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مسلسل ارض الحب الجميل الحلقة 1 مترجمة القسم 1
مسلسل ارض الحب الجميل الحلقة 1 مترجمة القسم 1
مسلسل ارض الحب الجميل الحلقة 1 مترجمة القسم 1
مسلسل ارض الحب الجميل الحلقة 1 مترجمة القسم 1
مسلسل ارض الحب الجميل الحلقة 1 مترجمة القسم 1
مسلسل ارض الحب الجميل الحلقة 1 مترجمة القسم 1
مسلسل ارض الحب الجميل الحلقة 1 مترجمة القسم 1


00:00:00Where is this, sister, did you see my necklace,
00:00:30no, I didn't see it, my sister, my sister, my sister, my sister, my sister, my sister,
00:00:56I'm going to get you.
00:01:00Deniz, I'm not comfortable at all.
00:01:05Please don't do it.
00:01:07How long have you known this child?
00:01:09It's been five months, it's been six months, it's been going to Cappadocia.
00:01:11Where did the meeting with his family come from?
00:01:15Sister, I wanted to see where Erhan was born and raised.
00:01:18He wanted to introduce me to his family on his way.
00:01:20I see, but take it a little slower.
00:01:22Get to know each other a little better.
00:01:24Abla bizim yavaştan almamıza gerek yok. Ben anladım aradığımın olduğunu.
00:01:29Nasıl bu kadar emin olabiliyorsun Denizciğim?
00:01:32Ne bileyim? İnsan anlıyor işte. Bir duruşundan, bakışından, gülüşünden.
00:01:40Abla diğerlerinden o kadar farklı ki. İlk gördüğümde anladım. Aradığımı aran.
00:01:46Ne olursun sen de endişelenme için rahat olsun olur mu? Hadi çıkıyorum ben.
00:01:51Tamam bak hiç bilmediğim bir yere gidiyorsun. İzmir'e benzemez oraların insanları, adetleri. Lütfen dikkat et kendine.
00:01:57Ablacığım yapma ne olur. Zaten çok heyecanlıyım.
00:02:00Tamam, tamam. Beni de arıyorsun.
00:02:01Açtın yani yine annem oduna.
00:02:03Tamam beni de sıklık arıyorsun.
00:02:05Tamam ben aramasam zaten sen arayacaksın.
00:02:07Tabii ki, tabii ki arayacağım. Tabii ki. Hadi dikkat et.
00:02:10Hadi görüşürüz tamam.
00:02:12Tamam ben söylerim ona.
00:02:13Hadi ararım ben.
00:02:14Tamam hadi iyi yolculuklar. Dikkatli gidin.
00:02:16Hadi öptüm abla.
00:02:17Hadi canım.
00:02:24Ablacığım kahvaltı hazırladım. Düzgün bir şeyler yesen.
00:02:28Favori kardeşin gitti diye benimle ilgileniyormuş gibi yapmanın gerek yok ablacığım.
00:02:32Hiç inandırıcı değil.
00:02:34Of Sema.
00:02:56Nasılsın bir tanem?
00:02:58Valla ben çok iyiyim.
00:03:00Ama ablam için aynı şeyi söyleyemeyeceğim.
00:03:03Biraz fazla acele ettiğinizi düşünüyorum.
00:03:13Biraz acele ettiğimizi düşünüyor ki haksızsa sayılmaz sanki.
00:03:16Acele etmiyoruz. Merak etme bir tanem.
00:03:19Bak ben seni çok güzel bir yere götüreceğim.
00:03:21Güzel atların diyarla.
00:03:23Orada en güzel otelimizin en güzel odasında kalacaksın.
00:03:26Böyle sokağa bir çıkacaksın uçan balonları, peri bacalarını göreceksin.
00:03:30Çok güzel geçecek.
00:03:32Güven sen bana doktor hanım.
00:03:34Güveniyorum zaten.
00:03:36Hadi geç kalacağız.
00:03:44Deniz dur dur düşeceksin.
00:04:04Ne oldu?
00:04:17Hadi gidelim.
00:04:35Nasıldır sizinkiler?
00:04:37Annen, abilerin, kardeşin.
00:04:39Normal. Senin benim gibi insanlar.
00:05:08Gel bakalım.
00:05:10Hadi bakalım.
00:05:14Yakanı düzelteyim.
00:05:16Sağ ol.
00:05:20Çok sıcak.
00:05:22Hoş geldiniz efendim.
00:05:24Hoş bulduk. Sağ olasın.
00:05:26Sağ olun.
00:05:28Hakim Bey merhabalar.
00:05:30Buyurmaz mısınız bir çay kahve ikram edelim size?
00:05:32Sağ olun.
00:05:34Sözümüz var. Bir dahaki sefere inşallah.
00:05:36Sağ olun.
00:05:38İnşallah. Her zaman bekleriz.
00:05:40Sağ olun.
00:05:42Beyim hoş geldin.
00:05:44Aferin sana.
00:05:46İyi yaşlar.
00:05:48Dedem yine taktı peşine şobanı yapıyor.
00:05:52Bu ne yürüyüşü biliyor musun anne?
00:05:54İşlerin başında hala ben varım yürüyüşü.
00:05:56Sırası mı oğlum şimdi bunları konuşmak?
00:06:04Sağlıklı olsun da başımızda olsun ağabey.
00:06:06Sıra nasılsa bize de gelecek.
00:06:08Bu gidişler biraz zor.
00:06:10Vay Osman Ağa.
00:06:12Afiyetler olsun.
00:06:14Sağ ol.
00:06:16Hakim Bey Arhan Bey'in uçağı bir saat sonra kalkacakmış.
00:06:18Güzel. Git karşıla berbando.
00:06:22Yalnız bu sefer tek başına gelmiyormuş.
00:06:24Nasıl yani? Kimle geliyormuş?
00:06:26İki bilet alınmış.
00:06:28Birisi Deniz Dervişoğlu adına.
00:06:30O bahsettiğin kız mı?
00:06:34Bizim otelden de oda ayırmışlar.
00:06:36Ay yok artık.
00:06:40Sen biliyor muydun?
00:06:42Haberi var mıydı?
00:06:44Yok baba. Benim hiçbir şeyden haberim yok.
00:06:48Git karşıla berbando.
00:06:50Arhan'a söyle...
00:06:52Yalnız gelsin konağa.
00:06:54Konuşacakları var onunla.
00:06:58Sakin ol hayatım.
00:07:02Sakin ol.
00:07:24Merhaba. Hoş geldiniz.
00:07:26Tadını çıkarın. Hoş geldiniz.
00:07:28Sağ olun.
00:07:32Hakim Bey hoş geldiniz.
00:07:34Hoş bulduk. Hayırlı uğurlu olsun.
00:07:36Otel pek güzel olmuş.
00:07:38Teşekkür ederiz.
00:07:40Hoş geldin Sakin Bey.
00:07:42Hoş gördüm benim güzel kızım.
00:07:44Hoş gördüm.
00:07:46Bir yalnız konuşabilir miyiz Hakim Bey?
00:07:50Hazar Hanım.
00:07:56Valla sizi gördüm daha iyi oldum Gönül anne.
00:07:58Teşekkür ederim canım.
00:08:02Hatırlar mısın Hakim Bey?
00:08:04Kızım Lal doğduğunda gökyüzü kıpkırmızı kesilmişti.
00:08:08Bu kızın ismi Lal olsun demiştin.
00:08:10İsmini sen fısıldamıştın kulağına.
00:08:12Ezanını sen okumuştun.
00:08:14Hatırlarım beşer. Elbette.
00:08:18Biz seni her zaman sevdik saydık bilirsin.
00:08:20Büyüğümüz bildik.
00:08:22Ama sen bizim başımızı önümüze eğdirdin Hakim Bey.
00:08:24Kızım milletin diline düştü.
00:08:26Bu düğün neden yapılmıyor diye soruyor ahali.
00:08:28Çocuklar genç dedin.
00:08:30Bekleyelim dedin kabul ettim bekledim.
00:08:32Arhan yurt dışında işleri toparlıyor dedin.
00:08:34Ona da tamam dedim.
00:08:36Ama artık sabrımız kalmadı Hakim Bey.
00:08:40Verilen sözlerin tutulması şart oldu yoksa...
00:08:44Yoksa ne devamını getirme.
00:08:46Ne sen o cümleni bitir.
00:08:48Ne de ben duymuş olayım.
00:08:50Bizi dönülmeyecek yollara sokma.
00:08:52Bu iş çok uzadı.
00:08:54Sözüm baki.
00:08:58Arhan bugün eve dönüyor.
00:09:00Siz akşama hazırlanın.
00:09:02Biz gelip yüzükleri takalım.
00:09:04Bu işin de adını koyalım.
00:09:22Uçakta asla uyumam diyen denize bakın.
00:09:32Ya bir dur müsaade et pilota da uçağı kaldırsın öyle uyu.
00:09:34Kim ben mi?
00:09:36Asla uyumadım.
00:09:38Allah Allah uçakta bütün yol boyunca omuzumda uyan kız kimdir ben bir bakayım o zaman.
00:09:40Ya tamam ya tamam.
00:09:42Birazcık kestir uçaları.
00:09:54Herkes bize mi bakıyor?
00:09:56Bana mı öyle geliyor?
00:09:58Sana öyle geliyor.
00:10:00Önemli biri gelecek galiba.
00:10:02Baksana arabalara.
00:10:04Aa benim geldi abi.
00:10:06Hoş geldin.
00:10:08Hoş bulduk Fırat.
00:10:10Hoş bulduk.
00:10:12Arhan ne oluyor?
00:10:14Bir şey yok.
00:10:16Arhan Bey hoş geldiniz.
00:10:18Deniz Belmondo.
00:10:20Belmondo Deniz.
00:10:22Belmondo bizim de çalışıcı deniz sahip olun.
00:10:24Öyle mi? Çok memnun oldum.
00:10:26Hakim Bey sizi bekliyor.
00:10:28Yalnız olarak.
00:10:30Tamam önce Deniz'i otelimize yerleştireyim ondan sonra gelirim.
00:10:32Hakim Bey acil gelsin dedi.
00:10:36İşlerle ilgili bir durum var herhalde.
00:10:38Çocuklar seni otelimize yerleştirsin sen dinlen biraz.
00:10:40Tamam ben hemen gelirim.
00:10:42Tamam canım.
00:10:44Fırat Deniz Hanım'ı otelimize yerleştirin.
00:10:46Ben gelene kadar da göz kulak bulun.
00:10:48Tamam beyim olur.
00:10:52Ben birkaç saate hemen gelirim.
00:10:54Olur mu?
00:11:02Ben malzemeyi hizalayayım.
00:11:04Ben taşırdım.
00:11:06Yok yok.
00:11:36Ne zamandır biliyorsunuz Deniz Hanım?
00:11:38Başımdan beri.
00:11:40Tabi ya.
00:11:42Bizim ailede sürprizlere yer alınmadığını unutmuş.
00:11:48Hadi hadi.
00:12:18Arhan dedemin kararından hiç hoşlanmayacak.
00:12:20Burada alaca olmanın bedelini ödeyecek.
00:12:22Hepimiz gibi.
00:12:26Cemal'im bir baksana.
00:12:28Şu patikler çok güzel değil mi ya?
00:12:30Abla ben de çok beğendim.
00:12:32Rengi de çok tatlı.
00:12:34Al gülüm beğendiysen.
00:12:36Yok ya çok para.
00:12:38Gerek yok.
00:12:40Gerek mi yok?
00:12:42Alacaların torunu en iyisini giymeli.
00:12:44Hayatım canım ne isterse al.
00:12:46Benim oğlum her şeyin en güzelini hak ediyor.
00:12:50Ya Arhan amcam nerede kaldı ya?
00:12:52Ayrıca ben niye buraya inmek zorundayım anlamıyorum.
00:12:54Odamda yerdim.
00:13:00Hep beraber olalım istedi.
00:13:02Hem bak.
00:13:04Ne bu halin gel düğme açık kalmış gel buraya.
00:13:06Bacaklarım tutmuyor ellerim değil.
00:13:08Ben kendim yaparım dokunma.
00:13:10Kendin yap oğlum.
00:13:14Gelmedi mi daha?
00:13:16Yoldaydı dede.
00:13:18Sonunda geldi.
00:13:22Sonunda geldi.
00:13:30Paşam hoş geldin.
00:13:36Hoş bulduk.
00:13:38Hoş bulduk.
00:13:40Hoş bulduk.
00:13:42Hoş bulduk.
00:13:44Nasıl geçti yolculuk?
00:13:46Bildiğin şeyleri sorma anneciğim.
00:13:48Onu da öğrenmişsinizdir siz.
00:13:50Dedem nerede içeride mi?
00:13:52İçeride dur konuşalım biraz.
00:13:54Acil konuşacakmışız ya.
00:14:00Neredesin oğlum ya?
00:14:02Öldü kaçtıktan be.
00:14:12Hoş geldin Arhan.
00:14:14Hoş bulduk dede.
00:14:16Acil konuşacaklarım varmış.
00:14:18Buyur dinliyorum.
00:14:20Evet var.
00:14:22Ama önce yemeğimizi yiyelim.
00:14:24Sonra oturup konuşalım.
00:14:26Ben yemeğe kalmayacağım.
00:14:30Bekleyenim var.
00:14:32Bekleyen kim?
00:14:34Kız arkadaşım.
00:14:36Aklını başına al.
00:14:40Kız arkadaşın olamaz.
00:14:42Oldu bile.
00:14:44Sen nasıl babaanneme aşık olup evlendiysen.
00:14:46Sonra da babaannem öldüğünde kimseleri dinlemiyip Hanzade ile evlendiysen.
00:14:48Ben de aşık oldum ve hayatımı geçireceğim kadınla en kısa zamanda evlenmek istiyorum.
00:15:00Hoş geldiniz.
00:15:02Hoş bulduk.
00:15:10Hoş bulduk.
00:15:20Buyurun deniz hanım.
00:15:30Deniz hanım burada.
00:15:40Buyurun gelin.
00:15:50Deniz hanım bir isteğin neyin olursa.
00:15:52Ben dışarıdayım.
00:15:54Yok bir isteğim teşekkürler çıkabilirsiniz.
00:15:56Yok gidemem.
00:15:58Beyim göz kulak ol dedi ben buradayım.
00:16:00Benim göz kulak olmaya ihtiyacım yok yalnız teşekkürler.
00:16:02Kusura bakmayın.
00:16:04Beyim böyle buyurdu ben buradayım.
00:16:08İyi günler.
00:16:16Ben bu beyim işine nasıl alışacaksam.
00:16:36Neyse iki gün.
00:16:38İki güzel gün.
00:16:42Ne demek evleneceğim?
00:16:44Ne demek evleneceğim?
00:16:46Çıkar bu fikri aklından.
00:16:48Asla izin vermem.
00:16:50İzin almak için anlatmadım anne zaten.
00:16:52Ben buraya sevdiğim kadını sizinle tanıştırmak için geldim.
00:16:54Sen benimle dalga mı geçiyorsun ha?
00:16:56Sen benimle dalga mı geçiyorsun?
00:16:58Senin verdiğin bir söz var bir kere onu unutma.
00:17:00Ben kimseye söz vermedim.
00:17:02Ben verdim.
00:17:04Sen de yıllarca duydun bu sözü.
00:17:06Şimdi hiç haberim yokmuş gibi bir davranma karşımda.
00:17:08Evet dede.
00:17:10Evet ben yıllarca zaten bu sözü duydum ve her duyduğumda da gülüp geçtim.
00:17:12Size de defalarca kez söyledim ama siz belli ki beni ciddiye almamışsınız.
00:17:14Ya Allah aşkına biz hangi yüzyılda yaşıyoruz ya?
00:17:16Lal benim kardeşim gibi.
00:17:18Ne benim ona karşı bir isim var ne de onun bana.
00:17:20Sen gerçekten kör falansın galiba Arhan.
00:17:22Yahu kız sarıl sıkılama aşıktan ha sen görmüyor musun bunu?
00:17:24Ya nasıl aşık?
00:17:26Öyle tabi.
00:17:28Ya sen geleceksin diye yolunu görmüyor musun?
00:17:30Ya sen geleceksin diye yolunu görmüyor musun?
00:17:32Anne ya sen geleceksin diye yolunu gözlüyor.
00:17:34Bir bahane buluyor soluğu bu konakta alıyor.
00:17:36Her seferinde böyle oğlum.
00:17:38Bu benim sorunum değil anne.
00:17:40Ben Lale hiçbir zaman ümit vermedim.
00:17:44Haddinden fazla uzadı bu konuşma.
00:17:48Bugün Eşrefle görüştüm.
00:17:50Bu akşam Eşreflere gidilecek.
00:17:52Parmaklara yüzükler takılacak.
00:17:54Ve bu işin adı konuşak.
00:17:58Eşrefle mi konuştun?
00:18:00Ya bana fikrimi bile sormadan yüzük takmak için söz mü verdin dede?
00:18:04Sen kim oluyorsun da sana fikrini soracağım?
00:18:06Ne zamandan beri bu evde benim kararlarım sorgulanır oldu?
00:18:10Hayatım ne olur sakin ol.
00:18:12Ne olur sakin ol ne olur.
00:18:14Bana bak Arhan efendi.
00:18:16Gezdin tozdun yedin içtin.
00:18:18Müsaade ettim.
00:18:20Şimdi gideceksin o İzmirli kıza.
00:18:22Bu iş bitti diyeceksin.
00:18:24Akşam da gelip söz yüzüğünü parmağına takacaksın.
00:18:32Lan iyi bir kız.
00:18:34Örf ve adetlerimizi biliyor.
00:18:36Bize yabancı değil.
00:18:38Bizde ona.
00:18:40Baştan nasıl biteceği belli olan bir heves için.
00:18:42Lütfen aileni karşına alma olur mu?
00:18:46Senin o heveslediğin şey benim hayatım anne.
00:18:50Ya onu kabul edersiniz.
00:18:52Ya da beni kaybedersiniz.
00:18:54Arhan yapma.
00:18:56Ben diyeceğimi dedim.
00:18:58Beni dinlemiyor musun?
00:19:00Kapı orada.
00:19:02Bu kapıdan çıkıp gidersin ama.
00:19:04Bu aileyi de geride bırakırsın.
00:19:08Bırak gitsin.
00:19:10Niye böyle olsun?
00:19:14Arhan oğlum.
00:19:16Sakin ol.
00:19:18Sakin ol ne olur.
00:19:22Ya Arhan bir dur oğlum dene.
00:19:24Ya Arhan bir ağabey kardeş konuşalım.
00:19:26Ağabey bak nefesini tüketme tamam mı?
00:19:28Benim fikrim değişmeyecek.
00:19:30Ya oğlum bir dur.
00:19:32Geldin salonun ortasına bombayı koydun gidiyorsun.
00:19:36Hadi be oğlum.
00:19:42Bir dakika ben anlamadım şimdi.
00:19:44Yani Arhan seni otele yerleştirmeye bile gelmedi mi?
00:19:46Yok abla gelmedi.
00:19:48Dedesi aradı acil gelmesi gerekiyormuş.
00:19:50Yani işle ilgili bir kriz falan çıktı herhalde.
00:19:52Arhan da apar topar gitti.
00:19:54Başka zaman mı yokmuş canım?
00:19:56Yok sanırım.
00:19:58Abla burada işler biraz farklı belli ki.
00:20:02Yani havaalanına siyah siyah arabalar dizilmiş.
00:20:04Kapının önüne çıkışa.
00:20:06Arhan'a benim diyor adamları.
00:20:08Elini öpmeye kalkıyorlar falan.
00:20:10Ama Deniz'cim bir tanem ben sana söyledim.
00:20:12Oranın adeti insanı farklıdır dedim.
00:20:14Bilmiyorum artık.
00:20:16Arhan gelince anlatır ne olduğunu.
00:20:18Zaten birkaç saat beklesem bir şey olmaz.
00:20:20Benim keyfim yerinde sen merak etme.
00:20:22Ay abla.
00:20:24Buralar o kadar güzel ki.
00:20:26Bir görsen masallardan fırlamış gibi.
00:20:28Senin için bol bol fotoğrafını çekeceğim merak etme.
00:20:30Gelince bakarız birlikte.
00:20:32Tamam sen çek bakarız birlikte.
00:20:34Tamam canım tamam.
00:20:36Hadi ben kapatıyorum şimdi.
00:20:38Konuşuruz bay bay.
00:20:42Selamun Aleyküm.
00:20:46Sen nereden çıktın sen ya?
00:20:48Nasıl çıktın sen içerden?
00:20:50Hayırdır ya bir hoş geldin demek yok mu amcamın kızı?
00:20:52Ya sen nasıl çıktın içerden?
00:20:54Yerden bıraktılar.
00:20:56Söyle Deniz'e.
00:20:58En büyük hastası geldi.
00:21:00Yok Deniz gitti çık evimden.
00:21:02Nereye gitti?
00:21:04Ya sana ne seni ilgilendirmez.
00:21:06Ne demek ya seni ilgilendirmez?
00:21:08Deniz'le ilgili olan her şey.
00:21:10Beni ilgilendirir.
00:21:12Tufan abi?
00:21:14Sema Deniz nerede?
00:21:18Geziye gitti ama nereye bilmiyorum.
00:21:20Ne demek ya geziye gitti?
00:21:22Ya sana ne çık git bu evden Deniz'i de unut.
00:21:24Hayırdır ya neden unutacakmışım Deniz'i?
00:21:26Çünkü Deniz'in sevdiği var.
00:21:32Ne diyorsun ulan sen?
00:21:34Ne demek ulan sevdiği biri var?
00:21:36Deniz benden başkasını sevemez.
00:21:38Deniz benden başkasını isteyemez.
00:21:40Ya Tufan bağırma.
00:21:42Hayırdır ne yapıyorsun?
00:21:44Ne diyorsun ya yakarım tahliyeni Tufan.
00:21:48Telefonu kapat.
00:21:50Yemin ederim yaparım çık bu evden.
00:21:52Bana bakın ulan.
00:21:54Bu iş burada bitmedi ben bulacağım Deniz'i.
00:21:56Hadi be.
00:22:14Çok güzel yemekler vardı evde ya.
00:22:16Kaçtı tepsi kebabı.
00:22:18Hah şöyle ya.
00:22:20Güzel kardeşim yüzü gülsün azıcık.
00:22:22Hayır dedeme kafa tutacak kadar büyük aşk yaşıyorsun.
00:22:24Abinin haberi yok.
00:22:26Nasıl olacak böyle?
00:22:28Benim oğlan da küçük amcasına benzerse yandık valla.
00:22:30Hayır böyle bir posta koymalar.
00:22:32Koca Alaca Servet'in elinin tersiyle ilgilenir.
00:22:34Benim oğlan da küçük amcasına benzerse yandık valla.
00:22:36Hayır böyle bir posta koymalar.
00:22:38Koca Alaca Servet'in elinin tersiyle ilgilenir.
00:22:40Koca Alaca Servet'in elinin tersiyle ilgilenir.
00:22:42Koca Alaca Servet'in elinin tersiyle ilgilenir.
00:22:44Eksik olsun Servet'leri.
00:22:46Oğlum sen böyle atıp tutuyorsun da.
00:22:48Sordun mu kıza?
00:22:50Razı mı seninle evlenmeye?
00:22:52Oğlum sen sormadın mı kıza?
00:22:54Ya delirtecek bu çocuk beni ya.
00:22:56Ya sen kıza sormadan dedeme posta mı koydun?
00:22:58Ya sen kıza sormadan dedeme posta mı koydun?
00:23:00Ya abi ben ne bileyim böyle olacağını.
00:23:02Biz normalde gelecektik.
00:23:04Yemeğe davet edip ailemle tanıştıracaktım.
00:23:06Sonra da evlenme teklifi edecektim.
00:23:08Ama görüyorsun olanları.
00:23:10Üzülüyorum da ne yapacağız böyle?
00:23:12Sana çok kızgınlar.
00:23:14Annem, dedem.
00:23:16Bilmiyorum. Yani inan bilmiyorum.
00:23:20Ama öncelikle yapmam gereken bir şey var onu biliyorum.
00:23:28Efendim gönül anneciğim.
00:23:30Canım kızım, Lal. Nasılsın?
00:23:32İyiyim, çok iyiyim.
00:23:34Hazırlık yapıyoruz akşam için. Siz nasılsınız?
00:23:36Ben iyiyim.
00:23:38Arhan kötü. Yani çok hasta.
00:23:40İzmir'de üşütmüş baya.
00:23:42İşte burada da havalar çarptı herhalde.
00:23:44İçeride yatıyor şimdi.
00:23:48Çok geçmiş olsun.
00:23:50Sağol kızım.
00:23:52Şimdi Arhan'ın durumu böyle olunca,
00:23:54Nişanı yapmayalım dedik.
00:23:56Ne dersin olur mu? Birkaç bin ertelesek?
00:24:02Var mı benim yapabileceğim bir şey?
00:24:04Yok kızım sağol.
00:24:08İçeride yatıyor zaten.
00:24:12Çok geçmiş olsun tekrar.
00:24:14Görüşürüz o zaman.
00:24:20Hoş geldiniz Eşref Bey.
00:24:22Hoş bulduk Makbule.
00:24:30Hayırdır ne bu surat?
00:24:34Gönül annem aradı.
00:24:36Arhan hastalanmış.
00:24:38Gelemeyeceklermiş bugün.
00:24:40Birkaç güne yapalım Nişanı dedi.
00:24:42Tamam dedim ben de.
00:24:44Yeter be.
00:24:46Şimdi bu bahane mi çıktı?
00:24:48Koskoca alacalar bize yalan söyleyecek değil ya evladım.
00:24:52Bak bana bakayım.
00:24:54Arhan hastalandıysa iyileşir kızım.
00:24:58Birkaç güne de takarız yüzükleri tamam mı?
00:25:06Gönül olacaya bak sen.
00:25:08Oğlunu korumaya çalışıyor.
00:25:12Hadi bugün yalan söyledin onlar da inandı diyelim.
00:25:14Üç gün sonra ne yapacaksın Gönül?
00:25:16Bu sefer başka bir yalan mı uyduracaksın?
00:25:18Yalan söylememe gerek kalmayacak.
00:25:22Sen endişe etme.
00:25:24Arhan ben ne dersem onu yapacak.
00:25:28Vallahi çıkıp giderken pek öyle gözükmüyordu ama.
00:25:32Çok merak ediyorum nasıl ikna edeceksin oğlunu.
00:25:34İkna edeceğim kişi o değil.
00:25:38Refika söyle arabayı hazırlasınlar.
00:26:04Aradığınız kişiye şu anda ulaşılamıyor.
00:26:06Lütfen daha sonra tekrar dinleyin.
00:26:08Of Arhan ya.
00:26:10Nerede kaldın?
00:26:18Deniz hanım buyurun.
00:26:20Bir isteğin mi vardı?
00:26:22Yok bir isteğim çıkıyorum ben.
00:26:24Sen nereye?
00:26:26Ben de size eşlik edeceğim.
00:26:28İpek yürü.
00:28:26I'm sorry, but you're at the wrong table.
00:28:31I'm really here, Deniz.
00:28:32How do you know my name?
00:28:36I'm Gönül Alaca.
00:28:38I am the mother of Arhan.
00:28:42I'm so sorry that I don't recognize you.
00:28:44I feel so awkward.
00:28:46I'm so sorry about that.
00:28:48Sit down.
00:28:50I need to speak with you.
00:28:56Do you love Arhan?
00:28:58Yes, more than anything.
00:29:01If so, listen to what I have to say.
00:29:05You're a very beautiful girl.
00:29:09And you're smart, obviously.
00:29:13There have been many beautiful girls in Arhan's life so far.
00:29:16But he never dared to bring anyone here.
00:29:21I don't know what Arhan did before me.
00:29:23I don't really care, to be honest.
00:29:27Then you don't know or care that he has a fiancée.
00:29:37I don't understand.
00:29:40Does Arhan have a fiancée?
00:29:42They will soon be engaged.
00:29:47Didn't he tell you?
00:29:52He didn't tell me.
00:29:55Look, girl.
00:29:57You live here not for your love, but for your family.
00:30:01We have a promise.
00:30:03Arhan also has a promise.
00:30:10He made a mistake and brought you here.
00:30:15Now we will try to make up for it.
00:30:25What is this?
00:30:27Go back to where you came from.
00:30:31Get out of my son's life.
00:30:34It's better for everyone.
00:30:37This is not a simple game.
00:30:41If the promise is broken, you will be responsible for what will happen.
00:30:47If you really love Arhan, go.
00:30:50Neither you nor this place is suitable for you.
00:31:02Aren't you going to say anything?
00:31:05Excuse me.
00:31:20Don't follow me.
00:31:24Don't follow me.
00:31:55Is Cemal here?
00:31:59...hasn't come yet, grandpa.
00:32:07That Arhan...
00:32:10...will come back to this house.
00:32:14He will apologize to me.
00:32:19He will apologize to me.
00:32:21He will apologize to me.
00:32:25What did you do?
00:32:27Did he leave?
00:32:29Did you check?
00:32:33I couldn't go.
00:32:35When I got home...
00:32:36You have only one job.
00:32:37Only one.
00:32:38I gave you the easiest job.
00:32:40And you can't do it.
00:32:46I was going to leave.
00:32:48But when you said everyone should gather at home, I...
00:32:50Shut up!
00:32:51Don't tell me the story.
00:32:53Cemal has a thousand jobs.
00:32:55Are you complaining that you couldn't do it?
00:32:58Even that girl Arhan...
00:33:00...went to Izmir.
00:33:02He opened a huge hotel on his own.
00:33:04He can do one job, one job.
00:33:06Come on, don't let me see you.
00:33:09Grandpa, I...
00:33:11Come on!
00:33:18I'm going.
00:33:26Cihan, come in.
00:33:30Cihan, come in.
00:33:34Enough, enough!
00:33:37You came all the way here.
00:33:39He'll hear.
00:33:41Let him hear.
00:33:42If he hears, let him hear.
00:33:43Who cares about the time?
00:33:45Can you calm down?
00:33:47What if I'm not? What if I'm not?
00:33:49Didn't you hear what they said to me?
00:33:51How old am I? Didn't you hear what they said to me?
00:33:53That boy yesterday, even Arhan...
00:33:55Leave me alone!
00:33:56That boy yesterday, even Arhan came up to him and yelled at him.
00:33:59What did he say?
00:34:00Man, I couldn't open my mouth and say anything again!
00:34:03Shut up! I'm telling you, shut up!
00:34:06Cihangir, Arhan yelled at him, what happened?
00:34:10If he can't stop spitting, who's going to erase him from the notebook?
00:34:14Whatever I do, I can't get used to this guy.
00:34:17Whatever I do, I can't get used to him!
00:34:19He didn't love me, he didn't love me at all!
00:34:21Especially after that accident, he didn't even look at my face, not even once!
00:34:26Cihangir, can you forget that accident?
00:34:30Forget it!
00:34:32Just focus on what you have.
00:34:36Look, you're the biggest.
00:34:39After he's gone, you're going to take care of everything.
00:34:44You can't be so sure.
00:34:46He has Cemal in his mind.
00:34:48It doesn't matter who you are in his mind, Cihangir.
00:34:52After he's gone, it matters what we do.
00:34:55That's why I'm asking you, please.
00:34:58Please calm down, be patient.
00:35:01Look, I'm with you.
00:35:09Look, soon everything will be the way we want it to be.
00:35:11Please hang in there.
00:35:13The tanks that set off the other day have arrived.
00:35:16The guys are very happy, they want more already.
00:35:20If we can get this done without anyone noticing,
00:35:24soon everything will be very different.
00:35:27That's why I'm asking you, hang in there.
00:35:30For me.
00:35:32For me.
00:35:40Your flight will leave in an hour. Have a good flight.
00:35:43Okay, thank you.
00:35:54Fırat, I was going to call you. Where are you?
00:35:56I'm at the airport, sir.
00:35:58Everything was on its way.
00:36:00Mrs. Deniz was out for a walk.
00:36:02Then she talked to Mrs. Gönül at the cafe.
00:36:04Then she took my bag and went to the hotel.
00:36:06I didn't understand either.
00:36:07Wait a minute, did she talk to my mother?
00:36:09Yes, Mrs. Gönül came to her.
00:36:11They had a little chat.
00:36:13I called you right away, but I couldn't reach you.
00:36:15Sir, Mrs. Deniz just bought a ticket.
00:36:18She's going back to Izmir.
00:36:37Don't come. I don't even want to see your face again.
00:36:39Deniz, listen to me.
00:36:41Don't you have any shame?
00:36:43How dare you come to me?
00:36:45I don't know what my mother told you,
00:36:47but if you listen to me for two minutes, I'll tell you everything.
00:36:49What am I going to listen to? You're a promise.
00:36:51Look, I never made a promise to Lara, okay?
00:36:53It's the family's job. It's not my fault.
00:36:55Her name is Lala. She learned it very well.
00:36:57Were the names of the other girls so beautiful?
00:36:59Very beautiful girls passed away.
00:37:01But you brought me here first.
00:37:03I'm proud of you. Thank you.
00:37:05Deniz, if you stop...
00:37:07If you stop what?
00:37:09If you stop, I'll say I've never looked you in the eye.
00:37:11I only loved you.
00:37:13I'll say I fell in love with you.
00:37:15Look, I took my family against me.
00:37:17I don't have anyone anymore.
00:37:19But I'll say I love you enough to last a lifetime.
00:37:21I'll say I love you enough to last a lifetime.
00:37:23I'll say I love you enough to last a lifetime.
00:37:25I'll say I love you enough to last a lifetime.
00:37:27Look, this promise thing is nonsense.
00:37:29It's just a promise between two families.
00:37:31It's nothing more than a promise.
00:37:33Believe me.
00:37:37I don't want to spend a second without you in my life.
00:38:01Marry me.
00:38:03I know you're going to ask...
00:38:05... how long have we known each other?
00:38:07But people get the point.
00:38:09From your point of view.
00:38:11From the way you stand.
00:38:13From the way your look at me.
00:38:15I understood at the first moment I saw you that I was looking for you, my son.
00:38:17I understood at the first moment I saw you that I was looking for you, my son.
00:38:25Come on.
00:38:29Say yes.
00:38:37Come on, say yes.
00:38:40Say yes.
00:38:43Come here.
00:38:46Can I take this as a yes now?
00:39:10Come on.
00:39:17I love you so much.
00:39:23We love you so much.
00:39:27We love you.
00:39:32We love you.
00:39:35We love you.
00:39:45Wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:39:48Huh, Yusuf.
00:39:49What happened to Arhan?
00:39:50He proposed to a girl in the airport.
00:39:52I didn't understand what was going on.
00:39:53I said you'd like to know.
00:39:54Come on, you must have seen it wrong.
00:39:56Arhan is sick and lying at home.
00:39:57He just talked to his mother.
00:39:59I swear, I saw it with my own eyes.
00:40:01He even has a video.
00:40:02I'll send it to you, watch it.
00:40:04Okay, hang up, I'm sending it.
00:40:19Son, where are you going?
00:40:29The person you are calling is not available at the moment.
00:40:34Please call later.
00:40:35How many times have I been calling?
00:40:36It's still off.
00:40:37She wouldn't turn off her phone that long.
00:40:39She wouldn't leave me unnoticed.
00:40:41Maybe she's bored of talking to you every minute.
00:40:44Maybe that's why she turned it off.
00:40:46I can't call because I'm happy.
00:40:48She needs to know that Rufan is here.
00:41:18Welcome, son.
00:41:19Where's my father?
00:41:20He's in the winter garden.
00:41:27What happened?
00:41:28What happened?
00:41:29While you're enjoying your coffee here...
00:41:30...our family's reputation, our honor is at stake.
00:41:32What reputation, what honor, son?
00:41:33What are you talking about?
00:41:34You know, Mr. Arhan was sick.
00:41:36You know, he was lying in bed.
00:41:39It's a lie, dad.
00:41:40It's all a lie.
00:41:41Is that possible, Sinan?
00:41:42Why would they lie?
00:41:43We need to ask them that.
00:41:45Dad, they're fooling us.
00:41:47Our future son-in-law...
00:41:49...is proposing to his girlfriend...
00:41:51...in the middle of the Kayseri airport.
00:41:53That's enough!
00:41:56See for yourself.
00:41:59Yusuf took it and shared it.
00:42:02See our disgrace in the middle of the people.
00:42:06Isn't there going to be a price for this?
00:42:13Calm down.
00:42:16Calm down.
00:42:17How could you do this to me?
00:42:21Come, sit down.
00:42:30What do you mean, he proposed to his girlfriend?
00:42:33That's what happened, Mr. Hakim.
00:42:35He's talking nonsense.
00:42:39He's waiting for his girlfriend to apologize...
00:42:41...but look at what he's doing.
00:42:44You left on your own.
00:42:46You were going to solve this.
00:42:48What's with this attitude?
00:42:51I don't understand what he's trying to do.
00:42:55Mr. Hakim!
00:42:58What's going on?
00:42:59Mr. Hakim!
00:43:00Stop, Yusuf. Stop.
00:43:15Why are you shouting, Esraf?
00:43:17What's going on?
00:43:18What's going on?
00:43:19There's a lie.
00:43:20There's a dream.
00:43:21But you know what, Mr. Hakim?
00:43:23There's no bravery.
00:43:26Shut up.
00:43:27Shut up right now.
00:43:28Let them talk.
00:43:29What did you promise me?
00:43:31You said the rings would be put on tonight.
00:43:33Yes, a ring was put on.
00:43:35But your grandson put that ring on someone else's finger.
00:43:37And in front of everyone.
00:43:39Where's the value of your promise?
00:43:41Enough, Esraf.
00:43:42Lower your voice.
00:43:44My ears are working fine.
00:43:48Arhan made a mistake.
00:43:51...we'll fix it.
00:43:52Of course.
00:43:57If Eski Esraf were here, he'd believe these words.
00:44:00But Esraf is dead.
00:44:02Do you know why I'm here?
00:44:04To tell you all of this.
00:44:06I'm not responsible for what happens from now on, Mr. Hakim.
00:44:10That's why.
00:44:19It's going to be hard.
00:44:20You know that, right?
00:44:22I know.
00:44:24But I don't care.
00:44:28They're good people, actually.
00:44:30My family.
00:44:33They've done good to everyone here.
00:44:37They just have some strict rules.
00:44:40And it's hard to break them.
00:44:43And the strong believe they come from here.
00:44:48Don't you believe?
00:44:52I don't know what I believe anymore.
00:45:02I just know what I want.
00:45:06What do you want?
00:45:13I couldn't hear you.
00:45:16I just kneeled in front of so many people.
00:45:19Wasn't that enough?
00:45:21It wasn't.
00:45:25I want you.
00:45:28More than anything.
00:45:30I want us to have a life together.
00:45:33I want us to go on vacation.
00:45:36I want us to get mad at each other at work and come home and tell each other.
00:45:41I want us to have to watch a movie with our kids for the 10th time.
00:45:45When you say kids?
00:45:47Four, five.
00:45:49Oh, Harun.
00:45:51Two is good. Let's agree on two.
00:45:54I'll fool you anyway.
00:45:58I'll fool you anyway.
00:46:04I love you so much.
00:46:07I love you so much.
00:46:25We'll get over everything.
00:46:28As long as we listen to each other.
00:46:33Let's just believe in each other.
00:46:42My sister will be very surprised.
00:46:45What happened?
00:46:46Oh, my God.
00:46:48I got mad at you and hung up on my phone.
00:46:50My sister must have died of curiosity.
00:46:52I'll call her.
00:46:53Okay, call her.
00:47:01Deniz, are you okay?
00:47:02I'm fine. I forgot my phone was off.
00:47:05I've been dying of curiosity here for hours.
00:47:09Please don't call me.
00:47:10Everything happened so fast.
00:47:12I forgot my phone was off.
00:47:15I heard your voice.
00:47:17Deniz, I need to tell you something.
00:47:20Wait a minute.
00:47:21I need to tell you something first.
00:47:22Otherwise, I can't stand it.
00:47:24Are you ready?
00:47:26Erhan proposed to me.
00:47:30What did you say?
00:47:33I said yes.
00:47:34I said yes.
00:47:35I'm so happy.
00:47:36Aren't you going a little fast?
00:47:39Marriage is a very serious matter.
00:47:41It's not a child's toy.
00:47:43I'm sure of myself if I think about it for a second.
00:47:56I want to be with Erhan until the end of my life.
00:48:04Wait a minute.
00:48:05Aren't you happy?
00:48:06I'm happy.
00:48:07I'm happy.
00:48:08Of course I'm happy.
00:48:10But if you let me, I'm a little surprised.
00:48:13I hope you're very happy.
00:48:16Thank you so much.
00:48:17My sister.
00:48:19What were you going to say?
00:48:24We'll talk about it later.
00:48:25Okay, it doesn't matter.
00:48:26Have a nice vacation there.
00:48:28Come here.
00:48:29We'll talk about everything when you get here.
00:48:32I kiss you.
00:48:33I kiss you too.
00:48:37What happened?
00:48:39Why did you say I was so happy?
00:48:43He offered his sister to marry.
00:48:46Deniz also accepted.
00:48:51Is it that fast?
00:48:54Yes, they're going a little fast.
00:48:56But this is Deniz's life.
00:48:58If she's going to be so happy, we'll support her.
00:49:02Maybe it's good.
00:49:04Tufan will leave her.
00:49:07Come on.
00:49:09What if I did the same thing?
00:49:11What if I said I was getting married to a man I've known for 3-5 months?
00:49:14It would be a big deal.
00:49:16Don't be ridiculous, Sema.
00:49:18That's right.
00:49:20You would object instantly.
00:49:22Don't be ridiculous, Sema.
00:49:24I warned Deniz.
00:49:27But I didn't understand what you were waiting for me to do.
00:49:30Should I take her in and lock her up?
00:49:31For God's sake.
00:49:33Don't play me.
00:49:35We both know very well.
00:49:36When it comes to Deniz, there's no end to it.
00:49:39I'm so curious.
00:49:40Which one of us didn't have a mother?
00:49:42Deniz or me?
00:49:44I'll be very happy if I have a child.
00:49:46Because I have a family to be loved.
00:49:48Sema, I love you both very much.
00:49:53Look at what you're saying for Deniz.
00:49:56She's your sister.
00:49:58Will I be happy?
00:50:00What will I be happy about?
00:50:02First of all, I saw Erhan at the hotel.
00:50:04Erhan is mine.
00:50:05But guess who's getting married?
00:50:07Deniz, who deserves the best of everything.
00:50:10Who's in charge of this family?
00:50:13Who's special?
00:50:15And you're so pathetic that you can't even talk about it.
00:50:30How can you talk to me like that?
00:50:34Didn't I treat you like a mother, a father, and a sister?
00:50:40Erhan will be Deniz's husband.
00:50:43And you will never say such things again.
00:50:47Do you understand me?
00:50:51I understand very well.
00:50:54But don't forget this slap, okay?
00:51:15We'll go back to Izmir in the morning.
00:51:18Erhan, you don't have to be like this.
00:51:21Why don't you try talking to your family again?
00:51:24Not now.
00:51:25And don't think about it.
00:51:27This way.
00:51:29Where are we? Where is this place?
00:51:31My friend's hotel.
00:51:33After all that happened, I didn't want to stay in our hotel.
00:51:36You're right.
00:51:41We're going in here.
00:51:52Miss Deniz.
00:51:58Come in.
00:52:05What's up?
00:52:06Where are you going?
00:52:08We're going to sleep.
00:52:09I might have accepted your marriage proposal.
00:52:11But we're not married yet.
00:52:13But I don't know if there's any other vacancy right now.
00:52:16There is, there is.
00:52:17You'll find it.
00:52:18I'm sure there isn't.
00:52:19There is.
00:52:20Everyone's eyes will be on you.
00:52:22You won't be able to find a place to sleep.
00:52:24You'll find it, darling.
00:52:25But Miss Deniz...
00:52:26Come on, darling.
00:52:27You'll find it.
00:52:28Good night.
00:52:29But now, night after night...
00:52:34I got fired from everywhere.
00:52:51Hatice, what's going on?
00:52:52I don't know.
00:52:57I don't know.
00:53:07What's going on, Belmondo?
00:53:08Come here.
00:53:09We're on fire, Mr. Sakin.
00:53:10They just called.
00:53:11The bars are on fire.
00:53:12The bars.
00:53:13What are you saying?
00:53:18Left, left.
00:53:19What do you want?
00:53:20What do you want?
00:53:21What do you want?
00:53:22Run, run.
00:53:23Come here.
00:53:26Orhan, to the left.
00:53:27Orhan, to the left.
00:53:28Orhan, run.
00:53:29Orhan, run.
00:53:30Orhan, to the left.
00:53:31To the left.
00:53:36Water on the road.
00:53:37Water on the road.
00:53:38Orhan, to the left.
00:53:39Water to the left.
00:53:40What do you need?
00:53:41To the road.
00:53:42Water to the road.
00:53:44He has finally done it.
00:53:45That damn bastard.
00:53:47The war has commenced, has it not?
00:53:49Yaman, we need to join you.
00:53:53My brother was right.
00:53:54Something must have happened.
00:53:55If we don't do anything, everyone's path will open up.
00:53:58They'll think we're weak.
00:54:00We can't stop without doing anything.
00:54:02We won't stop anyway.
00:54:03We won't stop.
00:54:28You're welcome, ma'am.
00:54:33Good morning.
00:54:34Good morning.
00:54:36Are you an early bird?
00:54:38It's a habit.
00:54:42Oh, oh, oh, look.
00:54:52Did you sleep well?
00:54:54I don't even have to ask what you did.
00:54:56Oh, Arhan, oh.
00:54:58What have you become?
00:55:01Oh, don't say that.
00:55:03Don't say that.
00:55:04Don't be silly.
00:55:05You're a big man, Arhan.
00:55:07Am I supposed to be like this?
00:55:09You stayed in the suite rooms.
00:55:13Don't look up at all.
00:55:15I got up in the morning and asked the reception where you were.
00:55:18Oh, honey.
00:55:20You're not in it.
00:55:22What do you care where I am?
00:55:29Mr. Arhan, Mr. Hakim is waiting for you.
00:55:34It's important. We have to go.
00:55:40Okay, I'm coming.
00:55:41Wait in the room.
00:55:43He's waiting for both of you.
00:56:06When you were little,
00:56:08you used to climb.
00:56:10And your little heart.
00:56:12You put it in your bag.
00:56:14Then we'd come to the mountain.
00:56:16We'd walk around the mountain.
00:56:18You used to collect grapes like a big man.
00:56:23We couldn't get you out of here until the evening.
00:56:27Your father was like that when he was little.
00:56:31You always looked like him.
00:56:36When I look at you,
00:56:38it looks like he's never died, you know?
00:56:40I'm sorry.
00:56:46When I took you in my arms,
00:56:48the pain of losing my son
00:56:50came down to my heart.
00:56:56I always said,
00:56:58my God is gone,
00:57:00but he left Arhan for me.
00:57:10If he's gone,
00:57:12what's the point of losing his memories?
00:57:20Let go.
00:57:22What happened to you?
00:57:26Every decision has a price.
00:57:28And this is the price of your decision.
00:57:35Esref did it.
00:57:37I'm going to talk to Esref.
00:57:39He has nothing to do with you.
00:57:41He can solve his problems with me.
00:57:43It's too late, Arhan.
00:57:45It's too late to talk.
00:57:47What are we going to do, Grandpa?
00:57:49Aren't we going to answer him?
00:57:51We will.
00:57:53We will.
00:57:54And we'll give him what he deserves.
00:58:04You'll get married.
00:58:07We'll have the most magnificent wedding
00:58:09these lands have ever seen.
00:58:14And this will be our answer
00:58:16to Esref and the whole of Cappadocia.
00:58:25What do you say, bride?
00:58:28Are you ready to be a mother-in-law?
00:58:31I'm ready, sir.
00:58:34Then let the wedding begin.
00:58:37This wedding must be a mother-in-law.
01:01:33What a pain in the ass.
01:01:36No one's picking up.
01:01:38They've gone into the ground.
01:01:40I've looked everywhere, but there's no sign of them.
01:01:42And my dad called me to come.
01:01:44But no, I'm not going to let them go.
01:01:46Come on, speed up a bit.
01:01:48Come on, speed up a bit!
01:01:50Speed up!
01:01:52Come on, speed up!
01:01:54Speed up!
01:01:58What the hell is that?
01:02:00What the hell is that?
01:02:02Where are you, girl?
01:02:04Where are you?
01:02:06Brother Tufan, we're in Cappadocia.
01:02:08Cappadocia? What Cappadocia?
01:02:10What are you doing there?
01:02:12Deniz is getting married.
01:02:14That's why we came.
01:02:18There's a wedding tomorrow.
01:02:20What are you saying, Sema?
01:02:22That's it.
01:02:24I couldn't open it before because there was always someone next to it.
01:02:26But that's the situation.
01:02:28You didn't hear from me, so...
01:02:32What happened, Metin?
01:02:34What happened, Metin?
01:02:42She's in Cappadocia.
01:02:44She's in Cappadocia.
01:02:46She's getting married.
01:02:48What are you saying?
01:02:50What are you saying?
01:02:52Sema told me that she's getting married.
01:02:54Sema told me that she's getting married.
01:02:56Well, if my dad hears this...
01:02:58You'll be in big trouble.
01:03:00He'll say he couldn't convince a girl.
