
  • 3 days ago
00:007 tips to make your LPG cylinder last longer.
00:08Keep the burner clean. Dirty gas burners can hinder proper gas flow, leading to increased cylinder consumption.
00:15Ensure you clean the burners regularly.
00:20Check the pipeline. Debris in the pipeline can obstruct gas flow from the LPG cylinder.
00:25Additionally, cuts or damages in the pipeline can also reduce cylinder lifespan.
00:33Use dry utensils. Using dry utensils helps conserve gas as wet utensils require extra time and gas to dry while cooking.
00:44Cook with lids on, covering your pots and pans while cooking traps steam, speeding up the cooking process and reducing gas consumption.
00:55Use room temperature ingredients. Cooking with cold ingredients straight from the fridge takes longer.
01:00Allow ingredients like milk to reach room temperature before cooking.
01:06Use a pressure cooker. Pressure cookers cook food faster compared to open pots or pans, saving time and gas.
01:16Don't leave the cylinder open. Always turn off the cylinder knob after use.
01:21Leaving it open can lead to gas leakage and premature depletion.