Avoiding Another Hiroshima: Tokyo’s Fight to Prevent the Next Atomic Horror

  • last month
Haunted by survivor's guilt, a kamikaze pilot seeks redemption as a giant monster he once failed to destroy, now mutated by radiation from atomic bomb tests, wreaks havoc on post-WWII Japan.
00:001945. On the final day of World War II, a fighter plane tried to land at Odo Island.
00:06Shikishima, a kamikaze pilot, land his plane due to mechanical issues. After Tachibana and his
00:13crew inspect the plane, they tell Shikishima that there's nothing wrong with it, but Shikishima
00:18denies this and walks away. One of the mechanics approaches Shikishima and tells him he made the
00:24right decision not to fulfill his orders since they all know the war is already lost. He then
00:29notices a few dead fish floating, their guts bursting from their mouths. That night, the
00:35air raid alarm sounds, causing everyone to prepare for battle, but they can't see the enemy due to
00:40the darkness. Suddenly, they hear a loud roar coming from the beach. Tachibana orders the
00:46tower guard to light up the beach, revealing a massive monster. The creature charges toward
00:51the tower and destroys it. In shock, one of the mechanics mentions hearing the locals call the
00:56monster Gojira, a creature from the deep sea. Tachibana orders everyone to hide in the bunker,
01:01then tells Shikishima to get to his plane and shoot Gojira with the 20mm gun as he's the only
01:07one who knows how to use it. Terrified, Shikishima quietly approaches the plane and enters the
01:13cockpit. But as he does, he sees Gojira's menacing face up close, freezing him in fear. As Gojira
01:19nears the bunker, one mechanic, Hanek, fires his gun, causing the others to follow suit and further
01:26agitate Gojira. Tachibana orders everyone to flee the bunker. Gojira stomps on it, then begins
01:33attacking everyone in sight without mercy. One mechanic tries to lure Gojira towards Shikishima
01:39so he can shoot, but is killed. Scared, Shikishima exits his cockpit just before Gojira throws the
01:45plane, causing an explosion that knocks him unconscious. In the morning, Shikishima wakes
01:51to find all the bodies lined up. Tachibana, who also survived, angrily blames Shikishima for not
01:58shooting Gojira, which led to everyone's death. Later, they are rescued by a military ship.
02:04Tachibana hands an envelope to Shikishima before walking away. Shikishima opens it and is shocked,
02:11quickly hiding it. Shikishima arrives in Tokyo and finds out his house was burned down.
02:17Sumiko, his neighbor, spots him and, in disbelief, asks how he survived despite being a kamikaze
02:24pilot. She then accuses him of failing to fulfill his duty and blames him for all the destruction.
02:30Shikishima asks about his parents, and Sumiko tells him that they and her child died during
02:35an air raid. A few days later, while eating at the market, Shikishima hears someone being chased
02:41for stealing. He stops the thief, but the thief hands him something and continues running.
02:46Confused, Shikishima realizes he's holding a baby. He waits for the thief to return and almost leave
02:52the baby, but eventually decides to take the baby with him. The thief reappears, and Shikishima
02:58hands back the baby. The thief asks why he didn't abandon the baby, and Shikishima responds,
03:04how could he leave the baby behind alone? Impressed, the thief begins following Shikishima,
03:10despite him telling her not to. At his place, he tells her to leave after feeding the baby.
03:16He asks where her husband is, and she reveals she's never been married, and the baby isn't hers.
03:22The baby's mother asks her to care for the child before dying in an air raid.
03:27Shikishima asks the baby's name and learns it's Kiko, while the woman name is Noriko,
03:33and they share the same fate, having lost their families to the war. Then, Noriko and Kiko fall
03:39asleep, leaving Shikishima feeling guilty to ask them to leave. The next morning, Sumiko asks if
03:46Shikishima is trying to be a saint by picking up the mother and child. He tries to ignore her,
03:52but then she asks if the mother can breastfeed. Shikishima explains that Noriko isn't Kiriko's
03:57real mother. Then, Sumiko checks Akiko's condition and warns that the baby will die
04:03of malnutrition. She scolds Noriko for not thinking clearly and gives them some white rice,
04:09telling them it's for Akiko, which makes them grateful. After a few months,
04:13Shikishima lives with Noriko and Akiko. Noriko asks if he's found any work. He tells her he got
04:19a high-paying job. Concerned, Noriko asks if it's a scam, but Shikishima explains it's a
04:25government-approved job cleaning mines at sea. Noriko, worried about the danger, tries to stop
04:31him, but Shikishima insists they need the money for Akiko and assures her it's not like the war,
04:37and he'd been told that they were using a special boat. The next day, Shikishima is shocked when he
04:42sees the boat. He meets Captain Akitsu, crew member Mizushima, and scientist Noda. Noda
04:49explains that during the war, the U.S. and Imperial Navy laid 60,000 mines off Japan's coast,
04:56with the worst being magnetic mines, so they must use a wooden boat. Akitsu explains that
05:02they'll work with another boat to cut the mine's wires using cables with cutters between the boats.
05:07Once the mines float to the surface, they'll shoot them with a 13mm machine gun,
05:12though it's difficult to aim due to the waves. Shikishima tries and successfully hits the target,
05:19explaining that it's similar to his plane training. Mizushima, excited, says he wishes the
05:25war had lasted longer, causing Shikishima to grab his vest and angrily ask if he really means it.
05:31Mizushima quickly apologizes. That night, Shikishima wakes to bright lights and hears a
05:36commotion outside. Rushing out, he sees a few mechanics running and suddenly watches as one
05:42man is stomped by a large foot. Shikishima looks up and sees Gojira, and begins screaming only to
05:49wake up from the nightmare, startling Noriko awake as well. Noriko gives Shikishima some water and
05:55asks if he had another bad dream. Shikishima, still scared, shocked, and confused, approaches
06:02Noriko and asks if it was really just a nightmare and if he's truly back in Tokyo. Noriko pushes him
06:08away to force him to calm down, but he notices a few photos on the table and begins blaming himself.
06:14In July 1946, during Operation Crossroad at Bikini Atoll, a massive atomic bomb explosion affected
06:22Gojira under the sea. Nearly two years have passed, and Shikishima has lived peacefully with
06:27Noriko and Akiko, slowly rebuilding their lives together. One night, while Shikishima is having
06:33dinner at home with his co-workers, Noda takes a picture of Noriko after asking her permission.
06:39Akitsu jokingly tells Noda that Noriko is already married, but Noriko clarifies that she's still
06:45single, leaving the others confused and looking at Shikishima. Shikishima explains the situation,
06:52and Akiko suddenly calls him dad, but he gently reminds her that he isn't her father.
06:57Mizushima tells Shikishima he shouldn't say that, and Akitsu remarks that fate has brought them
07:03together, so he should embrace it. Mizushima tries to lighten the mood, but Shikishima cuts him off,
07:09saying that's not what he wants. After returning from work, Shikishima is shocked to see Noriko
07:15greeting him in formal clothes. She tells him she just returned from Ginza and has found a job there.
07:22Concerned, he asks if the money he gives her isn't enough. Noriko replies that she needs to
07:28start taking care of herself and gives Shikishima the chance to find a wife. Shikishima then asks
07:33about Akiko, and Noriko explains that Sumiko has agreed to look after her while she's at work.
07:39Shikishima accepts it and didn't say anything. Meanwhile, the U.S. military is investigating
07:46attacks on several of their naval ships by an unknown enemy. They discover a massive organism
07:52emitting radiation and roaming the Pacific, now heading toward Japan. The U.S. advises Japan to
07:57strengthen its defenses, and they can't offer help due to tensions with the Soviet Union.
08:02Shikishima and his crew has been sent by the government to a wreckage of a U.S. military ship
08:08and are shocked by the damage. They can't imagine what could have caused it. Shikishima notices
08:13dead fish floating in the water and tells the others that Gojira might have attacked the ship.
08:18He recalls the nightmare incident at Odo Island and suggests that Gojira may have grown even larger.
08:24Scared, Nizishima asks why the government sent them out with such poor equipment
08:30and what they can do against Gojira. Noda explains that their orders are to stall for time until the
08:35battleship Takao returns from Singapore. They've also been told not to tell anyone about their
08:40mission. Hearing this, Akitsu expresses his frustration, saying that nothing has changed
08:46since before the war. While on lookout duty, Noda offers Shikishima a drink and tells him not to
08:52push himself too hard. Shikishima confesses that he wants to avenge the people who died at Odo
08:57Island, but he's also terrified of Gojira. Suddenly, they notice a large number of dead fish floating
09:04around the boat. Shikishima alerts the crew and urges Akitsu to retreat, saying it's impossible
09:09to fight with their current boat. But Akitsu ignores him and orders the other boat to prepare
09:14for battle. Noda helps Shikishima try to convince Akitsu to retreat, but Akitsu insists that if they
09:20run, Gojira will attack Tokyo, and he doesn't want to see that happen again after the war.
09:25Their conversation is interrupted when suddenly the other boat destroyed by a massive Gojira
09:30without a fight. Horrified, Akitsu tries to start the engine, but it fails, so he orders Noda to
09:37fix it while Gojira moves toward them. Noda manages to repair the engine, and Akitsu steers the boat
09:43away while the others begin to drop the mines. They successfully drop the mines in Gojira's path,
09:48and Akitsu orders Mizushima to detonate them, causing a huge explosion but it has no effect
09:54on Gojira. Akitsu then orders Shikishima to shoot at Gojira with the machine gun, but Shikishima's
10:00hands start to shake. Akitsu yells at him to fire, and Shikishima finally shoots, but it has no effect.
10:07Noda suggests attacking inside Gojira's mouth, so they drop a mine into Gojira's open mouth.
10:13Mizushima tries to detonate it, but nothing happens, and they discover that the detonation
10:19cable has been cut. Shikishima tells everyone to take cover and begins shooting at the mines
10:24inside Gojira's mouth, causing an explosion that nearly capsizes their boat. They see that Gojira
10:30has stopped and is injured, but it quickly begins to heal. Gojira starts moving again,
10:35looking at their boat with menacing eyes. Suddenly, the battleship Takal arrives and
10:40begins firing at Gojira, forcing the creature to dive underwater and swim toward the ship.
10:45Gojira re-emerges and attacks the Takal. The battleship manages to fire at close range,
10:51forcing Gojira to sink again, but then a blue light glows from beneath the water,
10:55and Gojira releases a long beam that shoots through the Takal, causing a massive explosion.
11:01Shikishima and the others watch in shock. Horrified by the destruction,
11:05as Gojira leaves them behind, Shikishima faints from the injury.
11:09Later, Shikishima awakens in a hospital after being rescued. He insists they must warn the
11:14public and begin evacuating the city, but Noda explains that the government has decided to keep
11:20it secret to avoid chaos. Akitsu adds that the government will do anything to control the
11:25information. Back home, Noriko asks Shikishima what really happened, but he tries to avoid her
11:31questions. She tells him that over the years, he has cared for her and Akiko, and she hopes he can
11:38share his burden with her. Shikishima looks at Noriko and begins telling her the truth,
11:43that he was a kamikaze pilot and shows her the envelope he received from Tachibana.
11:48He confesses that during the war, he ran from his duty and landed at Odo Island,
11:53lying about his plane having issues. There, he encountered Gojira and was asked to fight,
11:59but he failed, leading to the deaths of all the mechanics there.
12:02Shikishima admits that today, he failed once again after confronting Gojira.
12:07He doubts if he even deserves to be alive. Noriko gently reassures him,
12:12saying that everyone who survived the war deserves to live.
12:15Shikishima, filled with anger and guilt, snaps back, asking how she could possibly know that.
12:21Noriko shares her own experience how, as her parents burned in the bombing,
12:25they told her to keep living. She explains that she knows she must continue to live for them too.
12:31Overwhelmed with guilt, Shikishima begins to wonder if he's truly alive or just a dream of
12:36a dead man. Noriko hugs him tightly, telling him that he's alive.
12:40The next morning, Shikishima wakes up and watches Noriko and Akiko. He glances at his
12:46parents' altar and quietly asks if it's okay for him to start living again.
12:50Meanwhile, the Coast Guard tracks Gojira, who is heading toward Japan.
12:54Bombs are planted to stop the creature, but they seem to have no effect.
12:59At home, Shikishima plays with Akiko when suddenly, they hear the air raid alarm.
13:04The radio announces that a monster has come ashore near Ginza.
13:08Chaos ensues as people flee the area, but Gojira already in land.
13:12Unaware, Noriko rides a train into the city when suddenly, a container crashes onto the tracks,
13:18forcing the train to stop. Confused, Noriko looks outside and is horrified by the sight
13:24of the massive Gojira towering over the city. As Gojira approaches, it bites into the train,
13:30lifting it off the tracks. Noriko, trapped inside, clings to her seat.
13:34When Gojira starts moving again, she nearly falls but manages to grab a pole.
13:39She notices seawater beneath her and makes a desperate jump,
13:43barely avoiding being crushed as the train is tossed aside.
13:46Gojira continues to destroy buildings as it pushes further into the city.
13:50Noriko managed to get to land but soon finds herself directly in Gojira's path.
13:55In shock and paralyzed with fear, she falls.
13:58In the chaos, Shikishima finds her and picks her up,
14:01running desperately with Gojira still behind them.
14:04Suddenly, they hear cannon fire. Tanks are firing at Gojira, but it has no effect.
14:09The spikes on Gojira's tail begin to glow, lighting up one by one along its back.
14:15Gojira inhales deeply before unleashing a massive atomic beam toward the tanks,
14:19causing an enormous explosion. The force creates a powerful shockwave.
14:24In a split second, Noriko pushes Shikishima into an alley, saving him,
14:28but she is blown away by the blast. As the dust settles,
14:32Shikishima emerges from the alley and searches for Noriko, but all he finds is destruction.
14:37He falls to his knees, feeling lost and hopeless, as he gazes at Gojira,
14:42roars loudly and resumes its march through the ruined city.
14:45Overcome with grief and rage, Shikishima screams at Gojira as the rain begins to fall,
14:51dust from the explosion mixing with the downpour.
14:54The destruction caused by Gojira leaves 30,000 people dead or injured,
14:58and 20,000 homes and buildings destroyed.
15:01Radiation from the attack makes rescue efforts difficult.
15:04After Noriko's funeral, Shikishima remains in a state of grief, his friends by his side.
15:10Akiko, confused and missing her mother, asks where she is.
15:15Sumiko tells her that her mother is still at work.
15:17Akiko starts crying, and the room falls silent.
15:21Shikishima, lost in thought, looks at a picture of the mechanics who died at Odo Island
15:26and questions whether they can't forgive him that it's his fault for daring to dream of living again.
15:31Nodao approaches Shikishima,
15:34telling him about a civilian-led operation to stop Gojira and asks if he wants to join.
15:38At the meeting, a group of ex-military civilians,
15:42including Shikishima and his friends, gather.
15:45Ex-Destroyer Captain Hada arrives and explains their situation.
15:49He reveals that the operation is being conducted by civilians because
15:53tensions between the US and the Soviet Union prevent the government from involving the military.
15:58The only resources they've been able to secure are for destroyers
16:02that were supposed to be handed over to the UN.
16:05Frustration mounts as people question how they're supposed to face Gojira with disarmed boats
16:10and why they're being asked to sacrifice their lives again after barely surviving the war.
16:15Nodao steps forward and presents his plan.
16:18He explains that conventional weapons are useless against Gojira
16:21as the creature can heal itself based on their previous encounters.
16:26Nodao proposes a strategy using Freon bubbles to prevent Gojira from contacting seawater
16:31and force it to sink to the ocean floor.
16:33The plan is to lure Gojira to the Sagami Trench,
16:36the nearest deepwater area, and strap Freon cylinders to the creature.
16:40The Freon will create membrane bubbles that will rapidly sink Gojira,
16:45subjecting it to extreme pressure that should crush it.
16:47Akitsu questions whether this will affect Gojira,
16:50considering it already lives in deep water.
16:53Nodao explains, every 25 seconds,
16:56the pressure at the trench's depth reaches 1,500 tons per square meter,
17:01an amount no creature, even one from the deep sea, could withstand.
17:05Shikishima stands and asks if Nodao can guarantee that they'll kill Gojira.
17:09Nodao admits they can't guarantee anything, as their knowledge of Gojira is limited.
17:14Hearing this, Shikishima starts to leave the meeting, but Nodao persuades him to stay,
17:19insisting that this is their best chance.
17:22Shikishima reluctantly sits back down.
17:24Nodao continues explaining the plan, using two destroyers.
17:28They will wrap the Freon cylinders around Gojira with cables and sink it to the ocean floor.
17:33Shikishima interrupts, asking what will happen if the plan fails.
17:37Nodao reveals the backup plan, inflatable levitation.
17:41If Gojira withstands the pressure, they will force it to the surface rapidly,
17:46subjecting it to massive decompression, which could potentially kill it.
17:50The captain asks everyone to support the plan,
17:52emphasizing that this is their only chance to save the country.
17:56A man steps forward, expressing the frustration of having to fight again
18:00after just starting to rebuild their lives and families after surviving the war.
18:04The captain reassures them that no one is being forced to participate,
18:08and they are free to leave.
18:09Some people do leave, but another man steps forward,
18:13saying it's not like they are fighting a war like before.
18:16Another agrees, adding that if they don't do it themselves, who will save them from Gojira?
18:21This sentiment lifts the spirits of those who remain.
18:24After the meeting, Shikishima and the crew eat at a food stall.
18:27Nodao explains that Gojira may add Tokyo to its territory after the last attack
18:32and that it will likely return soon.
18:34They plan to use acoustic minesweepers to play recordings of Gojira's voice
18:39to lure it to the Sagami Trench.
18:40Shikishima asks Nodao if he can get him a fighter plane,
18:44saying he could use it to lure Gojira more effectively since it's easier to maneuver.
18:48Nodao tells him that all planes were decommissioned after the war
18:52and with Gojira's heatweave ability, it would be too risky.
18:55Shikishima says he's willing to take the risk,
18:58but Akitsu sarcastically asks if he has a death wish and only wants to avenge Noriko.
19:03Shikishima responds, asking if it's wrong for him to want that.
19:07Akitsu grabs Shikishima and tell him it's too late,
19:10if he loved Noriko, why didn't he marry her after all these years?
19:14Shikishima replies that it wasn't because he didn't love her,
19:17but because for him, the war hasn't ended.
19:20The next morning, Shikishima meets Nodao,
19:23who has found a fighter plane that was developed near the end of the war.
19:26It was designed to shoot down bombers in the city but was never used
19:30and has been resting away since.
19:32They will need a mechanic experienced in repairing fighter planes
19:36and Shikishima says he knows just the person.
19:38He tries to locate Tachibana, the mechanic, but failed.
19:42He writes letters to all the addresses Tachibana was posted to before Odo Island.
19:47Nodao warns Shikishima that they don't have time to wait for Tachibana
19:51and suggests finding another mechanic,
19:53but Shikishima insists, confident that his letter will reach Tachibana.
19:57That night, someone knocks Shikishima out from behind
20:00and he wakes up tied down with Tachibana standing before him.
20:04Tachibana throws all the letters at him, furious,
20:08asking why Shikishima lying in the letters
20:10by claiming that the Odo Island incident was his fault.
20:13Shikishima explains that he needs Tachibana to find him
20:16so he can repair the plane for attack on Gojira.
20:19Tachibana grabs Shikishima's hair and says he doesn't want to help,
20:23but Shikishima begs, explaining that Gojira can only be killed from the inside
20:28and he want to do a kamikaze attack.
20:30He told Tachibana, the war isn't over for both of them.
20:33The next day, Shikishima arrives at the meeting with a wound,
20:37explaining it was from a drunken fall.
20:39Tachibana shows up with his crew and agrees to help repair the plane.
20:43The team locates Gojira,
20:44and Noda estimates it will reach Tokyo by 11am the next day.
20:48They plan to move at 8am,
20:50and Noda encourages everyone to spend time with their families tonight
20:54and then asks if they should be prepared to die.
20:56Noda reflects on how government has treated life cheaply during war,
21:01with poorly armored tanks,
21:02fighter planes built without ejection seats,
21:05and supply chains that left many to die of starvation and disease,
21:09not to mention the kamikaze attacks.
21:11This time, however, the battle is about fighting to save lives,
21:15not sacrificing them.
21:16Akitsu tells Mizushima to stay out of the battle,
21:19but Mizushima insists he wants to contribute.
21:22Akitsu told him, not having been to war is something he need to be proud of.
21:26The next morning, Shikishima arrives at the hangar and asks Tachibana if the plane is ready.
21:31Tachibana confirms that they've equipped it with bombs,
21:34but Shikishima notices his hands trembling,
21:37knowing deep down he's not ready to die.
21:40Tachibana tells him it's the same for everyone who died at Odo Island.
21:43Shikishima takes out a picture Tachibana gave him and a painting from Akiko,
21:48telling Tachibana that he'll do whatever it takes to ensure Akiko has a future.
21:52Seeing Shikishima's determination,
21:54Tachibana told him to pull the safety pin before diving.
21:58Meanwhile, Sumiko sees Akiko standing outside and receives an envelope from her.
22:03Inside is money and a letter from Shikishima, asking her to take care of Akiko.
22:07At the coast, the port authorities detect Gojira
22:10and the team prepares to deploy the underwater guidance decoys to lure it to the trench.
22:15Suddenly, a boat flies from the sea, shocking everyone Gojira is already near.
22:19Shikishima prepares to take off, bringing Noriko's picture with him.
22:24Nona tells Akitsu they need to embark immediately and trust Shikishima to lure Gojira.
22:28The destroyers begin to depart, Shikishima radios the others,
22:32informing them that he'll lure Gojira to the trench.
22:35Akitsu urges him not to leave Akiko alone, but Shikishima doesn't respond.
22:40At home, Sumiko receives a telegram and, after reading it, is in disbelief.
22:46Shikishima distracts Gojira, successfully luring it out to sea,
22:50where the other ships prepare to proceed with the plan.
22:52As Shikishima continues to distract Gojira to destroyer's approach,
22:57but Gojira charges its heat ray.
22:59The heat ray obliterates the destroyers, but it turns out it was just a decoy.
23:03The explosion creates a massive wave, shaking everyone.
23:07One sailor suggests retreating,
23:09but Noda told them that Gojira needs time to regenerate before firing again.
23:13With that, the captain orders them to proceed with the plan.
23:16They release the Freon cylinders,
23:18attaching cables between to ships and moving in to encircle Gojira.
23:22Shikishima continues to attack Gojira,
23:25keeping its attention away from the destroyers as they work to wrap the cables around it.
23:29After a tense moment, they successfully tighten the cables,
23:33but Gojira begins to charge its beam again.
23:35Noda orders Akitsu to hit the switch,
23:37causing an explosion that sends Gojira sinking rapidly into the trench.
23:42At 1,500 meters deep, Gojira suddenly stops moving.
23:46Just as they believe they've won, the cables are violently pulled,
23:50signaling that Gojira is still alive.
23:52Noda activates the inflatable levitation devices attached to Gojira,
23:56forcing it to rise rapidly.
23:58The decompression causes severe damage to Gojira,
24:01but it stops at 800 meters, biting through the inflatable devices.
24:05The captain orders the two ships to pull Gojira up with everything they have,
24:09but the weight is too much, and the cranes break.
24:12Just then, they receive a radio call from a tugboat.
24:15It's Mizushima, arriving with other tugboats to assist.
24:19Together, the tugboats manage to pull Gojira to the surface.
24:22In visible pain, Gojira begins to charge its beam in a final act of desperation.
24:27The crew watches in despair, accepting their fate,
24:30but at the last moment,
24:32Noda and Akitsu notice Shikishima flying straight toward Gojira.
24:35Before diving, Shikishima pulls the safety pin,
24:38crashing into Gojira's mouth, causing a massive explosion.
24:42The crew watches in shock, but Noda sees Shikishima's parachute in the sky,
24:46which Tachibana had install an ejection seat, and he told Shikishima to stay alive.
24:51As Gojira stops moving and begins to crumble,
24:54a light blue beam erupts from its body, and it sinks into the sea.
24:58At the port, Sumiko came with Akiko,
25:00hand a letter to Shikishima, who is shocked and confused after reading it.
25:05Shikishima and Akiko arrive at the hospital and are astonished to find Noriko alive.
25:10Noriko asks Shikishima if his war has finally ended,
25:13causing him to fall to his knees in tears, nodding.
25:16However, a faint bulging vein appears on Noriko's neck slowly,
25:20and at sea, parts of Gojira begin to regenerate, hinting that this may not be the end.
