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Discrimination Education White Privilege


Unfair & Inaccurate Test Scores Graded by Bots

AI, Misinformation & Religion


Artificial Intelligence in Education - Complications or Transformation?


Artificial Intelligence in Education - Benefits, Challenges and Best Practices



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Undocumented Students Strategies to Study in the USA ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1980458219

Reading, Critical Thinking & Student Leadership: Teachers and Parents Success Strategy ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1731168845

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Advanced Placement Classes and Test Assessments: Free Your Heart and Mind ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1980490236

Teacher Success and Survival Secrets ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1520944764

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00:00Rock and roll, coochie-coo.
00:04I've got good news for you, especially if you're Latino, Brazilian, Haitian, Asian,
00:11any group of people in the United States who have been discriminated against, and specifically
00:18in education, ironically, where equity, equality, morality, humanity should be here in society
00:28in what we call the greatest country on earth, the United States of America.
00:34But I've got some interesting news because the school districts and the school boards
00:42and the departments of education across our great nation are trying to save money and
00:50outsource and fire all the brilliant minds and educators and graders who grade these
00:57standardized tests that they continuously pressure and push on administrators and teachers
01:04and students to grade the schools and grade the performance and the achievement of our
01:12lovely and wonderful students.
01:14But all the while, they're letting computer bots grade these tests, and specifically the
01:22essays and the written component therein, which in the state of Texas, now we've got
01:28up to 25% of the tests being open-ended questions, yet there's no human being grading that part
01:40of the exam.
01:42Ironically, and frighteningly, there is no accuracy, there is no integrity, but it's
01:48all about saving money, which by shortening or laying off more than 4,000 graders and
01:55cutting back their workforce from 6,000 to 2,000, the state of Texas has saved between
02:0010 to 15 million dollars, and of course they're excited about that.
02:04It's all about money for a lot of these people who run these school districts, what they
02:09call superintendents, although they're not always that super in their leadership capacities.
02:16So state data in Texas, the Lone Star State, reveals that up to 62% of the students in
02:26that great state are Latino, and English is not their native and original language.
02:34So these tests, these standardized tests, they're written from monolingual white and
02:41middle class people, typically, and they don't understand the linguistic patterns and
02:48nuances of bilingual people who don't speak English as their first language, and therefore
02:55these lovely bots who grade these written essays in open-ended questions that are not
03:03multiple guess, they oftentimes, when they see a test question answered in a foreign
03:11language or if a Brazilian student uses Portuguese or a Latino student answers in Spanish in
03:17part or in full, immediately the bot flags the answer because the bot's only been programmed
03:23to read in English, and thereafter, once the test has been flagged, the test has to go
03:30to the grader.
03:32But that's a form of discrimination in and of itself because there is not any quality
03:38of grading therein because you're penalizing the student because they have not answered
03:44like a bot or a machine to fit the little box, and then they are flagged, and then the
03:51English language learner or the Spanish speaker or the Portuguese speaker or the Haitian speaker
03:58from, the Creole speaker from Haiti is suddenly thrown into a whole other category whereby
04:04they have to be graded differently, and that eviscerates and removes equality in and of
04:12itself and thereby there is no equity in the whole process, which some educators and administrators
04:19have said for years needs to be eliminated altogether because it honestly and accurately
04:24does not assess student achievement, and it oftentimes misdirects teachers' focus in the
04:32classroom, teaching to the test, and when you're having robots grade the test, all
04:38you're doing is encouraging and incentivizing teachers and students alike to be robots and
04:43to not think critically or write with any authenticity or originality and thereby lose
04:50their voice to try to game the test to be good on paper, but the economically disadvantaged
04:58and those who are financially struggling and maybe don't grow up in a home where they
05:03have adequate reading material made available to them or they're not seeing reading material
05:08in the English language, they're already disadvantaged in that regard, and I understand the argument
05:14when you come to the United States, you need to assimilate, you need to learn our language
05:18and speak our tongue and immerse yourself in our culture, yeah, and I get that, but
05:22when the majority of people in the state of Texas now are Latino, that argument doesn't
05:28always fly, and if we're truly the home of the free and the brave, let's live up to our
05:34values and what we claim to be and not just talk the talk and fake the funk, let's walk
05:40the walk and truly embrace and upgrade our academia and our educational processes with
05:48the times in which we're living because now we've got Latino students who outnumber white
05:53students in the state of Texas and stop living in denial and merely pleasing and appeasing
06:00the test makers and the administrators who are profiting off this process and thereby
06:05trying to reduce the cost of conducting and grading it with bots and thereby further harming
06:13both the educational system in and of itself and the educators and the students who are
06:20being subjected to this inhumane process. So if you are a Haitian student, an Asian
06:26student, a Middle Eastern student from India, Pakistan, Brazil, Haiti, Venezuela, Cuba,
06:33anywhere in the world that you are not being provided bilingual education or a translator
06:41to engage in core curriculum and classes in your school, in your county, email me. These
06:49are all lawsuits waiting to happen because we have the American Civil Liberties Union,
06:56we have the Department of Justice, we've got Attorney Generals waiting, willing and ready
07:01and able to serve you and many of them are Latinos themselves. So they will fight for
07:07your right to be educated in your language and have at least, at the bare minimum, that
07:14what you're learning translated into your own tongue to be given bilingual dictionaries.
07:19When I taught in Polk County, the bilingual dictionary for Haitian students, the Creole
07:25dictionary was lacking vocabulary words and was not sufficient nor was it equivalent to
07:31the Spanish dictionary for the Latino students. So the Haitian students are at a great disadvantage
07:37in the state of Florida. I've taught in Dade County, I've taught in Orange County, I've
07:40taught in Polk County and I've taught in Lake County. I've taught in Palm Beach County.
07:44So I know a little bit about the state of Florida and I'm also licensed as an educator
07:48in California. In California and Oregon are the only two states that really took the initiative
07:53to advise their educators how to use AI, artificial intelligence and bots in the grading system
08:01and provide them any guidance. Whereas a lot of these other states didn't even engage,
08:07inform or make the educators aware of this whole bot grading process, although it's already
08:14been proven and released and made known by Vice News that more than 21 states are already
08:20using bots in their grading system of these standardized tests and thereby oftentimes
08:25discriminating against the students who don't speak English in their grading systems. If
08:32a student answers in a word that's not English, it's not discernible or if they use slang
08:36or any type of lingo that is not traditional, it doesn't fit the box, it doesn't fit the
08:42way the bot's been programmed, it gets flagged, it gets kicked out and more and more zeros,
08:47more and more students are getting zeros for answering these questions because they don't
08:52fit the programmed thinking of a bot. So that's how smart we are in America and it's very
08:58sad. If you're in another country and you're looking to keep the integrity of your educational
09:04system and not be computerized and robotized and dehumanized, you can email me and have
09:12me come speak in your country on these matters. I've written several topics on artificial
09:16intelligence and lessons for teachers and students alike to educate and warn the world
09:23and even authors and content creators lest they be plagiarized because that essentially
09:27is all bots do is they plagiarize people when they're creating content because they're not
09:34creating anything, they're merely duplicating. So, so much to say, so little time. God bless
09:40you, get a backbone, have some heart and integrity, fight for your students and your children
09:46and your community and the people of the world in your country who maybe don't speak English
09:53because they have a right to learn and be heard and even to discern what it is they're
09:57being taught in their own native tongue and not be kept on the sidelines scratching their
10:02head wondering what on earth is going on. God bless you, those who care and have a conscience
10:09to fight for the minority students and those who are being disenfranchised and discriminated
10:16against and not giving equal access to meaningful education in the USA and elsewhere throughout
10:23the world.