A Small English Camping Adventure • Sometimes I Suck at Camping (Northamptonshire Edition)

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A Small English Camping Adventure • Sometimes I Suck at Camping (Northamptonshire Edition)
#camping #adventure

Love Nature - Always Leave No Trace
Thanks so much for watching Much love, Claire


00:00hello world ones it is the end of June and I'm out in the countryside today on
00:07this beautiful warm summer's afternoon so this weekend was one of those ones
00:13where it's not practical to get up to the mountains and I'd usually head to my
00:16local woodland but I really miss stranded I've been back for two weeks
00:21now and I thought instead of just staying in my local woods why not have a
00:26lovely little drive up into the Northamptonshire countryside so I've
00:29driven for about 45 minutes I think and ended up right here this is actually a
00:35path I took on stranded I'm not sure what I'm doing really I've got no plan I
00:39do know that there is some open access woodland over there but I'm just gonna
00:43have a mosey about see where it takes me and just enjoy being out here which
00:48weirdly seemed so far from home when I was doing stranded but when you jump in
00:53the car it's really not far at all so I've got my bivy bag I have forgotten my
00:57trekking poles I've got a small tarp but I'm gonna have to use a stick or a tree
01:01or something now so that's fine I have to be creative yeah let's get going have
01:08a wonder see where we end up
01:12it's quite something out here
01:14what are those lights?
01:16what is that?
01:18I think it's really freaking me out
01:20the woods are just over there the humidity today is crazy I mean my eyelids are
01:27sweating all right let's go all right here we are open access woodland this is
01:36absolutely beautiful in here there is no traffic noise it's gorgeous and lush
01:43and green and the great thing is about this I have no idea what I'm looking for
01:48no idea at all so I just keep walking until I find it I am happy as Larry as I
01:56am oh I hadn't realized how much I'd missed just wandering there's something
02:02really special about exploring new places that you've never been to before
02:10hey mr. Fox let's see if I can get me a walking stick yeah it's a bit fancy but
02:23it'll do okay I'm gonna stop in here in this lovely little nook oh and I'm gonna
02:33chill have a drink make some tasty food and have an amazing night's sleep out
02:41here in these beautiful woods I've got my small tarp today and some
02:46pegs and some cordage
02:57right so I've stuck a ground sheet down here peg that in and with the tarp I've
03:02just had a fiddle with it until I've got something that I'm happy with
03:10loving that that's perfect what a lovely little summer nest
03:23look at this beautifulness just outside of camp it's quite something out here
03:33all right so today for my tea I've got a delicious homemade chicken curry so
03:46I'm gonna get that cooking
04:03it's gone half ten already and I can't believe actually that I found such a
04:18beautiful quiet woodland right on my doorstep really I mean a 40-minute drive
04:23it's nothing and I feel like doing stranded has really inspired me to
04:28explore closer to home see what's about here wig glad I've got me head bug net
04:34on tonight yeah it's been 24 degrees today which has been gorgeous and I
04:39think tonight's gonna be about 14 degrees which is lovely and warm so for
04:44the first night of the year I've been able to bring out my summer sleeping bag
04:47which is all set up behind me there is a pretty constant flurry of bugs coming at
04:54me trying to eat me but it's too warm to put my down puffy on so I'm just
04:59flailing about like a lunatic and hoping for the best but that's fine
05:04it's all part of summer camping
05:25so I think I'm just gonna make myself a hot drink now and settle down for the
05:55it's half one in the morning I can't sleep I'm not tired yet and I'm hungry
06:02again I can't believe squeaky bird still going it's been going for hours I'm
06:17gonna have a snack and then try again
06:25all right guys I'm not sure that my camera's picking it up but there are
06:32multiple lights in the woods over there so all my lights are staying off now
06:39it puts me quite on edge knowing that I'm not alone
06:44it's 2 in the morning and I don't understand what all these lights are
06:50I can't hear any noise at all, no I can't hear any people
06:57apart from this sort of mosquito that's buzzing around my ear
07:01what are those lights?
07:03I just don't understand why I wouldn't hear anything
07:07what is that when it seems to be freaking out?
07:10I'm still being hunted by a very aggressive mosquito that sounds like it's about the size of a pigeon
07:17and it's managed to bite me already on my face through my head bug net
07:21anyway it's about quarter past three in the morning I haven't slept yet it's
07:26actually starting to get light and those lights it's got to be a full moon I'm
07:32sure it's around about a full moon at the moment I've never seen a moon look
07:35like that I can't think of another explanation so yeah I'm gonna try and
07:40get a little bit of sleep now
07:42morning guys it's 4.30 and I've given up trying to sleep because my face keeps
07:50getting bitten through my bug net I'm roasting in my sleeping bag because I'm
07:57having to have everything inside the sleeping bag to stop from getting bitten
08:00but my face is so itchy from all the bites that I can't sleep and I can't
08:07relax because I know they're just keeping biting me so it's not been a
08:14relaxing night that I was hoping for it's put me off bb-camping in the summer
08:20actually I've never had them go for my face like this before I dread to think
08:26the state of it honestly so I'm just gonna have like a coffee and maybe go
08:33back to my car see if I could sleep just for like an hour before it gets too hot
08:38I don't go home
08:45I totally forgot I had this cap in my bag so I could have put that on
08:54overnight to help the bug net off my face and then keep the mosquitoes off my
09:00face I totally forgot I had it
09:04I'm pretty ropey
09:07taking the simplest easiest way back to my car that I can
