• last year
Dunamis the Glory dome
00:00You ventilate your spiritual strength with the presence of the Lord through praise.
00:07Tension fences unction. It is a fencing of the unction. You bottle up the unction
00:18with tension. A wise man is not known by what he knows, he is known by what he
00:25does. You cannot be wise and be weak. Wisdom is diametrically opposed to
00:32weakness. What you know makes you intelligent. What you do makes you wise.
00:37Intelligence is knowing. Wisdom is doing. So knowing without doing equals an
00:45intelligent fool. Wisdom is action on insight. Insight based action. Action on
00:52insight. Wisdom is access to the mind of God on all issues. When wisdom is
00:58on ground, strength can't be lacked.
