The president of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, published the letter written by Edmundo Gonzalez in which he recognizes the institutionality of the Bolivarian state institutions.
00:00Fernando Rizquez, in a chance he told me, to the gossips, gossips are killed by
00:09publishing everything on due time. Gossips are exterminated by
00:17coming out, reveal the truth, to share the truth with people. So that
00:24phrase I always remembered because it's very elusive. In the latest days it has
00:29been presented, a truthful gossip, gossips of rumors, of matrices
00:39interested around, matrices interested in the running away of Mr. Urrutia,
00:49Gonzalez Urrutia. And we, representatives of the Bolivarian state, especially of
00:54the Bolivarian government of Venezuela, we have been cautious, we have been
01:03patient about the different matrices revealed on the media. In fact, today,
01:13early in the morning, it appeared in foreign media outlets and communication
01:20media attached to the Venezuelan far-right opposition, this information
01:25that which was, they presented the document in which my name appeared as a
01:33recipient and it pointed out that the Mundo Gonzalez complies
01:41with the final judgment decisions and recognized the Venezuelan state
01:49institutions. From there, the manipulations, matrices, gossips, everything
01:55with the intention to distort the truth. And likewise, pardon me, all
02:04Venezuela knows, particularly when we refer to the far-right opposition, that
02:11lies are always revealed and that, sorry, that the truth is always going to be
02:22revealed. In the previous days that Mundo Gonzalez left the country, we were
02:31contacted by people close to Mr. Gonzalez Urrutia for holding talks with
02:42President Nicolás Maduro about the desire that Mundo Gonzalez Urrutia has regarding
02:53abandoning the country. And so, we initiated the contacts with that, with
02:59those people, and then he later commissioned Vice-President Delcy
03:06Rodríguez for her to be her representative in the conversations with
03:11Mr. Gonzalez Urrutia. Then, we had direct talks with Mr. Gonzalez
03:24Urrutia by phone conversations and personal conversations between Mr.
03:31Gonzalez Urrutia, who invited us the night before departing Venezuela to
03:37hold talks in the Spanish embassy to Caracas. As gossips are
03:49broadcasted, well, here it is, I show the letter duly signed by Mr.
03:59Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia. At first, I am going to show you his signature, and
04:06then, there you see, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, this ID, 20,000,003,
04:18and my signature as received as a witness in the act of signing. And then,
04:28you see on the first page, you see the signature of Mr. Gonzalez Urrutia
04:35and my signature. This is the original letter that Mr. Gonzalez Urrutia sent
04:44to me. Citizen Jorge Rodríguez Gómez, President of the National Assembly. There,
04:54you see, the first letters, the first words are noticeable because he
05:07recognizes the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela elected
05:14in December 2020, which have a duration of five years as all legislative terms that
05:23were approved by the Bolivarian Constitution of Venezuela. Jorge Rodríguez Gómez,
05:31President of the National Assembly. There, you see, it is not said Juan Guaidó or any
05:40other opposition member. And so, that is pointed out by Gonzalez Urrutia. I directed to you,
05:47on my condition as a Venezuelan citizen, on the duly time to refer to the events that happened
05:58after the July 28th elections. And so, there's another news. The National Electoral Council,
06:13as Gonzalez Urrutia highlighted, issued the results of presidential elections of July 28th,
06:232024. I pointed it out because many media outlets and foreign governments, enemies of the free
06:34independent revolution of Venezuela, they insist on saying that the National Electoral Council has
06:43not issued any results. And even Gonzalez Urrutia recognized that the National Electoral Council
06:51issued results. And then, as it is of your knowledge, on August 2024, the Supreme Court
07:06of Justice issued a final judgment about the contentious appeal filed by Venezuelan President
07:18Nicolás Maduro Modros, before the controversy emerged after the presidential elections,
07:28as it is expressed by, as it is abided by constitution. So, the contentious appeal,
07:38after opposition, the sectors led violent crimes, triggering brutal murders of 27 Venezuelans. And
07:53if in the face of a situation that has to be cleared out, the Venezuelan president
08:05came to the Supreme Court of Justice and filed that contentious appeal. President of the National
08:15Assembly, I am willing to recognize, I will always recognize the decisions made by the
08:28Supreme Court of Justice, abided by constitution, including the final judgment of the Supreme Court
08:41of Justice of the Electoral Chamber. Notwithstanding, I do not share the Electoral
08:52Chamber's final judgment. I complied with it, as it shall occur with any citizen of Venezuela.
09:08You may like it or not, but your constitutional obligation is to comply with the final judgment,
09:19as it is a judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice, the top official entity of the
09:29republic, period. When he highlighted that he complied with the final judgment, he referred to
09:42the ratification of the results issued by the National Electoral Council.
09:52The defense, the lawyers just rest, because in all the content of the letter,
10:11he mentioned the sentence, the final judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice. And then he said,
10:21convinced on the need of exploring all possibilities of understanding
10:27for peace, I wish to give my respects and recognition to all Venezuelan institutions
10:36represented in the five state powers, electoral powers led by President Nicolás Maduro,
10:45legislative power, electoral power led by President Elvira Morozo, judicial power
10:59led by President Carizlia Rodríguez. And he pointed out his respects and recognition.
11:09There is no Supreme Court of McDonald that are met, are being met in Miami,
11:18or any Spanish parliament that are being gathered in Spain, but he just,
11:28he's abided by the constitution. So, within this context, I am willing to depart from Venezuela
11:38and I want to emphasize on the political dialogue, and this is a fundamental element.
11:44He searched for us. There was any kinds of measures as the press and far-right opposition
11:54sectors have pointed out. There is not any kind of situation in which Mr. González Urrutia could feel
12:06being violating his rights. During his conversation, he just came up with the solution
12:16of departing Venezuela and requesting political asylum in the Spanish kingdom.
12:24And so, Venezuela is very respectful with asylum regulations and everything related to
12:43international rights. Venezuela respects them. So, this is not the government of Novoa who
12:56breaks into embassies by force.
12:59Consequently, I found myself at the headquarters of the Spanish embassy to Caracas.
13:14I repeat that we were invited to hold talks with Mr. González Urrutia by phone and face-to-face.
13:27As I repeat, we had several encounters the night before departing the country on September 8,
13:40and I transferred my station to requesting political asylum before your government,
13:53and for a very accurate reason. European countries do not allow that the person who
14:03wanted to request asylum does it through an embassy, but he has to arrive to the
14:17Spanish territory to request the asylum. But, well, the word is a word.
14:26As it appeared my name there at the beginning, and my name has appeared in several
14:36lies. Well, it is necessary to come here and tell the truth.
14:42In other of the lies in that direction, there is understanding for the corresponding passages,
14:57safeguard passages of Mr. González Urrutia and his wife, and still today there are people
15:08saying that there was no negotiation, no conversation. What was it?
15:20What was it? What do they think that we are still in the 16th century in which
15:38an official airplane of the Spanish kingdom entered Venezuelan territory? Well, that plane
15:49has to do it by the authorization of the Venezuelan government, and so
15:57for the aircraft to go from Madrid to the Dominican Republic, and when we provided the
16:11corresponding passage in that plane, Mr. González Urrutia departed, fled
16:27the country. We no longer have to say that an airplane came by here and picked him up.
16:42That's not like that, and so everything is a byproduct of the desire of González Urrutia
16:55abandoning Venezuela and the conversations held with Mr. González Urrutia that led to this letter
17:04and the conversations between the government of Venezuela and the government of Spain
17:10to bestow the authorizations of the exit and
17:20the departure and arrival, departure from Venezuela and the arrival to Spain of Mr.
17:29González Urrutia. So, González Urrutia, you must keep your word because we only have
17:38our word which it enclosures, it embraces the decency.
17:47So, he said he would give record that
17:54his opinions about Venezuela's politics will be limited, and you tell me if you are complying
18:08with what you promised. Having conversations with Antony Blinken to attack Venezuela,
18:19to threaten Venezuela in a kind of possession of Donald Trump's or Eliot's
18:28Abbot, it seems like Antony Blinken was mesmerized by these characters.
18:41And so, González Urrutia has been meeting with these despicable human beings
18:52and the other from parliament to parliament begging for things that he himself rejects
19:03in this letter. He says of parliament, of the Spanish parliament,
19:11and here this González Urrutia said he complied with the final judgment of the Supreme Court of
19:20Justice. How is it left the thing that you approved interfering in the internal affairs
19:28of Venezuelans? You have nothing to deem about regarding Venezuela, and how is it possible that a
19:39person complied with the final judgment and that said that the electoral results that provided as
19:52winner president elect Nicolás Maduro, and he said he accepted that he recognized the resolution
20:02and the effects of the final judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice, and then the far right,
20:11the Spanish far right said no. Even though González Urrutia complied with it,
20:22we denied that, the Spanish far right said. And with the purpose of reaching peace and
20:33tranquility, I must be prudent, I must respect publicly, and so does he comply with what he
20:47wrote? No. So, we have been patient, we have been putting up with aggressions from the European
21:00Parliament, Antony Blinken, José María, Felipe González, and all of them insulting Venezuela,
21:09using González Urrutia to insult Venezuela, to attack Venezuela, and so we get tired because we
21:19keep our word, and then an article published by the Gran Aldea website,
21:31they were lying, they were saying barbarism as Mr. González Urrutia was repressed,
21:45and so there, an article from El País came out saying other things, and so gossips end,
22:00because the truth is revealed. We have all the evidence of this situation.
22:10I hope, Mr. President of the National Assembly, to count on your good offices
22:20regarding this letter in favor of the interests of our nation. Thank you, Mr. González Urrutia,
22:28for recognizing the authority of the National Assembly and the five public powers of the
22:35Venezuelan state, but this is concerning with the purpose that
22:46there have been a lot of lies and attacks, and so we have to respond by telling the truth,
22:57and it is the truth. Attorney José Vicente Aro, let's put a video about something he said
23:06this morning. I must inform directly the communique by the president of González Urrutia in a
23:18conversation I held with him after he arrived in Madrid, and after being at peace,
23:30and Mr. González Urrutia ratified me directly that he had not submitted any document in which
23:39he recognized the electoral results issued by the National Electoral Council in the
23:46bulletins one and two, or the ratification and verification of the electoral results
23:54established by a final judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela
24:00at the electoral chamber on August 22, 2024. This information has been disseminated by media
24:12outlets and social media, and by the request of Mr. González Urrutia, I must disclose that this
24:22information is not attached to the truth, so I must request concerning the issue of Mr. González
24:30Urrutia. People must handle problems, and must consult truthful sources, because there are a
24:42lot of speculations about it, and so these speculations damage the image of Mr. González
24:51Urrutia to his political leadership and the cause led as an opposition democratic
25:03candidate, representing the unitary platform of the New Time Party and the movement for Venezuela.
25:14That's what I wanted to say about it, and finally to add that Mr. González Urrutia,
25:20until the latest time, he advocated for the release of political prisoners in Venezuela,
25:27and that's the request that he asked me, and so that will depend on the Venezuelan authorities to
25:38adopt the due acts, and so he advocated for the release of political prisoners, as he always
25:49has done since the time he took the candidacy for presidential elections on July 28th.
26:03So, it's not only a liar, but he is very out of date, because in the few
26:18releases he's just observed as a liar, because reality confirms otherwise. Just observe the
26:33signature of González Urrutia, and so then he made the call again to Mr. González Urrutia,
26:43and asked him, what is this about of what I'm showing here? This is González Urrutia while
26:54he was at the Spanish embassy to Caracas, in which we were summoned the night before
27:06he departed from Venezuela. Mr. González Urrutia, signing the document in our presence,
27:21to hand it over to us with the presence of the executive vice president,
27:29Mundo González, sorry, the executive vice president, Darcy Rodríguez.
27:45From your own hands, Mr. González Urrutia wanted us to receive the letter that I have just read,
27:56and there you see the plane of González Urrutia. Let's see a video.
28:26This is the plane of the Spanish government at the
28:48international Simón Bolívar airport, at a request of the Spanish government,
28:55in which we agreed, because no one forces us to do anything. And if we agreed, we agreed,
29:06and if we don't, we just said no. But we agreed, and so we allowed that the Spanish government
29:16would be at the hangar of the executive vice presidency of the airport. So, in conclusion,
29:27I received a letter signed by Mr. González Urrutia. In that letter, he complied with the
29:37final judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice, and he established that he fled, he departed from
29:44Venezuela voluntarily, and that he promoted dialogue with his country, and that he is at the
29:55headquarters of the Spanish embassy to Caracas, and there he sent his intention to request asylum
30:08in Spain. And so, we hope you comply, you keep your word, and he highlighted that his public
30:18activity will be limited, and so he is not complying with his promise, because he is part of
30:27the lies that, and he just supports the lies that he has been persecuted. So, you see the
30:40climax of the conversations that conducted that the Venezuelan government bestowed the
30:51the consecutive safeguard passages to Mr. González Urrutia. So, we expect two things,
31:02that with this, the gossips end, because this is the truth, and the other thing is that
31:14you, Mr. González Urrutia, complied with what you signed here.
31:21With a lot of pleasure, I will answer all questions by
31:27a double B, Gabriela González. Good afternoon, let me put the letter here.
31:45There you see, Gabriela, the letter, the signature.
31:48I have four questions, let me put the letter away, just four,
32:04because we have, I have four questions, and the first is, Mr. González Urrutia has just
32:15answered to the statements you gave, and that he pointed out that he signed that letter
32:24by forcibly, and he was threatened, and so I wanted to see your criteria about it,
32:36and the second question is that you spoke about this final judgment of the Supreme Court of
32:44Justice. I wanted to consult you as President of Parliament and member of the PSUV regarding this
32:56final judgment. He, at the National Electoral Council, was urged to publish the results
33:05until today. There hasn't been happening, and the fourth, related to Spain, the Spanish Senate
33:15has approved the possibility of recognizing González Urrutia as President-elect, and it is
33:24a, it is claimed to, it is claimed to, it is proposed to break off relations with Spain,
33:35and so would you give any advance in this agreement about breaking off relations with
33:42Spain? And in the latest days, the Venezuelan governments, well, there have been four U.S.
33:51citizens detained, and on your condition as mediator of, negotiator of the government,
34:00these U.S. citizens, well, I would like to know if you have been holding conversations with the
34:09United States to reactivate negotiations. Thank you.
34:13Look, Gabriela, I repeat, the only thing that we have on our tongue, to our tongue, is the good
34:35name and words. For being a liar, you need a lot of memory because you have to remember lies,
34:42and then to settle, to settle the lies later. As I have bad memory, I have, I am absent-minded.
34:55I would tell you what happened with the letter today, but it is not a matter of this press
35:02conference. I would rather handle the truth. It is a call that I, that I made to all media outlets
35:13that you belong to the hegemonic media outlets. You are accustomed to accept the far-right opposition
35:22lies as they are truth, and where is the cohesion here? I told you, I tell you one thing, Gabriela,
35:31and González Urrutia, you are accusing me of having forced you in somehow, but I have
35:40evidence of otherwise. Do not compel me to show them because I am willing to do it.
35:49I have recorded conversations personally. Would you like me to show them?
35:55I respect discretion, but so I haven't showed them, but if you accuse me, I am going to show them.
36:07This is not the only thing that we have. We have more things. Is this cohesion, Gabriela,
36:17or here, can you see cohesion there?
36:20The Spanish ambassador is accomplice of the cohesion because he's there.
36:37There you see he's reading and signing.
36:40You know, in any case, pardon me if I am rude, González Urrutia,
36:57in the better of cases for you, you are a coward
37:03because there is no human being that compels me to write my name in something I do not agree with.
37:16In the better of cases for you, and it is a lie, don't force me to show the evidence
37:26because in the next 24 hours, you won't tell the truth and you won't
37:37back down of that accusation. I will show the evidence that we
37:46held conversations. You've got 24 hours to tell the truth,
37:50to stop the allegation. I would recommend you to rectify, to make
38:01the wrong right. So throughout the whole Republican history,
38:08we have all kinds of leaders, most of all in the four republics in which there were no ethics
38:19but cowardice in Venezuela is not forgiven. I wouldn't want to think that you fled the country
38:31because you were scared. I hope it isn't because of that. I hope that the reasons why you departed
38:43are for the reasons you wrote in the letter. So if in 24 hours you don't tell the truth,
38:53you stop the accusations, I will show you the evidence. And regarding the final judgment of
39:04the Supreme Court of Justice, there's a final judgment that ratified the results
39:11issued by the National Electoral Council and the National Electoral Council published the results
39:19have abided by the constitution and the laws and it is already published on the official gazette
39:28the results of the presidential elections. If they mounted a matrix to substitute
39:37the functions of the National Electoral Council, making a coup d'etat of the electoral system,
39:47but the National Electoral Council has complied with its obligations established by the electoral
39:54laws, by the constitution, and even the final judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice which
40:03we must fulfill with the final judgment. We don't mind what the Spanish senate said.
40:19We don't give, we don't mind, we don't matter their opinion. It is an aggression,
40:27it is a clear aggression even with Mr. González Urrutia who is telling that he
40:34respects, he complied with. So the far right, the Spanish far right is
40:47going against the freedom of Europe to attack Venezuela.
40:52We, the national assembly of the Bolivarian revolution of the Venezuela, yesterday
41:02we recognized the agreement about external policy of Venezuela
41:11and tomorrow we will be approving the agreement in the national, at the national assembly.
41:21Regarding the four U.S. citizens,
41:26but and other travelers, other tourists that before coming here they were doing tourism
41:39in Afghanistan, Libya, all in the same hotel in Bogota. It seems that they were all hired by the
41:47same person and they received the instructions. I just wanted to say, I just want to say
41:55that investigations are really advanced as Minister Cabello said before the national assembly
42:05and in the upcoming minutes and hours we will be clearing out and
42:17sent and defeating all these conspiracies. We haven't received any contact by
42:29their opportunity. They were on the negotiation tables with the United States of America.
42:38And so, four questions, Gabriela.
42:48By HispanTV, Marcos Salgado. Hi, President, a question.
42:56What could you advance, what can you tell us about the nature, the tone of the phone
43:07and face-to-face conversations held with González Urrutia? There was a ton of
43:14fights of conciliation. Well, it was a cordial tone, a polite tone. The politeness doesn't,
43:27well, we exchange different criteria.
43:32And so, he said to present a letter directed to the President of the National Assembly because
43:43it is not Jorge Rodríguez, but it is on the condition of the representative of the National
43:54Parliament. So, I received that letter by hand because I knew Marcos that there was
44:04a possibility he denied it. We know it. We know that there was a possibility that he denied the
44:14truth. So, it was not a tone of cohesion or pressure. In all cases, the occasions you can
44:32certify, the whole people can certify. When we met with political, with opposition politicians,
44:44what we said privately, we said publicly. And there's a suggestion, an order by President
44:55Maduro that conversation is first, is a priority. And so, the opposition politicians have requested
45:07us these conversations to be secret. And I was quiet. Mr. González Urrutia
45:18talked dummy things with opposition leaders. Julio Borges is the owner of the great village,
45:31and of course, he published a lot of lies. And then El País published another version, and we know
45:41who provided the outlet, the information, the lies, and we kept quiet. And then they began to
45:55make up other things with the Spanish Senate, Parliament. To all those parliaments, we will
46:04answer them. But Mr. González Urrutia, you must respect your word. If in 24 hours you don't tell
46:14the truth and you don't stop the accusation, I will present the evidence. Thank you.
46:23I think it's Andrés. Andrés Díaz, how are you doing now? Good afternoon. Three questions,
46:30President. At the moment, you received the letter by the hands of Mr. González Urrutia.
46:37At the moment of analyzing it, would you like to add anything regarding the agreement you are
46:49pointing out, these decisions of some countries to recognize González Urrutia as president? Well,
47:02we have the votes to approve the bill. And about the other parliaments, I just came up with a new
47:14idea regarding what was the first question you asked me, if you would like to add an observation
47:31if that is the original letter or you add some information. Do you think that I will place a
47:38signature or something if then afterwards it is being demonstrated that it was forged?
47:50That's why it was my request to provide his signature in each of the pages.
48:04And I just show you the evidence that the Spanish ambassador was a witness and we have
48:16several witnesses participated in the act of signing this document. And why do we have records?
48:28Because we imagine these accusations. The attorney of González Urrutia said
48:38he didn't sign any documents and six hours later, I don't know how to call him,
48:46the client of José Vicente Aros said that he was forced to sign.
48:58And I told him, he has 24 hours to tell the truth. Well, we have three questions.
49:07You told that Mr. González Urrutia complied with the agreements of the asylum and I would like to
49:24know what happened with this. And I would like you to describe how was the context of the scenario
49:37of this encounter with González Urrutia and taking into account the evidence showed by Minister
49:46Diosdado Cabello of the destabilizing actions by the United States.
49:52It could be related, González Urrutia, with these destabilizing actions.
49:59The Convention on Asylum and Refuge that are being established by countries
50:11notes that the one requesting asylum, you have to be limited your political activity
50:23by the host country. So, for Mr. González Urrutia, well, we provide him the safeguard passages,
50:40but the host country demands to have limited activity for those being asyled.
50:53And so, the Spanish government must stress, must point out the obligations
51:07that González Urrutia has with his asylum. So, the conversations were on a polite tone.
51:17He presented us a letter that he requested to deliver the letter on our hands.
51:27And there you see the photos that I have already showed you. And there you see he's reading
51:37carefully his letter before signing it. I don't put any my signature in
51:51something that I do not agree, but you know the climate, the environment of the encounter.
52:02Don't force me to comply with the truth tomorrow, but I would rather not to do it. But, of course,
52:11I will do it if you don't tell the truth, if you don't stop the accusation, because I don't know
52:19in which part of the planet corresponds on a cohesive element to be seated in a room comfortably.
52:32While talking, the kindness of Mr. Spanish Ambassador, he served some
52:45some booze for the conversation to be nice. Unfortunately, I don't like whiskey,
52:56which he served, but there we have records of all of it, so it is not necessary.
53:10And enough with lies and gossips. I will show the evidence. You've got 24 hours to stop the
53:22accusations, but if you insist that this was a cohesion, I will show the conversations,
53:33and I tell more. If you signed under cohesion, how is it possible that one of your daughters
53:44is living in Venezuela at peace with her family, as all Venezuelans live
53:54that could think in one way or another, but they have freedom in Venezuela,
54:02a citizen of Venezuela. So, if we are the savage cohesion individuals, you are
54:13telling that you are doing the same as Juan Guaido when he ran away to Colombia and had
54:24his family here. Lies are always revealed. Thank you very much.
54:29We are listening to the live statements and a news briefing of the President of the National
54:43Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodríguez, who was presenting the original copy of the letter
54:49leaked earlier this morning in foreign media regarding a letter that was sent by a far-right
54:56opposition, Eduardo González, to the President of the National Assembly. In this letter, he
55:02recognized the institutions of the Venezuelan government, the Supreme Court of Justice,
55:07the National Electoral Council of Venezuela. He recognized the results of the July 28th
55:13elections, and he recognized the victory of President Nicolás Maduro at the polls in
55:18these elections that were held on July 28th. In this case, Jorge Rodríguez presented
55:24sounding evidence of the meeting that was held in the Spanish Embassy, where
55:29Eduardo signed and recognized and had the agreement, something that has been denied by
55:35many foreign and mainstream media. During the press conference, Jorge Rodríguez presented all
55:40necessary evidence to put an end to the gossip, to put an end to the lies, and pledged to continue
55:45presenting evidence if Eduardo González and the far-right continues with this policy of
55:50disregarding the truth and distorting the reality of Venezuela. Stay tuned with TREASURING for more
55:55updates. We're going back, we're going back to, we're going back, let's go.