مسلسل النقطة العمياء الحلقة 1 مترجم جزء ثانى 2

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,اسماء جلال,التفاح الحرام ,مدرسةالروابى,السعودية,احمد عز,ارطوغل,هندى,سعودى ,المتوحش,المؤسس عثمان ,مسلسل تركي جديد,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة,المسلسل التركي,مسلسلات تركية 2024,مسلسل الانتقام,مسلسلات تركية جديدة 2024,مسلسلات تركية اكشن,أفضل مسلسلات تركية,نور الغندور,مسلسلات تركية , مسلسل تركى,مسلسل هندى,مسلسل سعودى,مسلسل كروى,مسلسل اماراتى,مسلسل خليجى,بيت العنكبوت, الحلقه الاخيره,مسلسل , 2024,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة 2024,مسلسل الإنتقام,مسلسل تركي جديد 2024


00:00:00Aslın, çık, çık, defol, çık, yaptığında çok pişman olacaksın, çık, biliyor muydun, neyi biliyor muydun, İpek'in bize çarptığını biliyor muydun, pek ne alaka, İpek orada değildi diyorum inanmıyor, kapa çeneni geceye,
00:00:30pek nerede değildi, ya İpek'in bize çarptığını zannediyor, zannetmiyorum, biliyorum,
00:00:38neden bulanıyorsun artık defol, nereye gideceğim, Ertekinler bulur sana bir yer,
00:01:00gece böyle bir ihtimali var mı, ya bu kız hastaneden daha yeni çıktı kafası karman çorman, gece, Cihan onu hastaneye yatırmanız lazım bak Aslın iyi değil, benim önce Aslınla konuşmam lazım, sen gerçekten kendi kardeşinden mi şüpheleniyorsun şu an,
00:01:16ya Cihan bak en azından paranın resmini destekleyecek bir şey söyleme, gider misin gece, ya tamam be tamam ne yaparsanız yapın zaten hepiniz kafa yiymişsiniz,
00:01:45Aslın konuşabilir miyiz lütfen,
00:01:51senden duymak istiyorum, ne hatırlıyorsam bilmek istiyorum, ne olur aç kapıyı,
00:01:56ne olur,
00:02:26ne olur,
00:02:42biliyor muydum,
00:02:45haber alır almaz kaza yerine geldim,
00:02:50ama İpek orada değildi, arabası da yoktu,
00:02:52yoktu çünkü kaçtı, ben yardım isterim ama o döndü gitti,
00:03:02pek o gece evdeydi,
00:03:06sen nereden biliyorsun, sen yanımıza gelmişsin zaten nereden biliyorsun,
00:03:12çünkü sabah üstümü değiştirmek için eve döndüğümde araba bahçedeydi,
00:03:18hasar falan da yoktu,
00:03:25belki hafızan seni yanıltıyordur,
00:03:28yeter, yeter ne olursun,
00:03:32ben amme amma türlüyorum,
00:03:35gördüm diyorum sana, yardım istedim yalvardım,
00:03:40İpek yardım çağırsaydı eğer, şu an bunları konuşmuyor olurduk Cihan,
00:03:48benim kardeşim yaşıyor olurdu,
00:03:52biz orada birilerinin bizi bulmasını bekledik,
00:03:57ama İpek de onun arkasında gitti,
00:04:04bak, ben şimdi seni eve götüreceğim tamam mı?
00:04:09ama sonra gidip babamla İpek'le konuşacağım,
00:04:15eğer en ufak bir şüphe duyarsam sana söz veriyorum yanında olacağım,
00:04:21tamam mı?
00:04:23ne gerekiyorsa yapacağıma söz veriyorum,
00:04:34tamam mı?
00:04:41Mete, SOS acil durum,
00:04:44buluşmamız lazım, evet hemen, şimdi derhal, acilen, anladın mı?
00:04:50Tamam, geliyorum,
00:05:21bana güveniyor musun?
00:05:58bak, Aslı'nın elinde tek bir delil bile yok,
00:06:03ama onu sürekli yakın markajda tutman lazım,
00:06:07yani onunla irtibatı koparamazsın,
00:06:09söylemesi çok kolay değil mi?
00:06:11sen bin yıllık arkadaşını satmıyorsun sonuçta,
00:06:15sen durumun ciddiyetinin farkında değilsin sanırım,
00:06:20ya da dur bakalım,
00:06:22yoksa sen yan mı çiziyorsun?
00:06:24ya yan çizeceğimi nereden çıkardın?
00:06:26ben öyle bir şey mi söyledim şimdi?
00:06:28utanıyorum işte ne yapayım?
00:06:35o zaman sana tekerleme gibi bir soru,
00:06:39madem yaptığında utanacaktın,
00:06:43o halde niye tamam dedin?
00:06:47niye tamam dedim?
00:06:50niye tamam dedim bir düşüneyim Mete,
00:06:52neden tamam dedin?
00:06:59biliyor musun ben hayatım boyunca kendime ait olmayan bir evde yaşadım,
00:07:03bana ait olmayan bir yatakta uyudum,
00:07:05annem gittikten sonra iki tam gün aç kaldık biz Emre ile,
00:07:10bunları bana acı diye anlatmıyorum hiç öyle bakma,
00:07:14gerçek bu Mete,
00:07:16dümdüz gerçek bu,
00:07:18girip çıkmadığım iş kalmadı mesela,
00:07:22böyle zengin şımarık züppeye boyun eğmek zorunda kaldım,
00:07:27birine aşık olur gibi oldum hatta,
00:07:30ama o da şerefsizin teki çıktı,
00:07:34hala her gün karşılaşırız ama yüzüme bile bakmaz,
00:07:40neden Mete?
00:07:45benim gözlerim görmüyor mu?
00:07:49benim kanım akmıyor mu?
00:07:53onlarla aynı hastalığa yakalanıp,
00:07:56aynı ilaçlarla iyileşemiyor muyum ben mesela?
00:08:02onlar gibi rüya göremiyor muyum mesela Mete?
00:08:11o yüzden neden ben acı çekiyorum?
00:08:16neden hep tırmalamam gerekiyor benim?
00:08:18neden hak ettiğimi almak için,
00:08:21benim için dünyanın o kadar kıymetli birinin,
00:08:24can vermesi gerekiyor Mete?
00:08:30neden ya?
00:08:39Demo'yu geri getiremedim,
00:08:42ama sizin gibilerin önünde eğilmeyeceğim bir hayat inşa edebilirim,
00:08:47hem de burnumuzdan fitil fitil getirme zevkiyle.
00:08:50aslındık böyle hayal mazuru şeyleri,
00:08:53And with the pleasure of bringing a fitil fitil from our noses.
00:09:00Actually, such imaginative things.
00:09:17What are you talking about, dad?
00:09:19I saw it.
00:09:21He ran away, he didn't even call the ambulance.
00:09:25Aslı, Aslı, don't scare us, girl.
00:09:29Sister, you remember wrong.
00:09:32Emre brother already told everything in prison.
00:09:35That's how they planned it.
00:09:37Do you understand?
00:09:38They caught them, it's obvious that they returned with a good bargain.
00:09:41They gave this house to you, don't talk, shut up.
00:09:45Memo's life is up to this house.
00:09:49Enough, come to your senses.
00:09:52It's not that long.
00:09:54People are sharing our pain, they're trying to help us.
00:09:57Look at what you're saying.
00:09:59But I know why he did it.
00:10:02You're trying to lighten your own guilt.
00:10:05Halil, enough, shut up now.
00:10:07Shut up, Halil, shut up.
00:10:08Why are you trying to destroy the gold you ate together?
00:10:12Didn't I tell you?
00:10:14Didn't I tell you not to take your brother?
00:10:17Didn't I tell you not to put that shit in us?
00:10:19Did you listen?
00:10:22Go to hell.
00:10:33If Memo is not alive today, it's your fault in the first place.
00:10:37Halil, enough!
00:10:39Enough, shut up now.
00:10:40Why are you doing this?
00:10:41I don't understand.
00:10:42He just got out of the hospital, Halil.
00:10:44Can't you see his condition?
00:10:46He brought water from Kırıkdere to get a crampon for his son.
00:10:51Didn't he ask me why they gave me this house?
00:10:54Didn't he?
00:10:57Aslın, my beautiful daughter.
00:10:59Aslın, why are you destroying us with yourself?
00:11:02Wasn't what we suffered enough?
00:11:07You'll suffer more when you find out the truth, mom.
00:11:12Aslın, where are you going?
00:11:16I'm not staying in this house.
00:11:18Aslın, where are you going?
00:11:20Where will you stay, my beautiful daughter?
00:11:22I'll stay at my grandmother's house, mom.
00:11:24Halil, do something, for God's sake.
00:11:26Halil, say something.
00:11:45How is Aslın?
00:11:47Is she okay?
00:11:49You neglected your sister too much.
00:11:51The girl is miserable.
00:11:53Is she in her room?
00:11:54She's in her room.
00:11:55She's counting you.
00:11:57Brother, I'm here.
00:12:10I missed you so much.
00:12:13How is Aslın?
00:12:14Is she okay?
00:12:15She's fine.
00:12:17She's fine.
00:12:22Let's sit down and talk.
00:12:25Come on.
00:12:37Aslın is fine.
00:12:40She told me about the accident today.
00:12:44We already knew.
00:12:46What Aslın told is not what we know, dad.
00:12:49What do you mean?
00:12:50What did she tell you?
00:12:56She told me that İpek hit them.
00:13:01Cihan, what are you saying?
00:13:03After İpek fought with Uğur, she came home immediately.
00:13:06Her car is parked outside.
00:13:08We learned the incident an hour later.
00:13:20Is it true, İpek?
00:13:22Is it true, brother?
00:13:26Brother, it's true.
00:13:31Cihan, please.
00:13:34Don't interfere, Asu!
00:13:37Aslın shouldn't be ungrateful.
00:13:40We both took care of the incident as if it was our own family.
00:13:44If she has any evidence, she should go and complain.
00:13:55Now there is an easy way to understand this.
00:14:06My daughter.
00:14:10Go to your room.
00:14:19When were you going to tell me, Yavuz?
00:14:21This is none of your business.
00:14:25Am I a fool?
00:14:26Do you think I'm not aware that you are up to something?
00:14:29Moreover, you lied to Cihan.
00:14:32You will tell me everything one by one.
00:14:36Because I am also a member of this family, do you understand?
00:14:41Bahtiyar, can you bring the car key?
00:14:57Here you are, Mr. Can.
00:15:14Halil, look at me.
00:15:18Go and bring me my daughter.
00:15:32I'm coming.
00:15:40Good job.
00:15:42I'm going to buy this car.
00:15:44Can we see if there is anything wrong with it?
00:15:46Of course.
00:15:49Let's buy the car.
00:15:51There is a lot of fraud these days.
00:15:53They take damaged cars.
00:15:54They change the chassis.
00:15:55They push people.
00:15:57Okay, then let's look at the chassis number.
00:16:01Let's look at everything.
00:16:03Ruhsat is here.
00:16:05I have a jacket.
00:16:06Can you give me the jacket?
00:16:08When does it end?
00:16:09Well, we're a little busy.
00:16:10But we'll let you know in an hour.
00:16:12Okay, I'll wait.
00:16:16Give tea to the customer.
00:17:07Come in.
00:17:11I came to take you home.
00:17:13That's not my home.
00:17:15I can't leave you here alone.
00:17:20I'm fine.
00:17:21Don't worry.
00:17:24Is that girl in there?
00:17:26Is that what you think?
00:17:27She left at night.
00:17:28She left the keys.
00:17:32You just got out of the hospital.
00:17:33You can't stay alone like this.
00:17:37The hospital is close.
00:17:39If something happens, I'll take care of it.
00:17:45Your mother is miserable at home.
00:17:47My sister is miserable.
00:17:49Okay, then.
00:17:51You come and stay here.
00:17:53Then don't stay at home like Sadaka.
00:17:56Don't make me angry.
00:17:58What are you talking about?
00:18:02Dad, look now.
00:18:04Blood money is given to the victim in death accidents.
00:18:08And this is legal.
00:18:10Do you know how the court decides the amount?
00:18:14Are you teaching me law now?
00:18:17It decides like this.
00:18:19How much money did the family spend for the deceased?
00:18:22If he hadn't died, if he had lived...
00:18:25How much could he earn in the future?
00:18:28What is the financial loss of the family?
00:18:32With the blood money spent on your son...
00:18:36For the other person who died in the accident...
00:18:38The money given for Uğur cannot be the same money.
00:18:44What do they know?
00:18:45What will he earn in the future?
00:18:47Is this something to be calculated?
00:18:50Let's say a house built for Memo's life.
00:18:55Would you accept it?
00:18:59You wouldn't.
00:19:01Then why are you doing this now?
00:19:05The house, car they gave you...
00:19:07Shut up!
00:19:08Don't ask!
00:19:11Don't you see these?
00:19:13Miss lawyer.
00:19:16You have something in your head.
00:19:19You believe in them.
00:19:21But I've been working with these people for 20 years.
00:19:24I haven't seen their smallest evil.
00:19:26I won't throw away that 20-year trash with your words.
00:19:30I understand you, dad.
00:19:33Come on, you're coming with me now.
00:19:35We'll go to a doctor in the morning.
00:19:37They said his head could get confused anyway.
00:19:40I'm not going anywhere.
00:19:42Now tie your hands and arms.
00:19:43I'll take you home by force.
00:19:45I did it because you said yes to everything in my life.
00:19:48I thought about what my father would say with every step I took.
00:19:51I always wanted you to be happy.
00:19:54Once I wanted my hair to be curly.
00:19:57I always wanted a good job.
00:19:59But no, it's over. It's over, dad.
00:20:03Since you left me alone.
00:20:05Since you left Memo alone.
00:20:08Then you'll be alone too.
00:20:15I'm sorry.
00:20:21Brother, would you like another cup of tea?
00:20:23No, thanks. I'm full.
00:20:25When will it be over?
00:20:27I'll take care of it right away.
00:20:29Thank you, I'm waiting.
00:20:38Yes, Ayşegül.
00:20:39Brother Cihan, my sister left the house.
00:20:42She will stay at her grandmother's house.
00:20:44Nothing will happen to her again, right?
00:20:45She won't get sick again.
00:20:46No, don't worry. I'll go to her now.
00:20:49She doesn't have a phone.
00:20:50She left without buying any clothes.
00:20:52Okay, Ayşegül. I'll take care of everything.
00:20:54Don't worry.
00:20:59I have a job.
00:21:00I have to go.
00:21:01Can you give me a call if I give you my number?
00:21:04Okay, write it down.
00:21:17Here you go.
00:21:21I want this.
00:21:23I mean, as a starter.
00:21:28I'll take this.
00:21:30I'll take this with you.
00:21:37How many people will you be, ma'am?
00:21:39I'm alone.
00:21:40It can be a little too much.
00:21:45Then I'll take this.
00:23:35Who is it?
00:23:37It's me, Cihan.
00:24:06How did you know I was here?
00:24:13If you came to take me home...
00:24:15I came to be with you.
00:24:17If you allow me.
00:24:36She's not on the phone.
00:24:41I brought a few things.
00:24:45You can take your own horse tomorrow.
00:24:47I'll load it in 10 bars.
00:24:52No need.
00:24:54I'll take care of it.
00:25:02Did you talk to İpek?
00:25:11She refuses to be there.
00:25:19Did you believe her?
00:25:27I want to believe.
00:25:32I know.
00:25:35İpek is very valuable to you.
00:25:37Mother's trust to you.
00:25:40It's a big responsibility.
00:25:42You stayed for her.
00:25:44You planned everything for her.
00:25:46I'm aware.
00:25:49The only reason I stayed here was not İpek.
00:25:54I don't know how much I would have endured if it weren't for you.
00:25:59I guess I'm back already.
00:26:05I'm sorry.
00:26:13What about İpek?
00:26:15What will happen?
00:26:19She will be punished as she deserves.
00:26:25What kind of punishment are we talking about?
00:26:30Look, Cihan.
00:26:35İpek left the scene.
00:26:38When she left the scene, my brother was alive.
00:26:43If he had called for help, maybe Memo would still be alive and we wouldn't be talking about this.
00:26:49Besides, we don't know how Uğur died.
00:26:52And we don't know if İpek was under the influence of any substance while driving the car.
00:27:04I will do whatever I can to prevent İpek from being judged for murder.
00:27:26Mr. Cihan.
00:27:28We checked the car.
00:27:30They changed everything in the car.
00:27:33Everything, including the chassis, everything in the car has changed.
00:27:47Cihan, who?
00:27:52They searched the garage. It's nothing important.
00:28:00Are you tired?
00:28:02I'm very tired.
00:28:10Come here.
00:28:25Are you comfortable?
00:28:59My son.
00:29:28What are you doing?
00:29:29You didn't get up. I told you to get ready for breakfast.
00:29:31Okay, leave it. I'll do it.
00:29:36Aslım, my sister called.
00:29:38Where is she? Is she okay?
00:29:39She's fine. She said not to worry.
00:29:42She's going to meet Mete.
00:29:44Thank God.
00:29:50Look, you saw it too.
00:29:51The expression of the order above and the expression of the night just below.
00:29:58False statement.
00:30:01Did you examine the car Mr. Yavuz gave to İpek on his birthday?
00:30:04There was nothing to do with this, but we will examine it.
00:30:08That would be great.
00:30:11Look, this is a very serious claim.
00:30:13So there is no evidence.
00:30:15The expression of the witnesses is not in this direction.
00:30:18I think they planned it with a solid lawyer.
00:30:24I just didn't like this ending.
00:30:27Did you mean me?
00:30:29So why not? Do you think I'm right to think about this?
00:30:32You're right.
00:30:34But there's something you missed.
00:30:37No matter what, I'm a lawyer.
00:30:39And I have a thin neck against the laws.
00:30:42And you know that best.
00:30:45But Mr. Yavuz is your lawyer.
00:30:51Then let's do this.
00:30:53Let me investigate if what you said is true.
00:30:58In fact, let me talk to the officers who first moved to the scene that night.
00:31:02I want to be in that conversation.
00:31:04No, no.
00:31:06But I think you should have been there before.
00:31:11But I think you should talk to him again at night.
00:31:15Because if he changes his expression at night,
00:31:19then he'll come back like a sock.
00:31:23I want to talk to Emre, too.
00:31:25Okay, I'll set it up.
00:31:30You'll talk to him alone, not me.
00:31:34Let's put it this way.
00:31:36Emre or night.
00:31:38If he changes his expression, then you can go.
00:31:44What if he confesses?
00:32:00I want to talk to my father alone.
00:32:17He was there.
00:32:21Is it the same thing again?
00:32:22I had the car checked.
00:32:26You took the car and changed the engine of the old one.
00:32:30Another identity number has been added to the same model car.
00:32:33Yağmur and Hayati erased the tire marks.
00:32:35Mete also talked about his identity.
00:32:37Don't you think it's going to come out?
00:32:39Do you think everyone is stupid?
00:32:42Where is İpek?
00:32:43In therapy.
00:32:44When will she come?
00:32:46She'll be here in an hour.
00:32:47Okay, I'll wait.
00:32:59Look, İpek is not good.
00:33:01He locked himself in his room.
00:33:03We beg, he doesn't eat two bites.
00:33:05He doesn't take medicine.
00:33:07Let it be.
00:33:08After all, his brother didn't die.
00:33:11How conscienceless are you?
00:33:13Are you talking about my conscience?
00:33:16Two young people died.
00:33:18Uğur died.
00:33:19Memo died.
00:33:25He was pregnant.
00:33:27He lost his baby during the accident.
00:33:29Do you want us to continue our lives as if nothing happened?
00:33:32We will look ahead now.
00:33:34We will open a white page.
00:33:35We had to save İpek.
00:33:37We saved.
00:33:38We will open a white page.
00:33:40We can't.
00:33:41Don't dream about it.
00:33:42I know Aslım.
00:33:43It will go to the end of this.
00:33:45Be an obstacle then.
00:33:47How will it be?
00:33:48Keep Aslım close.
00:33:49You've been together for a long time.
00:33:54I'm assuming you never told me this, dad, okay?
00:33:58You can't be so down.
00:34:00I don't want anything for myself.
00:34:02But please.
00:34:03Be a little merciful to your brother.
00:34:06It was an accident.
00:34:07Don't expect me to be merciful even if my mother comes out of her grave.
00:34:16İpek is not as strong as you.
00:34:18She was a little girl when she lost her mother.
00:34:21She couldn't get it together.
00:34:22You know that too.
00:34:23He's a weak kid.
00:34:24Why do I have to feel guilty?
00:34:27You're the one who couldn't hold her mother's hand and married another woman.
00:34:32You're the one who should take care of her.
00:34:34You're the one who continues her life.
00:34:36You did whatever you wanted.
00:34:38You thought you could make up for your mistakes with money.
00:34:40But look.
00:34:41It didn't work.
00:34:42You couldn't do it.
00:34:43Now don't come to me and wait for me to pick you up.
00:34:56You say I'm not guilty.
00:35:00...we lose İpek...
00:35:04...you'll go to your mother's grave and ask for forgiveness.
00:35:11But I don't know if she'll forgive you.
00:35:34Come on, don't tire yourself out.
00:35:35We'll continue tomorrow.
00:35:36I told them they'd let you go.
00:35:39I decided to go to the scene at night.
00:35:48I mean, of course, you know.
00:35:50But I don't think it's a good idea to go to the scene.
00:35:53You could be very shaken.
00:35:56I'll think about it.
00:36:02Did I hear it right, Cihan?
00:36:05Look, Cihan.
00:36:06Don't ruin a sack of figs.
00:36:09Don't ruin it.
00:36:10All of us have big problems.
00:36:13I could lose my passport.
00:36:16Your father's reputation would be ruined.
00:36:19Not even talking about İpek.
00:36:20If you close this case...
00:36:23Then Aslım will finally give up, he will have to give up.
00:36:27Because why?
00:36:29There is no witness, no proof, he has nothing.
00:36:33What if he gives up at night, or Emre?
00:36:36They will not give up.
00:36:38I am in constant contact with the night.
00:36:41He will meet Aslım today.
00:36:45Where will he meet?
00:36:53Aslım, Aslım, what are we doing here, why did we come?
00:37:03Aslım, what are we doing here, let's get in the car, for God's sake.
00:37:13Now you say, we were here, we were alone if there was no one, right?
00:37:20Aslım, we talked everything.
00:37:22Uğur came to us.
00:37:24Yes, exactly.
00:37:26Look, we were right here.
00:37:28Do you remember that night?
00:37:30İpek was right here.
00:37:32Do you remember?
00:37:34You remember wrong.
00:37:35I don't remember wrong.
00:37:36We were right here.
00:37:38I shouted, I called, I called, I asked for help.
00:37:42I called my brother to help me when I was struggling.
00:37:48He saw me, he turned, he left.
00:37:50Do you remember?
00:37:51Aslım, don't do it, please don't do it.
00:37:53You don't do it.
00:37:55Don't lie to me.
00:37:57Aslım, don't do it.
00:37:59How did you do it, I trusted you the most.
00:38:01I trusted you more than anyone else.
00:38:05What did you do?
00:38:07Is that all you are?
00:38:09Is that all you are?
00:38:11Is that all you are?
00:38:13Are you that bad?
00:38:15I'm going, whatever I'm like, I'll see.
00:38:17You're not going anywhere.
00:38:19You're going to answer me first.
00:38:21What happened?
00:38:23What happened now?
00:38:25I wish it never happened, but it happened, Aslım.
00:38:27Look, we can't bring back what's gone.
00:38:29But we can change our lives.
00:38:31Let's look ahead.
00:38:33Let's look ahead?
00:38:35Let's look ahead?
00:38:37Should we pretend nothing happened?
00:38:39Should we forget that night?
00:38:43Don't keep looking for guilt.
00:38:45You can't get rid of your conscience like this.
00:38:57Let me bring them to hell, Aslım.
00:38:59Let me bring them to hell, Aslım.
00:39:01You can't get rid of your conscience.
00:39:05There is justice.
00:39:07There is law.
00:39:09Every crime has a punishment.
00:39:11You are very naive, Aslım.
00:39:13You are very naive, Aslım.
00:39:15Do you know what they put the most?
00:39:17Don't talk too much, Gece.
00:39:19Don't talk too much, Gece.
00:39:23Aslım, do you think you can get rid of them?
00:39:25Aslım, do you think you can get rid of them?
00:39:31You bring Aslım here, no matter how much you serve justice.
00:39:33Either he gets sick or something happens to him.
00:39:35He wanted to come.
00:39:37Since you came,
00:39:39I'll ask then.
00:39:41Did you talk to İpek?
00:39:45Don't call me until you talk.
00:39:47Don't call me until you talk.
00:39:49I'm stealing your car.
00:39:51It's their car anyway. Are you stupid?
00:39:53You can take it from Alptekin's house.
00:40:07So you've been waiting for this moment, huh?
00:40:09Good morning.
00:40:11Our prince woke up from his sleep.
00:40:13You probably learned what İpek did.
00:40:15What are you going to do now?
00:40:17Are you going to sign the death sentence yourself?
00:40:19What am I going to do?
00:40:21You don't care at all.
00:40:23What are you going to do?
00:40:25You're going to lie.
00:40:27I'm not a liar as good as you are.
00:40:29The ally here is me, Cihan.
00:40:31Not Aslım.
00:40:33You can't even be Aslım's nail.
00:40:47Tell me what you're going to say.
00:40:49I'm so tired.
00:40:51I'm going to sleep.
00:40:55I want you to listen carefully to what I'm going to say.
00:40:57I'm listening.
00:41:01Your brother has learned what happened.
00:41:05I'm asking you.
00:41:07Don't let him guide you while you're talking to your brother.
00:41:13What is he going to say?
00:41:15How is he going to guide me?
00:41:21You know how much you mean to Aslım.
00:41:31As long as my brother doesn't give up on me,
00:41:33I'll go to jail.
00:41:35Don't do it, İpek.
00:41:37You're separating the egg yolk from the egg white at breakfast.
00:41:39What kind of place do you think the prison is?
00:41:41No, you're not going to jail.
00:41:43I promise you.
00:41:45But after this is over,
00:41:47you're going to a rehabilitation center.
00:41:55We can't act like nothing happened.
00:41:57We're all aware of everything.
00:41:59What are you aware of?
00:42:03Why are you laughing?
00:42:07Tell me why you laughed.
00:42:09You can fool your brother.
00:42:11You can fool your father.
00:42:13But you can't fool me.
00:42:17Dad, let it go.
00:42:19Let him say what he wants to say.
00:42:21Enough, İpek.
00:42:23That's enough.
00:42:25You're addicted.
00:42:27But it's over now.
00:42:29You can't even fool yourself.
00:42:31Because of you,
00:42:33two people are lying under the ground.
00:42:47I wish I hadn't been right.
00:42:51I wish.
00:43:01Master, Mr. Cihan is here.
00:43:09Brother, don't say I was cheated again.
00:43:11No, it happens once.
00:43:13Are we going to look at this chassis, too?
00:43:15No, let's wash this.
00:43:17I'll get the other car.
00:43:19Then I'll come and get this.
00:43:23They took the other car.
00:43:25What do you mean?
00:43:27They took it.
00:43:29They took it.
00:43:31We'll see.
00:43:33Okay, brother.
00:43:59What happened, Cihan?
00:44:01You were right, Aslı.
00:44:03İpek was there.
00:44:05Go to the courthouse.
00:44:07I'll bring İpek to you.
00:44:09She'll give her statement and tell the truth.
00:44:11Cihan, thank you so much.
00:44:13Thank you so much.
00:44:31What's up?
00:44:33I hope everything will be fine.
00:44:35What are you doing here?
00:44:39I'm going to talk to Yavuz.
00:44:41Are you crazy?
00:44:43Who is Yavuz?
00:44:45Don't talk nonsense.
00:44:49Don't get involved in things that are not your job.
00:44:51Where are they?
00:44:53What do you care?
00:44:55Okay, I'll take care of it.
00:44:57Because we have special topics to talk about.
00:44:59Who are you?
00:45:01They have special topics to talk to people.
00:45:03Didn't your brother do enough?
00:45:05Did I fall on top of them?
00:45:09How easily they tie the chain around your neck.
00:45:13And you agree right away.
00:45:15I admire your loyalty.
00:45:19Look at those moves, those words.
00:45:21This is not something that ungrateful people like you will understand.
00:45:23Don't worry.
00:45:27Look what I'm going to tell you.
00:45:29Now we're laughing and having fun.
00:45:31But one day,
00:45:33I took the end of that chain.
00:45:35And I put you in front of the door.
00:45:37So if I were you,
00:45:39I'd be on my feet.
00:45:41My daughter.
00:45:43Look, I'm so proud of you.
00:45:45I'll make you look good.
00:45:47I don't want you to be here.
00:45:49Get out of here.
00:45:51You're tiring yourself for nothing.
00:45:53But I can't tell you.
00:45:55I'm sorry, honey.
00:45:57Where did I go wrong?
00:46:01I'm thinking one by one.
00:46:03I'm looking at my past.
00:46:05I don't know where I lost control.
00:46:09My dear, Ipek is an attention whore.
00:46:11Didn't she do everything
00:46:13to get your attention?
00:46:15Didn't she get involved in all this anyway?
00:46:17She did it to get your attention.
00:46:19You have no fault.
00:46:23I'm sorry, Mr. Yavuz.
00:46:25Emre's brother
00:46:27came here last night.
00:46:29He's so rude.
00:46:31Let him come.
00:46:37Mrs. Feraye,
00:46:39you can go.
00:46:41Leave us alone.
00:46:43You can rest tonight.
00:46:49Are you staying with me?
00:46:53What are you doing here?
00:46:55Aslım won't give up.
00:46:57Emre is very angry
00:46:59because the case date is late.
00:47:01It's a matter of time
00:47:03for one of them to report Ipek.
00:47:05And you appreciate
00:47:07that I have to save Emre in such a situation.
00:47:09So much thievery.
00:47:11So much dishonesty.
00:47:15if Emre or I give up
00:47:17expressing yourself to you,
00:47:19Ipek's hair will fall
00:47:21around her neck.
00:47:23What a shame.
00:47:25What do you want?
00:47:27What can she want, honey?
00:47:29She wants money, of course.
00:47:31Do you have any other option?
00:47:33Is that so, Asude?
00:47:35Do you think I don't have any other option?
00:47:39Look, let me tell you this.
00:47:41Do you know what happens when you have nothing to lose?
00:47:43You don't have a limit.
00:47:45You'll be incredibly brave.
00:47:47So brave
00:47:49that you won't be able to be brave
00:47:57What do you want?
00:47:59I want to stay here.
00:48:05That's it.
00:48:11give her the money she wants
00:48:13and let her leave our house.
00:48:27You're not ashamed of negotiating
00:48:29with this scoundrel, are you?
00:48:31Mind your words, Cihan.
00:48:33Why are you here?
00:48:35To ask for more?
00:48:37Oh, right.
00:48:39Betrayal is priceless.
00:48:41You're right.
00:48:43Do you know how you inspired me right now?
00:48:45You're telling the truth, Cihan.
00:48:47Betrayal is priceless.
00:48:49I mean, I need to ask for more.
00:48:51Let me think.
00:48:53What more could I ask from you?
00:48:55It's over, Yece.
00:48:57It's over.
00:48:59We don't need your lies anymore.
00:49:03What do you mean?
00:49:05İpek will surrender.
00:49:23we're going to hand over İpek.
00:49:25At least we can go to an agreement like this.
00:49:27This disgrace won't go any further.
00:50:01Dad, where is İpek?
00:50:03I don't know.
00:50:05What do you mean you don't know?
00:50:19Bahtiyar, did you see İpek?
00:50:21I don't know, but she went towards the scaffold.
00:50:23Is there a problem, Mr. Cihan?
00:51:07To my family.
00:51:09Forgive me.
00:51:13I'm sorry for everything I've done to you.
00:51:17If I could turn back time,
00:51:19I wouldn't run away that night.
00:51:21I would call for help.
00:51:23I would save Memo and Uğur.
00:51:27But I ran away.
00:51:29I'm guilty.
00:51:35I would like to be a better person than my brother.
00:51:37I'm not.
00:51:41I would like to be as strong as him.
00:51:43I'm not.
00:51:45I would like to be as devoted as my mother.
00:51:47I'm not.
00:51:49I'm not as full of love as my father.
00:51:53There's only one thing I want you to know.
00:51:57I kept my promise to you.
00:51:59I didn't drink anything
00:52:01except for a few sips that night.
00:52:03I don't know what happened to me,
00:52:05but I suddenly lost control.
00:52:07I know you won't believe me,
00:52:09but that's the truth.
00:52:11I know you won't believe me,
00:52:13but that's the truth.
00:52:17This doesn't change the fact that
00:52:19I'm the murderer of two people,
00:52:21nor does it lighten this crime.
00:52:35I can't live a day
00:52:37without knowing this.
00:52:41Forgive me.
00:53:11I can't live a day
00:53:13without knowing this.
00:53:15Forgive me.
00:53:41Forgive me.
00:53:43Forgive me.
00:53:45Forgive me.
00:53:47Forgive me.
00:53:49Forgive me.
00:53:51Forgive me.
00:53:53Forgive me.
00:53:55Forgive me.
00:53:57Forgive me.
00:53:59Forgive me.
00:54:01Forgive me.
00:54:03Forgive me.
00:54:05Forgive me.
00:54:07Forgive me.
00:54:09Forgive me.
00:54:11Forgive me.
00:54:13Forgive me.
00:54:15Forgive me.
00:54:17Forgive me.
00:54:19Forgive me.
00:54:21Forgive me.
00:54:23Forgive me.
00:54:25Forgive me.
00:54:27Forgive me.
00:54:29Forgive me.
00:54:31Forgive me.
00:54:33Forgive me.
00:54:35Forgive me.
00:54:37Forgive me.
00:54:43Will you forgive me?
00:55:07How are you, Aslım?
00:55:11What is Cihan's phone doing with you?
00:55:13Cihan is trying to rescue him
00:55:15with İpek.
00:55:17You believed, didn't you, Aslım?
00:55:19So you believed.
00:55:21You believed that you would be with Cihan.
00:55:23Oh, my daughter.
00:55:25I'm telling you, you're so naive.
00:55:37Look, let's take everything in your hands.
00:55:39If we were together,
00:55:41who would hold us?
00:55:43Then you wanted to go to London.
00:55:45Maybe we'll go there.
00:55:47We'll go together.
00:55:49I'll be a whore, you'll be a career.
00:55:51Look, I don't have anyone but you.
00:55:53You're my family.
00:55:55You're my friend.
00:55:57You're not my friend.
00:55:59You can't be my enemy.
00:56:01Did you hear me?
00:56:03Don't say that.
00:56:05Do you know what's going to happen?
00:56:07You're going to lose everyone.
00:56:09You won't have anyone around you.
00:56:11The Alptekins will kidnap you at the first opportunity.
00:56:13Even Emre will get out of your life.
00:56:15You'll have a lot of money.
00:56:17You'll have a lot of money on your account.
00:56:19But there won't be anyone around you.
00:56:21Let me give you a piece of advice, Aslım.
00:56:23The world is not as good as you think it is.
00:56:25You know that, right?
00:56:27Maybe you're right.
00:56:29But the world is a wrong place.
00:56:31Look, Cihan is here.
00:56:33Ask him if İpek was there that night.
00:56:51I'm sorry.
00:57:01I'm sorry.
00:57:31I'm sorry.
00:58:01I'm sorry.
00:58:11Are you okay?
00:58:13My sister-in-law.
00:58:15Does your mother know you're here?
00:58:17Call them.
00:58:19Call everyone.
00:58:21My parents.
00:58:23Start with Cihan.
00:58:25Aslım, give it to me.
00:58:27Don't come closer.
01:00:01You can't.
01:00:03Asking for that account is the debt of those who are alive.
01:00:05So it's my debt.
01:00:19You ruined my world.
01:00:21You will be under that world.
01:00:31Don't look for anyone, dad.
01:00:33We deserved it.
01:00:35We deserved it to the end.
01:00:47Let's get out of here.
01:00:51Let's go.
01:00:53Let's go.
01:00:55Let's go.
01:00:57Let's go.
01:00:59Justice will come with law or justice with short.
01:01:07You two.
01:01:09You two were my blind spot.
01:01:17But now I can see you in the dark.
01:01:23Hello, police.
01:01:33Don't come closer.
01:01:37Don't come closer.
01:01:45Don't come.
01:01:47Cihan, don't come closer.
01:01:53Cihan, I said don't come closer.
01:01:55Nobody will interfere.
01:01:57Cihan, let me go.
01:01:59Let me go.
01:02:01Cihan, let me go.
01:02:03Let me go.
01:02:07Let me go.
01:02:09Let me go.
01:02:11Pull yourself together.
01:02:17Or start punishing me.
01:02:27Or start punishing me.
01:02:57Or start punishing me.
01:03:21Because of you.
01:03:23Because of you.
01:03:25Because of you.
01:03:27Because of you.
01:04:29They will take her, Perihan.
01:04:31They will take her.
01:04:41Her mother.
01:04:53-"Uncle, uncle, don't."
01:04:57Ignore him.
01:04:59Ignore him.
01:05:01Ignore him, I said.
01:05:04He's just a guy.
01:05:07Ignore him!
01:05:09Ignore him!
01:05:16He's just a guy.
01:05:18Ignore him.
