Vier Frauen fühlen sich im Jahr 1992 in ihrem kleinen, ländlichen Dorf in Südkorea erdrückt und gelangweilt - sie sind einfach bereit für etwas Neues. Also beginnen sie Erotikprodukte an der Tür zu verkaufen. Nicht nur bringen sie damit ein wenig sexuelle Energie unter ihre Mitbürger, auch ihre eigenen Leben entwickeln sich weiter - und das Geschäft brummt!
00:00It's not just underwear.
00:02It's going to be fun.
00:03Shall we take a break and upload it?
00:07Shall we go?
00:08Here and there, in the kitchen.
00:09I heard you even did the escape room.
00:11I can't believe I took it out to sell adult goods.
00:17You have a lot of hard hobbies.
00:20It's not fun. It's not fun.
00:22Powerful. Magic stick.
00:23Read YouTube.
00:24Fantastic world.
00:25I don't wear underwear when I'm in Joseon.
00:28I don't wear underwear when I'm in Joseon.
00:30This is the third place.
00:31This is the third place.
00:32This is called XXX.
00:34I was surprised by the way I dressed.
00:36But why do I have to wear clothes according to you?
00:39It's sexy.
00:41Women are also interested in passionate sex life.
00:44There is a right to enjoy.
00:46Are you going to close the store?
00:47I'm not going to close it.
00:48If the four of us get together, we can do anything.
00:57I'm not going to close it.