• il y a 3 mois
00:00Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
00:05La visite annuelle de l'Easter Bunny, qui s'amènera à la ville sur son fameux moteur d'électricité, lundi matin à la quartière de la nuit.
00:13Des sources informatives rapportent que des légions de citoyens juniors étendent leurs bonnets,
00:20se cachant dans la chambre de l'Easter Bunny.
00:23Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
00:28Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
00:33Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
00:38Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
00:43Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
00:48Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
00:53Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
00:57Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
01:02Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
01:07Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
01:12Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
01:17Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
01:22Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
01:26Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
01:31Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
01:36Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
01:41Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
01:46Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
01:51Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
01:55Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
02:00Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
02:05Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
02:10Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
02:15Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
02:20Le jour où les enfants d'où qu'ils viennent se préparent à un événement de grande importance dans le monde.
02:24Hey, le soleil est à venir et c'est sûr que ça signifie une chose.
03:24Sous-titrage MFP.
03:54Sous-titrage MFP.
04:24Le village de Kidville était un village fantastique.
04:32Il s'appelait Kidville parce que les enfants n'y vivaient pas.
04:37C'était une petite communauté d'enfants et de filles.
04:42Il n'y avait pas d'adultes.
04:45Il y avait un maire, un policier, un feuilletier et même un mailman.
04:50Oui, c'était moi il y a longtemps.
04:53C'est pour ça que je connais cette histoire.
05:00Il n'y avait pas d'adultes dans le village.
05:03Tous les enfants étaient des enfants.
05:05Ils se sont rassemblés dans cette petite vallée.
05:08Ils se sont séparés du reste du monde par la montagne.
05:11Pour faire leur propre vie.
05:15Parfois, c'était loin.
05:17Parfois, c'était effrayant.
05:24Comme quand le grand Gadzooks s'est rassemblé autour de la montagne.
05:29Gadzooks, un grand poisson qui vivait dans une cave en solitude sur une grande montagne.
05:36Il apparaissait souvent en vacances.
05:39Et si c'était Noël, il prendrait tous les jouets des enfants.
05:42Si c'était, disons, Halloween, il prendrait leurs pompons.
05:45Et si c'était quelqu'un qui avait un anniversaire, il prendrait le gâteau.
05:49Oui, monsieur.
05:50Mais à part les problèmes avec les Gadzooks,
05:53c'était une bonne vie.
05:55Gentille et paisible, et parfois, pleine de plaisir.
05:58Tout le monde partageait tout et priait le Seigneur de son propre façon.
06:05C'est comme ça qu'ils ont trouvé le rabais de pomme.
06:09C'est un rabais de bébé.
06:12Nous ne vous ferons pas mal, petit garçon.
06:14Est-ce que tu es seul?
06:16Où sont tes parents?
06:19Tu n'as pas de maman et de père?
06:22Est-ce que tu es un enfant aussi?
06:25Comme nous.
06:27Oh, pauvre petit.
06:30Qu'allons-nous appeler?
06:32As-tu un nom?
06:35Il aime bien le soleil.
06:37C'est ça! Allons l'appeler Sunny.
06:42Sunny! Il aime son nom.
06:46Oui, Sunny!
06:49Il a donc été nommé après le soleil le matin de l'été,
06:53et le rebours de la vie l'a représenté.
06:55Il a été emprisonné à Kidville et est devenu l'enfant officiel de la ville.
07:01Les rabais grandissent plus rapidement que les enfants,
07:04et étant l'un des rabais les plus nombreux,
07:07petit Sunny a grandi plus comme un enfant que comme un oiseau.
07:12Mais bientôt, il était un an,
07:14pleinement élevé,
07:16et aussi brillant et intelligent que tout le monde à Kidville.
07:19Il était le leader des enfants.
07:21Cet après-midi, au rendez-vous de la ville...
07:24Et je dis que Kidville doit s'épanouir.
07:27Nous devons envoyer les choses que nous faisons au monde extérieur
07:30et obtenir les choses que nous avons besoin en échange.
07:33Quelles choses, Sunny?
07:36Eh bien, il y a nos oeufs.
07:38Et nos oeufs?
07:40Aucun oeuf dans le monde ne peut dépasser les oeufs de Kidville.
07:43Il avait raison.
07:45Je suppose que ces merveilleux oeufs de Kidville étaient les meilleurs.
07:49Grands, blancs et beaux.
07:52C'était à cause de la sistème de Mahindra.
07:55Trois vraiment remarquables oieufs.
07:57Les rois des oeufs.
07:59Qu'est-ce qui vient d'abord, Mr. Kluger?
08:01Les oeufs ou les oeufs?
08:03Les filles, s'il vous plaît.
08:05Vraiment? Quelle question de nous poser.
08:08Je veux dire, avez-vous jamais?
08:11Dites-le comme il s'est passé, les filles.
08:15Qu'est-ce qui vient d'abord, les oeufs ou les oeufs?
08:18Quelle blague folle!
08:20C'est comme de demander qui vient d'abord,
08:23le chien de poule ou le fidèle.
08:26Les oeufs étaient d'abord qu'on a traversé
08:29avec une petite leçon de Bible.
08:31Quand Noah a pris les animaux sur l'arc,
08:34ça a sûrement réglé la progression.
08:37Qu'est-ce qui vient d'abord, les oeufs ou les oeufs?
08:40Qu'est-ce qui vient d'abord, les oeufs ou les oeufs?
08:43C'est comme de demander qui vient d'abord,
08:46le chien de poule ou le fidèle.
08:48Il n'y avait pas d'oeuf avant l'arc,
08:51juste Mr. et Mrs. Oeufs.
08:54Quand l'eau s'est secouée, ils ont caché un oeuf.
08:57Ça devrait faire la histoire.
08:59Qu'est-ce qui vient d'abord, les oeufs ou les oeufs?
09:02Qu'est-ce qui vient d'abord, les oeufs ou les oeufs?
09:05C'est comme de demander qui vient d'abord,
09:08le chien de poule ou le fidèle.
09:11Qu'est-ce qui vient d'abord, les oeufs ou les oeufs?
09:14C'est comme de demander qui vient d'abord,
09:17le chien de poule ou le fidèle.
09:20C'est comme de demander qui vient d'abord,
09:23les oeufs ou les oeufs?
09:27What are you doing?
09:29Who's gonna eat all those eggs?
09:31Make mine three minutes.
09:33What am I saying? Oh, my!
09:36I can't bear to watch.
09:38A month's work. Boiled.
09:41I'm boiling them so that they won't get broken
09:43on the trip over the big rock mountain.
09:46Solid, man.
09:50And the next day, bright and early,
09:53And the next day, bright and early,
09:55he set off to spread the good word about Kidville
09:58to the outside world.
10:00It was Easter morning,
10:02just one year after he had been found.
10:04Farewell, kids. I'm off to... to...
10:09Well, I'll find something.
10:12Farewell. Bye.
10:16Howdy, neighbor.
10:18Who are you?
10:20My name is the name Hallelujah H. Jones.
10:23I'm Sonny.
10:25Clever name. Where are you bound?
10:27I don't know.
10:29Been there a lot of times.
10:31Best part is, you never have to worry
10:33about getting there on time.
10:35Maybe you can help me.
10:37I've got to find some place to sell these eggs.
10:40Well, I just come from a...
10:43Yes, sir.
10:45Them eggs would sure go big over there.
10:49Outside of Big Rock, a place called...
10:54Town? Just town?
10:57Well, it's either town or town-town.
11:00Can't rightly remember.
11:02But I do remember there wasn't an egg to...
11:06to buy anywhere.
11:09Well, thanks a lot, Hallelujah.
11:11Where are you headed?
11:13Where'd you say you just come from?
11:17Well, then, that's where I'm headed.
11:20If you ain't there, they got room for one more.
11:29Well, it was quite a climb over that mountain.
11:32Just as Sonny got to the top...
11:36Oh, no!
11:44Gadzooks! It was gadzooks!
11:49I want to make...
12:02Sonny kept on hopping down the other side of the mountain,
12:05right up to the gates of Town.
12:09Town was the most dismal, unpleasant place Sonny had ever seen.
12:13Nobody laughed.
12:15Everybody dressed in black and pretty flowers were against the law.
12:19Excuse me, sir, but where are the children?
12:23Children are against the law.
12:26As soon as a little boy or girl gets born here,
12:29the whole family's got to move away.
12:32That's terrible!
12:35I agree.
12:37Who makes these laws?
12:40Him and her.
12:47King Bruce the Frail, only seven years old, and his aunt,
12:51the Dowager Duchess Lily Longtooth.
12:54He was the king, but it was Lily who really ruled Town.
12:58But, but, must I, Aunt Lily?
13:01You will do as I tell you.
13:04Eat your beans.
13:06That's all anybody eats in this kingdom.
13:09Beans, beans, and more beans.
13:12I think beans are sufficient.
13:15And what I think is so.
13:18Now eat your beans.
13:20You must set a good example to your subjects.
13:23Remember, you are king.
13:27I don't want to be king.
13:29I want to be just an ordinary kid, like everybody else.
13:33You'll stay king and like it.
13:37Your Majesty!
13:43No wonder Hallelujah said those eggs would be a hit here.
13:54Now, of course, the whole problem was getting those eggs past Gadzooks.
13:58It was old Hallelujah Jones who came up with the solution.
14:02See? They're disguised.
14:04That dumb old bear won't know what they are.
14:07The first colored Easter eggs.
14:10The very first.
14:12Little Sonny had no idea he and Hallelujah were starting a tradition.
14:19And so he started over that mountain again with a fresh supply of disguised eggs.
14:24On his way back to town.
14:28Trap it!
14:32Any more eggs?
14:48Oh, let me tell you. Little Sonny was in lots of trouble.
14:51Lots of trouble, lots of trouble, lots of trouble, lots of trouble, lots of trouble.
14:57Any more eggs?
15:03No, nothing but a lot of colored stones to sell as paperweights.
15:08Gadzooks, what do I want with stones?
15:13I live on Big Rock.
15:16Rabbit, I want eggs.
15:22You go back and get me eggs.
15:26Some other time. Bye!
15:29Gadzooks, that ain't the way to kid mill.
15:33Can you come back here?
15:51Who goes there?
15:54Me, sir. Happy Easter?
15:58What is this?
16:00Well, I guess you'd call it an Easter egg.
16:04Easter egg?
16:06Yeah, one for you, too.
16:08Easter eggs?
16:11And that was the first time anybody ever called him that.
16:14Why not give it a try? Peel one and take a bite.
16:17Not me. I'm not going to be first.
16:20Doesn't look like it would taste good anyway.
16:22Yeah, me neither.
16:24Yeah, me neither.
16:26Well, if everybody felt that way, we'd probably still be eating leaves and flowers.
16:32Somebody has to be first, you know?
16:54Someone's got to be first.
16:57Someone's got to brave the worst.
17:00Someone's got to take a taste.
17:05The first man to eat a pickle
17:08Said, this cucumber's rather dill.
17:11The first man to find a salt mine
17:15Thought the worth of it was nil.
17:18Someone's got to be first.
17:21All things got to be faced.
17:24Someone's got to brave the worst.
17:27Someone's got to take a taste.
17:32The first man to eat potatoes
17:35He stumbled on the basic roots.
17:38And the first man to eat an onion
17:42What a strange, peculiar fruit.
17:45Someone's got to be first.
17:48All things got to be faced.
17:51Someone's got to brave the worst.
17:54Someone's got to take a taste.
18:03Someone's got to take a taste.
18:07Someone's got to brave the worst.
18:38Why Easter egg?
18:40Well, because it's got springtime colors
18:42and I'm giving it on Easter.
18:44Well, if this is an Easter egg,
18:47you must be the Easter bunny.
18:50Well, nobody ever called me that before.
18:53Sure they did.
18:56Me, and I'm the kin.
18:58What I say goes.
19:02I hereby dub you the Easter bunny,
19:05in need of the rainbow eggs.
19:11And that's how he got his name and rank.
19:14Oh, that's how.
19:16What do you do with these Easter eggs?
19:19Eat them.
19:20Just like an ordinary egg?
19:22Well, I guess they're not ordinary.
19:25I guess there should be a sort of a ritual.
19:28What ritual?
19:30Uh, good question.
19:32Let's see.
19:33First, you hold it up and look at it.
19:37And then you say,
19:39Ooh, isn't that pretty?
19:43Ooh, isn't that pretty?
19:47Then you sort of look concerned and say,
19:50Seems a shame to eat it.
19:52Seems a shame to eat it.
19:56Then you kind of think it over
19:58and you say,
19:59Heck, that's what Easter eggs are for.
20:02Heck, that's what Easter eggs are for.
20:07That's just the way it always happens at my house.
20:10Mine too.
20:12Then you sort of peel the colored shell off
20:15and if you're a real Easter egg expert,
20:18you keep it all in one piece.
20:22I'm an expert. I'm an expert.
20:25Now do we eat them?
20:27Not the whole darn thing at once.
20:32First, you kind of nibble at the white.
20:36Then, when you got nothing left but the yolk,
20:39you sort of consider it,
20:41study it,
20:43sniff it a little,
20:45wonder about its magic and color.
20:49Ooh, down it goes.
20:51Ah, delicious.
20:54Ah, delicious.
20:58And that's the traditional way of eating an Easter egg.
21:02Starting now.
21:04Someone's gotta be first
21:07All things gotta be faced
21:11Someone's gotta brave the worst
21:14Someone's gotta take a taste
21:17What's going on here?
21:20Oh, hi, Aunt Lily.
21:22You want an Easter egg?
21:24We've got loads of them.
21:26See those.
21:28Oh, what vulgar colors.
21:32Wait a moment.
21:34This is a real egg.
21:37You know that beans are the only food allowed.
21:41Uh, this is Sunny, the Easter bunny.
21:44Your ladyship.
21:46A rodent.
21:48A hairy little animal
21:50in the king's chambers.
21:57You must pass a new law immediately.
22:02All eggs are illegal
22:05and Easter eggs are expressly forbidden.
22:11No! No!
22:16So be it.
22:20So be it.
22:22And now, Your Royal Majesty,
22:25you will go to bed without supper.
22:29Yes, Aunt Lily.
22:41Sorry I made you miss your supper.
22:44That's all right.
22:46It was gonna be more beans again anyway.
22:49Maybe when I come back next Easter,
22:52I could bring some beans.
22:54Very special Easter beans.
23:01Sunny kept his word.
23:03And for months and months
23:05he labored with Herbert the baker
23:07and Hallelujah Jones
23:09trying to make an Easter bean.
23:11Oh, they had many failures.
23:13But then one day...
23:15It's done!
23:17Hallelujah! Let's see.
23:19Easy now. Easy now.
23:35Do you know what they'd gone and invented?
23:38Jelly beans!
23:40Right! The world's first Easter jelly beans.
23:46Easter was only a little way off
23:48and the Hendrews sisters
23:50had to make lots of new Easter eggs.
23:55On the day before Easter,
23:57Sunny started out for town again.
24:00Eggs and jelly beans, eggs and jelly beans,
24:03eggs and jelly beans, eggs and jelly beans.
24:06Oh, of course, wouldn't you know
24:08old Gad Zooks met him again?
24:26Let me see that!
24:28Gadzooks! Give them back to me! Please!
24:32Bah! More colored stones!
24:36I hates colored stones!
24:43Oh, no!
24:46All their hard work for nothing.
24:53Well, Sunny and his friends thought
24:55they'd lost all those colored eggs.
24:57They were pretty down, let me tell you.
24:59Pretty down, pretty down, pretty down,
25:01pretty down, pretty down, pretty down,
25:03pretty down, pretty down, pretty down.
25:05But when they got close to Kidville,
25:07they were surprised to hear...
25:09I found one!
25:11Me too!
25:13I got a green and pink one!
25:15I got a blue!
25:17What's going on here?
25:19Why, they're having the time of their lives!
25:22Those eggs came a-flying out of the sky
25:24and hid themselves good and proper,
25:26so everybody in Kidville came out here
25:29to hunt them up.
25:31The kids are having so much fun
25:34looking for the eggs,
25:36I think that from here on in,
25:38I'll always hide them.
25:40Oh, so that's why he hides them.
25:43That's why.
25:45Now, Sunny's right.
25:48Now, Sunny realized
25:50he'd have to do something
25:52to get past old Gadzooks,
25:54so he had a meeting
25:56with all the kid tailors in town,
25:58and they worked all night long
26:00following his instructions.
26:02Bright and early Easter morning,
26:04Sunny set out,
26:06this time hoping
26:08that he would run into Gadzooks.
26:10Grabbing Gadzooks!
26:17And soon that old grizzly
26:19had chased Sunny right up to the edge of town,
26:21just as Sunny had planned.
26:25Happy Easter, Gadzooks!
26:29For... for me?
26:32Now you can be all pretty for Easter,
26:34honey bear, sweetie pie, sugar love.
26:43You... you...
26:53And that big suit of clothes
26:55for a giant grizzly bear
26:57was the first Easter outfit ever.
26:59I... I can't believe you've done this...
27:04for me!
27:08For me!
27:14nobody loves old Gadzooks!
27:19Ah, that's your trouble, Gadzooks.
27:23You gotta like yourself
27:25before you can expect anyone else to.
27:28You've gotta stop your growling and smile.
27:33The sand can't run through your toes
27:35if you're wearing shoes.
27:38The sun can't shine on your nose
27:40if you've got the blues.
27:43You've got the wrong end of the wishbone
27:46and your dinner's beans and corn pone
27:49and you think nobody loves you,
27:51but they do.
27:54Take your shoes off, friend,
27:56let the sand run through your toes.
27:58Through your toes!
28:00Shake the blues off, friend,
28:02let the sun shine on your nose.
28:04Just get a thumb up on that wishbone,
28:07put some honey on your corn pone
28:10and I'll bet someone'll love you
28:13if you do.
28:15If you do.
28:17If you do.
28:18They'll love you.
28:20They'll love you.
28:21I'll bet someone'll love you
28:24if you do.
28:27You can't row a boat upstream
28:29if you've got no oar.
28:30If you've got no oar.
28:32And you can't get wet when it rains
28:34if you stay indoors.
28:36If you stay indoors.
28:37You think you always get the short end
28:40and you never had a real friend
28:43and you think nobody loves you,
28:45but they do.
28:49Turn your boat around,
28:50bet go where it wants to go.
28:54Put your hat and slicker on,
28:56let it rain or snow.
28:59And then the short end
29:01will get longer
29:03and your friendships will get stronger
29:05and a lot of folks will love you
29:08if you do.
29:11If you do.
29:12If you do.
29:13They'll love you.
29:15They'll love you.
29:16You think nobody loves you,
29:19but they do.
29:22You think nobody loves you,
29:25but they do.
29:36I feel it.
29:38I really do.
29:43And the town townspeople
29:45even had more fun than the Kidville kids
29:47when they started looking for the Easter eggs
29:49that Sonny hid.
29:52And to King Bruce and the others,
29:54those jellybeans were about the greatest invention
29:56since the wheel.
29:58And to Linda and Herbert,
30:00it was as if they suddenly had
30:01a million grandmas and grandpas
30:03and aunts and uncles.
30:07It wasn't until later in the day
30:09that Lady Longtooth discovered
30:10what was going on.
30:12What's this?
30:16More Easter eggs?
30:21I don't believe it!
30:27How dare there be children?
30:33Sound the alarm!
30:35Get the children!
30:37And that rabbit!
30:39Throw them in the dungeon!
30:42Get the children!
30:43Get the rabbit!
30:44Get the rabbit!
30:45Get the children!
30:46Get the children!
30:47Get the rabbit!
30:48Get the rabbit!
30:52Well, they got out of there just in time.
30:55We'll be back next year.
30:57Don't worry.
30:58We'll be back.
31:04No, sir.
31:05Nothing could stop that Sonny
31:06once he made his mind up.
31:08As the next Easter Sunday neared,
31:10he got all of Kidville to work twice as hard
31:12making Easter eggs and jellybeans
31:14and new Easter outfits.
31:18He also had the candy maker
31:20make up a special design of his.
31:22His secret weapon, he called it.
31:26Whoa! What's your hurry?
31:28Easter's almost here.
31:30Never did see so much activity.
31:32Yeah, but I don't know.
31:35Even if we do get all this stuff into town,
31:38old Lady Longtooth will just get some laws passed
31:42and all our work will be for nothing.
31:44You gotta work on King Bruce.
31:46He really is the ruler.
31:48Why if he'd just take a stand?
31:51He seems all right with me.
31:53But the minute he's alone,
31:55he just can't stand up to his aunt.
31:58He needs some kind of a friend
32:00to give him courage when you ain't with him.
32:03I got it.
32:04You got what, my friend?
32:06I'm going right over to the Kidville
32:08seamstress and pillow maker.
32:12And when he set out again on Easter morning,
32:14Sonny had to take a whole safari with him
32:17to carry all the eggs and jellybeans
32:19and Easter outfits and...
32:21secret weapons.
32:22Secret weapons.
32:24Secret weapons.
32:28But when they got down the other side,
32:30on the hillside just above town...
32:32Get the kids! Get the rabbit!
32:34Get the rabbit! Get the kids!
32:36Get the kids! Get the rabbit!
32:38Get the rabbit! Get the kids!
32:40I half expected this.
32:42That's why I devised...
32:44Plan E, E for Easter.
32:51Let'em roll!
33:00Now you know why, to this very day,
33:02children still roll Easter eggs down the hill.
33:05Get that Easter bunny!
33:08Here's where my secret weapon comes in.
33:11Nyah, nyah, can't catch me.
33:14Nyah, nyah, can't catch me.
33:17Nyah, nyah, can't catch me.
33:20Nyah, nyah, can't catch me.
33:25He's hiding in that paper bag.
33:33He's inside.
33:35I can feel Bunny through the paper.
33:37Back to the dungeon.
33:42Of course, when they got that sack open,
33:44they found that instead of a real Easter bunny,
33:46they'd captured...
33:48That Easter bunny! We've been tricked!
33:51Off with his head!
33:53Yes! Give me a foot.
33:57Now you know what that was, don't you?
33:59The first chocolate Easter bunny.
34:04Sonny didn't have any trouble getting into town after that.
34:14Well, that Easter was even more joyous than the one before
34:17because Sonny the Easter bunny had even more surprises.
34:22When they got their new Easter outfits,
34:24they were so happy and surprised
34:26that they went right out to the main street and held...
34:29I know, the first Easter parade.
34:32Right. Then Sonny made his way into the palace
34:35and found King Bruce.
34:38What is it? I can't wait to see.
34:43Stuffed Easter toys, just like I've got at home.
34:46The very first ones.
34:48That's what all the kid seamstresses and pillow-steppers were working on.
34:52Now you'll always have lots of friends standing by your side
34:55when you need courage.
34:57You make folks so happy, Sonny.
35:00I wish I could make everybody in town happy next Easter.
35:03Well, why don't you?
35:06Because I always have to sneak in.
35:09And that means I can't bring too much.
35:11I give you permission to come to town
35:15any time, any way you wish.
35:19Don't you dare!
35:23Stand up to her, Bruce. You can, you know.
35:26You've got lots of friends behind you now.
35:35I know I outrank you, Aunt Lily,
35:37but I find it truly difficult to do so right now.
35:41Oh, no.
35:46I give you carte blanche.
35:49Do anything you wish,
35:52for the Easter Bunny must not come to town next year!
36:07Well, everybody in Kidville worked night and day
36:10getting ready for that big Easter
36:12when the Easter Bunny would really come to town.
36:14What they didn't realize was that Lady Longtooth
36:17had lots of dirty tricks up her sleeve.
36:19Dirty tricks, dirty tricks, dirty tricks...
36:26Because there was so much to bring,
36:28they had planned to use gadzooks to help them carry it all.
36:33But Lily Longtooth's men had a different idea.
36:41Well, Doc?
36:43He's broken his big toe.
36:45Gonna be laid up for a while.
36:47He'll never make Easter.
36:49But what'll we do?
36:51How will I get all that stuff to town?
36:53Say, I've got an idea.
36:55Better than even a giant bear.
36:57Hey, what's that?
36:58We build a little railroad from here to town,
37:02right over Big Rock Mountain.
37:04A railroad? I'm packing my bags.
37:07Ditto, kiddo. Let's hit the road.
37:10The big time at last.
37:13Girls, please. A railroad?
37:16But how? You leave that to me.
37:19Why, I was one of the best gandy dancers of all time.
37:24That's no expression for a guy who lays tracks.
37:28Why, I'll just send all the birds and varmints out
37:31with an S.O.S., call for help.
37:34And all my old buddies,
37:36the best hobo gandy dancers in the whole darn world.
37:42Why, they'll give their eye teeth
37:44to build a railroad over the Big Rock Candy Mountain.
37:48Rock Candy Mountain?
37:50Well, to get guys to do a job like this,
37:53you gotta sweeten the deal a little.
37:56Oh, the buzzing of the bees in the peppermint trees
38:01The soda water fountain
38:03Where the lemonade springs and the bluebird sings
38:06In the Big Rock Candy Mountain
38:09The buzzing of the bees in the peppermint trees
38:12The soda water fountain
38:14Where the lemonade springs and the bluebird sings
38:17In the Big Rock Candy Mountain
38:27Easter Bunny, you got yourself a railroad.
38:31Fine, but what do we do for a train?
38:34Why, you just go down to the train yard and hire one.
38:38But when Sonny got to the train yard,
38:40all the engines in the roundhouse thought they were too important
38:43to pull Easter eggs and jelly beans and toy animals.
38:47Oh, please, it's a very important job.
38:51Important? Why, I'm the 20th Century Limited.
38:55And I'm the super-duper chief.
38:58And I deliver coal to Newcastle.
39:02Don't bother us, Little Bunny.
39:06Well, they had just about given up
39:09when on a little rusty siding they saw our old friend Chugs.
39:13He wasn't so spiffy in those days
39:16because he was kind of the runt of the roundhouse
39:18and everybody put him down.
39:20Yeah, he was really singing the blues.
39:23What's the matter, Chugsy baby?
39:25Got the blues?
39:27Choo-choo, baby.
39:29Just between us chickens.
39:31What's the problem?
39:35I'm sitting in the station, lonely as can be.
39:39Choo-choo, baby.
39:41Never get to go nowhere, life is passing me.
39:46Choo-choo, baby.
39:48All I hear is second-hand news.
39:52I've got the train yard blues.
39:56Train yard blues, roll me down the track again.
40:00Choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo.
40:03Train yard blues, roll me down the track again.
40:07Choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo.
40:10I've had the train yard blues since I don't remember when.
40:14Choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo.
40:17I need to do some traveling where the sounds are new.
40:21Choo-choo, baby.
40:24Hear a different way of talking, different point of view.
40:28Choo-choo, baby.
40:31I need to wear down some of my shoes.
40:35I've got the train yard blues.
40:38Train yard blues, roll me down the track again.
40:42Choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo.
40:45Train yard blues, roll me down the track again.
40:49Choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo.
40:52I've had the train yard blues since I don't remember when.
40:56Choo-choo, baby.
41:26It's all up to you, Chugs.
41:28I'll sure try.
41:31I'll sure try hard.
41:38That train must never get over Big Rock Mountain.
41:43Do anything you can to stop it.
41:46Play dirty.
41:51All ready?
41:55Think you can manage it?
41:57Sure is hard.
42:00Sure is hard.
42:03Sure is hard.
42:05Chugs, you can do it.
42:07All you have to do.
42:11All you have to do.
42:15All you have to do.
42:18Is think and do.
42:22I know I can. I know I can. I know I can. I know I can.
42:25If you think and do, you won't delay.
42:29If you think and do, you're on your way.
42:33With a head of steam.
42:37Anything you dream of can come true.
42:43All you have to do.
42:47All you have to do.
42:51All you have to do.
42:54Is think and do.
42:58I know I can. I know I can. I know I can. I know I can.
43:00All the no can do won't get you there.
43:04If you're no can do, your wheels get square.
43:08Get your motor going.
43:12Get your whistle blowing.
43:17All you have to do.
43:20All you have to do.
43:22All you have to do.
43:24All you have to do.
43:26All you have to do.
43:28Is think and do.
43:34Do you need reminding
43:38to stay on the track?
43:42Keep your gears from grinding.
43:46Keep a steady clickety clack.
43:50If you think and do, the signals go.
43:54If you think and do, the fair winds blow.
43:58If you keep on chugging.
44:02If you keep on plugging, you'll get through.
44:08All you have to do.
44:11All you have to do.
44:13All you have to do.
44:15All you have to do.
44:17All you have to do.
44:19Is think and do.
44:29I know I can. I know I can. I know I can.
44:31I know I can. I know I can. I know I can.
44:33I know I can. I know I can. I know I can.
44:37Quick, where the track begins to climb.
44:40Spread that melted butter on the rails.
44:47That stupid little engine will start slipping its wheels
44:51and be here all day.
45:01I know I can. I know I can. I know I can.
45:03I know I can. I know I can. I know I can.
45:06I know I can. I know I can. I know I can.
45:08Help me !
45:12We're slipping !
45:14Need traction...
45:15These'll do
45:17Squash a jelly bean
45:18And it's stinky as I'll get it
45:27I can, I can, I can, I can, I can
45:29CAN'T DO IT
45:31I know I can, I know I can...
45:34How dare they succeed!
45:39What do we do now?
45:41Get lots of salt.
45:43Salt? For what?
45:46For all them nummy Easter eggs we're gonna get to eat.
45:57I know I can! I know I can! I know I can! I know I can!
45:59I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!
46:02I think I can! I think I can!
46:04Come on, Shugs! You can do it!
46:08I know I can! I know I can! I know I can!
46:13Can do! Can do!
46:16I knew I could! I knew I could! I knew I could! I knew I could! I knew I could!
46:20I told you! Just say can do.
46:24Whatcha mean? It's can did.
46:27C'est parti ! C'est parti ! C'est parti ! C'est parti !
46:57C'est comme si j'avais commencé une tradition!
47:02Oh, bah!
47:04Joyeux Noël!
47:06Bah, Junebug!
47:10Oh, Tante Lily, pourquoi ne peux-tu pas m'apprécier?
47:13Je suppose que tu vas m'abandonner maintenant, Votre Majesté.
47:18Non, je ne pense pas que je t'abandonnerai. J'ai autre chose en tête.
47:28Pourquoi? C'est joli, blanc, frais et nouveau.
47:35Ça me rappelle un jour très, très loin,
47:40quand j'étais comme l'été, avant tout.
47:49Qu'est-ce que tu appelles cette fleur?
47:53Pourquoi? C'est nommé après toi.
47:56C'est appelé une fleur.
47:59Oh, merci. Merci beaucoup.
48:06Pas le temps de blabler.
48:08Allons rejoindre la fête là-bas.
48:11Allons tous avoir un joyeux Noël!
48:23Joyeux Noël!
48:53Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
49:23Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
49:53Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
