Catch and Cook Fishing - Camping in the Remote Wilderness

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Catch and Cook Fishing - Camping in the Remote Wilderness

#fishing #travel #camping

Catching my first fish on the channel!! And a pink Salmon at that :). If you been here since last year, you know I bought my first rod late last summer and I've been learning about fish and how to catch them. Providing myself with food and living closer to the earth.

Usually filming weekend adventures with my dog in the mountains of western Canada. This week we drove 10 hours north to a small remote region on the coast of British Columbia, Canada to salmon fly fish.

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00:00We're spending the week living out of my truck, sleeping in a tent, hiking and riding to rivers to fish for salmon.
00:07We've just driven 10 hours to a northern remote region on the coast of British Columbia.
00:13We knew there'd be some really good fishing once we got near Bella Coola.
00:17The only road to this town is a sketchy dirt road on the side of a cliff, only really accessible in the summer.
00:25So, of course it sounded like the perfect place for a week off work and in the bush.
00:30We didn't plan much going into this trip. The first couple of nights we had a general idea of some back roads to check out.
00:47Okay, the bugs. We are in heavy black fly, wasp,
00:52mosquito territory, but when we're fully covered, it's alright. We found some berries here,
00:57so I'm gonna try and identify them, see if they're edible. The leaves are in three and there's thistles on the branch there.
01:05These are salmon berries. They're edible and delicious.
01:09They're pretty common in places like Alaska and northern BC.
01:14So Parker got us this bared tripwire
01:17and we're about to test it, but this is how it works.
01:20So this is, this comes separate and then Parker found this little reel string that fits with it perfect.
01:27And it's 85 feet.
01:28So you can wrap it from there to there to there if you really wanted to and surround your whole tent.
01:35That takes these little 22 gauge
01:39So you might know them as ram set bullets if you do construction.
01:43So that just slots into here and then there's a spring and a firing pin so you hook it up like that.
01:53When the string gets pulled
01:57it'll pull the pin and fire the blank. Okay, let's see what happens.
02:13That was so loud!
02:22We picked some spruce pine needles and boiled it and then made a tea out of it. Pine needles are really high in
02:30vitamin C. They have four to five times more vitamin C than orange juice. So really good for you.
02:45we didn't time this but we got so lucky. We're here during about mid-August
02:50which is nearing the end of summer. The beginning season for pink salmon migrating back to their birth river.
02:56This only happens once every two years here.
03:00They hatch in freshwater rivers along the western coast in late winter and migrate to the ocean.
03:07Spending the next two years navigating through the ocean growing a hundred times their size
03:12and then they swim back to their birthplace, the same river, where their goal is to spawn and
03:17then they'll die shortly after and the life cycle starts over.
03:22Okay, this is two males fighting each other to fertilize the eggs that are there and they are fighting at each other.
03:31This is my first time fly fishing in
03:34this type of river. I did a guided tour to learn a little bit about fly fishing
03:41but that was a really big river. You had to be in a river boat.
03:56Oh, look at this guy!
04:10Oh, he's so strong!
04:15Fish on! Yeah, baby!
04:18Oh, he's so strong!
04:22Oh, crap! Wait. No, I still have him.
04:27Oh, he's a good one!
04:39Oh, beautiful! I think he spit it out at the last second, so he's clean.
04:42Oh my gosh!
04:44We're not eating any more dehydrated meals.
04:46We caught our first salmon! Was that your first salmon?
04:52Kira's just sleeping under the tree while we're fishing.
04:54After about an hour of not catching anything else, I switched it up and tried Parker's regular spinning reel.
04:56It's a good one.
04:58It's a good one.
05:00It's a good one.
05:02It's a good one.
05:04It's a good one.
05:06It's a good one.
05:08It's a good one.
05:10It's a good one.
05:12It's a good one.
05:14It's a good one.
05:16Fish on!
05:18This is my first spinning reel.
05:20It's gonna snap.
05:22It will snap?
05:26Should we just bring it in?
05:30I did end up hooking a fish, which was really exciting,
05:32but the camera work is not great,
05:34and my GoPro died.
05:36But we reeled it in,
05:38and it was my biggest catch yet!
05:40I don't even know if I'll be able to hold it.
05:45Yeah, down.
05:46As far as I can.
05:47There's the bottom of the intestine I just pulled out.
05:48So there's all the eggs.
05:49Oh, and follow its head.
05:50Is it working well?
05:51Uh, okay.
05:52It's, uh, it's working pretty well.
05:53I'm just taking Kiro for a walk, he's been such a good boy sleeping on the river.
06:17This morning he did, oh my gosh, look at this house and this mountain behind it.
06:23I think the small coastal town north is where I'm supposed to live.
06:28Maybe not this town in particular, but these roads I can, this is what I want to be walking
06:35my dog on every day.
06:38I've probably moved 10 times to a bunch of different cities across the country from Toronto
06:45to BC and I've never felt like any place was home.
06:50I don't think it has to be a particular place, but definitely just, I want this to be the
06:58house, the road that my house would be on, something like this.
07:02And anything south where more people are is out of budget, of course.
07:09So I did catch one with this, I think it's a leech, so I'm going to switch it up.
07:14They were trying to get my pink indicator, so I'm going to go with one of the pink guys.
07:19Honestly, these hooks are not big enough, but let's try.
07:42There's a hundred salmon right here.
07:46Oh, it's massive and pink.
07:48I got him hooked good, I think.
07:53Bring him closer.
07:56He's not even going to fit in this net.
08:01Oh, he got off.
08:04Oh, do you feel him still?
08:08No, you, okay, he's there still.
08:13Get him, get him, get him.
08:19Let's get him out of his misery.
08:27That's huge.
08:32We are staying at an established campsite, which I never do.
08:35It's on the river, and we've been on the road for like five days now, so we thought it would
08:42be nice to get a shower.
08:43We've been using camp suds to shower in lakes, but we've been kind of winging it and there's
08:47not a ton of free camping around here.
08:50Kira's pooped, so we're going to pitch the tent and cook the pink salmon we caught for
08:54I did refuse to get the $5 power charge, though, because I have a new solar system.
09:00Got the solar panels charging the fridge, and we're keeping the pink salmon in here.
09:09Just kind of push that off to access it.
09:13Two people and a dog with a bike hitched to the truck, living out of this truck.
09:19We were able to fit actually a lot in here.
09:22We have all the salmon fillets in there.
09:28Right now, with just a little bit of sun hitting the solar panels, we're still getting about
09:34seven, eight watts, which isn't a ton, but it surprisingly charges really quickly.
09:38This is about a 2,000 watt power station, which is an upgrade from what I used last
09:51What you doing?
09:51I'm making salmon.
09:54A bit of garlic, a bit of truffle and parmesan, and then some keg spice.
10:01Momofuku sent me some seasoned salt, and it's so good, so we brought that as well.
10:06I'm missing the lemon, but that's going to be so good.
10:11I've never had a catch and cook salmon.
10:15Just trout.
10:16My neck got eaten alive by mosquitoes when we were in the mountains.
10:20And then for the side, we're doing white cheddar macaroni.
10:27Crispy skin.
10:28Oh my gosh.
10:31You love this dinner.
10:32I love this dinner.
10:33This smell is coming out of this campsite.
10:36It smells so good.
10:38This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.
10:50It's really, really good.
10:51We're going to try and catch as much as we can fit in our fridge to bring home, because
10:57we bought this at the grocery store and went to stock up.
11:00And Kiro got his own bowl of salmon too.
11:09The next day, we went back to the same river.
11:12It was so peaceful and such an amazing experience.
11:17I didn't end up catching anything, and I did lose a couple of Parker's catches with some
11:22bad networks.
11:23I rewrote that.
11:24Overall, though, we were really happy that we had caught enough to bring home.
11:29And so we decided to pack up and head back to some alpine lakes and do some camping.
11:34It's lunchtime.
11:35I was getting hungry, and we're not eating the salmon yet.
11:38We want to kind of save it for bringing back home.
11:40We've got some sausages.
11:43I just pulled the stove out of the back.
11:46We have it nice and handy in this bin here.
11:54It's a slow day for fishing.
12:05We're now headed to an FSR road 20 kilometers down.
12:11We heard there's a lake and some good camping.
12:14Kiro and I are driving the truck up.
12:17Apparently, these will be the most rough roads out of all the trails we've been on in this
12:23Parker's on the dual sport, and it's about five o'clock, so let's go.
12:28Go away!
12:33This is challenging terrain in my truck, let alone being on a dirt bike.
12:37We're going to camp there for the night and then get up and check out one of the coolest
12:45hikes in the area.
12:46Apparently, anytime you're traveling, if you're able to talk to a local and they're willing
12:52to give you some spots, those are going to be the best ones, especially if someone's
12:58really nice and gives you their fishing spot.
13:00This is one of the most beautiful back roads I've ever seen in my life.
13:22We just got to camp, and my face is glowing because look at that sunset!
13:35This is a really cool campsite.
13:38There is only one other person on this entire lake.
13:44We just cooked some dinner, and there is so many blueberries.
13:49We've identified them as oval-leafed blueberries because they have the red stem and oval-shaped
14:01They're so good, so they're our dessert.
14:03It's also a good sign that there's so many blueberries still, that the bears haven't
14:08been here.
14:09They haven't ate them.
14:10Flying the drone up has allowed me to gain such perspective of how vast this land is.
14:17We didn't even know the ocean was this close to us until we flew the drone over the ridge
14:23and watched the sunset from an entirely different perspective.
14:29Every time we leave a campsite, we make sure Kiro gets an early morning walk in.
14:35I drive the truck, and Kiro chases after the truck while Parker follows alongside him.
14:41So cute!
14:43We're headed out on a hike today.
14:44We're going to see one of the cooler lookouts in the area, 360 mountain ranges, and ocean.
14:53We'll get to swim in some alpine lakes.
15:15After this trip, I was entirely re-inspired to keep creating, especially on YouTube.
15:24It is my favorite medium to share stories with you guys, and I'm so excited to have
15:30you here.
15:31And I have a lot of fall adventures planned, and now that I'm getting the hang of fishing,
15:38I hope to share more of that journey with you.
15:41Thank you so much for being here, and we will see you in the next one!
