• last year
00:01:00Oh Tommy, yeah, he said look at this
00:01:09Yeah, I don't know
00:01:24Gotta think of everything
00:01:30This unit was done with a la cara
00:01:46Come home
00:01:53But don't mean
00:06:28What I
00:06:32Don't know
00:06:37No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:06:42Come here, but it's a rather larger
00:06:49The papas I keep take on come on, but you're gonna need a touch I come again don't make it a team boo
00:06:57Tell me what you're supposed to say
00:06:59They're not sorry
00:07:03What's up, this is the Los Santos only
00:07:16Don't know
00:07:18No, I felt I don't know
00:07:40You get wet
00:07:42To get a key or a key on that to create give up or put a splatter human Papa
00:07:46What's up, you think we start we also did a castle
00:07:49You know, that's the papas entity told Jonah. No, yes, I keep on that. I mean, that's the one
00:07:55that I'm here
00:08:33Don't know
00:08:45Your dinner is
00:08:54What's up, what's up, we can say
00:08:57No, it is to it. Don't leave. I don't know. It's a box for bunnies. Mom. That's a
00:09:02Mierda, I'm serious. Yeah, yeah, you don't to say look what I'm gonna tell you man, but I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna go
00:09:10But it's a little much
00:09:13I'm gonna make a terminando después los planos de su casa y porque no le así porque te dije
00:09:19Deje por mensaje no me llego napo en serio te lo juro no me llego nada que raro
00:09:25Y tú que andas puta
00:09:28no, yo piola
00:09:31Fue a trabajar en la mañana con mi primo en serio si me agarraste el trabajo si me salió
00:09:37porque hicimos los diseños como que
00:09:40preparamos los bocetos cachay
00:09:43Me aburrí puta me fui para la marcha
00:09:46que la cagada como siempre
00:09:48Llegaron los pacos es que la bici viene para el departamento
00:09:55De verdad dejaste vender esa hueá
00:09:59Feñerda me voy a preguntar de eso bueno sí pero quiero que me respondan en serio
00:10:03Pero es que me lo he preguntado como 10 veces esta semana ya pues me tenís como un poco chato
00:10:07Pero es que me importa saber por qué me llegaron rumores de que todavía estoy vendiendo la u
00:10:13feña yo ya no vendo
00:10:16Yo ya
00:10:17Ya dejé vender hace mucho tiempo de verdad preocúpate
00:10:20como no me preocuparon si imagínate te llegan a agarrar con esa hueá y que van a pensar de mí en la u
00:10:25Bueno le llega los rumores a mi vieja y tanto que te importan los rumores a tía
00:10:29pero como no me va a importar
00:10:31Eres mi pololo puta pero es mi problema como va a ser tu problema oye es mi problema
00:10:38Oye acaso yo te ando preguntando te ando cuestionando hueón donde está y con quien está y ese tipo hueá
00:10:43Yo no estoy metida en cuestiones raras
00:10:55Cuéntame cómo te fue
00:10:57En la hueá que estabas haciéndome y por qué no fuiste a la marcha
00:11:02Bueno tenía ganas de ir pero
00:11:04En verdad después me dio paja estábamos con les míos nunca nos pusimos de acuerdo y después bajar sola me dio mucha lata en verdad
00:11:12Así son todas mías y a ver qué tienen que ver mis amigas como son
00:11:16nada no sé
00:11:18son típicas hijitas de papá pues si son más cómodas que la cresto no puta nunca han bajado por evidencia cachai
00:11:25se le ha dado todo en bandeja
00:11:28Y aparte me da risa porque supuestamente nos habíamos puesto de acuerdo
00:11:32Yo también vivo ahí arriba como decís tú y yo no soy ninguna hijita de papito y también bajo de plaza italia hacia abajo
00:11:37y el que hoy día no haya ido a la marcha
00:11:39fue porque de verdad tenía
00:11:42un montón de hueá en mi cabeza y estaba chata
00:11:45aparte filo porque me habláis de mis amigas chata que me empecé a hablar de mis amigas son mis amigas te lo recuerdo
00:11:51ya pero filo no
00:11:53está lo mismo que sean tus amigas sino que
00:11:55son como pura boca nada más
00:11:58Si tú te sentís con todo el derecho de hablar de mi amiga me siento con el mismo derecho de hablar de tu hueá de amigo
00:12:03marihuanero por qué te reís imbécil
00:12:05ya oye cálmate mona
00:12:07no hables así el pobre césar no pobrecito él
00:12:12Carga desde que te juntas con él te has metido en pura mierda oye en verdad no quiero pelear
00:12:18te ando con cero ganas de pelear
00:12:20otra vez la tarde peleé con mi papá cachai
00:12:22no sé hubo un buen día de mierda
00:12:24Quiero estar contigo ya nada más
00:12:56¿Y tú?
00:12:58¿Te tincas si el fin de semana nos vamos para la playa?
00:13:00¿Onda rendemos en la cabaña?
00:13:02¿No sé nos vamos a relajar un poquito?
00:13:04¿Te tincas?
00:13:22¿No sé nos vamos a relajar un poquito?
00:13:24¿Te tincas?
00:13:26No sé lo voy a pensar
00:13:28Ya si oye que si
00:13:30Que rico
00:14:12¿Qué onda quien es?
00:14:18¿Qué wa queri?
00:14:22¿Qué wa está hablando weón?
00:14:24Hey, but the march ended a while ago, man, what the fuck?
00:14:38Bye, man, I'm going to go.
00:14:41What's up?
00:14:42I'm going to see Cesar.
00:14:43Yeah, but I'm going to ignore him anyway.
00:14:54What's up?
00:15:02What the fuck?
00:15:07It was an artificial embryo.
00:15:12Everything we are seeing is part of the panic that has generated the news of the nuclear plant Cordillera Sur, which could have a radioactive leak.
00:15:20We still do not have an official statement from the nuclear plant posted to the outskirts of Santiago.
00:15:26The Chilean government has led the calls to the citizens to keep the plant calm, since nothing has been verified and they are just rumors.
00:15:35The government sends a statement that says, we ask the citizens not to panic, do not leave their homes and wait for an official statement.
00:15:45Due to the level of vandalism, the Chilean army has been asked for help to take control of the streets.
00:15:52We repeat, do not leave your homes and wait for an official statement.
00:16:16We ask the citizens not to panic, do not leave their homes and wait for an official statement.
00:16:51No! Let me go! This is a lie!
00:16:54Come, please, come.
00:16:55I want my mom!
00:16:57Come, please, calm down.
00:16:59Hey, hey.
00:17:00Feña, I don't know what the hell is going on, I don't know if it's true, but please calm down.
00:17:03I lied to you! I lied to you!
00:17:05Come, come, please.
00:17:07I lied to you! I lied to you!
00:17:09Please calm down, please, Feña.
00:17:13I didn't leave you alone!
00:17:14No, you didn't leave me alone.
00:17:15I'm the one who died!
00:17:17Calm down, calm down, really calm down, please.
00:17:20Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise you.
00:17:24I don't want to hear anymore! I don't want to hear anymore!
00:17:28I don't want to hear anymore!
00:17:29Where is this bitch? It's a lie!
00:17:31Feña, please calm down.
00:17:32I'm the one who died!
00:17:33Feña, calm down.
00:17:34I'm the one who killed my mom!
00:17:36Where is she?
00:17:37Feña, calm down.
00:17:38Where is this bitch?
00:17:39Please calm down.
00:17:42Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise you.
00:17:43We are together.
00:17:44We are together.
00:17:45Stay here.
00:17:48There is no signal.
00:17:53Please, calm down.
00:17:59Calm down, calm down.
00:18:01Calm down, okay?
00:18:17Calm down, okay?
00:18:47Calm down.
00:19:01What are you doing?
00:19:06I want to be the last one.
00:19:17I want to be the last one.
00:19:48I love you.
00:19:49I love you.
00:19:50I love you.
00:19:51I love you.
00:19:52I love you.
00:19:53I love you.
00:19:54I love you.
00:19:55I love you.
00:19:56I love you.
00:19:57I love you.
00:19:58I love you.
00:19:59I love you.
00:20:00I love you.
00:20:01I love you.
00:20:02I love you.
00:20:03I love you.
00:20:04I love you.
00:20:05I love you.
00:20:06I love you.
00:20:07I love you.
00:20:08I love you.
00:20:09I love you.
00:20:10I love you.
00:20:11I love you.
00:20:12I love you.
00:20:13I love you.
00:20:14I love you.
00:20:15I love you.
00:20:16I love you.
00:20:17I love you.
00:20:18I love you.
00:20:19I love you.
00:20:20I love you.
00:20:21I love you.
00:20:22I love you.
00:20:23I love you.
00:20:24I love you.
00:20:25I love you.
00:20:26I love you.
00:20:27I love you.
00:20:28I love you.
00:20:29I love you.
00:20:30I love you.
00:20:31I love you.
00:20:32I love you.
00:20:33I love you.
00:20:34I love you.
00:20:35I love you.
00:20:36I love you.
00:20:37I love you.
00:20:38I love you.
00:20:39I love you.
00:20:40I love you.
00:20:41I love you.
00:20:42I love you.
00:20:43I love you.
00:20:44I love you.
00:20:45I love you.
00:20:46I love you.
00:20:47I love you.
00:20:48I love you.
00:20:49I love you.
00:20:50I love you.
00:20:51I love you.
00:20:52I love you.
00:20:53I love you.
00:20:54I love you.
00:20:55I love you.
00:20:56I love you.
00:20:57I love you.
00:20:58I love you.
00:20:59I love you.
00:21:00I love you.
00:21:01I love you.
00:21:02I love you.
00:21:03I love you.
00:21:04I love you.
00:21:05I love you.
00:21:06I love you.
00:21:07I love you.
00:21:08I love you.
00:21:09I love you.
00:21:10I love you.
00:21:11I love you.
00:21:12I love you.
00:21:13I love you.
00:21:14I love you.
00:21:15I love you.
00:21:16I love you.
00:21:17I love you.
00:21:18I love you.
00:21:19I love you.
00:21:20I love you.
00:21:21I love you.
00:21:22I love you.
00:21:23I love you.
00:21:24I love you.
00:21:25I love you.
00:21:26I love you.
00:21:27I love you.
00:21:28I love you.
00:21:29I love you.
00:21:30I love you.
00:21:31I love you.
00:21:32I love you.
00:21:33I love you.
00:21:34I love you.
00:21:35I love you.
00:21:36I love you.
00:21:37I love you.
00:21:38I love you.
00:21:39I love you.
00:21:40I love you.
00:21:41I love you.
00:21:42I love you.
00:21:44I love you.
00:23:43Leave a la calle grado todo
00:23:46Dejé vaya a grabar el cabo a la gente el centro santiago pegando la los pacos
00:23:54Tengo acá bueno más de 30 minutos de puro oro compadre
00:23:58Chey si esta hueá no pasa nada bueno yo lo voy a vender a la televisión
00:24:02buena arma platico
00:24:05Bueno es el escuadro
00:24:19It doesn't
00:24:25Come on
00:24:29Come on
00:24:37When you're a cop I can't continue the apartment when
00:24:42Don't mean information
00:24:45Give me a second
00:24:47portal internet
00:24:50Me dijo que todo cagar we're in Saigon. I'm a plotter one reactor path in this a policy move
00:24:58Okay, so sorry
00:25:02There's that we're gonna put that
00:25:34I don't know, I don't get it.
00:25:36The president, man, I'd kick his ass if this was true.
00:25:39And if it was true, they wouldn't tell us either, man.
00:25:41It's not good for the collective cause.
00:25:44It's not good for the collective cause.
00:25:47But, well, that's how it is, man.
00:25:50We're so sweaty, man.
00:25:52For everything.
00:25:53Do you have weed left?
00:25:56Do you have weed left?
00:25:58Fuck yeah, man, in my backpack.
00:26:00You know what, Cesar, I don't think it's the right time for you to start smoking.
00:26:04Not now.
00:26:05We have to think about going to Tacá, man.
00:26:07Yeah, and where, man, are we going to do it in San Cristobal?
00:26:09Man, I don't have a car either.
00:26:12Man, the shit is on the street.
00:26:14Don't you get it?
00:26:15On the road, man.
00:26:16You can't go out to Santiago, man.
00:26:17It's an incommensurable shit, man.
00:26:19The only thing we have to do is wait.
00:26:22And nothing, man.
00:26:24I hope everything goes well.
00:26:26What other way, man, than to wait there?
00:26:29And my ticket?
00:26:38Come on, man.
00:26:40You're going to get it.
00:26:51I'm not afraid of the masses.
00:26:54I'm afraid of you.
00:26:57Because if I look from afar, I...
00:27:27I'm not afraid of the masses.
00:27:30I'm afraid of you.
00:27:33Because if I look from afar, I...
00:27:36I'm not afraid of the masses.
00:27:39I'm afraid of you.
00:27:52What were you doing?
00:27:55Nothing, I was with Feña, man.
00:27:57I came to see her for a while.
00:27:59Where is she?
00:28:00She left, man.
00:28:02She left?
00:28:03Why, man?
00:28:04I don't know.
00:28:05She wanted to see her parents.
00:28:07I don't get it, man.
00:28:09I don't know.
00:28:10The girl is crazy.
00:28:16She came.
00:28:17We left.
00:28:19And she left, man.
00:28:21She left, man.
00:28:22She left you, man?
00:28:24The girl is crazy, man.
00:28:27She's a dirty bitch, man.
00:28:31She's a dirty bitch, man.
00:28:34If she did that to me again, I wouldn't be crying, man.
00:28:38I would cry, man.
00:28:40When I see her again, man.
00:28:43When you know she's like that, you're right, man.
00:28:48Yes, man.
00:28:51She's a hooligan, man.
00:28:55My dad was a hooligan, man.
00:28:58He threw us out every day.
00:29:00He said, study, work, so you can have a future.
00:29:04I got kicked by my friends.
00:29:07I was kicked in the face, man.
00:29:10We don't have a future.
00:29:12This is our future, I don't know.
00:29:16Four hours and fifty-seven minutes.
00:29:18Twenty-six, twenty-five, twenty-four.
00:29:30Well, well.
00:29:33After all, we've always been alone here in Santiago.
00:29:40He didn't care much either.
00:29:46What was that, man?
00:29:48It's from the neighbor's apartment.
00:29:50Let's go there.
00:30:00Is that you, man?
00:30:02Yeah, man.
00:30:05You crazy bitch.
00:30:07I feel like making a horror movie.
00:30:11What are you talking about, man?
00:30:15Shut up, man.
00:30:16Where are you going?
00:30:17You're following me, you crazy bitch.
00:30:19Where are you going, man?
00:30:22Did you hear the scream?
00:30:23Yes, man.
00:30:25I came to my neighbor's apartment.
00:30:27Yeah, and?
00:30:29My neighbor got shot, man.
00:30:31How do you know all that?
00:30:33I saw it from the balcony, right after you called me.
00:30:36Wow, man.
00:30:38You're so cool, man.
00:30:41You're obsessed with your camera, man.
00:30:43Yeah, man.
00:30:44It's my life and my will, man.
00:30:48Let's go in, man.
00:30:49Shut up.
00:30:57It's so windy in here, man.
00:31:08Is anyone there?
00:31:10Is anyone there?
00:31:15We're entering this precise moment.
00:31:21To a place that is very religious.
00:31:26It smells like a drugstore.
00:31:33Daniel is very scared.
00:31:36So am I.
00:31:40Oh, man.
00:31:41What's up?
00:31:42Oh, man.
00:31:44Oh, man.
00:31:46What's up?
00:31:47What's up, man?
00:31:49Man, this chick is a hit on YouTube, man.
00:31:53Oh, man.
00:31:54It's amazing.
00:31:55It's amazing.
00:32:00Man, this chick beats me.
00:32:02This chick beats me, man.
00:32:07Oh, let me see it, let me see it.
00:32:15The return of the living dead.
00:32:17Oh, man.
00:32:19Oh, my God.
00:32:29Oh, my God.
00:32:30Oh, my God!
00:32:31Oh, my God.
00:32:33Oh, my God.
00:32:34I'm going to kill you!
00:32:35I'm not moving, I'm not.
00:32:36Please, just relax.
00:32:37Relax, come here.
00:32:38I'm not going to do anything.
00:32:39I promise. We heard a scream and we came here to see what was going on.
00:32:43Please don't panic.
00:32:45Get out of my house now!
00:32:47We can't go. Calm down.
00:32:51Shut up!
00:32:53Get him out of my house!
00:33:00I'm really sorry.
00:33:02I'm really sorry.
00:33:04What's going on?
00:33:06Shut up!
00:33:10Shut up!
00:33:14Get me out of here!
00:33:16Get me out of here!
00:33:18Shut up!
00:33:20Help me get him out of here!
00:33:22Help me!
00:33:24No, no, no!
00:33:26No, no, no!
00:33:28No, no, no!
00:33:30He's bleeding!
00:33:32Shut up! Shut up!
00:33:34It's going to hurt.
00:33:56Hold him.
00:33:58Hold him tight.
00:34:00Don't let go.
00:34:02Hurry up!
00:34:08Hold him tight.
00:34:23Help me get him to my apartment.
00:34:51I can never admit it.
00:35:08I can never admit it.
00:35:11I can never admit it.
00:35:38Are you okay?
00:35:41Are you okay?
00:35:48I'm really sorry about your dad.
00:35:52I was unlucky with him.
00:35:56It was fast, wasn't it?
00:36:03That's good.
00:36:06I always knew you would.
00:36:11I knew it from the moment he bought it.
00:36:17My dad had cancer.
00:36:21He never wanted to give us any trouble.
00:36:25Son of a bitch.
00:36:30He was really brave.
00:36:35You have to be an asshole to do what he did.
00:36:37I never talked to him much.
00:36:40I think.
00:36:42I'm slowly realizing it.
00:36:52Hey, what would you have done if he had shot your friend?
00:36:56Don't worry.
00:36:58I would have done something.
00:37:02I thought you wanted to get in and get out of the house.
00:37:04I don't know.
00:37:07I panicked.
00:37:10Don't worry.
00:37:13Besides, that gun deserved a bullet.
00:37:16It seems to be the only way to hide it.
00:37:22My name is Camilo. Nice to meet you.
00:37:25Nice to meet you.
00:37:27I'm Javiera.
00:37:33Did you tell him anything before this happened?
00:37:38I talked to him the day before.
00:37:42We had some family problems.
00:37:48After everything I told him,
00:37:50he forgot.
00:37:53What did you tell him?
00:37:55I was going to be a grandfather.
00:38:06I know I don't know you.
00:38:08But after seeing what you did to my friend,
00:38:12I know I would have been a good mother.
00:38:32Yes, mom.
00:38:36Are you okay?
00:38:44I wanted to apologize
00:38:48for everything.
00:38:54I love you so much.
00:38:58I love my dad too.
00:39:11I love you so much.
00:39:31I love you too.
00:39:45At least you said goodbye.
00:39:51The last thing I said to my dad
00:39:54was to send him to hell.
00:39:58If that's how you say goodbye,
00:40:01he knows those aren't the words
00:40:03you would have liked to say to him.
00:40:10He doesn't know me.
00:40:14You don't know how much I've hurt my dad.
00:40:19They know you love them.
00:40:21You made them happy.
00:40:26They love you too.
00:40:28I couldn't say that to my dad.
00:40:31I'm sorry.
00:40:34I'm sorry.
00:41:08He's helping you, son.
00:41:11Maria is okay.
00:41:13But you have to go.
00:41:16Calm down, Juan. He's helping you.
00:41:18Juan, why are you ignoring me?
00:41:23Kill me, Juan. Kill me.
00:41:25I've missed you too much, Juan.
00:41:28Hold him. Hold him.
00:41:31Hold him tight.
00:41:39Calm down, Juan.
00:41:43I'll wait in the kitchen. We have to talk.
00:41:58What's wrong?
00:42:01I'm sorry.
00:42:04Your friend is going to die.
00:42:08She's bleeding a lot and I don't know how to save her.
00:42:12She's bleeding too much
00:42:15and I don't know how to save her.
00:42:18She's bleeding too much
00:42:21and I don't know how to save her.
00:42:24She's bleeding too much
00:42:27and I don't know how to save her.
00:42:29I'm sorry.
00:42:32What do we do?
00:42:34Do we leave him there and die?
00:42:39Look, the only thing we can do
00:42:41is to lower his fever.
00:42:44To sedate him as much as we can
00:42:46so he doesn't feel pain.
00:42:50Look, I'm a nurse
00:42:52but without the necessary equipment
00:42:54I can't do anything.
00:42:57I've known Juan since we were kids.
00:43:00He's my best friend.
00:43:03I can't leave him here shitting.
00:43:07I'm going to my dad's apartment.
00:43:09I'm going to get a first aid kit.
00:43:11Wait here.
00:43:13No, I'm going. Stay here.
00:43:15How can you go? You don't know where things are.
00:43:17Wait for me. I'm going.
00:43:19The thing is, near my building
00:43:21there's a warehouse.
00:43:23I'm going to get some stuff
00:43:26so he doesn't get hurt.
00:43:28Are you crazy?
00:43:30It's not worth it.
00:43:32Even if they brought me anything,
00:43:34there's no way to make sure I'm going to save your friend.
00:43:36Mom, if I save him, what good would it do?
00:43:38Tell me, what good would it do?
00:43:40Hey, I'm not asking you.
00:43:52Bring me bandages.
00:43:54A scalpel.
00:43:56Gloves and surgical scissors.
00:44:00Bring me alcohol and scissors.
00:44:02I'm going to get all that.
00:44:54I'm going to get all that.
00:45:24What are you doing here?
00:45:26You should be resting.
00:45:30Because you have to rest.
00:45:32I'm scared.
00:45:34Let me through, please.
00:45:38Let me through, please.
00:45:42What's wrong?
00:45:44What's wrong?
00:45:53Calm down, okay?
00:45:55Calm down.
00:45:57I know I'm going to die.
00:45:59I'm not stupid.
00:46:01No, no, no.
00:46:03Be careful.
00:46:07If I'm going to die, I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can.
00:46:11It was you who killed me, wasn't it?
00:46:13The only thing I could do
00:46:15is give you my blessing.
00:46:17But who's blessing me?
00:46:21I can save you, okay?
00:46:23Please, let go of the knife.
00:46:25I'm going to save you.
00:46:27Shut up.
00:46:35Let's get you out of here.
00:46:37No, no, no.
00:46:39No, no, no.
00:46:49No, no, no.
00:47:19No, no, no.
00:47:49No, no, no, no, no.
00:48:19Let's go.
00:48:49Are you with me?
00:49:04Are you with me?
00:49:10Are you with me?
00:49:19Are you with me?
00:49:49Are you with me?
00:50:19Are you with me?
00:51:07Javiera, what the fuck is going on?
00:51:43I can save you, okay?
00:51:45Please, let go of the knife.
00:51:48I can save you, okay?
00:51:50No, no, no.
00:51:52No, no, no.
00:52:18No, no.
00:52:23I can't, man.
00:52:28I can't, man.
00:52:30It doesn't make any sense anymore.
00:52:44Javiera, stop, let's go.
00:52:48What for?
00:52:50What's the point?
00:52:52Because all my fucking life I've done things wrong.
00:52:58And even if it's just once,
00:53:02I want to do something good.
00:53:08So let me go.
00:53:16Take it.
00:53:22Record something.
00:53:26I don't know, a message to your son, a farewell.
00:53:30And something that says
00:53:34that we were here.
00:53:38Come on.
00:53:46I love you.
00:53:54I want you to know that I love you so much.
00:54:02And that I'm so sorry.
00:54:16You'll never know me.
00:54:20We'll never play together.
00:54:24Nor laugh.
00:54:26Nor sleep together.
00:54:46I love you.
00:54:54Forgive me.
00:54:58Please forgive me.
00:55:02Please forgive me.
00:55:08Forgive me.
00:55:16Forgive me.
00:55:30Go, go, go!
00:55:46Where's the car?
00:55:50Someone took it!
00:55:54What are we going to do now?
00:55:56No, no, no!
00:56:02Wait for me here.
00:56:04Where are you going?
00:56:06Wait for me there.
00:56:08What are you going to do?
00:56:18Get out of the car!
00:56:20Get out of the car!
00:56:22Get out of the car now!
00:56:24Sit down or I'll kill you!
00:56:26Sit down or I'll kill you!
00:56:28Sit down or I'll kill you, asshole!
00:56:30Please, please, no, calm down, calm down!
00:56:32The keys?
00:56:34Where are the keys?
00:56:36Where are the fucking keys, asshole?
00:56:38Here they are, here they are.
00:56:40You move and I swear I'll kill you!
00:56:42I swear I'll kill you!
00:56:48Get in the car.
00:56:50Get in the car, Javier, now!
00:57:10Get in the car, Javier, now!
00:57:32I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!
00:57:36No, please!
00:57:38Calm down, calm down!
00:58:08Calm down, calm down!
00:58:10Calm down, calm down!
00:58:12Calm down, calm down!
00:58:14Calm down, calm down!
00:58:16Calm down, calm down!
00:58:18Calm down, calm down!
00:58:20Calm down, calm down!
00:58:22Calm down, calm down!
00:58:24Calm down, calm down!
00:58:26Calm down, calm down!
00:58:28Calm down, calm down!
00:58:30Calm down, calm down!
00:58:32Calm down, calm down!
00:58:34Calm down, calm down!
00:58:36Calm down, calm down!
00:58:38Calm down, calm down!
00:58:40Calm down, calm down!
00:58:44Calm down, calm down!
00:58:46Calm down, Javier!
00:58:48Calm down, calm down!
00:58:54Calm down, calm down!
00:59:02What's going on?
00:59:04I don't know.
00:59:10Come on, let's go.
01:01:10Come on, let's go.
01:01:40Come on, let's go.
01:02:10Come on, let's go.
01:02:40Come on, let's go.
01:02:42Come on, let's go.
01:02:44Come on, let's go.
01:02:46Come on, let's go.
01:02:48Come on, let's go.
01:02:50Come on, let's go.
01:02:52Come on, let's go.
01:02:54Come on, let's go.
01:02:56Come on, let's go.
01:02:58Come on, let's go.
01:03:00Come on, let's go.
01:03:02Come on, let's go.
01:03:04Come on, let's go.
01:03:06Come on, let's go.
01:03:08Come on, let's go.
01:03:38Come on, let's go.
01:03:40Come on, let's go.
01:03:42Come on, let's go.
01:03:44Come on, let's go.
01:03:46Come on, let's go.
01:03:48Come on, let's go.
01:03:50Come on, let's go.
01:03:52Come on, let's go.
01:03:54Come on, let's go.
01:03:56Come on, let's go.
01:03:58Come on, let's go.
01:04:00Come on, let's go.
01:04:02Come on, let's go.
01:04:04Come on, let's go.
01:04:06Come on, let's go.
01:04:08Come on, let's go.
01:04:10Come on, let's go.
01:04:12Come on, let's go.
01:04:14Come on, let's go.
01:04:16Come on, let's go.
01:04:18Come on, let's go.
01:04:20Come on, let's go.
01:04:22Come on, let's go.
01:04:24Come on, let's go.
01:04:26Come on, let's go.
01:04:28Come on, let's go.
01:04:30Come on, let's go.
01:04:32Come on, let's go.
01:04:34Come on, let's go.
01:04:36Come on, let's go.
01:04:38Come on, let's go.
01:04:40Come on, let's go.
01:04:42Come on, let's go.
01:04:44Come on, let's go.
01:04:46Come on, let's go.
01:04:48Come on, let's go.
01:04:50Come on, let's go.
01:04:52Come on, let's go.
01:04:54Come on, let's go.
01:04:56Come on, let's go.
01:04:58Come on, let's go.
01:05:00Come on, let's go.
01:05:02drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:05:04in bright rhythm
01:05:32drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:05:34in bright rhythm
01:06:02drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:06:04in bright rhythm
01:06:06drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:06:08in bright rhythm
01:06:10drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:06:12in bright rhythm
01:06:14drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:06:16in bright rhythm
01:06:18drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:06:20in bright rhythm
01:06:22drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:06:24in bright rhythm
01:06:26drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:06:28in bright rhythm
