• last year
Cheryl Burke Shares Why She’s Chosen Celibacy for 3 Years Since Matthew Lawrence
DIvorce: I Was a ‘Serial Dater’


00:00Why did you decide to be celibate for this past year and what's that experience been like for you?
00:06Um I think with my sobriety, with um my divorce from the show, from my ex-husband,
00:14moving, all of these life changes that I've heard like you can only do five before you
00:19you go like actually insane so I'm like almost at that limit but um but that's who I am like
00:26I'm like all or nothing right we're gonna go a thousand percent even though there's only a hundred
00:32um but I believe that I don't know it was just it naturally just ended up being like that because
00:40then you know I'm in therapy I'm active with my therapist at least twice a week and at first I
00:46was like oh is this part of my social anxiety like am I building up this um wall because I'm
00:52like scared to be hurt again or whatever it is right because that that would be something that
00:57I would do but actually what is so insane is like society today it's almost like what's wrong with
01:04you when you're 40 and single instead of like celebrating people who have the courage to be
01:10single at 40 and yet we parade love and relationships new love new relationships
01:16all over Instagram and I'll never forget being interviewed by somebody recently and they're
01:20like well you seem like really proud to be single like as if it was not like are you sure you're
01:29proud and I'm like right you know it's it's interesting and I you know I have a lot of
01:35questions I ask threads my threads account and it's really fascinating to hear other people's
01:41opinions where you know some will be like super like you're just a bad picker you're doomed for
01:47life and then some will just be like you know no that just means you know what you want like you
01:52know what you want you know what you don't want like celebrate that and it's generational I truly
01:57believe it like I think the older generation may think like you know this is not normal
02:02like you should be having babies and you should be married
