The Apothecary Diaries Episode 10,11 (official Hindi dubbed)

  • last month


00:00I heard the story of the maid who drowned and died.
00:03Do you know that people are saying that she committed suicide?
00:06I heard that she poisoned Lady Lishu's food during the Garnet Pavilion.
00:11Is it true that she did this out of loyalty to Lady Arduo?
00:15You mean Lady Arduo, the pure consort?
00:18She is going to lose one of the four consorts soon.
00:21And a new mistress will replace her.
00:24Lady Arduo is one year older than our emperor.
00:27That means she is 35 years old.
00:29She gave birth to the emperor's son when he was a prince.
00:32But the baby passed away.
00:34This is very bad.
00:36That means she went to the harem to give birth to more children.
00:41Poor Lady Arduo.
00:44If Lady Liyuwa cannot give birth to another child,
00:47will the same happen to her?
00:50It is not certain that the emperor will continue to shower love on Lady Liyuwa.
00:54Even the most beautiful flowers wither with time.
00:58If the trees of the harem cannot bear fruit, they have no existence.
01:02Uncle, let me go now.
01:03Listen, take this too.
01:05This was left over from yesterday's feast.
01:07Thank you very much.
01:09Wow, this is a lot of food left over.
01:11It should be saved like this every day.
01:14I can't say that.
01:16A feast is a big task for a mistress.
01:20Uncle, I am hungry.
01:22A feast is a big task for a mistress.
01:24Uncle, please help us.
01:26Another feast?
01:28Looks like you are working a little too hard.
01:31Obviously, this time it is about the high-ranking mistress,
01:33that is, the virtuous consort Lady Liyuwa.
01:36You can clearly see the politics going on in the harem here.
01:40Welcome, Lady Liyuwa.
01:44Thank you very much.
01:46Trying to understand each other?
01:49Is this the nature of every woman?
01:51To always stay away from another woman?
01:54To be honest, when there is no emperor,
01:56they are more jealous of each other.
01:59The way Lady Liyuwa gets information from sweet talks,
02:03that shows how skillful she is.
02:06I have heard that whatever news she gets,
02:08she conveys it to her husband.
02:10Because this is a business place,
02:12so it must be necessary to understand the changing times.
02:19She is going to taste the same food, right?
02:21I am glad that she was not given any special punishment.
02:26Why is she so scared?
02:29These maids are not paying attention to their mistress.
02:33Yes, but it is not like they are deliberately troubling her.
02:37If my information given to Master Gaushin was wrong,
02:40then this is a very good thing.
02:43Looks like the sweet talk is over.
02:45This is a very good thing.
02:48Looks like you are not fond of eating sweets.
02:50I am very fond of it.
02:52That's good.
02:55It is very cold outside, so I thought you would like this.
02:59These are orange peels boiled in honey.
03:02They keep the body warm.
03:06I hope you will like it.
03:09Does she have a problem with honey?
03:11She has started again.
03:13Is she showing attitude in eating again?
03:16What is going on?
03:28Lady, give it to me.
03:31I understand.
03:32Remove this.
03:33I am sorry.
03:35I understand.
03:36Remove this.
03:37I am sorry.
03:38I think it needs to be boiled a little more.
03:41I will order something else for you.
03:43How about ginger juice?
03:46Yes, it will be fine.
03:50Looks like my guess about her was right.
03:58We will clean here.
04:00Come on, go and take rest.
04:03She is very fond of me.
04:06How was the tea party for Goku and Lishu?
04:10I thought it was strange.
04:12Why did they have a party all of a sudden?
04:15Oh, so he was the one who planned it.
04:18They had a lot of fun.
04:20They were happy.
04:22I am not done yet.
04:24You can talk without touching me.
04:27Did you hear that at the garden party,
04:29the maid who committed suicide
04:31had poisoned the garnet pavilion?
04:34I have heard such rumours.
04:37Do you think she really committed suicide?
04:41Master Jinshi, it is not my job to find out.
04:45But the question is,
04:47why did a maid poison mistress Lishu?
04:51I don't know.
04:53I don't know either.
05:01So, will you go to the garnet pavilion
05:03and help them from tomorrow?
05:06You sound as if I have no other choice.
05:09I will have to go.
05:13I understand.
05:16The thing is,
05:17big palaces are painted in their masters' colours.
05:20Lady Gyuko's palace looks like a house.
05:23Lady Liyuwa's crystal pavilion
05:25looks royal and magnificent.
05:27And this garnet pavilion,
05:29which is Lady Aduo's house,
05:31is very practical and simple.
05:34I am sorry to call you so suddenly.
05:36We will work together for the next three days.
05:40Master Jinshi has not told me anything to do.
05:43Maybe I shouldn't do anything.
05:45These are all new faces.
05:47Fengming, who are these people?
05:49They have come to clean up.
05:53I see. Thank you for your help.
05:56Lady Aduo, your consort?
05:59She is not very beautiful.
06:01She is very simple, simple and beautiful.
06:04She is thirty-five years old.
06:06If she wears different clothes,
06:08she will look like a new bride.
06:11I think she will look better in a riding suit
06:13than a skirt and dress.
06:25These beautiful eyes!
06:35Who does she remind me of?
06:42Lady Fengming, the head lady-in-waiting.
06:44I thought the head lady-in-waiting
06:46of Pure Consort would be from a famous family.
06:49But you can meet her very easily.
06:52Listen, will you keep these books outside in the open air?
06:58Don't make me carry heavy things.
07:03She is the oldest and the highest-ranking lady-in-waiting.
07:06This palace is magnificent,
07:08but there are a lot of things in it.
07:13Just like the Jet Pavilion,
07:15the servants of the Garnet Pavilion are also very hardworking.
07:18Some fools should learn something from them.
07:37I think I'm done.
07:39Wow! You've done so much work so quickly.
07:41And that too, so well.
07:43Well done!
07:44Will you help me in other tasks as well?
07:46Of course.
07:48She is very simple,
07:50but she does a lot of work.
07:52I think she knows how to handle others
07:54as the head lady-in-waiting.
08:03I've worked so hard after a long time.
08:09Very good.
08:10Thank you for helping me.
08:12You're welcome.
08:13Oh, yes, I remember.
08:14You're going to spend the night here, right?
08:16Come on, follow me.
08:26What's this smell?
08:28Please take this.
08:30It gets very cold here at night.
08:32Thank you very much.
08:34Take a good rest.
08:46Master Jinshi didn't ask me to do anything special.
09:12Is she really the one
09:14behind the poison pot?
09:16These people work very hard.
09:18Not just the lady-in-waiting, but...
09:20Lady Fengming?
09:22Let it be. We'll do it together.
09:24Don't worry.
09:26I saw her, so I cleaned her.
09:28Lady Fengming is a great example.
09:30She's a little older,
09:32but she's a very good wife.
09:34I don't know if she ever thought
09:36about getting married or not.
09:38Does she want to spend her life
09:40serving Lady Erduo?
09:42Strict loyalty can also
09:44become a reason for poisoning.
09:48Now that a new mistress is coming,
09:50Lady Erduo is the most dangerous
09:52among the high-ranking mistresses.
09:54But what if
09:56she vacates somewhere else?
09:58The emperor is also interested
10:00in those who raise his dynasty.
10:02But he doesn't come to meet Lady Lishu.
10:04Now that she's only 14 years old,
10:06it's okay,
10:08but it can also be said
10:10that she's not fulfilling her duty as a mistress.
10:12If someone wants to poison
10:14Lady Erduo,
10:16Lady Lishu can also be a target.
10:18Can someone help me?
10:22This much honey?
10:24Yes, Lady Fengming's family
10:26is a big business of honey.
10:28That's why even though honey
10:30is a big business,
10:32there's so much of it here.
10:34This must be the reason
10:36why it smelled so sweet last night.
10:42Lady Lishu?
10:44And there's only one woman
10:46to eat with her.
10:48Why is she in the Garnet Pavilion?
10:50Now if I think carefully,
10:52that day at the tea...
10:54Did something like this happen
10:56in the Garnet Pavilion?
10:58I see.
11:04Nothing at all.
11:06I don't know what he wants.
11:08I'm an apothecary.
11:10He made me a spy.
11:12I'm an apothecary,
11:14not a spy.
11:16But his temper is very different these days.
11:24Then tell me,
11:26if one of them
11:28can speak in a special way,
11:30who would it be?
11:32Why are you asking me that?
11:36I can think of only one name.
11:38Lady Fengming, who is the head lady
11:40in waiting there.
11:42And the reason?
11:44I saw carefully,
11:46she had a bandage on her left wrist.
11:48And that wooden bandage
11:50was wrapped around the woman's clothes
11:52But why would anyone
11:54make colorful bandages?
11:56One possibility is that it was a coat.
11:58To be honest,
12:00that innocent head lady in waiting
12:02didn't seem like a part of any plan to me.
12:04But this is just my opinion.
12:06I can't say anything for sure.
12:12By the way, it makes sense.
12:14I'm sure he already knew this.
12:16That's why he's having fun and eating honey.
13:54And now this honey?
14:00What are you doing with my lady in waiting?
14:04M-Mistress Gyokuhaslam, I...
14:06How dare you do this?
14:16this has gone too far.
14:18I request you to forgive Master Jinshu.
14:20If that's the case,
14:22then next time you'll taste the poison instead of me.
14:24Do you agree?
14:26No, this is a little...
14:28This is a little too much.
14:30Okay, I get it.
14:32By the way,
14:34there are a few more things
14:36that I'd like to investigate.
14:40How are you?
14:44Master Jinshu didn't come?
14:46No, he didn't come.
14:48I apologize for coming all of a sudden.
14:50So tell me,
14:52what do you want from the lady in waiting?
14:54I have a question for you.
15:02I saw you
15:04at the royal celebration.
15:06Do you want to say something?
15:08Don't you like honey at all?
15:12How did you know?
15:14I saw your face.
15:18Lady Lishu, have you ever had a stomach ache from honey?
15:20It's not a big deal
15:22if someone has a stomach ache from honey.
15:24It's a very common thing.
15:26It's not that.
15:28I don't remember exactly.
15:30It's about my childhood.
15:32I heard that my life was in danger.
15:34And since then,
15:36I've been forbidden from eating honey.
15:38Aren't you ashamed
15:40to question Lady Lishu?
15:44Let me see
15:46who's asking me a stupid question.
15:48Why are you looking at me like that?
15:50Mistress, you don't have to listen to her.
15:52You're right.
15:54We should get her out of the virtual consort.
15:56We should get her out of the virtual consort.
15:58So this is how they make the outsiders feel bad
16:00and pretend to be true friends
16:02and mislead Lady Lishu.
16:04It's very easy to deceive
16:06an innocent girl.
16:08She's living alone, Mistress.
16:10She's completely dependent on her ladies-in-waiting.
16:12She doesn't even know
16:14that she's being played with.
16:16This is a big deception.
16:20I've been ordered to come here.
16:22If anyone has a problem,
16:24talk to Master Jinshi.
16:26I've come here on Master Jinshi's orders.
16:28Master Jinshi?
16:32Yes, I can take his name.
16:34Let's see
16:36what she has to say.
16:38One more thing.
16:42Do you know Lady Fengming?
16:46She's the head lady-in-waiting
16:48of the Garnet Pavilion.
17:04What's the matter?
17:06Master Gaoshun,
17:08can you tell me about the incidents
17:10that took place in the harem?
17:14I can look it up in the library.
17:16Thank you very much.
17:24What did she find out this time?
17:26The girl is very smart.
17:28She's only 17 years old.
17:30She has a lot of knowledge.
17:32She works with a calm mind.
17:34She's very smart.
17:38There are some strange things about her.
17:40But still, she deserves to be praised.
17:4617 years ago,
17:48when the current emperor was a prince,
17:52he and his wife Erduo had a son.
17:54But he died as a child.
17:56He was born
17:58when the last emperor
18:00and empress Dowager had a son.
18:02That means,
18:04that child was the current emperor's younger brother.
18:06When the current emperor was a prince,
18:08he had only one child.
18:10Lady Erduo was his wife.
18:12The current emperor and Lady Erduo
18:14were very close to each other.
18:16But surprisingly,
18:18the current emperor
18:20had only one wife.
18:2216 years ago,
18:24the child passed away.
18:26The child's mother's name was...
18:32Yes, I understand.
18:34I had an idea.
18:36The herbs that grow in the harem
18:38are the same
18:40that I used in my childhood.
18:42Someone must have grown them here.
18:46A man
18:48who walks like an old woman
18:52A doctor who is very capable
18:54of becoming the pothecary
18:56of the pleasure district
18:58The one who used to count
19:00and whose bones
19:02have been removed from his knees
19:12Everything is tied up.
19:14That means...
19:16Here you are.
19:24what do you want today?
19:26The cleaning of this place
19:28is done.
19:30When are you leaving?
19:34You are a very smart girl.
19:36Cleaning is just an excuse,
19:38isn't it?
19:40In order to welcome
19:42the new bride,
19:44Lady Erduo
19:46will have to leave the palace.
19:48Lady Erduo
19:50will never be able to become a mother,
19:52won't she?
19:54What happened to her
19:56when she became a mother?
19:58I don't think
20:00it has anything to do with you.
20:02Yes, it has to do with me.
20:06At that time,
20:08I didn't have a father.
20:12I think Lady Erduo
20:14who was the Prince's wife
20:16and the Empress
20:18gave birth to their children together.
20:28Find out
20:30when the doctor will be back.
20:32He is still with the Empress.
20:34Lady Erduo, don't worry.
20:36Everything will be fine.
20:38The Empress was given more importance
20:40and Lady Erduo had to wait
20:42to give birth to her child.
20:48Lady Erduo!
20:50This must have happened
20:52when Lady Erduo's
20:54uterus was removed.
20:56Lady Erduo's child
20:58must have passed away in a few days
21:00and she must have been in deep shock.
21:02Lady Fengming,
21:04do you feel responsible for all this?
21:06Instead of Lady Erduo,
21:08you must have taken care of the child,
21:12You must have raised her like a mother,
21:16You know everything.
21:18Despite the fact
21:20that you are the daughter of a doctor
21:22who could do nothing.
21:24You are right.
21:28It is believed that
21:30the biggest reason for the child's death
21:32is the powder containing
21:34poisonous adornment.
21:36The doctor you call a fake
21:38must have stopped
21:40the powder
21:42because he knew
21:44that the powder was dangerous.
21:46You are sensible.
21:48You wouldn't have let the child die
21:50because of this.
21:52The real reason for the death
21:54was this.
21:58Many flowers have
22:00lost their flowers
22:02or their juice.
22:04Yes, I know.
22:06But you didn't know at that time.
22:08You had no idea.
22:10The honey that you thought
22:12to be the elixir for the child
22:14was poison.
22:16You didn't realize
22:18that it was dangerous for a small child.
22:22Thank you very much
22:24for your help, Fengming.
22:26Don't mention it.
22:28Take rest and get well soon.
22:34And so
22:36Lady Erduo's child passed away.
22:38The cause of death
22:40was a secret.
22:42And all the blame was
22:44put on my father.
22:46Even the birth story of the child
22:48was not his fault.
22:50He was banished from the harem.
22:52But later, by chance,
22:54you came to know
22:56about Lady Erduo.
22:58Someone told you
23:00that this honey could be
23:02very dangerous for a small child.
23:06You wanted Lady Erduo not to know.
23:08You wanted to hide from her
23:10that you were the murderer of her only child.
23:12So you
23:14tried to kill her.
23:16And that person
23:20is Lady Lishu.
23:22During the rule of the last emperor,
23:24Lady Lishu was
23:26very close to Lady Erduo.
23:28Lady Erduo was also
23:30very attached to Lady Lishu.
23:32A small girl who was
23:34separated from her parents
23:36and a woman who could not
23:38become a mother again.
23:40In such a situation,
23:42they must have depended on each other.
23:44During that time, you learned from Lady Lishu
23:46that when she was a child,
23:48she was afraid of the honey.
23:50Now Lady Erduo
23:52should never know about this.
23:54That's why you tried to get Lady Lishu
23:56out of the Garnet Pavilion.
23:58After some time, the emperor passed away.
24:00And Lady Lishu was
24:02forced out of the harem.
24:04And she didn't even know the reason.
24:08You must have been very happy with this.
24:10You thought
24:12you got rid of her, but Lady Lishu returned.
24:14And you were surprised.
24:16Because she returned
24:18as a high-ranking mistress.
24:20And Lady Erduo's position
24:22was in danger.
24:24That innocent and restless girl
24:26tried to meet Lady Erduo many times.
24:28As if she was yearning for her mother.
24:30To save Lady Erduo,
24:32who could never become a mother,
24:34and to hide the honey,
24:36you mixed poison in Lady Lishu's soup
24:38so that two arrows could hit her.
24:40Now tell me, what do you want?
24:42I don't want anything from you.
24:46Whatever you want.
24:56You know this is meaningless.
24:58I just want to hear the whole thing.
25:00You know this is meaningless.
25:02I just want to hear the whole thing.
25:22By the way,
25:24do you know
25:26what is the most precious thing
25:28for a woman like me?
25:32The moment I met Lady Erduo,
25:34I was convinced
25:36that I was made for her.
25:38Despite being a woman,
25:40she had a lot of courage.
25:42And the courage to stand up
25:44in front of the prince.
25:46I had a great respect for Lady Erduo.
25:48In comparison to me,
25:50she became a lady-in-waiting
25:52only obeying her parents' orders.
25:54She proved to be a wonderful woman.
25:56Despite this,
25:58I took away
26:00what was most precious
26:02for her in this world.
26:04She died at my hands.
26:06The child who was the world
26:08of Lady Erduo
26:10died at her hands.
26:12At her hands.
26:14That time,
26:16Lady Erduo told us that
26:18don't hold yourself responsible.
26:20Children can die for any reason
26:22till the age of seven.
26:24Even the smallest disease
26:26can prove fatal.
26:28What happened was
26:30written in my child's fate.
26:38I knew that she cries every night
26:40and falls asleep crying.
26:42Her mental state must have been
26:44like this because
26:46she has been serving Lady Erduo
26:48since the age of sixteen.
26:50Without her life partner,
26:52she sacrificed everything
26:54for Lady Erduo.
26:56I don't understand.
26:58I don't have the emotions
27:00to keep anyone so close to my heart.
27:04If she hears my story,
27:06she will cry.
27:08If she hears my story,
27:10she will definitely punish
27:12Master Junshi Fengming.
27:14It will be impossible
27:16to escape death.
27:18She is a very clever woman.
27:20She knows this.
27:24I have a suggestion for you.
27:30I can do one thing
27:32to make your two goals
27:36But this will not change the result.
27:38But if you still want to listen,
27:40then listen to me.
27:54I am very tired.
27:56I have to take a bath.
27:58It's too late.
28:00At least I should change my clothes.
28:02It's good
28:04that I tied these tight bandages
28:06so that if the situation gets worse,
28:08at least this work will be done.
28:10It would have been painful if I had hit something.
28:14It's good that this has happened.
28:16Fengming has accepted everything.
28:18Do you know anything about this?
28:20What do you want to say?
28:22I have heard that you have asked Gaoshun
28:24to gather some information.
28:26Yes. I was hoping to get some information.
28:28But nothing happened.
28:30So as you said,
28:32Fengming's intention was
28:34that Lady Aruo
28:36should be one of the four important mistresses.
28:42But Lady Aruo has already decided
28:44to leave the palace.
28:46She will go to the south
28:48and live in a deserted palace.
28:50Does this matter have anything to do with that story?
28:54This decision was taken just now.
28:56This is the king's decision.
28:58I see.
29:00This flower?
29:02Honyang has kept it here
29:04some time ago.
29:06By the way,
29:08this is not the season for this flower.
29:18This is sweet.
29:20But it's poisonous.
29:24It's not lethal.
29:26At that time,
29:28I gave this suggestion to Fengming.
29:32Poisoning Lady Lishu
29:34is the right reason for the child's death.
29:36If both of these goals become one,
29:38then Lady Aruo
29:40can hide the reason for her child's death.
29:44If it's impossible to prevent her death,
29:46then as a common girl,
29:48I can't do anything.
29:56I can't sleep.
29:58I'll go for a walk.
30:26And Lady Aruo
30:28will leave the palace tomorrow.
30:30You came here
30:32before me.
30:36You are the same girl
30:38who came here to clean.
30:40I'm sorry. I'll leave.
30:44Would you like to drink with me?
30:56Thank you very much.
31:08I like men.
31:10I think you are
31:12deliberately behaving like this.
31:14You are an honest girl.
31:18After my son's death,
31:20I became the emperor's friend
31:22and his mistress.
31:24I became his friend again.
31:26I never thought
31:28that I would become a mistress.
31:32It was like my dream came true.
31:34I was in heaven.
31:36But I was just a mistress.
31:38I was given this title out of pity.
31:40I wanted to give it to someone else
31:42as soon as possible.
31:44Because I couldn't live like this.
31:48It seems that
31:50she must have felt the same way.
31:58The water must have been very cold.
32:02She must have suffered a lot.
32:08You are right.
32:10She was a fool, wasn't she?
32:14Yes, maybe.
32:16We are all fools.
32:24Yes, maybe.
32:36I think I understand now.
32:40That maid committed suicide.
32:42That maid committed suicide.
32:46Lady Aduo knew it.
32:50Fengming helped her.
32:54To save Lady Aduo from suspicion,
32:56the maid decided to die
32:58in the cold water.
33:00To keep her secret,
33:02Fengming agreed to climb the ladder.
33:06Whatever Lady Aduo wants,
33:08people are ready to give their lives
33:10for it.
33:12Why am I standing in the cold?
33:14I don't want to die.
33:18What are you doing?
33:24Who are you?
33:26You scared me.
33:28Please forgive me.
33:30Master Jinx, what are you doing here?
33:32I should ask you this question.
33:34Please forgive me.
33:36I am leaving now.
33:38Leave me alone.
33:40Let me go.
33:42Are you listening to me?
33:44Don't go. It's too cold.
33:46You will feel cold without your coat.
33:48Go to your room.
33:50Have you been drinking?
33:52You look like that.
33:54I had to drink.
33:56What happened?
33:58The host invited me.
34:00She made me drink a lot.
34:02Then she left.
34:04When she came back,
34:06she told me
34:08that she didn't want to drink anymore.
34:10She made me leave.
34:12I didn't know that
34:14someone can behave like this.
34:16She is very strange.
34:18I don't want to get drunk.
34:20What happened?
34:22Leave me alone.
34:24Wait a minute.
34:26When I was falling,
34:28she saved me.
34:30I should thank her.
34:32This is the right way.
34:34Listen to me.
34:46Wait a minute.
34:48I am feeling cold.
34:50Wait a minute.
35:04Wait a minute.
35:30Did you understand?
35:32I knew he looked like someone.
35:35Master Jinshi.
35:39They can even exchange their clothes.
35:45After my son's death, I became the emperor's friend.
35:48After his death, he said,
35:50No, I don't want to.
35:53Does that mean he's still alive?
35:56The son of Lady Aduo, the son of the empress of that era?
36:00What if both the children were exchanged?
36:04Lady Aduo must have thought about her future after giving birth to the child.
36:09Leave me. Where are you taking me?
36:11First you have to see Queen Dowager.
36:13No. No.
36:14After all, she was just a nurse's daughter.
36:16And Prince's childhood friend.
36:19As the son of the empress, his son would have had a better life.
36:23Maybe she couldn't tell the difference between right and wrong at that time.
36:29But what if her son's life was saved by her decision?
36:33At that time, Lady Aduo must have had only one wish.
36:37What if people found out about the exchange later?
36:41If this is the story of the child's death,
36:43then it makes sense why my father was punished for negligence at that time.
36:47And what if it had happened?
36:49Then it also makes sense that the emperor's younger brother is in a delicate state.
36:55And Lady Aduo, who is known for her truth,
36:58she stayed in the harem with this lie for so long.
37:04It's all nonsense.
37:05An absurd and baseless story.
37:07Don't leave me.
37:08Little issue.
37:13A lonely princess.
37:16A lonely princess.
37:20She depends on her lady-in-waiting.
37:22Whether she is capable or not,
37:25she must have so much faith in her lady-in-waiting.
37:30Little issue.
37:39At this time, on her serious and royal face,
37:42suddenly the mother's affection was seen.
38:12The End
38:42Thank you for watching!
39:12See you next time!
39:42The End
40:12The End
40:42The End
41:12The End
41:42The End
42:12The End
42:42The End
43:12The End
43:42The End
44:12The End
44:42The End
45:12The End
