Who's Your Gynac Season 1 Episode 1 - Adult Gynacology WebSeries

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Who's Your Gynac Season 1 Episode 1 - Adult Gynacology WebSeries
00:00Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, yes, yes, yes, choice in care, yes, yes, please, hello,
00:17hello, hello, choice in care, 10 days later, ma'am, one minute, please sit down, sit down,
00:23you know how many patients have come.
00:25Hello ma'am, ma'am, I had an appointment with Dr. Vidhush, it was 2 o'clock, ma'am,
00:28the number has not come yet.
00:29I am sorry ma'am, you will have to wait for a while, there are 13 more patients before you,
00:33it will take at least 2 hours.
00:34Will it take so long?
00:35I have come from far to meet them.
00:37I have come from Ratnagiri.
00:39I have come from Rajasthan.
00:40And I am from Russia.
00:43Isn't there a doctor there?
00:44No, I need Dr. Vidhush, he is very popular in Russia.
00:48Okay, okay, but you have to wait, please.
00:50Then let's go and talk to the doctor.
00:52No, no, we will go by number.
00:55Hey, listen to me.
01:07Doctor, doctor.
01:10What happened?
01:13There was an appointment, it got cancelled.
01:20Hi, I am Dr. Vidhushi Kothari.
01:25OB means obstetrician, tribe bird doctor.
01:28GYN means gynecologist, women's health doctor.
01:34There should be more short forms before my name.
01:37Like NJ, non-judgmental.
01:40And MP, max progressive.
01:43But MT.
01:46It's not a short form.
01:48It's the condition of the clinic.
01:51But I will attempt MA, max and make it MF, max full.
01:56No problem.
01:58All I need is a pregnancy case.
02:00May I talk to Dr. Shalini JP?
02:02Yes, I wanted to introduce you.
02:04Hi, I am Dr. Vidhushi.
02:06You can get pregnant, but don't worry, I will take care of it.
02:10Yes, I have done my MD from Batatawala Chandni Mall College.
02:13Yes, it's a good college.
02:15Lone Tiger's Cub with Dombivili.
02:17Would your members be interested in free pap smears?
02:23You are Dr. Kothari, right?
02:24Ladies doctor.
02:25Yes, I opened a clinic in your area a month ago.
02:28Actually, my daughter and my son-in-law are trying.
02:31So I need a list of prenatal vitamins from you for that.
02:44Okay, fine.
02:46By the way, doctor, I am also getting hot flashes these days.
02:49Will you give me 60% discount for both of them?
02:52Mom, what are you saying?
02:54I am so sorry, we don't want to disturb you.
02:56Mom, let's go.
02:58Can we talk about the discount?
03:19It was my dream since childhood to become a neurologist.
03:23But my dream was blinded by my marks.
03:26And I became an OBGYN.
03:29But then I came to know that whatever happens is for the child.
03:35And I don't have that.
03:39I am an OB without a baby.
03:42I have delivered 1223 babies in the residency.
03:45Under Dr. Sujata.
03:47Who is under Dr. Nirali.
03:49Who is under Dr. Suresh.
03:52Still, I don't know why people think I am inexperienced.
03:58Yes, Nurse Vailu.
04:00Dr. Vidushi,
04:02I got an appointment at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
04:06The complaint is of delayed periods.
04:09Okay, nurse. Thank you.
04:41Good morning, nurse Vailu.
04:47Good morning.
05:38Your 3 p.m. is here.
05:39Okay, nurse.
06:00Aksha Vajradanti?
06:08No, no.
06:13No, no.
06:18The complaint is of delayed periods, right?
06:37What happened?
06:38I am so sorry. I am so sorry.
06:40It's okay. I will clean it.
06:41No, no. It's okay.
06:42I am so sorry.
06:43No, no. I will clean it.
06:47Can you see?
06:53She must have had some problem.
06:56Who runs from this?
06:58Hey, don't worry.
06:59Even people do run looking for Swara.
07:02Even if they want to run...
07:04...now finish your fruit plate.
07:09My best friends...
07:10...Swara and Mehr...
07:11...they like my family.
07:12Swara is the mother to the family...
07:13...Mahir is the heir to the house...
07:15...and I am the daughter of the family...
07:16The good girl.
07:17And Meher...
07:24The f**k?
07:25There's booze on it.
07:27Family's dog.
07:28The cute dog.
07:30Pre-game, bro.
07:31What the f**k say?
07:32But f**k day is tomorrow.
07:34That's why I said pre-game.
07:36Otherwise I would've said game.
07:39Too much work, I got it.
07:45Meher, it's a party.
07:46I have a lot of clinic stress.
07:47Yes, this is Swara Jain.
07:49Come on.
07:50Devika really wants to meet you both.
07:52And apparently she knows you from before.
07:54But you two aren't even serious.
07:56Who said that?
07:57I don't get it.
07:58What are you guys doing?
07:59This is my third call since morning.
08:00Vidushi, I know why you're stressed.
08:03Because you'll be all alone.
08:05I'll bring Devika.
08:06Swara will bring Rahul.
08:08You need to get over your ex.
08:10And don't worry, I know you don't date doctors.
08:12So I won't bring a doctor.
08:13I am over my ex.
08:15And I don't need a date.
08:16I need a pregnant woman.
08:18Yes, yes, yes. Perfect, perfect.
08:19Yeah, 2 p.m. works for me.
08:22Thank you, thank you.
08:30I got an appointment with Celeb Gainax Seema Briganza.
08:36Yes, Swara is pregnant.
08:37And I'm not her OB.
08:39But Seema Briganza isn't that special, okay?
08:43I was 22nd in my graduating class.
08:46But who could be better than her best friend for her delivery?
08:52There were 21 people ahead of you, right?
08:55Any one of them will do.
08:58You're the biggest Ram in the world.
08:59You know that, right?
09:02At least I'm number one at something.
09:08I'll just be back.
09:13I just have to convince her I'm better than Seema Briganza.
09:18That Seema Briganza is worse than you.
09:26I've been waiting for 45 minutes.
09:27What's wrong?
09:28Sorry for the delay, ma'am.
09:34That's great.
09:36Ma'am, she will assist you.
09:44What are you doing here?
09:45Where's Rahul?
09:47Sir, we don't have any medicine called Facoflin.
09:50What do you mean you don't have it?
09:51This doctor is my wife's best friend.
09:54And he said Facoflin is a must during pregnancy.
09:56Look for it again.
09:57Look for it again.
10:00For it.
10:11Please follow her.
10:20Dr. Briganza?
10:22Actually, I wanted to ask some questions before...
10:23Mrs. Swara, Jai Hind.
10:24So, normally reports are doing good.
10:26No markers showing.
10:27Come, let's get you checked.
10:35Heels off.
10:37Heels off.
10:48You delivered Anaya Kapoor's baby too, right?
10:51I heard you look like a witch without makeup.
10:54I don't gossip about my patients, Ms. Vidushi.
11:01Are you affiliated with BH Hospital?
11:03You're affiliated with BH Hospital?
11:06Last year, there was a wave of opioids, right?
11:09That's BP Hospital.
11:11BH just won the best multi-speciality hospital in the city award.
11:15And they also gave me the best OB-GYN award.
11:18But not in the city.
11:20In India.
11:22Mrs. Swara, Jai Hind.
11:24Let me just prescribe.
11:27Don't you think she's not getting enough weight?
11:29We have a good dietician.
11:30She'll look into it. I don't need to do that.
11:32Her BP is low.
11:33That's okay. Normal in pregnancy.
11:35She's got a temperature.
11:36That's what I figured out.
11:37And I'm recommending an antibiotic Monoceph.
11:41But, one minute.
11:43Swara has an allergy to Monoceph.
11:45I knew you'd miss something.
11:47That's the problem with busy doctors.
11:49What are you doing, Vidushi?
11:50What are you doing?
11:51I just figured it out.
11:52She's allergic to Monoceph.
11:54Before completing your sentence,
11:55I was going to prescribe Azithromycin.
11:57Ma'am, I'm really sorry.
11:58She's my best friend.
11:59And she's an OB.
12:00So, she's just...
12:01She's an OB.
12:02Then what are you doing here?
12:03You should be consulting her.
12:04Don't waste my precious time.
12:06Do you even know where you are?
12:08Do you even know who I am?
12:10Seema Briganza.
12:11Dr. Seema Briganza.
12:13If nepotism is alive in Bollywood,
12:15it's only because of me.
12:16I don't like anybody vouching
12:18or questioning my efforts and methods.
12:20So, you both can leave.
12:29Next patient, please.
12:32Listen, Swara. Listen...
12:33What's wrong with you?
12:34I'm sorry. I just wanted to show you...
12:35What did you want to show me?
12:36What did you want to show me, Vidushi?
12:40I know what I wanted to show you.
12:41I'm not dumb.
12:43But she didn't open a Vada Pav stall
12:44for me to have breakfast from there.
12:47This is about my baby.
12:49And I want her to deliver an experienced OB.
12:52Now, does that make me a bad person?
12:54I don't think so.
12:56Dr. Briganza's niece is my junior from college.
12:58I'll talk to her.
12:59I'll fix this. I promise.
13:02You'll get another appointment, Swara.
13:04I'll try my best.
13:09You better.
13:10Let's go, brother.
13:17I know.
13:18It has to be your choice.
13:20I forced her.
13:22And if I make a mistake,
13:23Swara will kill me.
13:27And it's not like I didn't do anything.
13:31For the last four months,
13:32I've been giving her hint by hint.
13:33You know, Swara...
13:37If I had a heart problem
13:39and you were a cardiologist,
13:42I would've had you deliver my heart.
13:59Listen to me!
14:00It's me.
14:01The patient from yesterday.
14:02I've come all the way from Dadar.
14:03One local, one bus and one auto.
14:05I need your help.
14:06I need to talk to your nurse.
14:07Please, I need to talk to you.
14:09Please help me.
14:10Okay, come. Come.
14:39Akshata Mishra.
14:41Tell me, Akshata.
14:42What's the problem?
14:44Actually, my periods are delayed
14:47by two weeks.
14:49Any other symptoms?
14:51No, doctor.
14:53Any history of disease?
14:56I had chicken pox once
14:59Are you on any medication?
15:02Sexually active?
15:07But I did it once with protection.
15:14Okay, let me examine you.
15:19I'll insert my fingers now.
15:20You'll feel a little discomfort.
15:22Just breathe in
15:25and breathe out.
15:26And breathe out.
15:30Okay, okay, I lied.
15:31I did it three, four, fifty times
15:33but only two or three times without protection
15:35and with just one partner.
15:36Nurse, can you come in please?
15:37No, no, no.
15:38Please, please, please.
15:39Don't call them.
15:40I'm telling you the truth.
15:41I did it with three or four different people
15:42but without protection.
15:43It was absolutely true.
15:44I just came to order tea.
15:45Would you like a cup?
15:48Two teas, please.
15:57Have some tea, Akshita.
15:59When I'm nervous, it really soothes me.
16:07Did you do your home pregnancy test?
16:08The one on the P-Stick?
16:10I don't know why,
16:11but I can't pee on the stick.
16:13Then do it in a cup.
16:14I can't even do it in a cup
16:15when I know I'm going to pee for a test.
16:18Otherwise, it happens.
16:20Then go pee normally
16:21and then do the test.
16:22But then I'll know
16:24that I'm normally peeing for a test.
16:26Then I'll know it's a test.
16:27But I'll know it's a test.
16:28Okay, okay.
16:29I'm not scared of needles.
16:31Okay, we'll do a blood test then.
16:39Saru, give me the oregano.
16:43I told you I'll fix it.
16:45But this is how you get the oregano.
16:49How long will this go on?
16:50Tell her.
16:51Help me out.
16:52I went to your chemist
16:53to get Facoflin.
16:57If you don't want to do it,
16:58just say it.
17:07What up, what up, what up, bitches?
17:09We got drinks?
17:10Who's me?
17:21Where's the kitchen?
17:24Vidushi, that's your bedroom.
17:36Our booze was delivered to her house.
17:38So I thought I'd deliver it to my house.
17:41You know, one six-pack free
17:42and the other six-pack free.
17:43For you.
17:44Stop it.
17:45Vidushi, chill.
17:46You're not that unlucky
17:47to be a doctor.
17:48And have you ever heard of
17:49two doctors in one building?
17:51Just keep quiet.
17:53I'm Dr. Arthameja.
17:56Nice to meet you.
17:57Same here.
17:58Dr. Arthameja.
18:01Why did you get so late?
18:02Dr. Vidushi Kothari.
18:07Patatawala Chandimal College?
18:10So you're an OB?
18:12And I believe she's your...
18:13P-p-p-pizza guy!
18:15What are you talking about?
18:16Have a seat.
18:17Have some pizza.
18:20Let me see who it is.
18:22Have some pizza.
18:26Have a seat.
18:29I can't believe it.
18:33Do you remember me?
18:34You're Juno from school.
18:36Yeah, yeah.
18:37Right, right, right.
18:38Of course.
18:40Oh my God.
18:41You two were so popular in school.
18:43I told Mehar.
18:45You're Swadushi's bestie?
18:47How lucky.
18:49But I can't believe you two are still together.
18:53How cool.
18:55By the way, congratulations.
18:57Oh, thanks.
19:00You must have waited for Vidushi to become an OB
19:03before getting pregnant, right?
19:05You must have, right?
19:09How cool is it, yaar,
19:11that your bestie will deliver your baby?
19:22What did I do now?
19:25Excuse me.
19:33Just leave me.
19:35Just leave me.
19:41I think we should talk.
19:46Dr. Vidushi.
19:49The lab was like,
19:50the results will come by tomorrow.
19:51What if someone finds out at my house?
19:53I'll die, doctor.
19:55You have to help me.
19:56Okay, okay.
19:59And don't worry.
20:00Come to the clinic.
20:01I'm already standing outside.
20:04I'll be right there, okay?
20:05Wait for ten minutes.
20:08I'll drop you.
20:09There's no need.
20:10Are you angry?
20:12Then let me drop you.
20:14Let's go.
20:15Take your bag.
20:25Thanks for the drop.
20:27Now go.
20:28No, I'll wait.
20:32I don't know how long it'll take.
20:33It's a very complicated case.
20:35The patient needs a guy like me.
20:37Someone with medical expertise.
20:38And smarts.
20:46Is it working?
20:48Not yet.
20:49Think about the water.
20:51A flowing river.
20:52A raining waterfall.
20:54A wandering soul.
20:57I don't know. Just go with it.
21:24It's time to face your fears.
21:26Come in.
21:47It's all my fault.
21:48I'm getting punished for my stupidity.
21:51It was a random date.
21:53What if it's a test positive?
21:55I can't raise a kid.
21:57I am a kid.
21:59If it's a test negative, there's no problem.
22:03If it's a test positive, you have options.
22:06It's a very simple procedure.
22:08You don't have to do anything you don't want to.
22:11I am with you.
22:14You won't tell my parents, right?
22:17Are you over 18?
22:19Then why would I tell them?
22:23Thank you, doctor.
22:24Your life must be so sorted.
22:28Are you ready to try again?
22:32Why pure tears now?
22:37Dr. Vikram's at tomorrow at 3.
22:39Take this.
22:40Who gave you this?
22:42You forgot.
22:44I've answered all your questions.
22:47And I've added a few myself.
22:51Your mom should eat for two is a myth.
22:53Ignore it.
22:55Just focus on the quality of the food.
22:59And once again, I'm sorry.
23:02No, Swara.
23:03You're right.
23:05Dr. Braganza is a little too impressive.
23:07And I'm a little too inexperienced.
23:09It was useless for me to expect anything from you.
23:12Yes, it was.
23:19Dr. Braganza ticks all the boxes of a perfect OB.
23:24Except one.
23:28I want a doctor who leaves his party at midnight and comes to me.
23:32Not someone who can't even give a proper 15 minutes.
23:35Actually, I...
23:38You're right, Vidushi.
23:40I don't think Dr. Braganza will care about me or this baby as much as...
23:44As much as who?
23:46As much as who?
23:49Dr. Vidushi.
23:54Will you be my OB?
23:55Yes, of course! Yes!
24:03That's why I always say...
24:05Confidence is everything.
24:07If you want something...
24:09You just have to go get it.
24:11You realize you still haven't asked me, right?
24:13I asked you.
24:14And is it normal to be scared?
24:16Totally normal.
24:24I love you.
24:47And in my case...
24:49My first pregnancy case.
24:50Get it?
24:51My case.
24:52Our first case.
24:54I love you.
24:55I love you.
24:56I love you.
24:57I love you.
24:58I love you.
24:59I love you.
25:00I love you.
25:01I love you.
25:02I love you.
25:03I love you.
25:04I love you.
25:05I love you.
25:06I love you.
25:07I love you.
25:08I love you.
25:09I love you.
25:10I love you.
25:11I love you.
25:12I love you.
25:13I love you.
25:14I love you.
25:15I love you.
25:16I love you.
25:17I love you.
25:18I love you.
25:19I love you.
25:20I love you.
25:21I love you.
25:22I love you.
25:23I love you.
25:24I love you.
25:25I love you.
25:26I love you.
25:27I love you.
25:28I love you.
25:29I love you.
25:30I love you.
25:31I love you.
25:32I love you.
25:33I love you.
25:34I love you.
25:35I love you.
25:36I love you.
25:37I love you.
25:38I love you.
25:39I love you.
25:40I love you.
25:41I love you.
25:42I love you.
25:43I love you.
25:44I love you.
25:45I love you.
25:46I love you.
25:47I love you.
25:48I love you.
25:49I love you.
25:50I love you.
25:51I love you.
25:52I love you.
25:53I love you.
25:54I love you.
25:55I love you.
25:56I love you.
25:57I love you.
25:58I love you.
25:59I love you.
26:00I love you.
26:01I love you.
26:02I love you.
26:03I love you.
26:04I love you.
26:05I love you.
26:06I love you.
26:07I love you.
26:08I love you.
26:09I love you.
26:10I love you.
26:11I love you.
26:12I love you.
26:13I love you.
26:14I love you.
26:15I love you.
26:16I love you.
26:17I love you.
26:18I love you.
26:19I love you.
26:20I love you.
