Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai Episode 2 English Dub

  • 3 days ago


00:00Huh? What are we gonna do? So much cannon fire!
00:28It's alright, Regina. My dad is commanding everyone on the front lines.
00:32But milady, I've never seen so many. The sky was so full of voids.
00:37Don't be like that, Regina. You know that my mother, along with my sisters and all the other knights, have never lost a battle even once.
00:51Once I'm blessed with my own holy sword, I'm going to join my family in battle.
00:55I mean, I'm already entering school next week to start my training.
00:59Oh, that's right.
01:01My dad's a stickler. He said you're going to need to study just as much as you train and then dump a stack of books on me.
01:07But I'll be a full-grown adult before I'm done reading them all.
01:10That's the master for you?
01:12Oh, my sister Diana is sewing a dress for me. She said I'm going to need it when I start getting invites from all my new friends.
01:18That makes sense. Diana is so stylish.
01:21And my sister Eudice is teaching me her special technique in honor of getting into school.
01:25So we're going to start training next week. Do you want to learn it with me?
01:28I'll do my best.
01:30And also my mom is super excited about throwing a party for me after the school's opening ceremony.
01:35I hope that means she'll make pumpkin pie again.
01:38Of course she will. That's the only thing my mom knows how to bake, after all.
01:51I'm going out to fight! I have to help my mom, my dad, and my sister.
01:55Eudice, you must calm down.
01:57They have never lost a fight before. Not a single one. I swear everything will be okay.
02:02My sister Diana is going to make me a pretty dress so that my mom is going to bake us a pie.
02:26We've got 15 survivors in the Noble Quarter. Sending them your way now.
02:29That's impossible! There were more than a thousand Holy Knights fighting, and they were the cream of the crop.
02:35Are you telling me that none of them survived this? Many were young and in their prime.
02:40I'm so sorry, Regina.
02:42I swore that everything would be okay, but I was wrong. I'm sorry that I lied to you.
03:02Oh, so this whole place is a massive stronghold?
03:06Yes, but it's also the town where we live and where we go to school.
03:09Right. It's a place that we have to keep safe.
03:14I will never lie again.
03:20Incredible! I never imagined that people could build an island like this.
03:25It's not an island. It's a megafloat.
03:28Traveling the sea to seek and destroy void colonies on the front lines is the mission assigned to this Assault Garden.
03:35No way! This whole place moves?
03:38I sent the data from our analysis of the ruins.
03:41We rescued a young refugee boy, so we'll bring him back to the dorms.
03:45Yes, he does seem to possess a holy sword. Goodbye.
03:49Oh, wow! He's awakened his holy sword power?
03:52He's the one who healed my wound.
03:55It must have been your kind heart that manifested as a holy sword, Leo.
03:59So you weren't just some helpless refugee kid, huh?
04:02Sorry, what exactly is a refugee? And why are you calling me that?
04:07Oh, that's right. Still suffering from amnesia.
04:10Refugees are people driven from their homelands by the invading voids.
04:14Searching for refugees in various countries is one of the Assault Garden's missions.
04:18Okay, I get it now.
04:20Don't worry about it, Leo. You're going to live with us at Excalibur Academy from now on.
04:24Excalibur Academy?
04:26It's a school where people who can use holy swords are trained to become holy swordsmen.
04:31All kids who are endowed with a power have an obligation to enroll.
04:34In exchange, they're provided with a place to live.
04:37All right, then. That sounds good.
04:39You just let me handle all the paperwork.
04:42Okay, I'm going to do some shopping before heading back to the dorms.
04:45And then I'll cook us some food.
04:47Sounds good. I'll head back with Leo.
04:50Hey, Leo?
04:52Anybody who comes from outside has to enter from that door on the right and undergo an examination.
04:57Do you think you can manage by yourself?
05:00Yeah, I'll be fine.
05:02Okay, then. I'll be waiting for you at the exit.
05:23This sucks.
05:25How did things end up like this?
05:27I was supposed to rebuild my demonic army and bring humanity to its knees.
05:31But human civilization has developed freakishly fast.
05:35Plus those weird void monsters.
05:37And I'm stuck in the body of a child!
05:39Come, Blackess! Sherry!
05:44Did you call for me, old friend?
05:46I'm responding to your summons, Master.
05:48It's been a long time. Too long.
05:51Yes. A millennium of sleep lasted longer than I thought.
05:54But how did you end up looking like that?
05:57The reincarnation didn't go as planned.
06:00It appears I was brought back in my human form from the old days.
06:03As Leonis the Hero? Never saw you like that.
06:06That's because I was the Demon Lord by the time we originally met.
06:11Hm? What is it, Sherry?
06:13I feel obliged to tell you.
06:15Master, I find your current appearance to be quite adorable.
06:19You're making fun of me!
06:20Ah! Perish the thought!
06:22No matter. I need you two to do something for me.
06:25Your wish is my command.
06:27I'll gladly be of service to you, my friend.
06:29This place we're in right now is an artificial island the humans created.
06:33It serves as their mobile fortress, and they mentioned this was the seventh.
06:37So there are at least six other islands of a similar size and scale.
06:41Humanity is inferior to the elves, and they are weak compared to the broods of darkness.
06:46Are they capable of building such things?
06:48This world's drastically different from what I'd imagined before being reincarnated.
06:54It seems nothing like before. Even smells different.
06:57Before I rebuild my demonic army, we need to analyze their military strength.
07:02I want you to investigate this place.
07:04As you wish.
07:05Sorcery has all but died here, so no using spells. Keep that in mind.
07:09And what will you be doing if you don't mind my asking?
07:12I'll be infiltrating their military education facility.
07:15As annoying as it is, I'll need food, clothes, and shelter to survive.
07:18I'll be gathering intelligence as well.
07:20So basically you're just going to mooch off the humans, huh?
07:23You have a problem with me using the humans?
07:25No, I wanted to be the one taking care of you while you're in that cute new form of yours.
07:29You just say something!
07:31No, nothing at all.
07:32Then get going!
07:33As you wish.
07:42This must be some sort of checkpoint.
08:01This must be some sort of checkpoint.
08:19Mana suppression!
08:27Apparently I need to proceed with caution.
08:35Let me see that for a second.
08:41Now to schedule your Holy Sword inquiry. I have all I need.
08:46When someone enrolls in the Academy, they have to register the properties of their Holy Sword.
08:50After the inquiry, you'll then receive an official student ID card.
08:54The properties of my Holy Sword? I'll have to improvise and fool them.
08:58Try not to look so stressed out.
09:00It's just a formality.
09:02This is an important card that proves your identity, so I'm going to hold on to it.
09:07If you say so.
09:08All right. Before we go to the dorms, I'll give you a quick tour of the Academy.
09:35You mentioned being on the front lines, but this place actually seems pretty peaceful.
09:39That's right.
09:40Our Holy Swordsmen do get dispatched to the front lines,
09:43but the Seventh Assault Garden has always prevented any Voids from directly invading.
09:48Take a look!
09:51Say hello to Excalibur Academy!
09:55That's the Central Command Tower.
09:57It's the keystone where military affairs are handled, and the home to the Administration Bureau.
10:01An amazing sight.
10:02Yeah, I suppose it is.
10:04Most people seeing this the first time have a more intense reaction.
10:08What the hell?
10:09This place is far bigger than Death Hold was.
10:13That's the Lecture Hall.
10:14It's where we do all of our classroom learning.
10:17And this is the Auditorium.
10:20This is the main library.
10:21And next to that is the Research Lab.
10:23So all of these facilities make up Excalibur Academy?
10:26This is only a fraction.
10:28There's a Dance Hall and places like that, not to mention the dorms we all live in.
10:32Plus, there's a huge bathhouse right next to the dorms.
10:35And what purpose do the Dance Hall and the bathhouse serve?
10:39Holy Swords are brought forth by the heart of a Holy Swordsman,
10:41which means they can't exercise their full power when they feel disheartened.
10:45The Second Assault Garden had a facility that was used exclusively for conducting military drills,
10:50but apparently it wasn't effective.
10:54It seems this isn't a conventional military education facility.
10:58The Holy Sword Inquiry that you'll be attending tomorrow will be held here at the Outdoor Training Grounds.
11:04What's the matter?
11:07I'm all right.
11:12I need to get back to training after a little break at the dorms.
11:15I want to get my Holy Sword as soon as possible.
11:19All right.
11:20It seems strange to me that this girl who lacked the power of a Holy Sword would be enrolled in a military academy.
11:26Look! What a cutie!
11:29You better be careful. Kids like that are always the ones who grow up to be a Demon Lord in bed.
11:34Did she say Demon Lord?
11:36Seems you're popular around here, Leo.
11:38There's no way they know who I really am.
11:40Are the majority of students at Excalibur Academy girls?
11:43No, it's about a 50-50 split, but we're near the girls' dorms right now.
11:49Well, if it isn't Lady Roselia!
11:57Well, hello.
11:59Muscle Rose.
12:07My goodness, is that a battle scar I see?
12:10Let me guess, you volunteered to go on another mission that you're unfit for and then got yourself a boo-boo, right?
12:16This guy doesn't seem to be one of her friends.
12:18Let's go, Leo.
12:20Hey now, where are you going?
12:22Get out of the way!
12:23Come on, you don't have to be so nasty.
12:26So who is this little guy?
12:28It's really none of your business, is it?
12:36Pretending to play platoon with your outcast buddies wasn't enough, so now you're babysitting kids?
12:41Bravo, you deserve a round of applause.
12:43This boy is a full-fledged holy swordsman.
12:46A little brat like this? You can cut the crap now.
12:49It's natural for him to treat me like this, so I'll overlook this disrespect.
12:53I can't draw attention to myself.
12:56Quit breaking your back and join my platoon.
12:58Joining with me near the top of the pack means you don't have to worry about getting expelled.
13:03Even for a loser like you who can't manifest a holy sword despite it being in her blood.
13:09Oh, I see.
13:10Her lineage brought about high expectations that she hasn't been able to live up to.
13:14All you have to do is say yes and join my collection of toys.
13:18Perhaps a mind control spell or something that enforces servitude?
13:22Or another holy sword?
13:24There's no reason to risk your life going on dangerous void investigation missions.
13:28Oh, not interested.
13:32So you're gonna piss on my goodwill?
13:34Goodwill my ass.
13:36It's painfully obvious that he's just lusting after this girl.
13:38You don't get to treat me like that!
13:40Stop mistreating me!
13:47What, brat?
14:00Gosh, mister, are you okay there?
14:04Listen here, you uncultured swine.
14:06I'm gonna make damn sure that you never lay a finger on her again.
14:13Holy sword, activate!
14:18Stop it!
14:24Musel Rhodes.
14:25Using holy swords in personal fights is prohibited.
14:29Oh, hi Fine!
14:30Besides, this area is part of the female dorms.
14:33If you don't leave this instant, I'll send footage of this to the administration.
14:36Is that what you want?
14:40You bitch, you'll regret this!
14:44I let that lowly worm provoke me, but it seems I won't have to worry about it.
14:48I am magnanimous, but even I have my limits.
14:51Talk about your bad luck.
14:52Sorry you had to put up with that stupid jerk.
14:55Thank you, Fine.
14:56You came just in time.
14:57So I'm guessing you're the boy they found at the ruins.
15:00My name's Leonis Magnus.
15:02And my name is Alfine Follette.
15:04I'm a member of Celia's platoon who's in charge of data analysis.
15:09I'll arrange for a school uniform.
15:11I just recorded his sizes.
15:12I appreciate it.
15:13Is this a holy sword?
15:15It seems there are an infinite variety of shapes and abilities.
15:18Oh no, Celia, you're injured.
15:20Yeah, but Leo used his holy sword's ability to heal my wounds.
15:25That's such a huge help, thank you.
15:27Hey Celia, sorry I couldn't go with you on the mission.
15:30Processing the data took longer than I thought, but the administration needed it.
15:34What kind of data was it?
15:36Sensors picked up a strange magical reaction close by.
15:40I removed all the noise, but still couldn't figure out what it was.
15:43Perhaps it was a void nest?
15:45I was told they're going to dispatch an elite investigation team to gather more data.
15:49And eventually we should figure out what-
15:53Hey, are you okay?
15:54Yeah, I'm just a little tired, that's all.
15:57It seems she's getting close to running dry.
16:00This is our team's dorm.
16:02It's called Praisevulgar Dorm.
16:08It looks a lot older than the other dorms that we saw on the way here.
16:12The living quarters that we get assigned depend on the achievements of our platoon.
16:16What's a platoon?
16:17It's a combat unit comprised of holy swordsmen.
16:20This academy is run entirely on a merit-based system,
16:24so the platoons with higher ranks get assigned to newer dorms.
16:27Places like the Fafnir Dorm even have a jacuzzi.
16:30Jacuzzi? What kind of weapon is that?
16:33This is Regina's room.
16:37Regina, we're coming in!
16:42I figured she'd be asleep.
16:44Calling upon the power of a holy sword takes a lot out of the user.
16:48Don't any of the rooms have locks?
16:50Unfortunately not, because they're so old.
16:52We've been bugging them to install some.
16:55I should have asked, but are you sure it's not a problem for me to be in the female dorms?
17:00It's totally fine! You're just a kid!
17:02I don't understand how that makes anything totally fine.
17:07There is no place like home.
17:09Taking a bath comes first.
17:11Then we'll go to the academy's mess hall after we're all cleaned up.
17:14Hello! I'm right here!
17:17The bathroom is just in there. You can go ahead.
17:25Hey, Leo?
17:28Um, there's something we need to talk about.
17:31What is it?
17:32Well, after your holy sword inquiry, would you be willing to join our platoon?
17:42Oh, I'm sorry. We can talk later. Go take your bath.
17:47Is this some kind of magical device that makes use of fire and water spells?
17:51It's all such delicate and sophisticated technology.
17:54I never imagined being able to freely control the water's temperature to this extent.
18:07Leo, you silly boy! That's the body soap!
18:10You need to use the shampoo.
18:14Oh, no!
18:15Boy, that's the body soap! You need to use the shampoo.
18:21What's the matter?
18:22What are you doing?
18:24Let me guess. You're shy about being seen naked, but you're just a boy.
18:28And this doesn't embarrass you at all?
18:30Let your big sister scrub you down.
18:33Wow, you have such pretty skin.
18:35The morals of this era are totally backwards from what I'm used to.
18:39So, Leo, about what I said earlier.
18:43I want you to know that you're free to join whatever platoon you wish.
18:46Holy Swords that heal are valuable.
18:48I'm sure the higher-ranked platoons will be clamoring for you to join them.
18:52I haven't awakened to my Holy Sword yet,
18:54so there's little reason for you to choose my invitation over any of theirs.
18:59But in spite of that, I'd love for you to join us if you'd like.
19:02She openly admitted to the disadvantages of joining her.
19:05She's so honest, but still...
19:08Why are you so driven to go out in the dangers of the battlefield?
19:11If you haven't awakened a Holy Sword of your own,
19:13it might be better to have someone protect you.
19:17I'm not okay with that.
19:18I don't just want to be protected.
19:20I want to be the one doing the fighting.
19:22I have to be the one out fighting on the battlefield.
19:34My body...
19:41My body...
20:04Why did I just do that?
20:06Miss Celia, I told you I healed you with the power of a Holy Sword,
20:10but I was lying.
20:12Listen to me.
20:13I possess the power to revive a life that has been lost.
20:16I don't understand.
20:18What are you saying?
20:19I'm saying Roselia Rey Crystallia is dead.
