• last year
Sister Janet Meade - "Keep Me Safe" (1974)
00:12♪ Heaven is safe, O God, you are my hope.
00:19♪ Our Lord, it is you are my portion and cup.
00:24♪ It is you, yourself are my prize.
00:29♪ I keep the Lord ever in my sight.
00:34♪ He's at my right hand, I shall stand firm.
00:49♪ Keep me safe, O God, you are my hope.
00:56♪ With love you will show me the pathway of life.
01:02♪ Your presence guides me on.
01:07♪ Your touch will show me the pathway to joy.
01:12♪ I'm happy forever at your right hand.
01:17♪ Keep me safe, O God, you are my hope.
01:22♪ Keep me safe, O God, you are my hope.
