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MR BEAST 7 Days Stranded In A Cave


00:00I don't normally do intros like this, but I'm currently descending hundreds of feet into a cave that runs over five kilometers deep into the earth
00:08And whether we like it or not, as soon as my friends and I touch the ground
00:13We are officially stranded here for the next seven days
00:18That might have been the scariest thing I've ever done. First things first, we gotta get really far away from where we rappelled down
00:24Why? If it storms, this entire area includes flash floods
00:28Fill up like an ocean and potentially drown us all, which is why we're going deep into the cave to set up base camp
00:33Bro, this is just wicked. Dude, this is like a different world
00:36This cave entrance may be beautiful, but looks can be deceiving
00:40We didn't know it yet, but the next seven days will by far be the hardest of our entire lives
00:48Alright, it's gonna get dark in a couple hours. If we don't have a camp, we're screwed, okay?
00:52Do you have any idea where you're going? We're just looking for flat ground to set up camp
00:55Upon entering the mouth of the cave, we stumbled upon an area with high enough elevation to protect us from any flash flooding
01:02Meaning that it was perfect for camp!
01:04Perfect is a crazy word. Good enough is what I would use. Good enough for camp
01:07We spent the rest of day one grabbing our supplies that we were dropped with
01:11Each one of these bags weighs like 80 pounds
01:13And as you can see by the footage, we spent around four hours
01:16This is very hard to traverse
01:18Getting all of it back up to our base camp
01:21Alright, we've got some lights on in here
01:23Our supplies are finally at our home base
01:25And if you point the camera over there, you'll see it's pitch black
01:29It took all day
01:30And so, we set up the bare minimum for camping grounds
01:33We drilled holes to hang up some ropes
01:35Grab these, pull yourself up
01:37Looks like the ropes will be able to support hammocks
01:39And with the help of our survival guide Joel, we hung our hammocks
01:42This thin rope is what holds up my hammock
01:45Ate some dinner and prepared for a very cold night one
01:48Not gonna lie, this hammock is way more comfortable than I thought it would be
01:53Oh god
01:54Why is my head so big, bro?
01:56This part of the cave is two and a half kilometers deep
01:59And we're basically camping at the entrance
02:01Tomorrow, we have a lot of exploring
02:07How'd you guys sleep?
02:09I didn't
02:10It's a very perplexing environment
02:12The cave's constantly dripping water on us from above
02:14So we put a tarp over us
02:16But even still, the water's dripping into our hammocks
02:18I have an idea
02:19Let's make our shelter actually good
02:21I say we connect these tarps so we stay dry while we're sleeping
02:24That's literally genius
02:25I'm not just a YouTuber, okay?
02:27My hammock gets out right here
02:29Are we serious right now?
02:31This is where I just got out of bed
02:32And we didn't realize it at the time
02:34But this hole is almost 40 feet deep
02:36So while Sean and I got started on the super tarp
02:38Mac and Carl went to see how dangerous this hole was for themselves
02:41Do you see my hammock up there?
02:43That is where I slept
02:44Now look at this
02:45Everything looks the same
02:46And it's probably pretty hard to follow us in this cave
02:48On this map, you can see our home base
02:50And how far they're moving away from it
02:52Alright Mac, it's been real, bro
02:54This is crazy
02:55While the boys are randomly exploring
02:57Me and Sean actually have to work on the camp
03:01Why is there a sleeping bag over here?
03:03Uh, cause it smelled like pee
03:06Lesson number one, don't rent your sleeping bags
03:08Why did we rent sleeping bags?
03:10Why did we not just buy sleeping bags?
03:12We're zip-tying the tarps together to create one mega tarp
03:15Don't mind me, just trusting this rope with my life
03:19And meanwhile, Mac and Carl were still in a hole
03:22Oh my god, Mac
03:24And eventually, they finally made it to the bottom
03:28We're supposed to be working on camp
03:30We just wanted to show how dangerous camp was
03:33Just don't fall, it's a skill issue
03:35Oh, okay
03:36And even though they should have been on their way back
03:38Carl and Mac insisted on seeing how deep they could go
03:41Bro, this just looks so crazy
03:43You think you can make it through the river?
03:48Little do these two know, this river actually runs throughout the entire cave
03:52Which means, we'll be spending some time in it
03:55Oh, there they are
03:56Oh my god
03:57Tell me you guys cooked
03:58Oh, we cooked
03:59That's right
04:00A new home, am I right?
04:02Let's go
04:03We now have a roof
04:04Look at this
04:05I'm not gonna lie, it's actually kinda gross
04:06And we moved the fire pit to this little cove we found
04:08What do you think?
04:09It's warmer
04:10It's cozy
04:11These rocks trap the heat here
04:12And block the pee from the rocks above
04:14It's not pee
04:15What do I call it?
04:16I don't know, maybe rain or something?
04:18It's not rain, it's rocks
04:20Point it up
04:21Do you see clouds?
04:22No, you see rocks
04:23It's not rain
04:24Rock pee
04:25Rock pee
04:26Rock pee, fine
04:27Alright, it's rock pee
04:28And after a much drier night of sleep
04:30We decided to have Joel, our survival expert
04:33Help us get all the way to the end of the cave
04:42Let's see how deep in the cave we can make it
04:44Now, keep in mind
04:45We are still just at the beginning of this massive cave
04:48And our goal is to make it all the way through it
04:50Without dying of course
04:52Oh my gosh, this is kinda steep
04:53Bro, you ain't seen nothing yet
04:55We're going deep in the cave
04:56Alright boys, suck in your guts
04:58Before things get tight
04:59I don't actually think I'm gonna fit
05:01The interesting part about cave exploration
05:03Is one second, you're barely fitting through cracks in the rocks
05:06Oh my god, this is so tight
05:07In the next, you're in a massive chamber
05:09So big, that in order to see it all
05:11We had to do this
05:13Oh my god!
05:14I can actually see now
05:16This is awesome
05:17This thing is bright
05:19Bro, look at how cool this is
05:23It's so bright, I can't even look at it
05:24I feel like I'm getting blinded
05:25Oh no!
05:26Oh no!
05:27In hindsight, we probably didn't use that the most effectively
05:30Lead the way
05:31And so, we continued on
05:33Jail frame is a really good handle at the top there
05:35Right there
05:36And then you can sort of swing a foot around onto this one
05:38Like this?
05:39Yeah, yeah, perfect
05:40Joel, the best caving guide ever
05:42No one's died yet
05:44Alright guys, this is where things get interesting
05:47What? What is this?
05:49So from this point on, wetsuits
05:51We're going for a swim
05:53Yesterday, Mac and Carl were joking about doing this
05:56But the rest of this cave adventure takes place in a freezing river
05:59Oh my god, this is insane!
06:01Meeting wetsuits are the only way to not get hypothermia
06:04Why are we doing this?
06:05This is a once in a lifetime experience
06:07It's because you die after you do it
06:09So in order to get to the end of the cave
06:11We have to hop in this river and fight the rapids
06:13Through this tiny hole in the rock
06:15And carefully squeeze our way through it
06:17Take your time, it will take your feet behind you a little bit
06:20Alright, I'm getting in the river
06:22Follow the wall around
06:24It's so cold!
06:26You got it, Jimmy
06:28I don't know if I fit!
06:29Jimmy, I need you to pull yourself up out of the water
06:32Oh my god!
06:33What's crazy about doing this
06:34Oh, it's so cold!
06:35Is when you're completely submerged in freezing cold water
06:38Gripping onto the rocks becomes incredibly hard
06:41Oh my gosh, that was crazy!
06:43Mac, Carl, let's go!
06:45I'm scared!
06:46You got this!
06:48Keep going!
06:49Look how crazy this is, dude!
06:50And even though this obstacle was difficult
06:52It's nothing compared to what's up ahead
06:54We did it!
06:56Get it, get it, get it!
06:58We're now 10% done!
07:00Which means we've only scratched the surface of this expedition
07:03And we still have over 2 kilometers remaining to reach the end
07:06As you can see, it rains in this cave 24-7
07:09So I'm making a chill spot for us to hang out in and not get wet
07:13I wonder what it would look like if I wasn't here to build all this
07:15Pretty sure they'd just be sleeping in a pile on a wet rock
07:20As long as we keep moving now that the bodies are wet
07:22You got it!
07:23Temperatures are going to drop quickly
07:24Why is this so difficult?
07:29The worst part is, every inch we go this way
07:32Is an inch we gotta go that way to get back to camp
07:35Our next obstacle may be out of the water
07:37But that doesn't make it any easier to get through
07:39Is that a spider web?
07:41I don't know, I don't see a spider
07:42That means it's probably on us
07:43It's on you, it's on you!
07:44I hate my friends
07:45This cave is like a MrBeast video
07:47The further you go, the harder it gets
07:50Just straight up, if we didn't have Joel, I'd be dead
07:53And after 3 hours, Joel had some bad news for us
07:56The water's too high and we've taken too long
07:59We're gonna have to turn around for today and head back to camp
08:01I disagree!
08:02You can't disagree with the safety experts!
08:04I disagree!
08:05Well, we can't really disagree
08:07It turns out we wasted way too much time filming
08:10And playing with flares
08:11To the point where we now had to restart
08:13And attempt this mission another day
08:17Sean, we're back!
08:19What did you do while we were gone?
08:20Hopefully nobody gets wet now
08:22I didn't even know we packed lights
08:23Yeah, they're awesome, right?
08:24Sadly, we only made it 20% through the cave today
08:27But mark my words
08:28We will go the distance in a future day
08:31I doubt it
08:32That's not gonna happen
08:33We might rest on day 4
08:34And then on day 5, try to go all the way to the end of the cave
08:38And see what's there
08:39Day 3 was a lot of fun
08:40I'll see you guys tomorrow
08:44And after a third miserable night in the cave
08:47The next morning, we only had one thing in mind
08:49A hot shower would literally save my life right now
08:53Oh, showering would be awesome
08:55I haven't showered in 3, 4 days
08:57As you can imagine, showering inside a cave isn't easy
09:00We had to hike all the way back to where we rappelled in
09:03To safely reach the riverbed
09:06I feel my brain
09:07I've never felt my brain like this
09:09My forehead is frostbite
09:10Let's use the drone to dry our heads off
09:12Come here, drone!
09:13Stop, stop!
09:14It's actually working
09:15Yeah, it is working
09:16Who needs a hairdryer when you have a drone?
09:18And after we dried off
09:19We sat down with Joel to plan our journey
09:21What is this, Joel?
09:22This is the map of the cave
09:23Last time, we had to stop because of the fast-moving water
09:26But the rains have been slowing
09:27So we might just get a window to reach the end by tomorrow
09:30Dude, this is gonna be wild
09:32First, we'll need to pass some of those same rapids from yesterday
09:35Dive off massive cliffs and avoid jagged rocks
09:38And if we can make it past all that
09:40We will finally make it to the beautiful glowworm chamber
09:43Don't tell us what that looks like
09:45I want us to be surprised
09:46Do you think we're gonna make it?
09:49Nah, let's not play that game
09:50We're all gonna make it
09:51With tomorrow's plan thoroughly mapped out
09:53We rested up and made feastable s'mores to regain our energy
09:56Everyone, cheers!
09:58Oh, Joel's about to have his first feastable s'more
10:00Alright, Joel, be honest
10:02Joel approves?
10:03Sounds great
10:04Why didn't we whip this chocolate out earlier?
10:06This just got like ten times more fun
10:07Guys, for real, if you've never tried s'mores with feastables
10:10You're really missing out
10:11Tomorrow, we're gonna explore the entire cave
10:14We'll see you guys then
10:15So we tried to sleep as much as we could
10:16And prepare for tomorrow's journey to the end of the cave
10:19We're about to embark on one of the most dangerous journeys of my life
10:22Because of our experience from day three
10:24And focusing less on filming
10:25We were able to make progress way faster
10:28This water's cold
10:29Just like the other day, bro
10:31Life's not easy
10:33And to ensure our best chance of survival
10:35In addition to Joel
10:36We brought another survival expert with us
10:38This is where we had to stop on day three
10:40How we doing?
10:41We're making much better time
10:42Behind us, it's pitch black
10:44Where do we go?
10:45This area gets narrow
10:46The current's strong
10:47So we're gonna use the walls and kinda climb our way along
10:51Yep, through we go
10:52I got it
10:53I'll go
10:54Jump for that first rock
10:55There's a couple of good rocks around the corner as well
10:57You can get a hand onto
10:58It's so dark down here
11:00There's no bottom right now
11:01My feet aren't touching the ground right now
11:03Because we couldn't reach the ground
11:05This meant that if we let go now
11:07We could get swept away by the strong current directly beneath us
11:10Joel, what are we doing?
11:11I'll go into here if you can
11:13That's a good one
11:14I can't even see where I'm going
11:15The current is taking me away
11:17You got it, you got it
11:18Get yourself in there
11:19It's gonna get way gentler
11:20I go in here?
11:21Yep, in the hole
11:24Yeah, well done, well done
11:26This might be the most insane thing we've ever done
11:28We are much deeper in the cave than we've ever been
11:31And we're now approaching our first serious obstacle
11:34Basically, the water's recirculating
11:36So if you fall in
11:37It takes you to the bottom
11:38And it keeps you there
11:39If we fall, we would die
11:41Okay, so death is on the table
11:43This is just not what I thought I was signing up for
11:49Yeah, perfect
11:55Caving is a lot harder than I thought
11:57You can tell how strong this river is
11:59Because it created this entire cave
12:01And fun fact, we're not as strong as a cave
12:03I'm barely as strong as a human
12:05Well, fortunately for us
12:06Rather than Carl leading this expedition
12:08We've got the literal Avenger, Joel
12:11And just to prove how much of an expert he is
12:13This man literally flexed on us
12:15By jumping off a cliff
12:18Oh my god
12:20You're crazy
12:21Who else is a bit crazy?
12:23Surely one of you guys are keen?
12:24I'm crazy!
12:25No shot, you want to do that
12:27What are you talking about?
12:28I'm doing it right now
12:29Baby, let's go, Joel
12:30Gotta speed back
12:31After everything Jimmy's put me through
12:33This ain't that scary for me
12:353, 2, 1
12:42You doing it?
12:43No, we gotta keep going
12:44Or we will hit the end
12:46Oh my god
12:47Oh my god
12:50Do we go downstream?
12:51Why are we always fighting the current?
12:53I might just start drifting away
12:54I might just give it up
12:55There are sharp rocks underneath the water
12:57You cannot see them
12:59So watch your step
13:00Oh my god
13:01It's getting deep again
13:02I can't
13:03I need to put my feet up
13:04And if the sharp rocks weren't enough of a challenge
13:06It seemed like with every step we took
13:09Bro, I can't see anything
13:11This is terrifying
13:12The cave became darker
13:14And ruthless enough
13:16We began to question
13:17If we could even get to the finish line
13:21This is awesome
13:22This cave is about to get a lot harder
13:24And I have something I need to show all of you
13:26Joel, can I see your bag?
13:28Thank you
13:29You know what you've been carrying?
13:30What have I been carrying?
13:31The brand new Mr. Beast Lab Swarms
13:34I'll be honest guys
13:35As you can see
13:36Because of what I've been going through
13:37For the past 5 hours
13:38I'm clearly in no shape to tell you about this right now
13:41And so a month after we filmed this
13:43I built an entire cave set
13:44Threw on my Future Jimmy name tag
13:46And then said
13:47Hey, Future Jimmy here
13:48And I'm going to tell you about my brand new toy line
13:50Mr. Beast Lab Swarms
13:51It's a collectible toy line
13:53With over 119 uniquely designed characters
13:56That you can collect
13:57And the coolest part is
13:58To find out which character you got
13:59You pour water into this tube
14:01Shake it up
14:02And the swarms will appear in front of your very eyes
14:05And to demonstrate the product
14:06I made this giant life-size version of the swarms tube
14:09Fill the tube with water
14:12You won't need this much water
14:13This is just a giant tube
14:15And now that this is filled with water
14:17Max is going to give it a little shake
14:21Is it shaken up enough?
14:22I think it's shaken up enough
14:23Then you pour out the water
14:25Do the honors, Joel
14:28And out of the water
14:29Will be revealed which two swarms you got
14:31This is the rarest one
14:32The Hyperchrome
14:33That I only made a thousand of
14:34Joel, you can have it
14:35You can have that one
14:36Who does Carl get?
14:37I only have two
14:40And we didn't just stop with the swarms
14:41We also made these action figure panthers
14:43That are in these briefcases
14:44And this mutator
14:45That just like the swarms
14:46Has a really cool reveal when you buy it
14:48Where do I buy them?
14:49I'm glad you asked
14:50Mr. Beast Lab toys are now available
14:51Everywhere in the world you buy toys
14:53They're all out now
14:54Go give them a try
14:55And after more brutal trekking throughout the cave
14:58We've finally arrived at the glowworm chamber
15:01Man, this better be worth it
15:02Alrighty, team
15:04Welcome to the glowworm chamber
15:08Holy crap
15:09That is crazy
15:10Dude, this does not look like it's Earth
15:12All of the lights you see here
15:14Are actually created by tiny bioluminescent glowworms
15:17That kind of looks like the Milky Way galaxy
15:20At this moment
15:21This view
15:22Honestly, made that trek worth it
15:25While making it to the glowworms
15:26Was definitely worth the trip
15:27Our journey was still not over
15:29Because we had to go all the way back
15:31To base camp
15:33It's almost day six
15:34They're not back
15:35And I'm exhausted
15:36I don't know if I'll be able to sleep though
15:37Just worried with them being gone so long
15:39The trip back is way easier
15:40Because we're just floating with the current
15:42Now, because you guys have already seen the trip
15:44We're going to expedite the way back
15:46But seriously, this whole journey took so long
15:48We crossed into day six before reaching camp
15:51Sean! Sean!
15:52What's up guys?
15:53I was starting to get worried
15:54Happy day six
15:55Day six, let's go
15:56All we had energy to do was stall out by the fire
15:59And finally eat some food
16:00That was a very adventurous day
16:02I'll see you guys tomorrow
16:04Or later today
16:05It is day six
16:07Yeah, maybe today
16:08I don't know
16:10Despite being physically obliterated
16:12From our excruciatingly long hike
16:14No matter what I did
16:15I was really struggling to fall asleep
16:26I spent seven days in solitary confinement
16:28Seven days buried alive
16:29Seven days on a raft
16:30And I'm going to be honest
16:31I think this is harder than all of those
16:33You're constantly soggy and cold
16:36I just keep hitting my body on these hard rocks
16:39And it hurts
16:4090% of the time this cave is miserable
16:42But between me and you
16:47Can you see me?
16:48It's the world's brightest flashlight
16:50There are moments of fun in this cave
16:53From conquering rapids 300 feet underground
16:57Me and the boys laughing in our hammocks
17:00All the misery is worth it
17:01Because when you're in good company
17:03Let's make whale noises
17:05This wet, cold, rocky, miserable cave
17:08Can easily transform into
17:10The most beautiful trip of our lives
17:21We cannot leave until everything is picked up
17:24And when I say everything
17:26I mean everything
17:31Let's get out of here
17:32And after our journey back to the mouth of the cave
17:34Oh, it looks so good up there!
17:36We had one more surprise for Joel
17:38And before we head out, Joel
17:39As a show of gratitude
17:41We got you 50,000 New Zealand dollars
17:43So it's 10 grand for every human you didn't let die
17:46Oh gosh, thanks so much, Joe
17:48We love you, Joel!
17:50Now that we got that out the way, let's leave!
17:53After seven long days
17:55We're finally leaving!
