Regisseur Cameron Crowe begleitet Musiker Tom Petty und seine Band von 1982 bis 1983, während sie mit ihrem Album Long After Dark touren. Der fertige Film wird 1983 auf MTV ausgestrahlt, verschwindet dann aber in der Versenkung. Mit Tom Petty: Heartbreakers Beach Party wird die Dokumentation mit neuen Szenen und einer remasterten Bild- und Tonqualität neu aufgelegt.
00:00Room service, can we clean the room please?
00:03Excuse me, sir?
00:05Get the f*** out of here.
00:08Heartbreakers Beach Party
00:13It's Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers in
00:17Heartbreakers Beach Party
00:21Take a peek behind the curtain as Tom and the gang tour around the world
00:26What about the Heartbreakers on the road?
00:28We're on the road, you know, it's like we're a family
00:31Open up about their personal lives
00:33Once the music got into my body, I mean, I never could think of doing anything else
00:37And talk about their just released album, Long After Dark
00:41I think it sounds great
00:42Howie loves it, man, Howie loves it
00:46Cameron, Stan says to cut this intro out, no one wants to see this kind of thing
00:50Heartbreakers Beach Party, Cameron Crowe's directorial debut
00:54V Lost 80's Classic is back after 40 years
00:58Yeah, I always roll my own cigarettes
01:06It's real hard to play and like get into the songs and stuff
01:08with these guys punching me out down there
01:11Nice shot
01:12I feel good about it
01:16Heartbreakers Beach Party, remastered and on the big screen
01:21Don't miss it
01:23The good times aren't over
01:26They're not