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ធ្វើជាមនុស្សប្រុសត្រូវចេះប្រកាន់ខ្ជាប់អត្តចរិត៣យ៉ាងនេះ ទើបគ្រួសារអាចមានសុភមង្គល


00:00To be a good husband, you need to be able to take care of your wife and children well.
00:07To be a good husband, you need to be able to take care of your wife and children well.
00:13You can build a family with a good relationship, especially if you can take care of your wife and children well.
00:22You can have a good son-in-law and a good daughter-in-law.
00:271. Do not neglect your wife and children.
00:30A husband is a pillar, a wife is a foundation, a pillar and a foundation.
00:34There is a mutual respect for each other in everything and in all situations.
00:38When a husband and a wife share all the comforts of each other,
00:41they will have a good relationship.
00:432. Do not neglect your wife and children.
00:45A husband and a wife do not have a relationship with other people.
00:47Instead, a husband and a wife who are close to each other,
00:50have a good relationship and have a good heart,
00:52make the family have only happiness.
00:543. Do not neglect your wife and children.
00:56A husband and a wife do not have a relationship with other people.
00:58A husband and a wife do not have a relationship with other people.
01:00Instead, a husband and a wife do not have a relationship with other people.
01:02Instead, a husband and a wife do not have a relationship with other people.
01:04Instead, a husband and a wife do not have a relationship with other people.
01:06Instead, a husband and a wife do not have a relationship with other people.
01:08Instead, a husband and a wife do not have a relationship with other people.
01:10Instead, a husband and a wife do not have a relationship with other people.
01:12Instead, a husband and a wife do not have a relationship with other people.
01:14Instead, a husband and a wife do not have a relationship with other people.
01:16Instead, a husband and a wife do not have a relationship with other people.
01:184. Do not neglect your children.
01:20Do not neglect your children.
01:22Do not neglect your children.
01:24Do not neglect your children.
01:26Do not neglect your children.
01:28Do not neglect your children.
01:30Do not neglect your children.
01:32Do not neglect your children.
01:34Do not neglect your children.
01:36Do not neglect your children.
01:38Do not neglect your children.
01:40Do not neglect your children.
01:42Do not neglect your children.
01:44Do not neglect your children.
01:46Do not neglect your children.
01:48Do not neglect your children.
01:50Do not neglect your children.
01:52Do not neglect your children.
01:54Do not neglect your children.
01:56Do not neglect your children.
