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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 7 Episode 8 Sleeper


00:00to the ground but even i can feel it something's coming i don't know what exactly but something's
00:06brewing that's a big ugly attempt it makes you and me look like little bitty puzzle pieces
00:13you're gonna live in a small room over there i know it looks like a closet but it's a room now
00:17and i hate this plan you don't understand when his problems became your problems
00:21the school basement is making him crazy we can't just leave him there
00:25it's just things are different now he has a soul mom
00:35get off her and let her talk to me things are coming dawn when it's bad buffy won't choose you
00:46no you don't know hurts this last year is gonna seem like cake after what i put you
00:52and your friends through and i am not a fan of easy death fact is the whole good versus evil
00:59balancing the scales thing i'm over it but believe me i'm going for a big finish
01:10from beneath you it devours
01:15what do you mean how do you know spike what do you mean how he was the guy that um
01:21oh what's the word sired yeah he was the guy that sired me
01:40okay okay i'm coming i'm up it's 4 30 in the morning sweet momolution
01:47who is it it's me
01:53buffy where's spike spike spike xander is he here no he's out at least he was when i got home
02:02any idea where he went i don't know creature the night buff he's probably out creaturing
02:09why what happened
02:13is he in trouble
02:14i hope not
03:14-♪ Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-
05:27She's not here.
05:33Oh, my God.
05:36What are you...
05:38Dawn, what happened here?
05:43You're cut.
05:45I'm all right.
05:46Let me see. Make sure.
05:48I saw Mom.
05:54She was here, Willow. I saw her.
05:57She was here, and she spoke to me.
06:00Oh, sweetie.
06:02No, she was... she was right here, and...
06:06and then she wasn't.
06:08She... it wasn't her.
06:13Well, at least, I don't think.
06:16I saw something, too,
06:19and it looked like...
06:22someone else.
06:24But it wasn't.
06:27I don't understand.
06:29It's the big bad, Dawn.
06:32The one we knew was coming.
06:35But that's what she said.
06:38Mom, she said that things were coming,
06:41that things were on their way,
06:45that she loved us.
06:48So it had to be her, right?
06:51I mean, her warning was true.
06:54I don't know.
06:56I just don't think we can trust anything right now.
07:01So maybe the evil thing messing with you was here, too.
07:05Only maybe it was the thing trying to keep Mom away.
07:10Because she was trying to protect me.
07:20Why would vampires lie about who sired them?
07:24What's that? Some kind of status symbol for the undead?
07:27My sire can beat up your sire?
07:31I'm not saying I don't believe them.
07:34You just don't want to.
07:39Okay, let's look at this objectively.
07:42Figure it out in a cold and personal, CSI-like manner.
07:46Because we're a couple of carpet fibers away from the case.
07:50Spike can't be the one doing this.
07:52He couldn't if he wanted to.
07:54Why not?
07:56Well, for one thing, pain chip, remember?
07:58He can't hurt anyone.
08:00It didn't stop him from hurting you.
08:02Hey, objective here.
08:04Maybe the chip's not working anymore.
08:06Oh, it's working. I've seen it.
08:08Is it? Or is that what Spike wants you to think?
08:12You think it's an act?
08:14I don't really know.
08:16And neither do you.
08:18No. There's something. I can feel it.
08:21He's different. He's changed.
08:25And if it is an act,
08:28then the Oscar goes to...
08:35Well, this can't be good.
08:37You heard this all.
08:39No trouble?
08:43No trouble. I... I was just...
08:46We were just...
08:52None of my business.
08:54No worries.
08:58Spike, I...
09:04How was your night?
09:07It's all right.
09:10And yours?
09:12Did you, uh...
09:14bag any baddies?
09:22Uh, someone I used to know, actually.
09:25A little.
09:31Holden Webster.
09:34You knew him, huh?
09:38That must have been a picnic.
09:52I'm gonna turn in before I drop.
10:05You see that?
10:07You see how he reacted when you mentioned webs?
10:10Cool as cool web.
10:12What's up with that?
10:14The sun's coming up.
10:16I need to get home and check on Don.
10:18We need to keep an eye on Spike.
10:20Whoa, whoa, whoa. When you say we, you mean me.
10:23That means gotta go to work.
10:25I got a big client meeting in a couple of hours.
10:27Xander, this is serious.
10:29We cannot let him leave this house
10:31until we know if he is killing again.
10:33We need to find someone that can watch him.
10:36Uh-uh. Forget it, Harris.
10:38Come on, Arnie. You said you'd do it on the phone.
10:40Yeah, but that...
10:42That was before you told me Spike's killing again,
10:45and now you want to leave me here alone with him?
10:47Didn't mind being alone with him before.
10:49What was that?
10:53Look, we don't actually know that he's killed Newham.
10:57You know lately.
10:59Might all just be a mistake.
11:01Yeah, but you don't think so.
11:03Okay, have you searched his room for clues?
11:07For clues?
11:09Trophies from victims?
11:11Killers like to keep trophies sometimes.
11:15Necklaces made from human teeth?
11:18You know, I didn't encourage him to look,
11:20but thanks for the tip.
11:22Okay, so you'll be safe in here.
11:24Plenty of sunlight for you to hide in.
11:26What? That's it?
11:28You're not at least gonna, like, leave me a crossbow
11:31or a flamethrower, something to protect myself?
11:33We don't want him to know we suspect anything.
11:35Besides, if he tries to leave, I don't want you confronting him.
11:38Call Buffy and just let her know that he's on the move.
11:41You're gonna be fine.
11:45Better be.
11:47Because if I get vamped, I'm gonna bite your ass.
11:50Wouldn't be the first time.
11:52What was that?
11:59Buffy, it's okay.
12:01She's okay and not hurt.
12:03She's just exhausted.
12:05Finally fell off to sleep.
12:07What the hell happened?
12:09Downstairs looks like...
12:11Hell happened? Yeah.
12:13This big evil that's been promising to devour us?
12:16Well, I think it's started charging at us.
12:19I don't know.
12:21Something to devour us?
12:23Well, I think it started chomping.
12:25Oh, God.
12:27And it started with Don?
12:29Both of us.
12:31Buffy, this thing knows us.
12:33It made us think that we were talking to people we knew.
12:37Mine said it came with a message from Tara.
12:41But Don actually saw...
12:47Your mother.
12:52This thing, it had me for a while.
12:56I mean, before it started letting loose with the pulse-pounding terror.
13:02But before that, the lies were very convincing.
13:07It just seems real.
13:14I mean, maybe to confuse us, to mess us up.
13:18Or maybe just to be cruel.
13:22Vampire I killed last night.
13:25Told me Spikes hired him.
13:30Two nights ago.
13:33Well, that's impossible, right?
13:37So maybe it was another one, a fake-out.
13:41You got one, too.
13:43It wasn't a real vampire.
13:45It dusted real enough.
13:48Buffy, do you think Spike is...
13:50I can't.
13:54I hope not.
13:58But if I'm wrong, and he is...
14:03Then I have to see it for myself.
14:09I have to be there to stop it.
14:45Come on.
15:15Come on.
15:45Come on.
16:16Come on.
16:21Anya, do be specific and tell a fellow just exactly what you're doing here.
16:31Well, Spike...
16:37I'm here, obviously, for...
16:52Beg pardon?
16:54You and me.
16:56Here and now.
16:59Let's go.
17:01Let's get it on, you big, bad boy.
17:06Wait, wait. Anya, just a minute.
17:08This is not exactly...
17:10Is that a steak?
17:13Yes. Kinky.
17:16Ah, well, yeah, but what are you...
17:18Shh. No questions.
17:21No talking.
17:24I can't help it.
17:27I can't stop thinking about you and us in our brief but unforgettable time together.
17:36I mean, it's...
17:38Why else would I be here?
17:40It's not like I'm snooping around for proof that you're some sort of whacked-out serial killer.
17:46I don't know if I said that. Forget I said that.
17:49It's craziness talking. It's just nerves.
17:56Nerves and horniness.
17:59Oh, just shut up, William, and take me.
18:02Take me now.
18:15It's not that I'm not tempted.
18:19Obviously, if things were different, you were right, Kaj.
18:23I got it.
18:25No problem. I understand.
18:29You think I'm fat.
18:32Well, it's either that or the haircut.
18:34Ridiculous. The dude's quite fetching.
18:36Oh, right. Now, you like the haircut.
18:38Love it.
18:39Sure, as a friend.
18:41You know, you were a lot more fun when you didn't have a soul.
18:43Oh, come on. Now, I've just explained to you that...
18:46All I'm saying is soulless Spike would have had me upside down and halfway to happy land by now.
18:52I need my pens.
19:22I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, love.
19:26Who's hurt?
19:28I'm fine.
19:35Look, I've got things to do.
19:38Don't stick around on my account.
20:02It's me. He's leaving.
21:56So, um...
21:59What kind of name is Spike?
22:13What, are you going to make me guess?
22:20All right.
22:24I'll guess.
22:28You're a little bit bad.
22:33Am I right?
22:37You a bad boy.
22:41Because I don't mind.
22:45You know, I was getting pretty bored waiting over there in that line.
22:51I hate waiting.
22:57I hate waiting.
23:08You know what I mean?
23:13You know you want it.
23:17You know I want you to.
23:21Um, is everything...
23:46There's my guy.
23:57Now, does not feel better.
24:11I hate waiting.
24:18How could you use a poor maiden, son?
24:30Did you kill her?
24:35The girl last night.
24:37What girl? What are you talking about?
24:40Did you kill her? Did you turn her? Is she one of your kind now?
24:44Did you... Are you following me?
24:46Answer the question. Where is she?
24:50Who knows? I talked to her is all.
24:53Really? Looked like more than talking to me.
24:56Well, I certainly didn't offer.
24:59Where are you getting this?
25:02You know I can't.
25:04Right. The chip.
25:06Not the chip. Not the chip, damn it.
25:11You honestly think I go to the end of the underworld and back to get my soul and then...
25:19Buffy, I can barely live with what I did.
25:23It haunts me.
25:25All of it.
25:28If you think that I would add to the body count now, you are crazy.
25:33You what? You just troll the promenade looking for drunk coeds because you're hungry for conversation?
25:39Oh, is that what this is? Right.
25:43What? You're jealous.
25:45Don't play games. Not now.
25:48Yeah, you saw me chatting up another bird. You give me the idea it's somebody else.
25:53Touched a nerve, didn't it?
25:55Don't flatter yourself.
25:57It burns, huh?
26:00But you can't admit it, so you trump up some charge about me being back on the juice.
26:04This vampire I kill told me...
26:06Told me what? That I go out?
26:10Yeah, I talk to people. Women.
26:15Talk to them because I can't talk to you.
26:19Oh, Spike, save it.
26:21As daft a notion and soulful Spike the Killer is,
26:24it is nothing compared to the idea that another girl could mean anything to me.
26:32This chip, they did to me.
26:36I couldn't help it.
26:39But the soul I got on my own.
26:43For you.
26:49I know.
26:51So, yeah, I go and pass the time.
26:55With someone.
26:57But that's all it is, is time.
27:00It's got to help me, Buffy. It's still all about you.
27:07Spike, this vampire told me you sired him.
27:12That doesn't mean...
27:13He said you killed him. Dumped him in a parking lot somewhere.
27:17And you believe them? Vampires...
27:19I did follow you last night. And you know what?
27:22You didn't look lonely or casual to me.
27:26You looked like you were on the prowl.
27:28You can't know that.
27:30So then tell me. Tell me what happened.
27:32You talked to her, then what?
27:34We talked. That's all I remember.
27:37All you remember?
27:38I don't know. I go out. I talk to people. I don't.
27:42It's boring. It all bleeds together.
27:46Well, if you seem to forget that much, then...
27:48Not that. Taste of human blood. That I'd remember.
27:54You were camped out on the Hellmouth talking to invisible people. Recently.
28:00How can you be sure of...
28:01No. You are wrong.
28:04You've got an accusation from a pile of dust, and not a shred of proof.
28:11So I'll get some.
28:19Okay, guys. Find me some evidence that he did this.
28:24Really? Are you sure that's what you want?
28:27Find me proof that he didn't.
28:31Well, you only think Spike is turning people because that vampire told you so, right?
28:37But that night, I mean, we were all told things that weren't true.
28:45What? What maybe?
28:48Well, just because those weren't the spirits of, you know, our people,
28:53just because it was some evil thing, doesn't mean what they said can't be true.
28:59I used to tell the truth all the time when I was evil.
29:03We can't assume anything. We need hard facts.
29:07Well, I don't know.
29:09We can't assume anything. We need hard facts.
29:12Well, if Spike is biting people again, then shouldn't there be more dead people with neck trauma? Right?
29:19And we can find that.
29:23No, we can't find that, but that's easy. The computer's a moron.
29:28I mean, no, there's not really an increase in neck injuries.
29:35But what?
29:37Oh, missing people. Eight, maybe?
29:42Oh, ten of them. No bodies. They're just missing.
29:49Mostly young. Lots of girls.
29:53So it's true.
29:56What that vampire told Buffy turned out to be true.
30:03But it still doesn't prove that it's Spike.
30:07Right now, he's the only one who knows for sure.
30:33No, no, no. You're not going out.
30:50I have to go.
30:52Buffy was very clear about the not leaving of you.
30:54I know what the Slayer told you. It's not true. Let me go and I'll find a way to prove it.
30:59Okay, I'm going to list the reasons that won't happen.
31:32And I'll hear the clanging of the bells
31:39Cause I can't stop you, baby
31:45Cause I don't have the bribery in place
31:52No bright, shiny surface to my face
31:59So I won't go near the market
32:06She had blonde hair. Nice looking girl. I was here talking with her.
32:13The other night. I'm looking for someone who might have seen her.
32:18No, it's all right.
32:24It's all about shame
32:30And whatever they want
32:36Don't tell them your name
32:45He hit you?
32:47Knocked me out.
32:49He's been gone at least half an hour.
32:51Any idea where he's headed?
33:06Did one of them take your wallet?
33:11What's that?
33:13You're scanning that crowd.
33:16You look like you're out for blood.
33:19I'm just looking for a certain bird I met here the other night.
33:27Is it me?
33:29Sorry, love. Don't think so.
33:33Not even if I ask nice?
33:40Or are you the type that has to be convinced?
33:46I'm a warning bird. I'm the type best left alone.
33:50I get it.
33:53You'd rather I slip into something more comfortable.
34:02Should we pick off the crowd one by one?
34:05Or block the exits and ravish the place?
34:08Get away from me.
34:10What's with the wallflower act?
34:12You didn't seem so shy when you were biting me.
34:19I'm not asking if you want to be soulmates.
34:22Just figured you'd want to have some fun.
34:29I take him. You take her.
34:33Or the other way around. Whatever.
34:36No. You're lying.
34:42Is that all it was to you? A one-bite stand?
35:42Come on.
36:13Sweetheart, if you want to go in, go ahead.
36:16Actually, I need some help.
36:19I'm looking for this guy.
36:21Leech blonde hair, leather jacket, British accent.
36:24Kind of sallow, but in a hot way.
36:27Yeah, I know the guy. Billy Idol wannabe?
36:30Actually, Billy Idol stole his look from me.
36:33Never mind. Has he been here?
36:36He's got your boyfriend or something?
36:39No. I just... I need to find him as soon as possible.
36:44Yeah, he comes in here a lot lately.
36:47Every night leaves with a different girl.
36:49Chicks like Billy Idol.
36:52How many girls?
36:55Look, this guy is not your boyfriend guy.
36:59If I were you, I'd lose him. He's a real player.
37:04Man, I hate playing Vampire Towns.
37:16Hello? It's me.
37:20I'm here.
37:22I'm here.
37:24I'm here.
37:26I'm here.
37:28I'm here.
37:31It's me.
37:35I'm seeing.
37:38I think I'm remembering.
37:41I think I've done some very bad things.
37:45Where are you?
37:47I need... I need to see you.
37:51There's a house, 634 Hoffman Terrace.
37:54I'll meet you.
38:00I shouldn't have done that.
38:03It's not time yet.
38:06Not nearly.
38:08You're going against the plan.
38:12But we can make it work.
38:31Come here.
38:45You won't come down?
38:50I understand.
38:53It's a risky proposition.
38:57There's an order. Slayer's not in order.
39:01But it can't hurt to play.
39:03Get your claws in the mouse, you know?
39:06You're not here.
39:20All right.
39:22What do you want to show me?
39:25I think I'm remembering.
39:28There's a girl.
39:30I walked her home.
39:33The one you saw.
39:36And the one before that.
39:40And I think I killed her.
39:44And I think I...
39:46I think I killed the lady who lived here.
39:52And there might be others.
39:58Oh, my God.
40:08I think I buried them here.
40:15Spike, why?
40:17Well, I don't know, do I?
40:20I don't even know how. I shouldn't be able...
40:35What is it?
40:51What are you doing?
40:59Spike, listen to me. You don't want to do this.
41:03And it's just about to get fine.
41:15Oh, God.
41:34You know what I want you to do?
41:51They're waiting for you.
41:53Take her. Taste her. Make her weak.
42:00Spike, no!
42:42I remember.
43:14You failed her.
43:18Now she's gonna kill you.
43:21You lose, mate.
43:28Sorry, ma'am, but it's my job.
43:48Come on.
43:50Come on.
44:15Do it fast, okay?
44:20He said you'd do it.
44:23Who said?
44:31It was me.
44:34I saw it.
44:37I was here the whole time, talking and singing.
44:44There was a song.
44:48What are you talking about?
44:50I don't know.
44:53Please, I don't remember.
44:56Don't make me remember.
45:00You make it so I forget again.
45:03I did what you wanted.
45:08There's something here.
45:17Oh, God, no, please. I need that.
45:22I can't cry the soul out of me.
45:26It won't come.
45:29I've killed, and I can feel...
45:34I can feel every one of them.
45:47There's something playing with us.
45:51All of us.
46:00What is it?
46:03What is it doing this to me?
46:07I don't know.
46:10Help me.
46:16Help me.
46:23Can you help me?
46:29I'll help you.
46:33And you believe him?
46:36You didn't see him down there.
46:39He really didn't know what he'd done.
46:42It wasn't in his control.
46:45Oh, an out-of-control serial killer.
46:48You're right, that is a great house guest.
46:51Wait, is he...
46:53Is he staying here?
46:55I don't know.
46:57But I'm not letting him out of my sight, that's for sure.
47:01Buffy, he's been feeding on human blood.
47:04That's gotta do stuff.
47:06I'm not keeping him around just to help him.
47:09I think there was something there,
47:12talking to him, making him do things.
47:15Something like what was talking to us?
47:20And if it was, then it's been screwing with Spike big time.
47:24So you want him around because...
47:27Look, there's something evil working us.
47:30And if we are ever gonna have a chance to fight it,
47:33we need to learn everything we can about it.
47:36This thing has been closer to Spike than any of us.
47:39And if you want to understand it...
47:42I'm gonna have to get close to Spike.
47:45No, it's too dangerous.
47:47I don't have a choice.
47:49Whatever this thing is from beneath us, it's bad.
47:54It's only getting worse.
48:08Oh, dear God.
48:14Robson, are you here?
48:33You two.
48:45Dear God, I thought you would gather them.
48:49But it's started.
48:53It's all right. I understand.
48:56I'll take care of it.
49:23Grr! Arrgh!
