Mr Silly

  • la semaine dernière
00:31Mr Silly lives in Nonsense Land, which is a very funny place to live.
00:36You see, in Nonsense Land, everything is as silly as it can be.
00:42In Nonsense Land, the trees are red and the grass is blue. Isn't that silly?
00:48In Nonsense Land, dogs wear hats.
01:01And you know how birds fly in Nonsense Land?
01:05No, they don't fly forwards.
01:08It really is a very silly place indeed.
01:11Which, of course, is why Mr Silly lives there.
01:17Mr Silly, in fact, lives in quite the silliest looking house you've ever seen in your whole life.
01:24Have you ever seen a sillier looking house than this?
01:31Now, this particular story is all about the Nonsense Cup.
01:36You see, in Nonsense Land, each year, they hold a competition.
01:40And the cup is awarded to whoever has the silliest idea of the year.
01:45Mr Silly had never won the cup.
01:48Each night, he had to come up with a silly idea.
01:52And Mr Silly had never won.
01:56Mr Silly had never won the cup.
01:59Each night, lying in his bed, he dreamed about winning it.
02:03In order to win the Nonsense Cup, Mr Silly realised that he would have to think up something remarkably silly.
02:10He pondered over the problem one morning at breakfast.
02:14Incidentally, you may be interested to know what Mr Silly was having for breakfast.
02:19He was having a cup of coffee, into which he put a spoonful of marmalade.
02:26After that, he had a cornflake sandwich.
02:29And to finish, he had a boiled egg.
02:32But being Mr Silly, he ate the shell as well.
02:39Now isn't that a silly breakfast?
02:41Anyway, this particular breakfast time, Mr Silly was thinking how to win that cup.
02:48He remembered two years ago when Mr Foolish won the cup.
02:52Mr Foolish, who was a friend of Mr Silly's, had won the cup by inventing a car.
02:58It was quite a normal car, apart from one thing.
03:08Isn't that silly?
03:10Mr Silly thought and thought.
03:13He even had another cup of coffee, with marmalade.
03:17That didn't help either.
03:19So, he decided to take a walk.
03:26On his walk, Mr Silly met a chicken wearing wellington boots and carrying an umbrella.
03:34Wouldn't it be silly if you didn't wear wellington boots and carry an umbrella, he said to the chicken.
03:39Meow, said the chicken.
03:42Because animals in Nonsense Land don't make the same noises as they do in your country.
03:47It was in the middle of Mr Silly's walk that he had his idea.
03:51It was a beautifully silly idea.
03:55Quite the silliest idea he'd ever had.
03:58He hurried into town and bought himself a pot of paint and a paintbrush.
04:06A huge crowd assembled in the city square to see who was going to win the cup.
04:11The king of Nonsense Land mounted the specially built platform.
04:15One of the silliest ideas of the year is by Mr Muddle, the farmer.
04:21He has managed to grow, of all things, a square apple.
04:31The crowd clapped as the square apple was held up by Mr Muddle for everybody to see.
04:36He felt sure that he was going to win.
04:39However, said the king, and Mr Muddle's face fell.
04:45We have had an even sillier idea entered by Mrs Ninkumpoop.
04:51It was a teapot. Quite the silliest teapot there had ever been.
04:56The crowd broke into thunderous applause.
04:59I therefore have great pleasure, announced the king, in presenting the Nonsense Cup to...
05:07Yes, then he looked up and stopped in astonishment.
05:11Now, in the middle of the square there is a tree. It's always been there.
05:17And it was at this tree that the king was looking in astonishment.
05:22What, he cried, has happened to that tree?
05:26Everybody turned to look.
05:29The tree had green leaves. Bright green leaves.
05:34Not red leaves, like all the trees in Nonsense Land, but green.
05:40There was a gasp from the crowd.
05:44It was me, piped up Mr Silly.
05:48I painted all the leaves green last night when you were all asleep.
05:52A green tree, exclaimed the king.
05:55Whoever heard of a green tree?
05:58A green tree, shouted the crowd.
06:01How silly! And they started to applaud wildly.
06:05Mr Silly smiled modestly.
06:08The king held up his hand.
06:11I think, he said, that this is the silliest idea I have ever heard of.
06:19And therefore I award the Nonsense Cup to Mr...
06:25What did he say his name was?
06:27To Mr Silly.
06:30The crowd cheered and cheered.
06:33Mr Silly went quick with pride.
06:36And a bird, perched high up in the branches of the silly green tree, looked down.
06:43Oof, it said, and flew off, backwards.
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