Ramadan Tariq - Knowledge of Present Realities

  • il y a 15 ans
=> 216 vidéos avec Tariq RAMADAN
Let The Quran Speak
Dr Tariq Ramadan is currently a Professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University. His website is www.tariqramadan.com

Dr Tariq Ramadan explains what he means by transformational reform and the understanding behind the idea of Islam. The main idea is transforming Muslims into better beings according to Islamic teachings. One method mentioned is to combine secular knowledge with Islamic knowledge (as is done within the medical field).

Segment Aired on March 14, 2009 on CTS
Radical Reform : Islamic Ethics and Liberation

Islam, La Réforme Radicale : Ethique et Libération
L’Autre En Nous...
Une Philosophie du Pluralisme
Editions : Presses du Châtelet
