• last year
Magpie Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: MAGPIE is a stylish neo-noir thriller centered on married couple Anette (Daisy Ridley) and Ben (Shazad Latif), whose lives begin to fracture when their daughter is cast alongside a glamorous movie star, Alicia (Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz). As Anette's suspicions of Ben's infatuation with Alicia intensify, their secrets and lies threaten to burst to the surface and destroy them all.

directed by Sam Yates

starring Daisy Ridley, Shazad Latif, Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Alistair Petrie, Hiba Ahmed, Cherrelle Skeete, Pippa Bennett-Warner

release date October 25, 2024 (in theaters)
00:22How is Ben
00:26Whose dreams of peace and quiet born fruit
00:30It's been really great for him
00:35It's so great
00:37Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. You must be Matilda. I'm her dad. Really nice to meet you. You too. I'm a big fan
00:45Felicia sounds nice. She's amazing. I have terrible taste in men
01:34Have you done
01:40The funny thing I didn't tell anyone