• last year
A quick learning for kids, along with lots of fun and joy. If you like the work please like and follow the channel. Your appreciations are much needed


00:00हेलो किट्ज वैल्कॉम इन शनशाइन लर्णिंग
00:05तूड़े वी लर्ण एक्शन वर्ट्स कारिय दोशक शब्द
00:10आज हम पढ़ेंगे
00:12सो लेज़ स्टार्ट
00:14रीट रीट रीट रीट मिंच पढ़न रीट मिंच पढ़न
00:35राइट डब्लू अर अई टी इ राइट राइट मिंच लिखना राइट मिंच लिखना
00:46इट इ एटी इट इट मिंच खाना इट मिंच खाना
00:56sleep s-l-e-e-p sleep sleep means सोना sleep means सोना
01:08walk w-a-l-k walk walk means चलना walk means चलना
01:20run r-u-n run run means दोडना run means दोडना
01:31cry c-r-y cry cry means रोना cry means रोना
01:40clap c-l-a-p clap clap means ताली बजाना
01:47play p-l-a-y play play means खेलना
01:58dance d-a-n-c-e dance dance means नाचना
02:11sing s-i-n-g sing sing means गाना sing means गाना
02:21skip s-k-i-p skip skip means रसी गूधना skip means रसी गूधना
02:33drink d-r-i-n-k drink drink means पीना drink means पीना
02:45hug h-e-o-g hug hug means गले मिलना hug means गले मिलना
02:57wake up w-a-k-e wake up wake up means जागना wake up means जागना
03:09brushing b-r-u-s-h-i-n-g brushing brushing means ब्रॉश करना brushing means ब्रॉश करना
03:21kick k-i-c-k kick kick means लाथ मारना kick means लाथ मारना
03:33exercise e-x-e-r-c-i-s-e exercise exercise means वियायम exercise means वियायम
03:47sit s-i-t sit sit means बैठना sit means बैठना
03:59stand s-t-a-n-d stand stand means खड़ा होना stand means खड़ा होना
04:11push p-u-s-h-push push means धकेलना push means धकेलना
04:23ride r-i-d-e ride ride means सवारी करना ride means सवारी करना
04:35pull p-u-l-l pull pull means खेचना pull means खेचना
04:47help h-e-l-p help help means मदद करना help means मदद करना
04:58sweep s-w-a-p sweep sweep means जाडू sweep means जाडू
05:08watch w-a-t-c-h watch watch means देखना watch means देखना
05:20yawn yawn means जंभाई लेना yawn means जंभाई लेना
05:32slide s-l-i-d-e slide slide means फिसलना slide means फिसलना
05:44swinging s-w-i-n-g-i-n-g swinging swinging means जूला जूलना swinging means जूला जूलना
05:57wash w-a-s-h wash wash means धोना wash means धोना
06:09fight f-i-g-h-t fight fight means लडना fight means लडना
06:21pray p-r-a-y pray pray means प्रात्ना करना pray means प्रात्ना करना
06:34carry c-a-r-r-y carry carry means धोना carry means धोना
06:46fear f-e-a-r fear fear means दरना fear means दरना
06:58relax r-e-l-a-x relax relax means अराम करना relax means अराम करना
07:10crow c-r-a-w crow crow means रेंगना crow means रेंगना
07:21skat s-k-a-t-e skat means सकेट सकेट का मतलब सकेट ही होता है
07:33drawing d-r-a-w-i-n-g drawing drawing means चित्रकला drawing means चित्रकला
07:45travel t-r-a-v-e-l travel travel means यात्रा travel means यात्रा
07:57typing t-y-p-i-n-g typing typing means तंकन typing means तंकन
08:09fry f-r-y-f-r-y fry means तलना fry means तलना
08:39please subscribe to my channel
08:41please subscribe to my channel
08:43please subscribe to my channel
08:45please subscribe to my channel
08:47please subscribe to my channel
08:49please subscribe to my channel
08:51please subscribe to my channel
08:53please subscribe to my channel
08:55please subscribe to my channel
08:57please subscribe to my channel
08:59please subscribe to my channel
09:01please subscribe to my channel
09:03please subscribe to my channel
09:05please subscribe to my channel
