Nerine Skinner lifts the lid on Liz Truss and more
00:00Hello, it's me Noreen with a little message for you guys to say that unfortunately
00:04I am no longer going to be doing any Liz Trust videos or any content about her because you know
00:10I think she's not really relevant anymore
00:12It would be a bit sad if I kept kept her going for sure
00:15And people say to me, you know do more Liz do more Liz and then I do more and they say, you know
00:18Move on you're a one-trick pony
00:21But so I've decided that that's it, you know, so this is a little message 100%
00:25She's never she'll never be seen again
00:27Lies. Hello. It's me Liv Struss your ex pie minster
00:32And I'm here with a message because whether or not Noreen likes it
00:35She's actually going to be taking me to Wales on the 3rd of October
00:39I know the best information you've received all five minutes now
00:44Noreen has been trying to get rid of me in Edinburgh that didn't work. So she's taking me to Wales now
00:50I don't know. I don't know what she thinks some kind of sea creature is going to do about it
00:55What's she going to do throw me in its stomach?
00:58No, I mean Wales is in the country. Oh
01:02Silly me silly me, of course. Well in that case handle me like a very angry Welsh cheese, you know carelessly
01:09No, I mean, I think you mean carefully for that joke to work. No, I don't you know, I'm always right just like the mini budget
01:17Now obviously it's a very important occasion
01:20And so we are asking that you have your bags checked by security to make sure that there are no let
01:29Okay, I'll just say I'm lettuces. We had an incident recently. It wasn't very good and some donkeys
01:36It's quite funny actually. And so yeah, please don't don't do that. Yeah, exactly
01:41And you know, we don't have time for trivial things like that, you know, but obviously cheese and pork are welcome
01:48So come along on the 3rd of October to the Savoy Theatre at the modern mouth
01:53No more mouth Savoy Theatre. I don't know which way around it is. I don't even understand
01:59We're going straight into the Wales mouth. Apparently. Wow
02:03So, sorry, um, yes, okay
02:05So the 3rd of October at the Savoy Monmouth and do come along
02:09I've had to do this exorcism now about 30 times and I can't get rid of her. So I need help
02:14Please do come please help me. I can't do this anymore