2 successful online influencers are confronted with the appearance of a mysterious countdown on their mirrors HD

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2 successful online influencers are confronted with the appearance of a mysterious countdown on their mirrors HD
00:00:30The immutable sense of despair is only due to your mind's work.
00:00:43It's the way our brains process time and space.
00:00:46You see, now we could be in our childhood home with our grandmother baking a cake.
00:00:51A moment later, we could be experiencing a sense of failure, an exam, perhaps, that we
00:00:58fear we're not going to pass.
00:01:00And all of this is happening right here, right now, in the present, where nothing is really
00:01:07Meanwhile, your body experiences all the nostalgia and all the fears germinating from thoughts
00:01:15of past and future.
00:01:18Hi ladies, beautiful day today, and the guys at the office just sent me over the first
00:01:25batch of our awesome Silk Derm Hydration Cream SPF 50+.
00:01:29Today's the perfect day to try it on.
00:01:31I've just put some on my chest, it's so smooth and refreshing.
00:01:35Don't forget, the launch is in less than two weeks, so get your pre-orders in now.
00:01:40No, Ma, tonight we have people over, okay?
00:01:49You can swing by before seven, otherwise let's do something tomorrow.
00:01:53And tell Pa not to be lazy, okay?
00:01:55No, let me, yeah, let me talk to him, put him on.
00:02:02Como va?
00:02:03Pasado, uh, el mal, um, uh, detest?
00:02:10We're doing brunch tomorrow morning, okay?
00:02:11I forgot we're having Andrew over tonight.
00:02:15Yeah, sure, I'll ask her, but dinner shouldn't be a problem.
00:02:21No worries at all.
00:02:24Hey, Dennis, did you find that lamb shank?
00:02:25I was thinking maybe we can do that, that recipe you told me about last time.
00:02:26You know, the lamb tagine or whatever the fuck?
00:02:27Andrew would love it.
00:02:28Something exotic, you know?
00:02:31Not too much animal, please.
00:02:32Caroline and I are doing that challenge, remember?
00:02:33Let's do salad for you two, then.
00:03:03I was thinking maybe we can do salad for you two, then.
00:03:04So you're gonna have lamb shank and some other refined dishes while we have salad?
00:03:06Can we talk?
00:03:07Your mother dropped this off.
00:03:08What's this?
00:03:09An Indian masala.
00:03:10She never disappoints.
00:03:11You can have that instead of the salad.
00:03:13Come with me.
00:03:14Can you tell me why you called her?
00:03:29Uh, who?
00:03:31It's Andrew and Caroline, for God's sake.
00:03:33We're not hosting a Christmas dinner.
00:03:35It's casual.
00:03:36And we can't afford to hire a maid every time we have people over.
00:03:39Uh, last time we had them over here was six months ago.
00:03:42And you know what they're like, okay?
00:03:43The lifestyle and all.
00:03:44We gotta keep up.
00:03:45Of course I do.
00:03:46That's why we stopped hanging out with them.
00:03:47When I have to trade hiring a new PR for a bottle of whoever the fuck cares,
00:03:51that's when I go for calls.
00:03:52She offered, Annie, and we haven't hired her in over three weeks.
00:03:56Come on.
00:03:57So we're doing charity now?
00:04:00I've been waiting for a philanthropist to come along.
00:04:02I didn't know I had one in the house.
00:04:04No, look, listen.
00:04:07It'll be fine, okay?
00:04:10Of course it'll be fine.
00:04:12Don't go inspirational on me over a fucking dinner.
00:04:14Leave it to your crowd, tribe, whatever you call it.
00:04:17I mean your sunscreen launch?
00:04:19Look, you put a lot of work into this, and it's gonna be great.
00:04:22You're gonna be great.
00:04:24Steve, I don't snap about the maid because of other reasons,
00:04:28but because of the maid herself.
00:04:30I know we need to keep up this facade, this lifestyle in the eyes of the guests and residents,
00:04:35but can't we at least try to do it on the cheap?
00:04:38That's all I'm asking.
00:04:41Now, please get out of my face.
00:04:43I need to call my mom.
00:04:52Okay, so what's a good substitute for eggs then?
00:04:55How about disappointment?
00:04:58It's a challenge, and just for a month.
00:05:01To be honest, I already feel better, right?
00:05:03Oh, I feel great.
00:05:05That was a lot.
00:05:06Excellent, my friend.
00:05:07Great choice.
00:05:10It's a classic.
00:05:11Nobody cares.
00:05:12You know, summer extended way into September that year, giving us this excellent vintage.
00:05:16Isn't it?
00:05:17I'm always so obsessed with this wine.
00:05:19Yes, I am.
00:05:20Just look at the color.
00:05:21It's fucking beautiful.
00:05:22You know, we implemented a plant-based diet for our employees.
00:05:25We tried to encourage the use of standing desks, gym breaks.
00:05:28We built a fucking pool for these guys, but you know programmers.
00:05:30They're in Arcadia 18 hours a day.
00:05:32I don't know.
00:05:33Stop it.
00:05:34When they disconnect, they barely remember their names.
00:05:36I can't even sit still for more than 30 minutes straight.
00:05:39You know, in the end, diet is a secret to a long and healthy life.
00:05:44Oh, Jesus Christ.
00:05:45My Nono would smoke like a chimney, right?
00:05:48And he ate chicken like every day, and he lived to like what?
00:05:52I think.
00:05:53You want to know why?
00:05:54Olive oil.
00:05:55Oh, again with your Nono and his olive oil.
00:05:58He's Italian.
00:05:59Being obsessed with food comes with the territory.
00:06:01Thank you, Caroline.
00:06:03If I were Swiss, I'd eat chocolate and check the time.
00:06:08Denise, lamb was excellent, by the way.
00:06:13Did you guys hear the story about cadavers not decomposing as quickly because of all the preservatives we take in?
00:06:18Oh, baby.
00:06:19I wouldn't trade mac and cheese for fast decay on my deathbed.
00:06:22You know, if we can afford a healthy plant-based diet, we should go that route.
00:06:28I mean, our parents didn't have the options we have today.
00:06:31You know what?
00:06:32I agree.
00:06:33My father had steaks when he moved here.
00:06:35Before that, it was only noodles and cabbage.
00:06:38There's no point discussing serious topics with you guys.
00:06:44What the hell was that sound?
00:06:46Must be the coyote again.
00:06:48You guys have coyotes here?
00:06:49Denise, could you please check outside?
00:06:52I will.
00:06:55We haven't had a coyote.
00:07:01Come on.
00:07:20So what was it?
00:07:22Must have been that coyote.
00:07:24It's fine.
00:07:25All right.
00:07:29I added a little something extra for the cab in the late night.
00:07:32Thank you again for dinner.
00:07:34It was fantastic.
00:07:35Oh, no, thank you.
00:07:36Let me know if you need anything else.
00:07:37Sure will.
00:07:38You have a good night, okay?
00:07:39Good night.
00:07:41Bye, Annika.
00:07:50You know, I didn't like Andrew's joke about his father eating steak.
00:07:54It was just a joke to tease you.
00:07:56It's not like my parents became carnivores once they moved to North America.
00:07:59They were vegetarian in Mumbai and they still are in Vancouver.
00:08:03Is that another glass?
00:08:05I'm finishing the bottle.
00:08:07Yeah, the one you just opened.
00:08:09The level of energy you have.
00:08:11What energy? I'm going to bed. You coming?
00:08:13Forbes just released an interview with Goran Minami.
00:08:15This year is the year he'll sign with Eltron,
00:08:18probably end up first on the list of greatest influencers of the 21st century.
00:08:23I think there's someone outside.
00:08:38He has a movie.
00:08:41What should we do?
00:08:43Let's wait and see.
00:08:48Do we have any valuables outside?
00:08:50Only the prototype to my sunscreen.
00:08:53Worst case scenario, he'll steal the formula and become a millionaire before I do.
00:08:59Let's see what happens if we pretend we didn't notice him.
00:09:04After staring at him for five minutes straight?
00:09:08Like, oh, sorry, it must have been a shadow.
00:09:10He must have got confused. Just see what he does.
00:09:12Let's see what he does.
00:09:14Okay, let's pretend I'm brushing my hair,
00:09:17and we're having a smart conversation.
00:09:19A smart conversation.
00:09:21That's a staple in this house.
00:09:24Shit, he's gone.
00:09:29Okay, I'll make sure the alarm is on, okay?
00:09:32Check the doors and windows. We need to send a warning out to the police station.
00:09:40Hi, we just saw someone trespassing on our property.
00:09:43Hi, we just saw someone trespassing on our property.
00:09:47Nope, he disappeared right after.
00:09:50Yeah, are any of you patrolling Eagle Heights tonight?
00:09:52Just want to give you a heads up, we're at 4624 Carmine Street.
00:09:56Okay, thanks.
00:10:14It's happened before, you know?
00:10:16Ex-residents that just can't afford this kind of lifestyle anymore,
00:10:19and I guess they miss it. I don't know.
00:10:22Hi, ma'am. I was just telling your husband
00:10:25that that man there was circling your house,
00:10:27intending on breaking in.
00:10:29Ex-residents, you know, sometimes they just want to get back in
00:10:32with the rich and the famous.
00:10:35You know, I don't know.
00:10:36I don't know.
00:10:37You know, I don't know.
00:10:38You know, I don't know.
00:10:39You know, I don't know.
00:10:40Sometimes they just want to get back in with the rich and the famous.
00:11:03Oh, my God.
00:11:11That gate is a piece of shit.
00:11:16How do you do it?
00:11:17Anybody can force open that little wooden gate, Annika.
00:11:19We need to reinforce it.
00:11:21Maybe add a lock instead of a latch.
00:11:24How did he find this house?
00:11:27The agents were very clear.
00:11:29Ex-residents wouldn't have a way back to the property.
00:11:31It was in our contract.
00:11:33It's their fault this happened.
00:11:35It might be an old tenant from a different house.
00:11:37Go figure.
00:11:41What the hell?
00:11:59What the fuck is that?
00:12:01It won't stop.
00:12:03Is this some new app you installed?
00:12:06Why is it on the TV?
00:12:07I have no idea, Annika.
00:12:10I don't know.
00:12:23There's one in the bathroom as well.
00:12:35Anything reflective.
00:12:37It's not on the wall.
00:12:38It's on the mirror.
00:12:39The mirror.
00:12:40You know the mirror?
00:12:42The mirror that reflects your fucking image.
00:12:45You know the...
00:12:48Look, I'm sorry.
00:12:49I didn't mean to swear.
00:12:52Yes, I apologize.
00:12:55He hung up on me just because I swore.
00:12:57Can you believe these people?
00:12:59What do you think an electrician would know about a countdown on a mirror?
00:13:02You know, who am I supposed to call here?
00:13:04A watchmaker?
00:13:05The agent.
00:13:06And what would the agent know?
00:13:07It's happening in the house.
00:13:08And you have to call them anyway about the break-in.
00:13:10Attempted break-in.
00:13:11Attempted break-in.
00:13:14They should know what's going on.
00:13:21Hi, my name is Steve Loretto.
00:13:23Account number 768542.
00:13:25I'm calling regarding a couple of issues we had recently.
00:13:29One of which we're still experiencing.
00:13:35I'm on hold.
00:13:44All of them.
00:13:45From the bathrooms to my wife's vanity.
00:13:47It's everywhere.
00:13:49Okay, so we wait and see.
00:13:52Can we schedule an inspection anyway?
00:13:54Just in case some problem emerges?
00:14:01What did they say?
00:14:03To wait until the end of the countdown.
00:14:05And see if something happens.
00:14:06I don't know.
00:14:07Do they know what it could be?
00:14:09No, he said it might be an issue with how the mainframe,
00:14:12how it connects to the lenses.
00:14:14Basically tech lingo you didn't understand.
00:14:17Not a fucking word.
00:14:19Let's wait and see what happens.
00:15:06Why am I so sleepy?
00:15:09Me too.
00:15:11What the hell is going on, Steve?
00:15:14I don't know.
00:15:16But I feel like taking a nap.
00:15:18It's the middle of the day.
00:15:20It's the perfect time for a nap.
00:15:22What about...
00:15:23What about the countdown?
00:15:25I don't know.
00:15:27I don't know.
00:15:29I don't know.
00:15:31I don't know.
00:15:32I don't know.
00:15:33I don't know.
00:15:34What about the countdown?
00:15:35What if something happens while we're asleep?
00:15:37I'll try to stay awake.
00:15:38Okay, I'll wake you.
00:15:40If something happens.
00:15:43It's almost over.
00:15:47I think I can do it.
00:16:04I think I can do it.
00:16:34I think I can do it.
00:16:35I think I can do it.
00:16:36I think I can do it.
00:16:37I think I can do it.
00:16:38I think I can do it.
00:16:39I think I can do it.
00:16:40I think I can do it.
00:16:41I think I can do it.
00:16:42I think I can do it.
00:16:43I think I can do it.
00:16:44I think I can do it.
00:16:45I think I can do it.
00:16:46I think I can do it.
00:16:47I think I can do it.
00:16:48I think I can do it.
00:16:49I think I can do it.
00:16:50I think I can do it.
00:16:51I think I can do it.
00:16:52I think I can do it.
00:16:53I think I can do it.
00:16:54I think I can do it.
00:16:55I think I can do it.
00:16:56I think I can do it.
00:16:57I think I can do it.
00:16:58I think I can do it.
00:16:59I think I can do it.
00:17:00I think I can do it.
00:17:01I think I can do it.
00:17:02I think I can do it.
00:17:03I think I can do it.
00:17:04I think I can do it.
00:17:05I think I can do it.
00:17:06I think I can do it.
00:17:07I think I can do it.
00:17:08I think I can do it.
00:17:09I think I can do it.
00:17:10I think I can do it.
00:17:11I think I can do it.
00:17:12I think I can do it.
00:17:13I think I can do it.
00:17:14I think I can do it.
00:17:15I think I can do it.
00:17:16I think I can do it.
00:17:17I think I can do it.
00:17:18I think I can do it.
00:17:19I think I can do it.
00:17:20I think I can do it.
00:17:21I think I can do it.
00:17:22I think I can do it.
00:17:23I think I can do it.
00:17:24I think I can do it.
00:17:25I think I can do it.
00:17:26I think I can do it.
00:17:27I think I can do it.
00:17:28I think I can do it.
00:17:29I think I can do it.
00:17:30I think I can do it.
00:17:31I think I can do it.
00:17:32I think I can do it.
00:17:33I think I can do it.
00:17:34I think I can do it.
00:17:35I think I can do it.
00:17:36I think I can do it.
00:17:37I think I can do it.
00:17:38I think I can do it.
00:17:39I think I can do it.
00:17:40I think I can do it.
00:17:41I think I can do it.
00:17:42I think I can do it.
00:17:43I think I can do it.
00:17:44I think I can do it.
00:17:45I think I can do it.
00:17:46I think I can do it.
00:17:47I think I can do it.
00:17:48I think I can do it.
00:17:49I think I can do it.
00:17:50I think I can do it.
00:17:51I think I can do it.
00:17:52I think I can do it.
00:17:53I think I can do it.
00:17:54I think I can do it.
00:17:55I think I can do it.
00:17:56I think I can do it.
00:17:57I think I can do it.
00:17:58I think I can do it.
00:17:59I think I can do it.
00:18:00I think I can do it.
00:18:01I think I can do it.
00:18:02I think I can do it.
00:18:03I think I can do it.
00:18:04I think I can do it.
00:18:05I think I can do it.
00:18:06I think I can do it.
00:18:07I think I can do it.
00:18:08I think I can do it.
00:18:09I think I can do it.
00:18:10I know you're waiting.
00:18:31Mr Ruzzati, Ms Patel welcome to the center.
00:18:34Please deposit your pods and lenses over there and follow me.
00:18:37Dr Lin is waiting for you.
00:21:21You see that little wristband there?
00:21:23It's rebuilding your memory structure as we speak.
00:21:26In the next four to eight hours,
00:21:28you will slowly start recollecting the past year of your life.
00:21:32The feeling would be one of a dream.
00:21:34A fairly detailed and a very long one.
00:21:38A year?
00:21:39That's how long you've been in the vacuum
00:21:41since your Acadia permit got accepted.
00:21:43But unfortunately, the system has rejected your synaptic linkage,
00:21:47consequently evicting you from the platform.
00:21:50So my job here today is to assess your memory
00:21:53to ensure that nothing has been compromised by the ejection.
00:22:05It's... Steve.
00:22:09It says...
00:22:11Ramo Rossetti.
00:22:17It's Meera Patel.
00:22:19Who's Annika?
00:22:20Annika's the name of your avatar.
00:22:22I just remembered a pool.
00:22:25I was talking to a camera.
00:22:27And I was in a bikini all the time for no reason at all.
00:22:31Their features, whether you're pleased with them or not,
00:22:34are a consequence of your initial requests.
00:22:38Motivational speaker.
00:22:40Wine lover.
00:22:41English speaker.
00:22:43Italian heritage, but no Italian accent.
00:22:48That's very specific.
00:22:52Successful lifestyle entrepreneur.
00:22:54Internet prime influencer.
00:22:56Changing the world for the better.
00:22:59It's a classic.
00:23:00I was about to launch my sunscreen.
00:23:02I remember.
00:23:03Yeah, I just hit two million followers.
00:23:07This is good. This is progress.
00:23:09Let's expand on the bakery and the aromatherapy store, shall we?
00:23:14The pre-Arcadia timeframe.
00:23:16The bakery.
00:23:18That was a very long time ago.
00:23:21Yes, right before Arcadia, just over a year.
00:23:26I moved to Canada.
00:23:27I was working at a pizzeria, then a winery.
00:23:31The winery where we met.
00:23:33Oh, yeah, yeah.
00:23:35You ordered the Pinot Grigio.
00:23:37And you were wearing the dress with the...
00:23:39Okay, let's not dwell on irrelevant minutia.
00:23:41Let's continue with the big milestones.
00:23:45How did I end up working at the bakery?
00:23:47It's not for me to tell.
00:23:49And why was I working at the aromatherapy store?
00:23:52What about the other places?
00:23:53The mining office, the tech lab?
00:23:56The work permit.
00:23:58Yes, the work permit.
00:24:00It was expiring. We had to leave the country.
00:24:03And leave each other going back home.
00:24:06So we decided to sign up to...
00:24:13Excellent, excellent.
00:24:15Well done.
00:24:17But why?
00:24:18Well, the immigration office considers your application to Arcadia
00:24:21as an extension of your ordinary work permit,
00:24:24as to allow you to stay...
00:24:25No, but why did we get disconnected?
00:24:27Yeah, we signed...
00:24:30Yeah, yeah, we signed for the platform two years, I remember.
00:24:36Yours is a unique case,
00:24:38which explains my presence here.
00:24:41Nobody connects to Arcadia Canada from Canada.
00:24:46We were willing to undertake your experiment,
00:24:48but as we have discussed during your profiling,
00:24:51the procedure's highly unstable.
00:24:53Arcadia is meant to be experienced
00:24:56solely by individuals living abroad.
00:24:58It's a way for suitable immigrants
00:25:00to indulge in the ideal life they'd have
00:25:03if they'd eventually decide to move here.
00:25:05Millions of people from around the world
00:25:08connect to Arcadia as we speak.
00:25:10And how many people are being disconnected as we speak?
00:25:14Unlike you two,
00:25:15all of our residents live outside of Canada.
00:25:19If you're already here,
00:25:20why would you want to live your ideal life in Canada
00:25:23via a virtual platform
00:25:24when you can live it in the real world?
00:25:26Wow, you mean just working ten hours
00:25:29every single day at a bakery?
00:25:31And there's no pool in my aromatherapy memories.
00:25:33Certain things take time and character.
00:25:36A tadpole has to grow legs to become a frog.
00:25:39Okay, so how do we get back in?
00:25:43Well, if that is your ambition,
00:25:45you're more than welcome to submit
00:25:46a second set of paperwork together with the fee.
00:25:49Perhaps on the second attempt,
00:25:50your stay in the vacuum would last longer.
00:25:53We can't guarantee,
00:25:54but we are open to explore that option.
00:25:58This is no way to run a business.
00:25:59And what are we supposed to do?
00:26:01Pay another submission fee?
00:26:02And what was that, $10,000?
00:26:04Hey, hey, hey.
00:26:05It's just another day at the bakery.
00:26:07Your work permit extension
00:26:08has been reactivated effective immediately.
00:26:12You will be able to work in the country
00:26:14for a total of 21 days,
00:26:15after which you will be expected to leave Canada.
00:26:18Unless, of course, a new work permit
00:26:20or an Arcadia permit is issued.
00:26:22No, this is bullshit.
00:26:24What are we supposed to do?
00:26:25Find a new job and earn $10,000 in three weeks?
00:26:29I'm sorry if this is not to your satisfaction,
00:26:31but there's nothing we can do.
00:26:34Nurse Mary will take you to the property room
00:26:36where you can retrieve your belongings.
00:26:38A driver will take you home.
00:26:40Good luck, and thank you for choosing Arcadia.
00:29:38Hey Meera, finally!
00:29:41I got a message from Arcadia.
00:29:43Is everything okay?
00:29:45They kicked us out of the simulation.
00:29:47Was there a problem?
00:29:48Some sort of malfunction?
00:29:50Now there are only three weeks left to find a job.
00:29:53We'll have to leave the country.
00:29:55You've always been skinny.
00:29:57What have you been eating?
00:29:59I'm fine, Mom.
00:30:01I tried watching your Arcadia videos on the internet,
00:30:04but I don't know where to find them.
00:30:06I'm on Internet Prime.
00:30:07You can't watch them if you don't have an app.
00:30:09It's expensive.
00:30:11I was using an avatar.
00:30:13So what are you going to do now?
00:30:15Are you coming to Arcadia?
00:30:17It's too expensive in Italy,
00:30:19and the facilities don't work well.
00:30:21They're even worse after the collapse of the euro.
00:30:25Yes, I spoke to Rayji's son Amal.
00:30:27He'll give you two a place in Arcadia.
00:30:30You know, they've opened up a new headquarters
00:30:33in the city center here in Delhi.
00:30:35But we'll have to start all over again
00:30:37with new accounts and new avatars.
00:30:41You know,
00:30:43Mom and Dad didn't want us to be apart.
00:30:48Yes, and they also wanted me to be an eye surgeon, Karan.
00:30:52I spent $50,000 in business school,
00:30:55started a business after many trials and failures,
00:30:58and spent a year in Arcadia.
00:31:00I have no intention of starting all this again.
00:31:03Why don't you take a break
00:31:06and come and spend some time here?
00:31:09Mira would be delighted to live in Italy.
00:31:13Mom, everyone is leaving Italy.
00:31:16It's no longer the country where I grew up.
00:31:18You were the first to tell me to leave.
00:31:21But you can't be a motivational speaker on the Internet
00:31:26like everyone else.
00:31:28There's no market on the Internet.
00:31:30The only way is Internet Prime in English.
00:31:33No one cares about Italian.
00:31:36Okay, let's say you get the money to live in Arcadia
00:31:39with your pool and your followers,
00:31:41but Mira, you're still not living in the real world.
00:31:45On the common Internet,
00:31:47you can unlock different upgrades
00:31:49and can become a landlord once you reach a certain level.
00:31:52You become conscious of your avatar status
00:31:54and can disconnect anytime.
00:31:56It seems a bit far-fetched to me.
00:31:58Does this mean you can contact me anytime?
00:32:02Yes, I can come anytime.
00:32:04When your work permit expires,
00:32:07will you come back?
00:32:09We have to find a way to stay here at any cost, Mom.
00:32:12What if you can't?
00:32:14For now, let's keep trying.
00:32:20With my father who lost his job,
00:32:23the translocation this year,
00:32:25and all this bad news on TV,
00:32:27honestly, it wasn't easy to move forward.
00:32:31That's why I'm happy you're with me, guys.
00:32:36Your messages have helped me a lot.
00:32:41You were so young. When was this?
00:32:45Before I moved here.
00:32:47Back when the channel was still making money.
00:32:50Do you remember this?
00:32:52One of your prototypes?
00:32:54Yeah. Nail polish for pets.
00:32:56What's the difference with nail polish for people?
00:32:59Exactly the customer's point.
00:33:08I missed your face.
00:33:12I missed your face too.
00:33:15I didn't miss this.
00:33:17A basement filled with nostalgia of a past I don't want to remember.
00:33:23They're looking for an assistant motivator in a company downtown.
00:33:27Do they offer sponsorships for a work permit?
00:33:30I don't know. I hope so.
00:33:33I found a networking event for Friday night.
00:33:36I can meet some companies face to face and see if they're looking for someone.
00:33:39That's good.
00:33:41Okay. Help me with these boxes.
00:33:44Let's clean up this place.
00:33:46Concentrate on this mess.
00:34:02Remo. Remo. Ramo. How do you pronounce it?
00:34:06It's Remo in Italian.
00:34:09But you can call me Remo like many people.
00:34:12Right. So Mr. Rossini?
00:34:17You're already aware of our services?
00:34:20We're helping people to achieve their best selves through the power of words.
00:34:25And what power that is!
00:34:27When a child gets hurt and cries, where does he go?
00:34:31He runs to his mother.
00:34:33Is he looking for a hug?
00:34:36Is he looking for someone to wipe away his tears?
00:34:38Well, certainly.
00:34:41But the thing he craves to get,
00:34:43what he needs more than anything else in the whole world,
00:34:48are words of consolation.
00:34:51And that's what we do. We give words of consolation.
00:34:54To children?
00:34:56Children. Why children?
00:34:58Like in your example.
00:35:00We're helping people when they're at the bottom rung, Mr. Rossini.
00:35:03What does that mean?
00:35:05When they've gone off the deep end. At their nadir.
00:35:08Of course. Their nadir. Of course.
00:35:10What's a good Italian example?
00:35:13Before they get...
00:35:15The last offer they can't refuse.
00:35:18The last pasta before they go,
00:35:20Mamma mia!
00:35:22That's a good one, right?
00:35:27Well, I can see from your resume that you were a motivational speaker in Italy.
00:35:33And that was in Italian, right?
00:35:36Common internet, I suppose.
00:35:38I had enough of a fan base to sign for the Internet Prime.
00:35:42But then, you know, the economy went down, the euro failing,
00:35:46the views went down.
00:35:48Lots of people trading in their Ferraris for Vespas, I guess.
00:35:52So, my only option was to move away to...
00:35:55Hey, do you know the Italian who went to Malta?
00:35:59The meme.
00:36:02So I go into my room in a hotel.
00:36:04There's no sheets on my bed.
00:36:06So I call the manager and I say, I need a sheet.
00:36:09He says, go to the toilet.
00:36:11I say, I need a sheet on my bed.
00:36:13He says, you better not, the sheet's on the bed, you son of a bitch!
00:36:20That was a good one, right?
00:36:22So good. So good.
00:36:59How did it go?
00:37:02Same old, same old?
00:37:04The networking event has a hundred dollar entry fee.
00:37:08Fifty if you knew someone to refer you,
00:37:11and unless you're in management and I don't know it,
00:37:14I'm not going anywhere.
00:37:18So we're left with only one option then?
00:37:21Being deported is another.
00:37:23Sounds better than what you have in mind.
00:37:35Nothing has changed since you left.
00:37:37Only orders got bigger and labor is a real pain to find these days.
00:37:40Look at this, look at this.
00:37:44So you see, it's too demanding. People leave after two days.
00:37:47So I spoke with the immigration officer.
00:37:50If you guys are committed to the job, can handle the work,
00:37:54I can talk to my manager and we can start on those papers right away.
00:37:57What do you think?
00:37:58Gino, that would be really helpful.
00:38:00Our permit expires in three weeks, so we can start any time.
00:38:04If your manager is okay with this.
00:38:07I'm the chef here. I decide when you guys start.
00:38:09And when you guys start is whenever you want.
00:38:30I'm sorry.
00:38:31I'm sorry.
00:38:32I'm sorry.
00:38:33I'm sorry.
00:38:34I'm sorry.
00:38:35I'm sorry.
00:38:36I'm sorry.
00:38:37I'm sorry.
00:38:38I'm sorry.
00:38:39I'm sorry.
00:38:40I'm sorry.
00:38:41I'm sorry.
00:38:42I'm sorry.
00:38:43I'm sorry.
00:38:44I'm sorry.
00:38:45I'm sorry.
00:38:46I'm sorry.
00:38:47I'm sorry.
00:38:48I'm sorry.
00:38:49I'm sorry.
00:38:50I'm sorry.
00:38:51I'm sorry.
00:38:52I'm sorry.
00:38:53I'm sorry.
00:38:54I'm sorry.
00:38:55I'm sorry.
00:38:56I'm sorry.
00:38:57I'm sorry.
00:38:58I'm sorry.
00:38:59I'm sorry.
00:39:00I'm sorry.
00:39:01I'm sorry.
00:39:02I'm sorry.
00:39:03I'm sorry.
00:39:04I'm sorry.
00:39:05I'm sorry.
00:39:06I'm sorry.
00:39:23Isn't today a great day?
00:39:26I've got my espresso.
00:39:27The first batch is in the oven, and look at this.
00:39:30Look at this.
00:39:31A new order came in.
00:39:322,000 cakes by the end of the month.
00:39:35Isn't that exciting?
00:39:37Isn't that exciting?
00:39:53I don't think I can do this.
00:39:56We have no choice.
00:39:58I'm going to call the aromatherapy store.
00:40:00I trade in healing patchouli, the kneading dough, any day of the week.
00:40:13Gino, ciao.
00:40:15So, I have great news for you guys today.
00:40:20I know I said two to three weeks, but I spoke to my manager,
00:40:23and because of the fairly urgent situation and the order that came in two days ago,
00:40:27he said to go ahead with your contracts.
00:40:31Exciting, right?
00:40:32That's good.
00:40:33Okay, so, only caveat, a small provision really,
00:40:37is that we cannot really hire you guys both full-time right away.
00:40:42We have to go for a part-time agreement,
00:40:44which I guess will leave you time for other activities, right?
00:40:47Okay, I need your signature here.
00:40:54$14 an hour?
00:40:56What the fuck are we going to do with $14 an hour?
00:40:58And part-time?
00:41:00Oh, my brain is fried.
00:41:02And those Italian songs, Jesus Christ.
00:41:04Ten hours of that crap?
00:41:05Hey, no, you just don't understand the lyrics.
00:41:08They're actually very beautiful.
00:41:10Are we really talking about the songs right now?
00:41:12I don't care about the songs.
00:41:14Can you imagine yourself doing this shit every single day?
00:41:17Until when?
00:41:18Two years of minimum wage?
00:41:20No, we just work until we save enough to join back Arcadia.
00:41:24Maybe six, seven months.
00:41:29With $14 an hour?
00:41:31Listen, we just need to look at what you call it,
00:41:36the golden line.
00:41:39The silver lining.
00:41:40Thanks to Gino, we have a way to renew our work permit.
00:41:43Stay in the country.
00:41:45And to answer your question, no, I don't think so.
00:41:49And to answer your question, no,
00:41:50I don't see myself feeling pastries for two years.
00:41:53I see myself making videos,
00:41:55helping people with their lives.
00:41:59Why don't you do it then?
00:42:01Do what?
00:42:02We spent a year in a simulation doing what we always wanted.
00:42:05Why can't we just make it happen here?
00:42:07Didn't we try that before signing to Arcadia?
00:42:10Yes, but now it's different.
00:42:12We lived our vision.
00:42:13We know what it looks like and how to reach it.
00:42:15Let's just make it happen again.
00:42:17We should just do what we used to do in Arcadia.
00:42:19Yes, and I'll make a product and market the shit out of it.
00:42:22I have half the eloquence
00:42:25and ten times the accent of my avatar.
00:42:28Maybe there are other Italians like you,
00:42:30stuck in shitty situations,
00:42:31trying to find some consolation, some motivation.
00:42:36Here it is.
00:42:38Remo and his daily inspiration pills.
00:42:48You feel you've been abandoned.
00:42:52Or you feel you've been left alone.
00:42:55No, abandoned is too dramatic.
00:43:00Leaving the place you call home can be a grudging...
00:43:05a grudging...
00:43:07Leaving the place...
00:43:09Leaving the place you call home can be a...
00:43:12a dressing feeling.
00:43:14One, you're loud.
00:43:15Two, you sound like a pharmaceutical commercial.
00:43:17Three, the word you're looking for is distressing.
00:43:29And why does this...
00:43:33How does it feel to...
00:43:37Where does this feeling come from?
00:43:41Coming from where?
00:43:45Maybe you just feel lonely.
00:43:50Maybe you just feel lonely.
00:43:55Maybe you just feel lonely.
00:44:14Maybe you just feel lonely.
00:44:19Maybe you just feel lonely.
00:44:24Maybe you just feel lonely.
00:44:29Maybe you just feel lonely.
00:44:34Hey girls, it's just a short video to thank you all
00:44:36for the overwhelming support for my Silk Derm Hydration Cream SPF 50+.
00:44:41I can't believe I finally did it,
00:44:42and I'm so happy that I can share this moment with all of you.
00:44:45As you know, I've been...
00:44:46So you don't remember posting a video like this?
00:44:49No, never.
00:44:50And she's talking about feedback comments?
00:44:52Look here.
00:44:53Oh my God, this cream is so phenomenal.
00:44:55Makes my skin so smooth.
00:44:56It's a fake comment.
00:44:57I can spend as much time as I want under the sun
00:44:59thanks to Silk Derm Hydration Cream.
00:45:01It's a fake comment too.
00:45:02Who cares?
00:45:03That's not the point.
00:45:04The point is, that's me.
00:45:06That's Anika.
00:45:07Who sent you this video?
00:45:12What, you mean Andrew's wife?
00:45:14Yes, but again, aren't they supposed to be avatars?
00:45:16This is strange.
00:45:18Thank you for finally catching on.
00:45:20Videos like these shouldn't be able to leave Internet Prime.
00:45:24You try and reply the sender, Caroline?
00:45:28No, I just received it.
00:45:31If they have videos of Anika, maybe they have videos of Steve too.
00:45:35Okay, maybe.
00:46:12[♪ music playing ♪
00:46:26[♪ music playing ♪
00:46:38Hi, this is Mira.
00:46:45Look at you. Aren't you a darling?
00:46:49I'm Karim, but you can call me Caroline.
00:46:53Nice to meet you.
00:46:54Yes, I know. Let's go.
00:47:01It is all a big bag of BS, like my mother used to say.
00:47:04Bullshit with a capital B.
00:47:06Arcadia has been experiencing glitches even before we signed up.
00:47:10And every time it happens, they come up with some excuse.
00:47:13Oh, you were raised in it before.
00:47:15Oh, your work permit is in conflict with some class up my father's ass.
00:47:20They're just experiencing an overload of users and their servers they can't keep up.
00:47:24That's all.
00:47:26Eight months we spent inside.
00:47:28Eight glorious months.
00:47:30And then, boom!
00:47:32Back to reality.
00:47:37An issue with Ying's name on the passport.
00:47:40Do you miss it? The vacuum?
00:47:46I was having a blast as Caroline.
00:47:48Always dressed to impress, prima donna to the bone.
00:47:53I owned $3,000 pajamas and slippers that could pay for my rent.
00:47:58And now, I work at the retail store.
00:48:02Can you believe it?
00:48:03Me, Caroline Labelle, stylist, trendsetter, reduced to a mere clerk.
00:48:09Expensively replaced.
00:48:11What about Andrew? Jing? How's he holding up?
00:48:15He got the job as a programmer.
00:48:17We got our work permit through him this time.
00:48:20He wants to open his own company one day, just like he did in Arcadia.
00:48:23But the transfer back to this hit him pretty hard.
00:48:28The result is the video I sent you.
00:48:30He hacked into Arcadia's servers in search for the life we used to live.
00:48:38Did he find more videos of Annika? What about Steve?
00:48:44The video I sent you is one of nine others that we dug up from your page.
00:48:49Annika's page.
00:48:51She's been posting for the last two weeks as if nothing has ever happened.
00:48:54And Steve, that tall drink of water?
00:48:57He's still going through it.
00:48:58Did he find more videos of him?
00:49:10The tepid response to your actions is only the surface of a conversation you're having with yourself first.
00:49:16And you're quick to cast judgment on others before digging inside the dynamics your ego is conceiving.
00:49:24This guy's good.
00:49:27He's good, but he's not you.
00:49:32You sure these aren't pieces that got lost when they reconstructed our memories?
00:49:36No, this video is from two days ago.
00:49:39Look, everything I found is content produced by your avatar after you left Arcadia.
00:49:43Did you try to communicate with them?
00:49:45With whom?
00:49:46The avatars. Did you DM them?
00:49:48Have you ever responded to a single message your fans sent you?
00:49:51But we're not fans, we're...
00:49:53Okay, I see your point.
00:49:56So, who's behind this?
00:49:58Who's impersonating us?
00:50:00There's no us.
00:50:02We are not them anymore.
00:50:03Arcadia uses avatars as characters in a video game.
00:50:06Once you're out, another person takes over.
00:50:09Which makes total sense.
00:50:10Why waste all of the progress a character has made in Arcadia?
00:50:13Just put someone else in and see how they perform.
00:50:15What, you're saying there's just some new person just leaving Steve's life?
00:50:18Consider Steve like a horse.
00:50:19I'm not a horse.
00:50:20You're not Steve.
00:50:22Look, once a rider is replaced, another person takes over and see how far this one goes.
00:50:27Okay, but this guy is starting better off.
00:50:31I've already built everything for him.
00:50:33And what about my followers?
00:50:34How do we know this new Steve is giving good advice?
00:50:37How do we know he's a good person?
00:50:39What makes you think you didn't start better off either?
00:50:42Because I built it.
00:50:49Do you remember Steve's penis?
00:50:52What does that have to do with this?
00:50:53It's a legit question.
00:50:55Do you remember going to the washroom?
00:50:56Or the first script you ever wrote?
00:50:57Or the first video you ever recorded?
00:50:59The first comments your fans sent you?
00:51:02You don't.
00:51:03Like a role-playing game, they give you a backstory.
00:51:06You just customize it.
00:51:07You don't write it.
00:51:08You don't make it.
00:51:09Like a role-playing game, they give you a backstory.
00:51:12You just customize the features.
00:51:15Steve was me.
00:51:17Certain things he said.
00:51:20His love of good wine.
00:51:22It's me.
00:51:24I mean, you were in the driver's seat.
00:51:25But everything else was already created for your own pleasure.
00:51:34You weren't a successful motivator, Remo.
00:51:37You were just impersonating one.
00:51:58He's Italian. Being obsessed with food comes with the territory.
00:52:07He's Italian. Being obsessed with food comes with the territory.
00:52:37The day my father passed, my mother made sure no one saw her crying.
00:53:02She bathed him, clothed him, and performed the funeral service
00:53:06without a hint of sadness on her face.
00:53:09The week afterwards, she refused to get up from bed.
00:53:13I'd seen her tired before, but this was different.
00:53:17This was the agony of losing the man she spent 45 years with.
00:53:22Sometimes, she'd regain her sharpness and think of a future for me,
00:53:27of a lawyer, of an eye surgeon.
00:53:29Others, she just stared at an empty corner for hours.
00:53:34Despite her presence, she died of loneliness.
00:53:39I fled India to flee this pain, to find a new family and a new community.
00:53:45But the only family I have is you.
00:53:49Are we setting ourselves up to walk the same path, Remo?
00:54:00You know, my brother was right.
00:54:03India is my Arcadia.
00:54:05I know its customs, its needs, and it'll be easier for me,
00:54:09just like Italy would be for you.
00:54:12Nothing is left in Italy for me.
00:54:15And even if we go back to our countries, that would mean leaving apart.
00:54:19What, forever?
00:54:23We thought we could change the world, that we were going to do something.
00:54:27But we can't, we won't.
00:54:29Mira, we spent one year in a video game.
00:54:34A video game that we thought would lead to a better life.
00:54:39They fooled us.
00:54:42And I'm not going anywhere without answers.
00:55:04Mr. Rossetti, Ms. Patel, my name is Eleanor.
00:55:07I was in charge of your file when you were in the vacuum.
00:55:10Please, walk with me.
00:55:14So, let me rephrase your concern, Mr. Rossetti, just to make sure I understand.
00:55:20You say you've received links to new videos of your Arcadia character
00:55:25and that you never made these videos, is that correct?
00:55:29Why is he still active if I'm here?
00:55:33Steve's my character.
00:55:35And the penis.
00:55:36Yes, the penis thing.
00:55:40The penis thing.
00:55:41Why don't I remember Steve's penis?
00:55:44In other times I showered or peed or...
00:55:48I see.
00:55:51It's called induced amnesia.
00:55:53When your memory is reconstructed,
00:55:55the algorithm in your bracelet chooses certain memories over others.
00:56:00If it were to flood your brain with the entire repertoire
00:56:03of all the thoughts and recollections of an entire year of life,
00:56:07you'd be sent into an instant case of shock.
00:56:11And in some cases, extreme cases,
00:56:13people have been known to experience irreversible coma.
00:56:16A rare, but possible outcome.
00:56:20So, who are you?
00:56:22So, we use an algorithm to infuse only those memories
00:56:26that will help you make sense of your time in Arcadia.
00:56:31Leaving behind all the meaningless activities
00:56:34such as showering and brushing your teeth and, yes, even sex.
00:56:40Okay, but why is he still active?
00:56:43Those videos, whether new or old,
00:56:45are simply those memories your bracelet did not capture.
00:56:50Those memories your bracelet did not retrieve for you to remember.
00:56:55So I did launch my son Steve then.
00:56:58Will I ever be able to access those memories?
00:57:01Oh, if you ever want to return to Arcadia,
00:57:03your account will be fully reinstated and you will be Steve again,
00:57:07complete with the entire repertoire of your memories.
00:57:12But until then, please,
00:57:15tell your friend or whoever it was that gave you those videos
00:57:20to stop hacking into the system.
00:57:23There's only one way to be a part of Arcadia,
00:57:27and that is to be worthy of it.
00:57:30Good day, Mr. Rossetti, Miss Patel.
00:57:50It's her. A hundred percent.
00:57:53So why does she look like Dani's?
00:57:56Maybe they used her as a model or something.
00:57:59I don't know.
00:58:01I don't know.
00:58:03I don't know.
00:58:05I don't know.
00:58:07I don't know.
00:58:09I don't know.
00:58:11I don't know.
00:58:13I don't know.
00:58:15I don't know.
00:58:17I don't know.
00:58:18Maybe they used her as a model for the virtual Dani's?
00:58:23Or maybe she was in Arcadia too, an ex-resident like us.
00:58:29But why look like yourself in a virtual world and be what, a maid?
00:58:36Who's that?
00:58:40Mira, guys, they found us.
00:58:42They caught Ying. We got trapped. We're getting deported.
00:58:46We have to leave the country by midnight tonight.
00:58:48I don't know what's going to happen, but I just wanted to say, take care out there.
00:58:52It was lovely knowing you.
00:58:58I knew we had to be careful with those people.
00:59:00What, which people? What would we be careful about?
00:59:02Are you clueless? You ratted them out.
00:59:03Ratted them out? What does this mean?
00:59:05You told the lady from Arcadia about Jin and his hacking.
00:59:08Someone like Jin would be careful to hide his, what you call it, GST, IP, GPS, whatever.
00:59:16And why? What are you doing?
00:59:22Oh, shit.
00:59:23Oh, don't know if you break it.
00:59:28Hey, don't use too much olive oil.
00:59:42Hi, how much to get to Waterfront Station?
00:59:44Around 25, ma'am.
00:59:45Sorry, we don't have that kind of money.
00:59:50Now it's time to rent a car.
00:59:52We can't take a cab to chase Dennis.
01:00:05How much longer are we going to wait? Why?
01:00:07Why are we waiting for him?
01:00:09I just had a thought.
01:00:10What's that?
01:00:11What if somebody, we've been here for two hours.
01:00:13What if somebody is watching us, watching her?
01:00:17Well, it is kind of strange.
01:00:18What, just sitting, waiting in the car?
01:00:20People are like, oh, why are these people still in the car?
01:00:22So, just be normal now, okay?
01:00:24They probably think we're going to steal something.
01:00:26Hey, hey, there she is. Okay, okay.
01:00:28Okay, what do we do? What if we wait for her to, to what?
01:00:31No way.
01:00:32Wait for her to get around so she doesn't see us.
01:00:35And then we, then we go.
01:00:37No, wait for it, wait for it.
01:00:39Okay, okay, go.
01:00:40Okay, go. Here we are, here we are.
01:00:42Can you turn, ah, you know what, sorry.
01:00:45Hi, here we are, here we are.
01:00:46Today is the day we find you.
01:00:48Oh, careful.
01:00:49Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:00:54Why is she going so slow?
01:00:55Look at this.
01:00:56No, she's going the slowest speed possible.
01:00:58Yeah, but why? It's strange.
01:00:59Maybe she wants us to follow her.
01:01:02Maybe this is part of her game.
01:01:04You don't think she'll, like, get suspicious if we follow this close?
01:01:08Be cool, okay? She's not going to find us.
01:01:10She's, she's following.
01:01:11Can you stop with the commentary? It's making me nervous.
01:01:14This is kind of a lame car chase.
01:01:16Couldn't she have turned there, like, four times?
01:01:18What is this?
01:01:19She's acting very strange.
01:01:21Do you hear a signal?
01:01:23Uh, no.
01:01:24Can you stop? I told you to stop with the commentary.
01:01:26She's not going to get suspicious if you don't.
01:01:28That's her, yeah.
01:01:29Wait, I have to stop.
01:01:30Yeah, yeah, of course. I'm saying don't get too close because she can see us.
01:01:32Look, we can see her.
01:01:33She doesn't.
01:01:34I am being careful.
01:01:35Okay, but now you're kind of far.
01:01:36What if someone hops and we lose her?
01:01:37Okay, she's turning.
01:01:38She's turning.
01:01:39Okay, yes, I know.
01:01:40You have to signal.
01:01:41No, she's not going.
01:01:42Look, it's red.
01:01:43Well, she was going.
01:01:44Yeah, but you told me to.
01:01:45I can't see the light.
01:01:48Lost ranger.
01:01:49We are just normal people.
01:01:51Oh, my God.
01:01:52Okay, okay, okay, she's turning.
01:01:53You see?
01:01:55Signal? Yeah.
01:01:58Oh, my God.
01:01:59Okay, go, go, go, go, go.
01:02:00Okay, okay, okay, okay.
01:02:01I'm coming.
01:02:02I'm going, I'm going.
01:02:03Yeah, she's coming.
01:02:07She's coming.
01:02:08She's coming.
01:02:09She's coming.
01:02:10She's coming.
01:02:11She's coming.
01:02:12She's coming.
01:02:13She's coming.
01:02:14She's coming.
01:02:15She's coming.
01:02:16She's coming.
01:02:17She's coming.
01:02:18She's coming.
01:02:19She's coming.
01:02:20She's coming.
01:02:21She's coming.
01:02:22She's coming.
01:02:23She's coming.
01:02:24She's coming.
01:02:25She's coming.
01:02:26She's coming.
01:02:27She's coming.
01:02:28She's coming.
01:02:29She's coming.
01:02:30She's coming.
01:02:31She's coming.
01:02:32She's coming.
01:02:33She's coming.
01:02:34She's coming.
01:02:35She's coming.
01:02:37Reema, is that...
01:02:39It's our house.
01:02:42How's that possible?
01:02:45Maybe it's just a model or...
01:02:48It's identical.
01:02:50Should we knock at the door?
01:02:52Let's go from the back.
01:02:53I don't want them to see us, whoever they are.
01:03:04Can you open the latch?
01:03:06Someone put a lock on it.
01:03:08A lock?
01:03:09Wouldn't the right mind put a lock on a...
01:03:36What the hell?
01:03:38Where are we?
01:03:39They're waking up.
01:03:40Don't get too close, okay?
01:03:47You guys okay?
01:03:50What the hell is going on here?
01:03:52What are you doing here?
01:03:53What are you doing here?
01:03:54Who are you?
01:03:58You're me.
01:03:59You're Annika.
01:04:02How do you know my name?
01:04:04How does she know my name?
01:04:05Were you guys trying to break in?
01:04:06What's happening?
01:04:07It's our house.
01:04:09You put a lock on the gate.
01:04:10I had to, man.
01:04:11That latch was shit.
01:04:12Stop being so polite with them.
01:04:14Were you trying to hurt us?
01:04:15Hurting you?
01:04:16Your psycho maid knocked us out.
01:04:17Yeah, yeah.
01:04:18She assaulted us.
01:04:19Whoa, whoa.
01:04:20It was a personal defense.
01:04:21She thought you were thieves.
01:04:22Look at you.
01:04:23Who fucking cares?
01:04:24Why does this bitch know my name?
01:04:26Are you asking me, Annika?
01:04:27Don't call me bitch.
01:04:28We know both your names.
01:04:29You're Steve, the motivational guy,
01:04:30and you're Annika, the sunscreen seller.
01:04:32Sunscreen seller.
01:04:33That's very diminishing.
01:04:34They're fans, Annie.
01:04:36We are you.
01:04:37You are us.
01:04:39You're supposed to be in Arcadia right now.
01:04:43What the fuck are you talking about?
01:04:50I see.
01:04:52They are...
01:04:54This house has more comings and goings
01:04:56than a goddamn brothel.
01:04:58We have double copies of all our residents' keys
01:05:00in case something like this happens.
01:05:02Something like what happens, Doctor?
01:05:04Did you have something to do with this?
01:05:05Are we inside Arcadia right now?
01:05:07There's a lot of questions to answer, Doctor.
01:05:09We have an agreement.
01:05:11We're not supposed to meet our residents?
01:05:13300 Spartans weren't supposed to win Thermopylae either.
01:05:16Oh, Jesus.
01:05:18You're correct, Mr. Loretto.
01:05:19The contract you signed with one of our agents
01:05:21specifically stated that we will put every effort
01:05:23into ensuring no contact between you and your ex-residents.
01:05:28However, these two are of a different kind.
01:05:35They are of a different kind.
01:05:37The kind that built an empire from nothing.
01:05:39I own this house, right, Doctor?
01:05:41That's my fucking shore, by the way.
01:05:42Calm down!
01:05:43Who do you think is the brain that thought of
01:05:44silks and products business?
01:05:46This girl right here.
01:05:47What are you talking about?
01:05:48Good. Could write those speeches all by himself.
01:05:50I do. I actually do.
01:05:51I think that's pretty good.
01:05:52Three, yes. Three, yes.
01:05:53No, no, no, no.
01:05:54Who are you, man?
01:05:55Rolling up here like you fucking have like three months.
01:05:57I'm trying to protect my fucking shore!
01:06:35Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye.
01:06:40Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye.
01:06:44Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye.
01:06:46Get the fuck out!
01:06:47Get the fuck out!
01:06:48I'm going! I'm going!
01:06:49Look what she did to my face!
01:06:51I'm going to sue you!
01:07:03Mr. Rossetti, Ms. Patel.
01:07:05I understand your confusion and I apologize
01:07:08if the ambiguity of the situation has led to any hardship.
01:07:12I will try my utmost to be clear with you from now on.
01:07:16You have never lived in this house.
01:07:23We get thousands of requests every year from foreigners
01:07:26who wish to sign up to Arcadia.
01:07:29Europeans, Asians, Africans, Americans,
01:07:34all connect to Arcadia from their own country
01:07:37to get a taste of what it would be like to live here.
01:07:42Our mission, in truth, is to motivate them
01:07:46to reach for a better life,
01:07:48to see what this world has to offer
01:07:51and strive to achieve it
01:07:54outside of the platform,
01:07:56simply in their own country,
01:07:58to inspire them to see the beauty
01:08:01despite the challenges.
01:08:05But we were here.
01:08:07I sat in these chairs.
01:08:09I swam in this pool.
01:08:13It's lens technology.
01:08:15Mr. and Mrs. Loretto have contact lenses
01:08:18permanently implanted in their eyes.
01:08:20You had lenses too during your stay in the vacuum.
01:08:24Mr. and Mrs. Loretto are what we call landlords
01:08:28who rent out their lens spaces to individuals, residents,
01:08:32who wish to experience what it feels like to live
01:08:35this lifestyle.
01:08:40Mira, if you recall,
01:08:44during your profiling with us,
01:08:46you spoke of cultural differences.
01:08:50You said people here thought you were too aggressive
01:08:52in your approach
01:08:54and that your personality doesn't suit this country.
01:08:59You felt alone and misunderstood.
01:09:03So you wanted to join Arcadia
01:09:05to be someone who didn't have these obstacles,
01:09:07someone with a trusted network of people around her,
01:09:12and most importantly, a family that supported her.
01:09:17And Remo, you wanted to be a motivational speaker,
01:09:21an inspiration for others.
01:09:24But how could you succeed in a country
01:09:26where you don't even speak the language?
01:09:31To succeed in the art of the rhetoric,
01:09:34constructing grammar in a language so different
01:09:38than the one that you grew up with.
01:09:41How could you be an inspiration to others
01:09:44when they make fun of your gestures and the way you speak?
01:09:48So we ran our program through the pool of landlords
01:09:52subscribed to Arcadia,
01:09:54and we found the perfect couple.
01:09:57First-generation Canadians
01:09:59with only the immigrant background
01:10:01inherited from their families
01:10:03and none of the disadvantages.
01:10:09So what you're saying is
01:10:11I never created sojourn?
01:10:15You were virtually connected to Annika,
01:10:17seeing her life through her lenses,
01:10:19a connection which she could stop at any time
01:10:22by pressing a button on her watch.
01:10:24She could share with you the most glamorous moments,
01:10:28and none of the fights, fears, and the financial stress.
01:10:36Fights? I don't remember fights.
01:10:39Believe me, my dear, fights in this house are as common as...
01:10:42Aw, don't inflate the situation to make it more dramatic.
01:10:45He almost bankrupted us twice.
01:10:47We're still recovering from it.
01:10:49But who cares? Let's just have another drink, right?
01:10:51You know what? I don't hear you complaining about the pool,
01:10:53though, right? That's okay.
01:10:54Arcadia paid for half our mortgage.
01:10:56If it was up to you, we'd be living under a bridge
01:10:58with no money but still a mate to serve you.
01:11:00What about the two business loans you took out?
01:11:02That didn't impact their finances, all right?
01:11:04We're not gonna get into that right now, Steve, okay?
01:11:06Look at my face!
01:11:07It serves you, it's okay, but it serves me!
01:11:09You bought a bottle of Chateau Le Pin once.
01:11:13That bottle was $2,000.
01:11:17That was an excellent wine.
01:11:19I remember that. It was a French wine.
01:11:21I know I should be a little more generous towards their Italian heritage,
01:11:24but my friends have quite the delicate palate.
01:11:28And you gotta respect that.
01:11:30Your friends have a delicate palate?
01:11:34My friends don't have a delicate palate.
01:11:40The few I have would be horrified at me
01:11:44drinking a $2,000 wine.
01:11:48Because here, a bottle of Chateau Le Pin is two months of rent,
01:11:54if you live with your partner.
01:11:56One, if you live in a basement.
01:12:01$2,000 is a month's stipend for a baker, pizza maker,
01:12:07or any other job you get if you come to this country
01:12:10thinking you're going to make it.
01:12:14Now, what's the point?
01:12:17Even if I show to the people who were born here
01:12:19that I deserve a little bit of that spotlight,
01:12:23they still don't trust me like they're friends.
01:12:26They still don't trust me like they're friends.
01:12:30The people who speak their language,
01:12:32who watched the same TV shows when they were kids,
01:12:35who have dad to go golfing together,
01:12:37who went to the same high school
01:12:40and ate the same brand of ice cream,
01:12:45who had all the options since they were teenagers,
01:12:52who can travel to the country of their parents
01:12:59but call the place they leave home.
01:13:03So when you talk about your Italian heritage,
01:13:09watch your mouth,
01:13:11because you're about as Italiano
01:13:16as I am Canadian.
01:13:37We're going to hire a lawyer
01:13:39and we're going to reveal what Arcadia is doing
01:13:41if it's the last thing we do in this country.
01:14:04You are of a different kind, Mr. Rossetti.
01:14:06Both of you.
01:14:09You came to this country with nothing but hope.
01:14:12Yet you're still here,
01:14:17You are a successful and beautiful couple already.
01:14:21You have wealth, but you can't show.
01:14:24But you can share.
01:14:27Share it with those less fortunate.
01:14:52We'll meet this Saturday morning.
01:14:54If we don't have a jet lag, it's fine.
01:14:57Let me know.
01:15:01Bye, Mom.
01:15:11So now you can work with travelling?
01:15:13Yes, travelling is useful.
01:15:16Uncle Shamit wants to meet both of you.
01:15:18When will you go to Kerala?
01:15:20I don't know.
01:15:21I'll check the schedule and let you know.
01:15:23Maybe I should be in the South by the third week.
01:15:25You know, we've booked a fort here for dinner.
01:15:29Isn't it too big?
01:15:32Everyone wants to meet you.
01:15:34Even Vatsal is coming from Rohtak.
01:15:37Sounds like quite the party.
01:15:38Okay, Karan. I have to go.
01:15:40You know,
01:15:43Mom and Dad are so proud of you.
01:15:46I'm not an eye surgeon, Karan.
01:15:49You're happy and that's what's important.
01:15:56We'll talk later.
01:15:59Okay, Meera.
01:16:02We'll talk later.
01:16:39Ciao, guys.
01:16:40Today I've had this wine breathing for a little while
01:16:43because I want to share with you something
01:16:45that is very special to me.
01:16:50This is an Amarone 2013 from Valpolicella.
01:16:57I first tried this wine when I was with my father.
01:17:01He used to drink wine only casually.
01:17:05But when it came to special occasions
01:17:09he wanted to treat his guests to something truly exceptional.
01:17:29When I sip this wine
01:17:32it's not the cherry, the black fig or the carob
01:17:37that I focused on.
01:17:41It's the smell of my mother's tortilloni with ragout.
01:17:46That smell would stay in the kitchen for an entire afternoon.
01:17:55It's the memories of my father telling me stories from his childhood
01:18:00when he proposed to my mother on a rainy night in the olive grove.
01:18:15It's the invisible beauty of things we don't notice
01:18:21but persist beyond our base senses.
01:18:29For any do of little things the heart finds mourning
01:18:33wrote the poet Carillo de Blas.
01:18:36Sharing a glass of wine with those you love.
01:18:43Hearing an old story from a friend.
01:18:51Realizing for a moment how special this all is.
01:19:00And that there's nothing you would cherish more
01:19:03in that ephemeral instant.
