• last year
00:00How's the business been doing without being in Market Square?
00:06Terrible. Absolutely terrible.
00:09A waste of time. It was supposed to be a 13th century market, not a playground.
00:17They ruined it by changing it originally, the cobbles and all of Market Square.
00:23It was very vibrant when we first moved up here over 50 years ago.
00:27It's taken the soul and the heart out of the town.
00:30Entirely so, and obviously some of the storeholders here are still...
00:36Some of them have gone because of this new refurbishment.
00:40And then new stuff like my parents and dad's here and stuff.
00:44He has his own brewery down at the bottom, requires farm and all that.
00:48I think it might be better for the town.
00:51Might bring in more businesses.
00:54But that's about it really.
00:55It's great, yeah. I'm really positive about it.
00:58Hopefully the Northampton people will be positive about it as well.
01:01And come and support it when it opens.
01:04So I think it's great.
01:05Have you had the chance to have a look?
01:07I've not had a proper look, but the unit we have got looks pretty good.
01:13I think it's more to do with the homestead.
01:16If the council did something about it.
01:21Instead of like they did with Debenhams.
01:24The old Debenhams.
01:25Turned that into uni housing.
01:29You know, why?
01:30It should be for homeless people.
01:32House them first.
01:33House us.
01:34House the people of Northampton.
01:36Not doing stuff like this.
01:39Brilliant idea.
01:40Good concept.
01:41But the housing situation.
01:43They've destroyed the market itself.
01:46By removing it completely.
01:48Down to the bottom of the town.
01:51They could have continued with it on Abingdon Street.
01:54So that's gone.
01:57Also I suppose the price of the storm treatment.
02:00I think that's another thing.
02:02It looks a lot cleaner and tidier and bigger actually.
02:05And I think they've done fantastic ground work there.
02:08It's taken a long time.
02:09But they've obviously had to do a lot of work underground as well.
02:13So I think it's great the whole thing.
02:16And there's such historic buildings around as well.
02:19What would you get garden shed from Italy when we can make them?
