• last year


00:00What is the deal with this kid like I just watched the press conference here and you
00:10were funny you were you said to McCombie that his brother was his sister and that that was
00:22the line of the day and I also had to say I said earlier to Raleigh that I thought McCombie
00:27had a square dancing shirt on with Terminator glasses and I thought he looked awful yeah he
00:32literally had a square dancing shirt I have to admit it yeah you know I'm a fan of the Western
00:37not that shirt I'm a fan of the Western Western stuff but it's the Viper glasses the Viper glasses
00:45it was the Viper glasses it was turn yeah you know his brother calling me a bum but as you
00:51heard up there Trevor doesn't think I'm a bum and that that's all that matters he knows I'm
00:54world-class and anybody who's got a brother or a little brother walking around making fun of
00:59professional athletes you don't have a little brother you have a little sister cuz you know
01:04what guy on the sidewalk on the sidelines is gonna pick it you know when you were doing the
01:09pull-up when you came into the MGM yeah and then he gave you the business in the lobby no out in
01:15the ballet no he just called me a bum at the grand arrivals when I was on stage oh when you
01:20he wouldn't he wouldn't say that he wouldn't do that no what about his brother like what is it
01:27you're gonna get that interim belt Saturday night I listen mafia knows I wanted to watch Danny Caleb
01:33and Canelo I got my I got the trifecta I got my wish cuz I ain't seen you fight in a minute now
01:39the one thing I love about you is the stones on you of who you will fight you fought Canelo you'll
01:46fight them all you fought Benavides they call them on so you're like you're not afraid of him
01:51you fought all of them and win or lose you fight anybody they put in front of you that's what I
01:57like about you there's a lot of guys that'll duck guys their entire career because they don't want
02:03to have a blemish on their record as if they matter I respect guys that fight everyone no
02:09matter what happens in the ring how do you see it play out in your life and career yeah I mean
02:14you know my dad always taught me that it's important to go after the biggest challenges
02:19you know if you want that legacy if you want that glory which is what a real warrior lives for then
02:25you got to go after the biggest task and if you think you're the baddest man then you know whoever
02:29else they say is great you got to test your skills against them and sometimes you may come up short
02:35and people may call that a blemish but I think the real blemish is never testing your skills to begin
02:41with and never going after the biggest fights so I pride myself on that.
