're demanding is not really what you want or need.
09:49You don't need a complete project.
09:51You just need a glimpse of the project.
09:53A glimpse.
09:54That's all you need.
09:56You just need a glimpse to show everyone at your investors' meet.
09:59And that's why by the end of this financial year…
10:01We'll give you the outer structure of the building…
10:03And an auditorium.
10:05The rest of the work will be done in the background…
10:07And will continue at its base.
10:17Come, Katha.
10:21Aarav's reports?
10:23Have a seat.
10:31Tell me.
10:33I'm ready.
10:35Katha, we've found a donor for Aarav.
10:42Katha, we've found a donor for Aarav.
10:51Found a donor?
10:54Found a donor?
10:55Yes, Katha.
11:01How will I thank him?
11:06Found a donor!
11:12When you call me, doctor…
11:14I get really scared.
11:16Because you always say on the phone…
11:18That it's very important to find a donor for Aarav.
11:21We don't have time. His reports are getting worse.
11:25You've changed everything, doctor.
11:27I just…
11:30Thank you so much.
11:31Thank you, Amit.
11:33This was the best news ever, doctor.
11:36I'm so sorry. I just don't know how to react.
11:38I'm so sorry.
11:40It's fine.
11:43You tell me.
11:46We've found a donor, so…
11:48What's the problem now?
11:50Is the treatment difficult?
11:52There can be complications after the surgery.
11:53There can be side effects.
11:55I understand.
11:57I'm ready. I'm ready for it.
12:01It's not about the treatment.
12:06Then what?
12:07Katha, we've made an estimate of the final treatment cost.
12:10It's about the money, doctor.
12:12Doctor, I've been saving money for so many years.
12:15I have enough. You…
12:17Katha, listen to me.
12:22This is the final estimate cost.
12:54What are you thinking, Burhan?
12:56This is the only way to get what you want.
13:04But, Viyan, this will not solve our…
13:28One crore?
13:29I know this is a huge amount, Katha.
13:31But Arav's complications are very rare.
13:33There are very few doctors in the world who can tackle this transplant.
13:36There's a team of doctors in New York who I've spoken to.
13:39It's the best option for us.
13:40They'll have to come here.
13:41When they gave me this estimate, even I was shocked, Katha.
13:44But, you know, we don't have any other option.
13:47You know that Arav's previous reports were also bad.
13:55Even this morning, he…
13:57He coughed.
13:59He's in a lot of pain.
14:02Half of his life is incomplete.
14:03How is he living?
14:06I… I understand.
14:12We can't take Arav to New York.
14:15There was an option to take him to New York.
14:17The expenses would have been less.
14:19Arav's condition requires a 26-hour journey.
14:22He won't be able to take it.
14:25And trust me, Katha, I've exhausted all the options.
14:27It's the best option for us to call the New York surgeons here.
14:31Please understand.
14:46And the heritage walk too.
14:58Take care of my project and my honour.
15:03Of course, Habibi.
15:04That's how you say it, right?
15:08Maskur, Habibi.
15:14Thank you, Mr. Vidhali.
15:15Thank you, Mr. Vidhali.
15:20And you were getting nervous.
15:21Vihaan Raghuvanshi literally…
15:23Quoting Katha Singh?
15:25Not bad, bro.
15:27One second. What was that?
15:28Sick people should have a soul.
15:30They should have a soul.
15:31Talk to them.
15:32Shut up.
15:33Come on, bro.
15:34Admit it.
15:35That girl impressed you today.
15:36What she quoted was impressive.
15:39If someone else from the team had done it,
15:40it would have been as impressive.
15:41Yeah, but if you had grilled someone else from the team
15:43like you did to Katha,
15:45no one would have been able to say anything about the quote.
15:47But Katha?
15:49Katha has pinballed you today, my brother.
15:53You're doing it again.
15:56What women do to men.
15:58We got the project.
15:59We're not celebrating her happiness.
16:00But you're arguing and singing praises for that girl.
16:02Yeah, because clearly she deserves it.
16:03I don't understand how you get so impressed so easily.
16:06What do you know about that girl?
16:07What do I know about her?
16:09The girl is talented.
16:10She proved it today.
16:11What else do you want?
16:12We've only seen the philosophies and designs.
16:13So what?
16:14We still have to work on the execution.
16:16That will be done.
16:18She's single.
16:19There's no one behind her.
16:20As per her details.
16:22So yeah, no responsibilities.
16:23No liabilities.
16:25Is there anything else in Katha's life other than work?
16:26Is there anything else in my life other than Aarav, doctor?
16:29But even if I give my all,
16:30I'll only be able to save Rs. 48,77,000.
16:34What do I do with Rs. 1 crore?
16:39Aarav is my life.
16:41And all my earnings today
16:42are not enough to save my life.
16:46What do I do?
16:48What do I do?
