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00:00hi guys welcome back to another youtube video so apologies if my voice is a bit funky i'm a bit
00:07not well but we're doing another shoe haul i'm loving the shoe hauls at the minute i think
00:12they're really fun and also it's like just really growing my shoe collection it's like not playing
00:18us um yeah just there's not really like a genre i can put them in they're all like very different
00:28so i'm just gonna put them on and stop okay so this is the first fit um actually i need to put
00:37this down a little bit because i need you to see the actual shoes because that's literally
00:40a point in the video right might cut my head off a little bit or there's my uggs ignore them
00:46so they're just like normal plain black knee high boots very like in right now knee high
00:52boots um i love them can you tell i've got a whole new section for just my boots at the bottom
00:58because obviously i have heels as well but i can't wear heels out because i'm honestly i can't
01:05walk in them i can barely walk in boots but yes this is outfit this is from pale tape this from
01:11white fox just a little basic i've just cropped it a little bit just because i feel like that
01:16looks better than having no skin showing um yeah i love the skirt i think it looks really cool
01:23i think it's a very like concept outfit maybe going out though i mean
01:28yeah oh i think it looks cute the heels quite thick on these boots as well so they're easy to
01:34walk in and they're like they're crunching a bit like because i've got my bare grippers in
01:42i don't really wear fluffy socks um but they're like circular at the front if you can kind of
01:48see i don't know how to explain what they're like but yeah i really like these i think this
01:52whole outfit is really cute yeah cute this i needed a black pair because i feel like that's
01:59like basic i need a black and a white i have a somewhat white pair okay this is the next fit
02:05we'll take a moment for the dress because how nice i absolutely love this dress little lace
02:10detail at the top i love it one on my face the shoes on the other hand not on the other hand
02:17because it's a good thing they're so nice obviously i'll put like little videos in and
02:21stuff of them close up i'll try and show you my best right now how cute they're just like little
02:28white heels they're giving wedding vibes and then they have like little chains going across the front
02:34and the bottom if you can see that you can yeah how cute and they're not too high i can actually
02:41walk in them which is like shocking if i can walk quite fine and i think i'd still do little trips
02:49but they're looking good but they're like i don't know i can't actually balance on one foot
02:58properly in them though so you're gonna have to just look at the little video that i'll put
03:03close up of them but they're so pretty i'm actually obsessed wow um they're worth 70 pounds
03:10originally because they're like the premium ones and you can definitely tell if i ordered them for
03:1370 pounds i got these i'd still be really happy um which oh they're just so nice i don't it this
03:22is like just resting on my foot oh there that's a better one actually i'm struggling but this
03:29this better look how cute absolutely i love them so you can already see the shoes because they're
03:37so high this is a high rise bodysuit and then skirt from PLT it's a little cord
03:45cute i like it i think it's quite pretty i mean i guess you're meant to have the skirt like that
03:50but it's not fire up for me so i'm gonna keep it like that they still do um right i'm not the
03:59biggest fan of having them this high do you see me nearly fall there my god they're quite skinny
04:08here which is never a good sign for me look at that look how skinny that is it's not for me
04:15but i think they feel really nice like they're really soft if you like this style you'd like
04:20to have boots this high definitely go for it because they are really really nice i just don't
04:24know if it's my thing like i don't know i guess i'd be warm my legs would be covered but i don't
04:33know i don't know if it's for me like a little pointy toe i can't think of something to say about
04:40um quite like it i think the actual boots are really really pretty i do like the look of them
04:45i just don't know if this high rises for me but i mean it goes really nice with that outfit with
04:51the green the cream goes really pretty um i don't know they're sock like a sock boot by the way if
05:01you couldn't tell you can um which does make them comfy i will say i don't know they don't feel
05:07horrible to walk in or anything yeah obviously i know it would get progressively worse throughout
05:11the night but they're not particularly bad so that's a good thing um yeah i just don't know if
05:19it's my type of boot but if it is definitely 100% try it out because they're really comfy
05:26and they're pretty easy walking and that's come from me i can't walk in heels right we're going
05:31to struggle with walking in these ones though but firstly can we take a minute i appreciate
05:35outfit absolutely love this it's a little like holiday fit i thought it'd be really cute for
05:41lanzarote maybe maybe not a zany fit well maybe it could be i don't know i love the little like
05:48flowy things um at the sides i think they look really cute i love all the ruches and like the
05:55side to side stuff i just love it i think it's really nice right the shoes however let's get
06:02back properly but they're a size five which i'm not a size five i am a size five in trainers
06:08because trainers don't really matter but um in the heels i'm still a size four and these ones
06:14are a size five so you can see like they're a little bit big they're just like slightly hanging
06:18off my foot i don't i do really like them i think it would be really cute like it's obviously it's
06:24quite a big platform i think it's quite thick but i think it would be that because the beige and i
06:32feel like they go with a lot if i wanted to wear heels so i'm a bit upset but they just don't fit
06:40that well you can like if i do this you can't really see my toes poking out the front which
06:45means i would definitely fall over if it came down to it but i can somewhat stand on one foot
06:52the heel is very skinny as well so also couldn't do a little model walk in them i'm not going to
06:58try because i don't want to i don't want to fall over and embarrass myself um oh but how cute is
07:04this set if you imagine that it fits it would be guys so cute cute little fit got a white little
07:15skirt and then a little top from shin right i meant to have
07:24thigh high boots on i don't
07:30like i swear i'm just gonna pull these back up so you can actually see what i'm talking about
07:37what the hell that actually could be cute as well like they're so sparkly but every time
07:44if i do like a little walk they're just back down to the bottom so i'm a little bit upset about that
07:54they could have been cute i've got a little like i don't know how sure is this
07:59oh god right there oh it's just fell down but it's a clear heel like the actual shoe
08:07it's not it's like pushing it down so funky but this is what i would look like if i was
08:13actually wearing them so maybe it's a good thing that it's not working but
08:17i'm slightly upset about it slightly annoying it's quite a high heel quite skinny heel which
08:23obviously not best for me anyways i can walk in them though like i feel like they're
08:28somewhat comfy and they feel somewhat okay on my feet oh my god you can hear the washing machine
08:34going off it's making me mental but cute outfit though just not cute shoes the color and everything
08:43was just so cute but it was just a mess with the sizing it just does not go well on my legs
