• last year


00:04Get away from her!
00:06Matilde, I can't.
00:07Clarita, yes, please don't let go.
00:09Don't let go, please.
00:10Surrender or she will regret it.
00:12Karla, what are you doing?
00:14You are not like this.
00:15Hold on, hold on, Clarita, look at me.
00:18Look at me.
00:18I wasn't like this.
00:20But this is all your fault, Inigo.
00:24If you had loved me, we would have been happy.
00:28The only thing I wanted was to be with you forever.
00:32Hold on very tight, nothing will happen to you.
00:35Karla, I know I've hurt you a lot.
00:48You broke my heart.
00:52You killed me alive, Inigo.
00:55You don't deserve someone capable of hurting you as much as I do.
00:59I'm sure if you stop doing all this,
01:02you'll find someone to be happy with.
01:04And forget all the time we were together?
01:09Inigo, I can't.
01:10Hold on very tight.
01:12Look at me, look at me.
01:15I can't and I don't want to.
01:20I can't forget all the kisses you gave me.
01:23All the days we were happy.
01:27I can't.
01:29I want to keep them with me forever, do you understand?
01:32I'm very scared.
01:34Clarita, please, hold on.
01:35Hold on very tight.
01:38Look at me, look at me.
01:41Do you think you're going to fool me with your lies?
01:43No, no.
01:44Your voice only causes me suffering, Inigo.
01:50And that's why I'm here.
01:52Because I want you to suffer.
01:54So look at me, look at my face, Inigo Peñalver.
01:58I want you to remember this moment and torment yourself for the rest of your life.
02:11Mati, no!
02:22I'm so sorry.
02:30Calm down.
02:34I'm sorry.
02:49What happened?
02:52Oh, my God.
02:54Oh, my God.
03:24Clarita, you have to be clear.
03:26It's not your fault at all.
03:31I should have told you the whole truth.
03:33The whole truth about Lana.
03:36She has deceived you, my love.
03:39You don't have to feel bad.
03:42It's something she has done to many people.
03:49She told me...
03:51...that we could reunite with our mothers in heaven.
03:55She explained it so well to me.
03:58She explained it so well to me that I thought it was a good idea.
04:04I told her I didn't want to separate from you...
04:07...because you take care of me.
04:11But she kept telling me...
04:13...that now you're only for me.
04:16I'm such a fool for believing her.
04:20Clarita, you're not a fool.
04:23There are people who know how to twist our emotions.
04:28But the important thing is that we'll always take care of you.
04:33And that this nightmare is over.
04:37Can you forgive me, Matilde?
04:39I have nothing to forgive you, Clarita.
04:43There's nothing to forgive.
04:46This woman has hurt us a lot.
04:50Me, you, Íñigo.
04:54The family.
04:58And it's all her fault.
05:00And her bad heart.
05:11You've been through a terrible situation.
05:13But the important thing now...
05:15...is that you know who you can trust.
05:19And you'll always be able to trust your family.
05:23And the people who love you.
05:26I'll never forget you, Matilde.
05:35Íñigo and I want what's best for you.
05:37So when you have any doubts...
05:39...please, talk to us without any fear.
05:48We won't let anything happen to you.
05:54Carla is history now.
05:58And she won't be able to hurt you.
06:01She won't.
06:02She won't.
06:05And she won't be able to hurt you.
06:13Do you promise?
06:18I promise.
06:22I love you, Matilde.
06:24I love you.
06:26I love you, Clarita.
06:32I love you.
06:44Look, I know you're angry, but at least listen to me.
06:47Inés, if you wanted to talk so much, you should have told me before.
06:51We have to fix this, Laurita. We're sisters.
06:54That's exactly why we're like this, Inés.
06:56Because we're sisters and you tried to take my boyfriend away from me.
07:00You know what?
07:02Well, saying it like that sounds awful.
07:04How could you say that? Because it makes me very curious.
07:07Look, Inés, I never thought you'd be able to do something like that to me.
07:11I'm moving away from Agustín and I'm leaving the play.
07:13The most important thing for me is that you and I are fine.
07:16If I had realized what was going on, I wouldn't have let this situation...
07:19Inés, please.
07:21Don't be silly. These things will come.
07:23If you didn't stop it, it was because you didn't feel like it.
07:29I'm leaving.
07:41Are you okay?
07:43Are you still mad?
07:45What about what's left of us?
07:47Inés and I have argued many times.
07:50But always for silly things. Nothing like this has ever happened to us.
07:53I'm surprised, Laura. It's a betrayal in every way.
07:56You know what's the worst?
07:57I have to see her every day and share the guard with her.
08:00Your house is supposed to be the place where you can be calm
08:03and I can't even cry in peace.
08:06But it's normal for you to feel that way.
08:09I wish I could go somewhere else where I don't see him or her anymore.
08:15Laura, I think I have an idea.
08:17But I'll tell you later.
08:18Today we have a lot of trouble with the suffragette event.
08:22Celia, I don't know if I have the courage to go.
08:27It will come in handy to distract you.
08:29Besides, the two of us have worked very hard to organize the event.
08:33You can't miss it.
08:39But only if neither of them comes.
08:52Hi, Trini. Have you seen Antonio? He's gone to the warehouse.
08:55By the way, how's it going with Mrs. Lázara?
08:59Well, look, I'm exhausted.
09:01I don't want to talk about her anymore.
09:03I think what I have to do is completely renew my thoughts
09:08and that's it.
09:09Don't think about Mrs. Lázara anymore.
09:11Well, you're absolutely right.
09:13Come on, you don't have to get obsessed with things.
09:16For example, I haven't stopped thinking about one thing today
09:19and I haven't stopped thinking about it.
09:20So what?
09:22Well, I have a delay in those days of the month.
09:27How much delay?
09:29A couple or three days.
09:31Well, that's nothing, woman, don't worry.
09:34Yeah, well, I'm punctual, like the clock at the door of the sun.
09:39Another thing is that you've been calling the stork.
09:42But come on, in the little time you've been married, I don't know, it would be punctuality.
09:48Come on, come and kiss the saint.
09:49Come and kiss the saint.
09:51Well, it's like the priest who married us says,
09:54that man proposes and God disposes.
10:01Didn't you kiss the saint before you arrived?
10:07What do you mean?
10:10Well, what you understand is what I mean.
10:13That you're smart, Trini, that you've climbed the altar maybe three instead of two.
10:17No, no, woman, no.
10:20Miguel and I, before the wedding, nothing, nothing.
10:25Trini, I'm not a priest, nor am I your mother-in-law.
10:28When there is a serious commitment, sometimes these things happen.
10:32No, nothing happens.
10:33The only thing is that, of course, you have to be careful because if things go wrong, the problem is ours.
10:38I know, I understand, but I'm telling you no, come on, it's not our case.
10:48Don't lie to me, Trini, you can tell me.
10:51There is confidence, right?
10:53I know, but I don't know if I am or I am not, but if I am, come on, will it be in good faith?
11:01Look, just in case, I already congratulate you.
11:06And if later there is something you want to tell me, well, you know you can do it.
11:18Hello, Esperanza.
11:20Did you know that this afternoon there in Madrid I will give a talk on the right of women to vote?
11:26Suffrage or something like that they call it. Would you like to come?
11:30Oh, well, look, now that you say it, yes, yes and yes.
11:34Because I never thought that we could vote.
11:38And since we put our shoulders up, like men, and on top of that we take care of everyone,
11:43the least we can do is vote. Come on, I say.
11:49Marta, I bring you very good news.
11:53Good morning, Esperanza.
11:55My father has given us his blessing.
11:57Ah, wait, what do you mean exactly by he has given us his blessing?
12:02Well, he thinks it's good that we keep seeing each other, but he has put a condition on me.
12:08My father has reminded me that I made a promise to my mother before I died.
12:11That was to finish my law degree.
12:14I see.
12:16In addition, he has asked me to go to Ceras Alamanca and that I finish the two years I have left there
12:20and that I take care of a bookshop that he has there.
12:25And what are you going to do?
12:27Look, I know it's time, but I said yes.
12:30Because when love is true, it can withstand cars and carts.
12:33In the end, we distrusted my father and he only wants the best for me.
12:36Sarita, come, please.
12:38I have to go.
12:39I have to go.
12:45You wouldn't have believed it, would you?
12:48Well, I don't know, Esperanza, I have my doubts.
12:51Well, very well, what are you doing?
12:53Don't be fooled.
12:55Edo Salvador doesn't have good intentions.
12:57As much as he talks about his mother and I don't know what,
13:00that man wants to keep his son away from you.
13:04Is that clear?
13:05Let's see, Salvita is a kid.
13:08And there in Salamanca, surrounded by students.
13:10Two days of work and you don't.
13:12I don't know if he's going to finish the degree, but come on.
13:15He's going to have distractions everywhere.
13:19I ...
13:21What do you want me to tell Esperanza?
13:23But I want to think that Salvita's feelings are real.
13:26But of course, being Don Salvador all day, thinking about getting rid of me.
13:29And what about that which says that true love can withstand cars and carts?
13:32I don't see him waiting a long time for you.
13:35Two days later, he's already with another girl.
13:39Let's see, if his father wasn't here, I would consider keeping the absences.
13:43But it's not the way it is.
13:45I don't trust him.
13:47I don't want to waste time, Esperanza.
13:49And I don't trust Don Salvador.
13:51And very well, what are you doing?
13:53Do you know what's going on?
13:55That Salvita is very naive.
13:57She believes everything her father says.
13:58She believes everything her father says.
14:02Because he doesn't tell her.
14:05So maybe you can stay together.
14:12It's not with him that I have to talk to.
14:18Goodbye and good morning.
14:24What did he tell you?
14:26Inspector Jiménez was the one who told Mrs. Bárbara that her daughter had died.
14:30He didn't want her to find out through third parties.
14:33That honors him.
14:35You have to have a husband, even in these circumstances.
14:39And you don't know how glad I am that the inspector and you were there to make sure that Carla's death was an accident.
14:46It was an absolute pity how it all ended.
14:48Carla entered a spiral that ended up getting the worst out of her.
14:52Even though she herself dictated her sentence, so many deaths behind her back.
14:56Something happens to Clarita and I don't know what she would have done.
15:00We don't have to think about that now.
15:03Clarita is already safe.
15:06And you and me too.
15:08And that's the only thing that matters.
15:10You're right.
15:12Now, the only thing I think about is that Inspector Jiménez keeps his word.
15:17And don't leak the news to the press.
15:21I would like to protect you and Clarita.
15:24Don't ask her anything at school.
15:26Yes. I don't want her to suffer more than she already has.
15:32And I wanted to apologize for cheating on you and for making you think that I was going to stay with Carla at the Madrid-Cabaret.
15:38But I was panicking that I was going to hurt my sister and...
15:42You see, I wasn't wrong.
15:44You don't have to apologize for anything.
15:47Luckily, we discovered the deception in time.
15:50And look, I knew you were strong.
15:53But I was amazed by your courage to go and look for Carla alone.
15:59I had no choice.
16:01I had to save my sister.
16:03And you did.
16:05And I'm very proud of you.
16:09And I'm proud of you.
16:14And I'm proud of you.
16:18Well, I'm going to hand out the press.
16:21See you later.
16:33What? How did it go?
16:35I talked to Teresa and we could say that this story about the press could have gone much better.
16:40Why? What did she tell you?
16:41Well, she's very stingy.
16:43And she let me down.
16:45She thought that maybe we got married when I was already pregnant.
16:50What we should have done is to write down all our problems in a notebook.
16:54So we wouldn't get in trouble.
16:56And know what we told who and when.
16:58Things like that.
17:00What I don't like is to keep lying to Teresa.
17:02Well, that's where it comes from.
17:06Hi, couple.
17:08Look, Miguel, I was looking for a book to give to Cañete.
17:12And I know you recommended him one that he liked a lot.
17:15This one by Ortega and Gasset.
17:17So, well, I was looking for something similar.
17:20I don't know if it's about philosophy or what.
17:22Well, it's just that Cañete has a somewhat eclectic taste.
17:26It's true that he likes rehearsal, but many times he likes to alternate it with lighter things.
17:31So what do you recommend?
17:33Well, I'm thinking because I have so many things on my mind.
17:37What if I give him this one?
17:39Rhymes and Legends by Gustavo Adolfo Becker.
17:41The poet of love, at least.
17:43Well, you can read it together.
17:45Oh, well, he's a phenomenal poet of love.
17:47Could you wrap it up for me?
17:49Yes, of course.
17:51I'll be back in a few minutes.
17:56Good choice.
18:08And now what, my daughter?
18:14Here you have me in mourning, but now for real.
18:21Our relationship has never been easy.
18:24But you made my life make sense.
18:28Everything I've done has been for you.
18:33I got rid of my second husband because of you.
18:38I couldn't allow him to continue living after hurting you.
18:48I gave up Fabio for you.
18:54Because he didn't want to be on our side.
18:58He has been a very important person in my life.
19:02But you have been and will always be the first.
19:15Good morning, Mrs. Bárbara.
19:17Good morning.
19:19Thank you very much for coming to my call.
19:21Have a seat.
19:29I didn't have to come.
19:31I feel completely alone.
19:33Many people see themselves in situations like yours.
19:37You should find a family member who can support you.
19:40Someone might not have found out yet.
19:43I don't have anyone.
19:45And I don't trust anyone either.
19:48It's better this way.
19:50I don't need anyone to mourn my daughter.
19:53But tell me, how can I help you?
19:59If I tell you the truth...
20:00I've gotten involved in all kinds of shady business to protect my daughter.
20:05But you'll see.
20:07That didn't help save her life.
20:10If she's blaming herself...
20:12Mothers always blame us for everything.
20:15As if bringing these creatures into the world wasn't enough.
20:21But Carla had a destiny and it was fulfilled.
20:25Even if that broke my heart.
20:27You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.
20:33The only thing I have left to do is honor her memory.
20:41I know what you're thinking.
20:44My daughter doesn't deserve that honor, does she?
20:47Ma'am, I'm no one to comment on that matter.
20:51I respect her pain as I would respect any mother who has lost a child.
20:54I have to do my pain.
20:56And pay homage to my daughter's memory.
21:00And you have to do justice.
21:03Let me ask you.
21:05Where do you want to go?
21:11I need you to tell me everything you can.
21:16How did my daughter die?
21:18How did she fall?
21:20How did she die?
21:21How did my daughter die?
21:23How did she fall?
21:25I can tell you, but I think it's an unnecessary way to suffer.
21:28What you're going to say about your daughter...
21:30You'll never forget.
21:32I don't want to forget.
21:35I'm going to be honest.
21:37What takes away my sleep is knowing if it was an accident.
21:41Or if it was Matilde who pushed her.
21:43Tell me the truth.
21:45It was an accident. I guarantee it.
21:47I was there and I saw it.
21:51I don't believe you, Inspector.
21:53Why do you doubt my words?
21:56Because I know that somehow Matilde is to blame for my daughter's death.
22:02And I'm going to take the appropriate measures.
22:04I don't know what measures are those, ma'am.
22:07There were witnesses in the accident.
22:13I don't want to add pain to your pain.
22:15But I assure you that to avoid new sufferings,
22:18what I could do is let it be.
22:20She should rest and seek some peace.
22:27I won't have peace until justice is done.
22:41Let's see, assuming she's pregnant, I just say that I don't like her.
22:45Don't tell me, Sherlock.
22:46Well, if you want to be my Watson, listen to me.
22:49It's not just that I don't fit in with the times,
22:52but I think they're a real mess, dear friend.
22:55Don't say that. Stop thinking about it.
22:58You're going to go crazy.
23:00And all of that has already served you.
23:02Go on, get to work.
23:04Yes, yes, I'll work.
23:06But since I don't fit in, she's going to keep thinking.
23:08And I'm going to keep thinking.
23:10Yes, yes, I'm coming, sir.
23:12Anyway, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have dinner.
23:14I have something for you.
23:16Don't tell me.
23:30How do you like to read so much?
23:32I love it.
23:34I read a lot. It's me.
23:36Although lately I haven't had much time,
23:39and I'm starting to accumulate reading.
23:41Well, don't worry, this one isn't very fat.
23:43It has more precious powers.
23:44If you want, at some point we can read it together.
23:47I'd love for us to read it together.
23:49Can you dedicate it to me?
23:51That way I'll like reading it more.
23:53Of course.
23:55You have...
24:15For the man who has returned my faith in love.
24:22In the end you're going to make me cry, Teresa.
24:28Well, lately you've been having a bad day.
24:32You have to end up exhausted from talking so much, don't you?
24:35He's going to excuse me
24:37because I have to solve some management issues
24:39with my mother-in-law.
24:43Let's see if...
24:45Let's see if you can hold Teresa back a little.
24:48Hold her back?
24:50What do you mean?
24:52Please, make her understand
24:55that she's not going to gain anything
24:57by playing hard-to-get with me.
24:59And that my patience
25:01also has a limit.
25:04I'm sorry, but I can't.
25:06I'm sorry, but I can't.
25:07My patience
25:09also has a limit.
25:11I don't know what you mean.
25:13Teresa has always been very professional.
25:15Well, look,
25:17at this point we don't agree, I'm afraid.
25:19I don't want to say it directly
25:21because I don't want to upset you.
25:23Maybe you can help me with that.
25:25Because lately
25:27you've been earning a lot
25:29to end up on the street.
25:31So maybe you can explain it to her
25:33with a little affection.
25:35It will be the best for everyone.
25:37I don't like dressing rooms.
25:39And I don't know who to hold on to
25:42and much less to make plans
25:44or give her weird messages.
25:48So now, if you'll excuse me,
25:50I have a lot of work to do.
25:56Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
25:58But hey,
26:00is he going to tell us what he says about Carla?
26:02Or are we going to be able to see it?
26:04But if it's four lines of nothing,
26:08she fell off the roof
26:10when they went to stop her.
26:12Well, it's four lines.
26:14Well, at least she doesn't talk about Matilde,
26:16about Clarita, poor thing.
26:18Oh, my God, I can't imagine what happened.
26:20Have you been able to talk to them?
26:22Well, I've called them from reception,
26:24but come on, two minutes.
26:26And he told me he was coming to the salon
26:28to tell me in person.
26:30Apparently, Mrs. Carla had kidnapped Clarita.
26:32What? But I can't believe it.
26:33It's horrible.
26:35It doesn't make sense to me.
26:37Why did he kidnap the girl?
26:39That family has always had a lot of power.
26:41Does it make sense?
26:44It's about doing evil, Esperanza.
26:48What sense does it make to try
26:50to get a poor creature to take her life?
26:52No one.
26:54It's just causing harm
26:56to those who love her well,
26:58even if it has cost an innocent poor girl.
27:00Mother of beautiful love.
27:02Come here, daughter.
27:06Oh, honey.
27:08How are you?
27:10Well, well ...
27:12Still with the scare in the body,
27:14you can imagine,
27:16after a moment like this.
27:18Especially for Clarita,
27:20who is not to blame for anything.
27:22Well, neither are you.
27:24Yeah, but I have the feeling
27:26that I haven't been taking care of her
27:27and that I have to make an effort
27:29even if I'm wrong and get rid of her.
27:31But you're hardly going to do it
27:33if you don't take care of yourself.
27:35You've been through a lot.
27:37You especially.
27:39Yes, I know, but I don't want to think about it too much
27:41because if I do, the world falls on me.
27:43It's incredible what we can stand people.
27:45You have heaven won.
27:47The hard thing is
27:49to look for someone
27:51and not find him.
27:53That anguish of looking
27:55and not finding.
27:57When I saw your sister,
27:59I felt my heart stop.
28:01Well, normal.
28:03And the important thing is that your sister is fine now
28:05and that Clara can't hurt anymore.
28:07I don't know where I got the strength
28:09to hold her for so long.
28:11I don't know.
28:13It's as if something had taken over me.
28:16It had never happened to me.
28:18That's because you have an angel on guard
28:20who takes care of you.
28:24I must have an angel on guard, yes.
28:27Because I swear that when I was there
28:29supporting my sister,
28:31I felt my mother by my side.
28:33I felt her.
28:35It's weird, I know, but
28:37she was giving me the strength
28:40I didn't have to hold on.
28:43I believe in those things, Matilde.
28:46If you felt her,
28:48it's because she wasn't alone.
28:58I don't give credit.
29:00Now, if the facts are as they are told here,
29:03that woman has had the death she deserved.
29:06Of course, the news is horrible.
29:09Do you think that will affect
29:11the gallery's business?
29:13I hope not.
29:15In fact, I think that the current circumstances
29:17of Mrs. Bárbara de la Cruz
29:19will force her even more
29:21to sell Emiliano.
29:23It would be the most reasonable thing.
29:24As long as she doesn't discover
29:26that Emiliano is a close friend of mine
29:28and they don't make her a bigger offer,
29:30of course.
29:32And do you think that could happen?
29:34I've seen it, I've seen it.
29:36Anything can happen,
29:38but I don't trust it to be like that.
29:42Well, if you're so sure of that,
29:44then I have to ask you what's wrong with you.
29:47Because you seem more tired than usual.
29:51It's because of my nieces.
29:52Especially because of Laurita.
29:54It's normal that you're worried.
29:56But we also have to understand Inés.
29:59She's not having a good time either.
30:01And I honestly don't think
30:03she did it with bad intentions.
30:05Yes, she can, she can,
30:07but Laurita is very hurt with her sister
30:09and I don't understand how she got to this point.
30:11Well, things happen.
30:13Sometimes one falls in love with someone she shouldn't
30:16and they think of us.
30:18We tried to stop our feelings,
30:20everything we could,
30:22but we couldn't avoid it.
30:24Right now, all I want is for Laurita and Inés to reconcile.
30:27Despite their mother,
30:29they've always had an enviable relationship.
30:31What do you mean?
30:33Let's leave it at that.
30:35My sister had a strange inability
30:37to take care of her daughters.
30:39That's why they've taken such good care of each other.
30:42For our wedding,
30:44they'll be more united than ever before.
30:46By the way, I've been looking at churches
30:48and looking for dates for the wedding.
30:49Well, make the decisions you think are relevant.
30:52I fully agree with you.
30:54But you don't have any preference,
30:56for churches, for the area, I don't know.
30:58Right now, all I want is for my nieces
31:00to be able to attend our wedding,
31:02already reconciled,
31:04and that doesn't seem possible.
31:06You'll see how it all works out.
31:09Now, if you'll excuse me,
31:11I have a message to make,
31:13but I'll be right back.
31:19I'll be right back.
31:36Don Salvador, can I take a seat?
31:46As far as I know, I haven't given you permission.
31:47Well, that's how I save you work.
31:49I suppose a man as polite as you
31:52wouldn't allow a lady to talk to you standing up, right?
31:54Look, I don't see any lady.
31:57You must be mistaken.
31:59Maybe I'm not a lady,
32:01and I'm just a cleaning lady,
32:03but with great honour, you know?
32:05Shut up already.
32:07Look, Don Salvador,
32:09I know what I am.
32:11I'm a cleaning lady,
32:13but that doesn't mean I have the same right
32:15as a lady to sit down.
32:17I work all day,
32:19and I'm exhausted.
32:21So if I have to take a seat, I'll take a seat.
32:23I don't care what you think.
32:25Are you going to admit that,
32:27even though you're not a fine lady,
32:29you're a heavy drinker?
32:31I didn't imagine you'd do me a favour.
32:33There are stranger things, believe me.
32:35For example, whatever my son has seen in you.
32:38Well, whatever his son has seen in me,
32:42I don't know how to explain it to you.
32:44But there's one thing I can explain.
32:45And it's that you're not fooling me.
32:47Your son is still interested in Salamanca,
32:49but I'm not.
32:51Fortunately, I don't need your permission
32:54to look for the best future for my son.
32:56No, no, I'm not saying that.
32:58I'm saying that when love is true,
33:01it can wait.
33:03It would be nice
33:05if it wasn't an excuse to separate us.
33:08I don't have time for this.
33:12Don Salvador.
33:13I don't have time either.
33:15I've lost a lot of time in my life
33:17that I could have been studying,
33:19and now I want to get it back.
33:21So if you don't have time, imagine me.
33:23Where do you want to go?
33:30I'm not one of those young women
33:32who is desperate to get married.
33:34So let him annoy his son.
33:36And I'm not like that English woman
33:38who likes him so much.
33:40And what are you like?
33:43I'm a cleaner.
33:45And I have a lot of honor.
33:47But I'm not an ordinary woman.
33:49I'm a woman who is very clear about what she wants.
33:51And that within her desires
33:53is not being a woman,
33:55but getting things on her own.
34:07Yes, yes, I'll go.
34:09I promise.
34:11But as you can see,
34:13my sister or Agustín,
34:15I'm going where I came from.
34:17I have to go, they're calling.
34:19Yes, yes, see you later.
34:28Good afternoon, Laura.
34:30Mrs. Lázara, what a surprise.
34:32Can I come in?
34:34Yes, yes, come in.
34:41I brought you some sweets.
34:43Of course, they are my favorites.
34:45I'm sure you love them,
34:47but you didn't have to.
34:49Well, let's see if they haven't melted.
34:51Because I went through the store first
34:53and since you weren't there,
34:55I assumed you would be here.
34:57I'm sorry about the walk.
34:59Today we closed the store earlier
35:01because we have the act of the suffragists
35:03in the Madrid Cabaret.
35:05Oh, it was today?
35:07Well, for God's sake, I won't bother you anymore.
35:09I'm leaving.
35:11I just wanted to know if you were okay.
35:13Sit down and let's have some sweets.
35:16Are you sure?
35:18Yes, yes, of course.
35:28Laura, I'm going to be honest with you.
35:30At the time, when I had to leave the salon
35:33because of rumours,
35:35I had a very bad time.
35:37But if something helped me cheer up,
35:39it was that both your sister and you
35:40gave me a helping hand.
35:42It was the least we could do.
35:44Don't worry.
35:46Yes, I'm worried.
35:48I found out what happened between Inés and you.
35:50And I really wouldn't like anything more
35:52than to be able to help.
35:54Look, Mrs. Lazara, I'm sorry,
35:56but I don't want to talk about that.
35:58Don't take it personally,
36:00but it hurts me a lot.
36:02I understand.
36:04I've also been betrayed more than once
36:06and I know how much it hurts.
36:08And I also know how much it helps
36:10that you may be right,
36:12but it's still too recent.
36:15I'm sorry.
36:17I didn't want to be indiscreet.
36:19But understand that I had to try to talk to you.
36:22Your uncle is devastated
36:24by this situation
36:26and I don't know what to do anymore.
36:30He feels impotent and very, very sorry.
36:32Today he told me,
36:34do you think two good girls
36:36who love each other so much,
36:38who need each other so much,
36:40can be together?
36:42Honestly, Laura,
36:44I didn't know what to tell you.
36:46Well, you did the right thing.
36:48I'm sorry, but I have nothing to solve.
36:50If you want, talk to Inés.
36:52Maybe you both have to talk,
36:54even if it's just for your uncle.
36:56Look, for my uncle,
36:58I would move heaven and earth,
37:00but I can't talk to Inés.
37:02It's not that I don't want to,
37:04it's that I'm unable to look her in the face.
37:06I'm very sorry, Laura,
37:08but you'll have to do it sooner or later.
37:10Inés is my man.
37:13I understand you.
37:16I just hope
37:18your uncle does it too,
37:20before it's too late.
37:22Too late for what?
37:25Lately I've seen him hopeful,
37:27but he no longer has any hope
37:29even for our wedding.
37:31Between us,
37:33I'm not sure he can take this.
37:35I hope you both understand,
37:37and not just for you,
37:38but also for your uncle.
37:40After everything he's done for you,
37:43everything he's supported you with,
37:45I think he deserves it.
37:47Don't you?
38:04thank you all for coming.
38:06Today is a very special day,
38:08so I'm not leaving.
38:10With all of you,
38:12the great Clara Campoamor.
38:27Hello everyone.
38:29Thank you for coming.
38:31And forgive me,
38:33because I have to ask you a question directly.
38:35Do you want to vote?
38:39I ask you because there are many people
38:41who don't want us to.
38:43And not just men.
38:45There are also women
38:47who oppose universal suffrage.
38:49And do you know why?
38:51Because they fear being manipulated
38:53when it comes to voting.
38:55Does this seem reasonable to you?
38:57Not to me.
38:59That's right, comrade.
39:01That's right.
39:02First of all,
39:04we're tired of being manipulated.
39:06And we don't need paternalism.
39:08And second,
39:10because we have a voice.
39:12We have a voice.
39:14And if we have a voice,
39:16we have the right to vote.
39:18No matter who you vote for,
39:20there are no ideological,
39:22political, sociological,
39:24or even biological reasons
39:26for anyone to take away our right.
39:28This month of October,
39:30in the courts,
39:32I ask the deputies
39:34Mr. Deputies,
39:36don't make a historical mistake
39:38that you'll never have enough time
39:40to cry about.
39:42Don't leave women alone.
39:44Women represent
39:46a young and new force.
39:48We've been the support
39:50of the men in prison.
39:52We've suffered, like you.
39:54Women know
39:56that the only way to grow
39:58in the exercise of freedom
40:00is to walk inside it.
40:03I feel like a citizen
40:05before I'm a woman.
40:07And I think it would be
40:09a profound mistake
40:11to leave women
40:13without the right to vote.
40:30Carla has never been
40:32a saint of my devotion,
40:34but kidnapping Clarita...
40:36I don't understand
40:38how she can be such a bad person.
40:40Me neither.
40:42There are people who only think
40:44of doing bad things.
40:46With the good things
40:48that can be done in this life.
40:50Besides, she's from a good family.
40:52She's sick with hatred.
40:54I don't know.
40:56Don't think about it.
40:58It doesn't make sense.
41:00It's useless.
41:02It's more than poisoning.
41:04Where is Marta now?
41:06She went straight to Madrid.
41:08There was a revenge
41:10for the woman's vote.
41:12I would have loved
41:14to go with her,
41:16but I had to leave.
41:18At least there's hope.
41:20Well, if there's hope,
41:22I'm sure there will be
41:24a change of heart.
41:26You're kidding.
41:28She's in a bad mood.
41:30What if something happens to her?
41:32It's a peaceful act.
41:34What could happen to her?
41:36I don't know.
41:38I don't know.
41:40I don't know.
41:42Don't look at me like that.
41:44What's wrong?
41:48She still thinks of Marta
41:50as a child.
41:52Now she's a woman.
41:54She told me she had an affair
41:56with Salvita's father.
41:58Yes, yes.
42:00She has character.
42:02She doesn't give in to injustice.
42:04I like that.
42:06But sometimes the brave
42:08bring problems.
42:10Don Salvador won't make
42:12any mistakes.
42:14Weren't you saying
42:16Marta can take care of herself?
42:27Good afternoon, Antonia.
42:29Is Marta here?
42:31No, she's in Madrid-Cabaret
42:33at the universal suffrage event.
42:35What's wrong?
42:37I wanted to talk to her
42:39because I found out
42:41I had an affair with my father.
42:43I wouldn't call it an affair.
42:45Marta told your father
42:47that she doesn't believe
42:49in his tricks.
42:51What tricks?
42:52With all due respect,
42:54he's sent you to Salamanca.
42:56Do you like it?
42:58But Marta doesn't.
43:00He's thinking about my future.
43:02Come on, Salvita.
43:04What's wrong?
43:06Aren't there more libraries
43:08so you can work?
43:10Aren't there more universities
43:12so you can study?
43:14You started your studies here.
43:16Open your eyes, Salvita.
43:18Don Salvador knows what worries him.
43:19He'll always get between you two.
43:21Get that through your head.
43:23So what do I do?
43:25You can talk to Marta about that.
43:32How nice of you, Mrs. Campoamor.
43:34Do you have a peck?
43:36It's nice to talk to an audience, ma'am.
43:39I'm Esperanza,
43:41but you can call me Compañera.
43:43Nice to meet you.
43:47And you are?
43:49I'm Esperanza.
43:51Because I admire you so much.
43:53And what have I done to deserve that privilege, Marta?
43:56I don't even know where to start.
43:59Is it true that you started studying after you were 30?
44:03After I was 32, yes.
44:05Luckily or unfortunately,
44:07my family didn't have the money to eat.
44:09Imagine, to study.
44:11But if you want to, you can.
44:13I started working,
44:15I studied, and here we are.
44:17I hope I get half of my cost.
44:20I'm also a worker,
44:22a cleaner,
44:24and I've started studying now.
44:26I passed the access exam to the school.
44:29Ah, yes, good.
44:32Celia, is Victoria Kent coming or not?
44:35She should be here, but she hasn't arrived yet.
44:37And we're going to be left without a teacher,
44:39if no one shows up.
44:41Marta, what if you talk?
44:43No, no, no, not at all.
44:44I don't even have a degree.
44:48Well, maybe you don't have a degree yet,
44:51but your fight to surpass yourself is very inspiring.
44:54And it might be an example for many of those who are here.
45:01I would like to introduce you to a young worker
45:05who has a lot to tell us.
45:09cheer up.
45:31my name is Marta,
45:33and I'm a worker at the La Moderna tea room.
45:38I know very little,
45:41but what I know is thanks to my teacher
45:45she has taught me the importance of well-done things.
45:50And do you know why I say this?
45:52Because today,
45:56someone has done something that wasn't right.
45:58Today, working, someone has made me feel bad for who I am
46:02and where I come from.
46:04And for me, that's not a reason for mockery, you know?
46:06For me, it's a reason for pride.
46:08Someday I hope to be a teacher,
46:10and that day I would like to feel that I have made the world a little better.
46:14And by the way, I would also like to convey
46:17what Miss Campamor has just said,
46:19that all women,
46:21whether we are university students, peasants or workers,
46:24we have the same rights
46:26and we have to make ourselves heard.
46:28That's it.
46:45How was your day?
46:47Well, I don't know what to tell you.
46:50I had a conversation this morning with Trini
46:53and I can't stop thinking about her.
46:55And what did you talk about?
46:57Yes, yes, you can know.
47:01it looks like she's pregnant.
47:05What do you think?
47:07Well, that's great news.
47:09I'm very happy for them.
47:10A child is always a source of joy.
47:13And what I'm sure of is that they're going to be great parents.
47:17Yes, yes, yes, I think so too, but
47:19don't you think this pregnancy has come too fast?
47:24Let's see, I don't really understand those things.
47:27But maybe Trini was in those fertile days.
47:30Well, as Becker says,
47:32love is a mystery.
47:34Come on, come on.
47:36I don't know.
47:37Love is a mystery.
47:39Come on, come on.
47:41Let Becker say whatever he wants.
47:43But it seems to me that this pregnancy comes too soon.
47:46I think that she and Miguel, well,
47:48before getting married, already.
47:50Well, women, those are matrimonial things.
47:53Maybe it has coincided,
47:55but it's not impossible.
47:59sometimes with just one night of love,
48:02it's enough.
48:04Yes, one night of love.
48:06What I don't understand is why you don't recognize me
48:08if we have a very good friendship.
48:10And it's that I really get carried away
48:12when the people I appreciate don't tell me the truth.
48:17What's wrong?
48:20I think I have to tell you something.
48:25Let's toast to how well the event turned out.
48:28I don't know what I liked the most.
48:30If Clara Campamoro's speech,
48:32Marta's beautiful words, I wouldn't know what to say.
48:33Well, neither do I.
48:35So let's toast to the inspiring women.
48:44I don't know if it's a good time to talk.
48:47I'm going to see Marta.
48:49No, if you're going to look for Marta, I'm going with you.
48:52Because I have nothing to talk about with this man.
48:55You don't, but I do.
48:57I really feel a lot about everything that has happened.
48:59You can't imagine how much.
49:01But I'm devastated, and your sister too.
49:03Look, why don't you go somewhere else with your cantinella?
49:06Haven't you considered that maybe I'm the one who's devastated?
49:09I think I have a reason.
49:11I would like you to keep your sister out of all this.
49:15I'm the only one responsible.
49:17Look, my sister told me the same thing this morning.
49:19Have you agreed to give me the same excuse?
49:22No, I'm just trying to say that I feel very bad
49:26for not knowing how to stop this in time.
49:28Well, having done it, now save your regrets.
49:32We've made a mistake, Laura.
49:34But we would like you to listen to us.
49:36Maybe so that, in some time, you can forgive us.
49:41Agustín, this is not one of your operettas.
49:44This is real life.
49:46And in real life, my feelings and I have been a burden to you.
49:49So now, please, go somewhere else with your apologies
49:52and take my sister.
50:01Are you okay?
50:03Yes, I don't care about anything anymore.
50:05I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow when you leave for Germany.
50:11I know.
50:13Sit down.
50:21Come with me.
50:23Only if you want to.
50:27Have you bought me a ticket to go to Germany?
50:31On the same flight.
50:33And since you said you wanted to be away from Agustín and Inés,
50:36I got the idea.
50:39Yes, I don't know if it's a good idea.
50:41No, no, no, Laura, it's not what it seems.
50:43This is not a proposal of love.
50:45I know that between us there can only be a beautiful friendship.
50:50And that's what I want too.
50:52I promise you.
50:53But I don't know, I thought this trip would be good for you.
50:57That it could be an incredible adventure.
51:00What do you think?
51:04I don't wish that on anyone, Teresa.
51:06Having to lie out of necessity is very hard.
51:09Besides, the two of them played the role of work.
51:12Both Trini and Miguel.
51:14And with the times that run,
51:16you can't lose a job just like that.
51:19And the solution was to lie to everyone?
51:21No, no, no, not the solution.
51:23It was a minor evil.
51:25In fact, Trini was fed up with having to do it.
51:28And the worst part was not being able to be honest with you.
51:31It hasn't been very bad, Teresa.
51:33Come on.
51:35We've all been taken for idiots.
51:37No, not for idiots.
51:39Oh, no? And how did I look when I was wearing Miguel's clothes?
51:44Come on, don't tell me this about Trini.
51:48About another person, maybe, but I couldn't wait for her.
51:51Now, let me tell you something.
51:53If they lied to me, so did you.
51:55Hey, the idea wasn't mine, Teresa.
51:57I discovered them.
51:59And I wanted to say it.
52:01But knowing what they were up to, how was I going to do that to two friends?
52:04Oh, and I know you can do it to me. I'm not your friend.
52:06You can lie to me and everyone else.
52:08It wasn't my intention.
52:10I've never wanted to lie to you.
52:13I'm very sorry.
52:15No, you don't have to be so sorry. I'm the one who's sorry.
52:18It's obvious I don't learn.
52:19Here, take this.
52:36My love, can you hear me?
52:39What's wrong?
52:42I was asking about Clarita.
52:45Have you been able to say goodnight to her?
52:47She's in her room.
52:49She was very upset, but I couldn't hit her.
52:53I wonder how that's possible.
52:58The Garcés like to fight a lot.
53:00You're so silly.
53:02I didn't want to fight. I just wanted her to hold my hand.
53:05She told me that if I didn't, I couldn't sleep.
53:09It's normal, after everything that's happened.
53:12My love, I'm sure she'll get over it.
53:15Like you've gotten over it.
53:16I don't know if that can be overcome.
53:19What I do know is that it will take some time.
53:22You'll see, not much.
53:24I've already told you.
53:26The Garcés like to fight a lot.
53:35I'm going to see who it is.
53:37I'm going to see who it is.
53:46Inspector, come in, please.
53:50Good evening, Mrs. Garcés.
53:52Good evening.
53:54I'm sorry to bother you at this time.
53:56Don't worry. After everything you've done for us,
53:58you can come whenever you want.
54:00Thank you. I only do my job, or I try.
54:02Would you like a drink?
54:03Be careful, Mr. Peñalver.
54:05I'm sorry to say that it's not a courtesy visit.
54:10What's going on?
54:13Mrs. Bárbara de la Cruz
54:15has been denounced for the alleged murder of her daughter Carla.
54:29Anything but letting the gallery be destroyed.
54:32Uncle, Laurita is very upset
54:34with everything that happened to Agustín.
54:36And if she's gone, it's because she doesn't want to see me again.
54:39No, no, you have to look at it from a certain perspective.
54:42We're still your family, Inés.
54:44Don't tell me this is all my fault.
54:46You've taken her to this point.
54:48I already appreciated her.
54:50I loved her.
54:52I would have liked her as much as you did.
54:54Carla would have had a long and full life.
54:57I don't think my daughter would have had a long life.
54:59And full.
55:01I don't think my father is so twisted
55:03as to set us up to separate us.
55:05No, you don't know him very well.
55:08Besides, do you really think I'm going to wait two years
55:11for you to come back with your lawyer's degree?
55:13You're in a hurry.
55:15Yeah, it's just that the women in my family
55:17look at them twice and they're sick of it.
55:19Well, I say that something more than looking at you
55:21Miguelín would have had to do.
55:25Come here, Trini.
55:27I've been looking at several parishes.
55:29And they could marry us in a few days.
55:32I don't know, maybe it's time to think
55:34about closing a date.
55:36Trini Cañete has told me everything.
55:41Look, I'm thinking about that subject
55:43of having to go to Salamanca to study
55:45and I don't understand why I have to leave Madrid
55:47to finish my degree.
55:49Have you thought about that alone?
55:51Or has the cleaning lady helped you
55:53to reach that conclusion?
55:55Of course I want to talk to Marta.
55:57I can't be without her.
56:00I'll wait for her to say it.
56:04What if I go to Germany?
56:06What do you mean, you're going to Germany?
56:09I've been very bad to you.
56:11What will I do to you, Marta?
56:13I'm not a piece of bread.
56:15No, I'm not a piece of bread, I'm a liar.
56:17Well, gentlemen, I'm going to leave.
56:19I have other matters to attend to.
56:21Then let's end the meeting.
56:23Don Fermín, Agustín, stay.
56:25You and I have to deal with another matter.
56:27It's impossible to make a team like this.
56:29And I'm really trying.
56:31But when I say white, you say black.
56:33Do you want to drive me crazy?
56:35Look, she asked me a question
56:37and I answered it sincerely.
56:39Let's see if you're going to be the cookie
56:41that I've wet a little with ...
56:43I told her that her father
56:45all he wanted was to separate us
56:47and in the end I understood
56:49that the best thing is that each of us
56:51follow our own path.
56:53I should have talked to her before.
56:55I don't know, tell her I was starting
56:57to think about other things.
56:59Well, this has no solution
57:01no matter how much we regret it.
57:03What I don't regret is kissing you.
57:05Well, look, I'm going to tell you something
57:07that is important to me
57:09and no one else knows.
57:15I'm going to leave Moderna.