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Funny Bollywood Hindi comedy videos


00:00Sir, how do I look?
00:06I look like Dharamji, don't I?
00:09You don't look like Dharamji, you look like a monkey.
00:12You walk around like a chicken.
00:13You eat like a dog all day long.
00:15One day you'll explode like a mosquito.
00:16Your dead body will be lying on the road.
00:17You'll have to call the police to pick you up.
00:19And sometimes you'll have to bathe like a buffalo.
00:20Your clothes stink so much.
00:22The entire staff is worried about you.
00:23If your clothes are smelled instead of the chloroform in the hospital,
00:25the patient will go into a coma.
00:30Don't pull my stomach.
00:31Your stomach is outside.
00:32Cutting a dead body's hair won't make it lighter.
00:35What nonsense is this?
00:36What am I saying?
00:37I'm in control.