100 Portfolio How To Build Wealth Like This Investing In SIP Mutual Funds Losses in Motilal Oswal


by MoneyGrow

100 Crores Money Making With the help of SIP in India Growth Story, How you can make and build this corpus by constantly investing this money, and i am going to show you live proofs you can earn this money too, if you will be consistent in investing , profits every one shows, but i am showing you my losses in motilal oswal mutual fund but no matter i am long time investor i know how to build wealth and my target is 500 crores, so i will invest 2 crores in mutual funds and stocks and 20000 SIP i will do. i invested in india defence because india defense is increasing and more and more companies entering in defense business, and as war is going on in the world every country needs weapons for protection
so india growth story is going to happen now.
