• 3 months ago
Wealthy Mind Winning Life ❤️

RENEW YOUR MIND - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B35ZW5X1

WEALTHY MIND ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1982955732

CREATIVITY ~ https://tinyurl.com/creativity-book

SUCCESS PRINCIPLES ~ https://tinyurl.com/success-strategies

LEADERSHIP ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09TFF77B7

Tinyurl.com/PaulFDavis-Books (Paul's Books)
TeachersPayTeachers.com/store/PaulFDavis (Paul's Lessons)
Zelle Pay - RevivingNations@yahoo, com

#wealthy #rich #poor #renewal #revival #mindset #mindfulness #bible #poverty #faith #money #success #business #growth #life #mentalhealth #spirituality #wisdom #transformation #empowerment #encouragement #inspiration #motivation #wellness #wellbeing #wealth #entrepreneur #winning #jesus #church
00:00Jesus said the poor you will have with you always. So it's interesting that
00:06Jesus identified that poverty is an ongoing problem in society no matter how
00:13much a family, a community, or a country and its government give people. There's
00:18always going to be some people who are poor because they're poor mentally in
00:22their belief system and they are foundationally misaligned and
00:28misdirected and maybe lacking truth to renew their mind and to direct and
00:33govern their life. Now that's not to say they could not receive that if they were
00:38to go to church and be mentored or just read the Bible and pray. God can
00:42transform anybody. But poverty oftentimes is foundationally deep within people
00:49oftentimes generationally a poverty mentality, lack of faith, and therefore a
00:56tendency to be inclined to live in pity or poverty in which you don't believe
01:04in your abilities, your God-given abilities. We all have gifts, talents, and
01:08abilities and some of us, some people, they may only have the ability to cook
01:13or they may only have the ability to work in construction but they'll work
01:16really hard at it and they'll do very well and succeed and prosper financially
01:21far more than others who have other professional skills and talents that the
01:25world esteems, maybe more. But if you work and utilize your gifts, talents, and
01:29abilities and show yourself diligent, God will add to them. And if you're humble
01:34and curious and pursuing growth and reading and studying and learning and
01:39listening to other intelligent, wise, successful people, you can further
01:43accelerate your growth. But some people, they're more inclined to sit back and be
01:48lazy and watch TV all day long and just smoke on something or drink something
01:53and it just further degrades and destructs and destroys their life. And
01:59that being said, those who have a poverty mentality and they are living in misery
02:05internally, it manifests outwardly in their daily life. So it's not merely
02:11monetary poverty, it's also spiritual poverty. Therefore, the gospel, Jesus said
02:17the good news has to go first to the poor. In Luke 4 verse 18, Jesus said,
02:22I'm anointed to preach the good news to the brokenhearted, to set the captives
02:27free, to heal those that are bound and bruised within. So we need inner healing
02:32many times to transform our lives and to empower us mentally, emotionally, and even
02:38thereby empower and equip us financially because it's a foundational principle. If
02:44you're lacking mental and emotional fortitude and strength, you're oftentimes
02:50going to lack self-control and you're not whole and therefore you're not going
02:55to succeed and excel in relationships with people, relationally or
02:59professionally, and that can hold you back financially. So may God heal us, give
03:05us wisdom, pour in his oil and wine of his spirit, but also enable us to
03:11discipline ourselves and read his word and be transformed thereby. If you need a
03:16life coach, a life coach to walk you through some of these scenarios and
03:21situations, I've written a hundred books. You dig into those, those can help as
03:25well, but if you'd like somebody to provide you life coaching, you can email
03:30me or reach out to me and we can discuss possibly doing so. But most importantly,
03:35just pray, read God's word, spend time with the Holy Spirit, and begin to
03:42deconstruct your life, reconstruct your life, unlearn some things that maybe if
03:48you dig deeper and you discover you have some limiting beliefs, some people just
03:52need to pull the plug on their past stinking thinking and have a checkup
03:57from the neck up and do a personal inventory and begin to reprogram and
04:02renew their mind. The Bible says we're transformed by the renewing of our mind.
04:08Romans 12 verse 1 and 2. So that's a discipline that only you can cultivate,
04:12only you can decide to pursue. So others can preach to you, but it's your mind
04:18buddy, it's your body, how you attend to it, how you care for it, that's your daily
04:22choice and your decision. So you can't point the finger and blame the
04:26government or anybody else for your current situation. Everybody has 24 hours
04:30every day, how you spend it, how you cultivate and personal growth and pursue
04:36it and harness your mind, will, and emotions and utilize them and your gifts,
04:41talents, and abilities. That's something God's given you, but you have to attend
04:45to it just like a farmer planting the seed, attending to the soil, pulling and
04:49plucking the weeds. You got to pluck some weeds out in your head and get rid of
04:53that stinking thinking and the poverty mentality. Jesus became poor so we could
04:57be made rich and I'm not just talking about financial wealth, I'm talking about
05:01internal wealth and well-being. Wellness, well-being, they go and run hand-in-hand
05:08with wealth financially, wealth of relationships. I listened to the black
05:14godfather in Hollywood and I believe his name was Clarence and he was a
05:21deal-maker. He would put together athletes and different talented
05:26individuals, musicians, and he would connect them to Hollywood producing
05:29companies and music production companies and he would set deals together and he
05:35was an agent to many of the stars before they were well-known and he would set
05:40deals and motions and he would connect people and when they asked him,
05:44he would talk about his stories of financial difficulty, he would
05:48say, I don't have money but I have friends. So if you're good with people and you
05:53have friends, that's a bridge to your future. People can help you and if
05:57you're a likable individual, if you're humble, if you're happy, they like to be
06:01around you, that's wealth right there. So you have resources. It may not
06:05be cash in your pocket or in your wallet but if you learn to master your gifts,
06:10talents, and abilities and utilize them and stop feeling sorry for yourself and
06:14start being diligent and utilizing what God's put in your
06:19gifts, talents, and abilities and your internal spirit, what God's
06:24deposited and graced and gifted and granted to you already within your
06:28toolbox, so to say, and you start to pull it out and utilize it, you'll be amazed
06:33at what you attract and God will begin to bless, promote, and advance your life
06:38as you're just faithful to use what he's given you. You don't have to be anybody
06:42that you're not. You don't have to fake the funk. Just be true to you, my friend, and
06:45let the gifts snap, crackle, and pop and come forth and God is gonna promote and
06:50advance you and position you and reposition you with the right people and
06:55good doors of opportunity and blessings are gonna come your way. Be blessed today.