Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai Episode 1 English Dub

  • 3 days ago


01:12The transcendent castle of Azrael the dark dragon mountains of dragon Lord Vera and the great underwater citadel of revives
01:20have fallen
01:22The six heroes are now focusing their offensive on us goblin Lord Dissolve and peace Lord Gazoff were defeated as well
01:30This fortress death hold is the only one remaining
01:56Arachael the great sage
01:59First it was st. Tyrus and serpent Lord Geese doc now you two have forsaken your dignity and better need to the dark
02:07I shall incinerate you with my flames of darkness
02:11Hold on Lord Magnus
02:12You are the only demon Lord left the goddess of rebellion does not want you to fall here, nor do I I?
02:20Nearly forgot
02:22Rosalia I must see to it that our promises count
02:29Hear me humans, I shall graciously accept defeat this time
02:42However, I am the undead king in
02:471,000 years I shall rise again to reclaim my seat on the throne
03:10Let's go over the mission again
03:11The 18th platoon will investigate the underground ruins that were uncovered by the earthquake and then locate the void nest
03:18Remember self-defense is the only form of combat allowed understood investigation underway
03:29We've arrived on the seventh floor of the underground ruins no magical anomalies avoids detected
03:42Lady Celia, let's not get too carried away. The return trip is going to be difficult enough as it is
03:48Regina voids typically build their nests deep inside underground ruins. We can't just let them run wild
04:02What are these things statues
04:05They're grave goods, I believe
04:08objects of personal significance that are buried with the deceased
04:11makes you wonder if they buried some mega important King nearby if this is really a king's tomb then
04:18He must be very very lonely down here
04:29Oh, this door is active. Is it some sort of magical device?
04:37How about we just bust it down what do you suppose this writing is
04:44Ancient Elvish no, wait, they don't appear to be spirit markings strange. So is this gonna take long?
04:52Yeah, kind of. Okay. I'm gonna go search down that way. Okay, sounds good
05:03Feel like I've seen it before
05:25What in the world is that
05:34Counter failure, why'd you have to break now?
05:41There's someone inside I have to help them
06:00Celia I finally found you a
06:06Millennium from now when the stars fall from the heavens a
06:11Vessel for your power shall appear in the form of a human child and it is my duty to find them
06:20Just so long as you remember very well
06:31Celia wait come and find me don't go
06:41What is that wretched noise I
06:44Don't understand the magical barrier was supposed to make this mausoleum completely inaccessible
06:51Hasn't been a thousand years already
06:53It appears the reincarnation ritual was successful, I'm going to help you. Okay, hang tight
07:01Language analysis spell this is no ordinary crystal. I'll try an anti-material round
07:07Ah, perhaps you are a foolish grave robber. Then you shall suffer death as I a demon lord reborn
07:13Share my image into your soul
07:32Such beauty a species of high elf perhaps
07:37No, even more beautiful
07:42What oh that's right I was about to inflict punishment upon this scoundrel
07:47How did a child end up in a place like this? Hmm child?
07:57Did the reincarnation ritual fail of all the things I could have been why have I returned to the form I had when I was
08:04Known as Leonis the hero. Hey
08:07How did you manage to get trapped in that crystal? Well, I
08:14Are you injured
08:19The shock must be making your memories fuzzy, huh
08:23You're going to be all right big sister will keep you safe
08:29Showing blatant disrespect towards a demon lord and yet what a pleasant sensation
08:44This biscuit has dried grapes incorporated into it
08:47I lost my sense of taste many a century ago, but the texture is pleasant
08:52However, this body is laughably pathetic a demon lord losing consciousness due to hunger. What an embarrassment
09:00Not only that I can't believe I actually enjoyed that disrespectful behavior of hers
09:05It's all because of this absurd human form utterly ridiculous and again
09:11This girl did share her rations with me. I may owe her my life. Does your tummy feel better?
09:17Yes, thank goodness
09:20My name's Rosalia Ray Chris Dahlia
09:22I'm a swordswoman in training a member of the 18th platoon at the 7th assault Gardens Excalibur Academy. Oh and I'm 15
09:31Outside of her name and age. I didn't understand a single word. She just said
09:35So, what's your name? If I had to guess she probably thinks I'm just a child I can use that to my advantage
09:41I'll try to get information on the present world out of her demon. Lord. I mean Leonis
09:48I'm Leonis Magnus Leonis a demon lord need not stoop so low as to assume an alias
09:55But it's the dignified name that she gave me. So you're Leonis. I knew it
10:00My reputation has been passed down through the generations as an awe-inspiring legend
10:05What an adorable name it you really think so. So how old are you Leo?
10:11Well so much for my reputation
10:13She even gave me an unsolicited nickname about ten years old
10:17I think anyway, you think ten years old. There's no way you could have gotten down here on your own
10:23I would guess somebody must have kidnapped you avoid by any chance
10:28What's the void? Did you call it? You don't know about the voids
10:32Hmm. Well, then maybe you really do have some sort of amnesia
10:48The voids are enemies of humanity that appeared 64 years ago. We don't know what they are or what they want
10:54It's said that they come from another world
10:57But that's just one of the many theories that are out there their voids as a nothingness
11:02That was the least enlightening explanation I've ever heard
11:06We came to conduct an analysis of the voids void outbreaks are pretty common in ancient ruins ancient
11:13I haven't even asked the most important question. So, um question miss Rosalia
11:19You can call me Celia Leo
11:22Fine. What's the year of the Holy God calendar? Holy God calendar?
11:27If it's been a thousand years, then it should be year 1447 of the Holy God calendar
11:31Well, it's year 64 of the unified human calendar
11:35unified human calendar
11:47Are you okay Leo? Yeah, don't worry. I promise that I'll protect you what a strange sensation again
11:57Safety off
12:06An ogre class void so that's a void what makes it an ogre it looks nothing like one
12:17The grand subterranean mausoleum where my comrades lie, I won't allow you to desecrate it
12:27Dammit this body is far too small
12:31This weapon isn't doing any damage
12:45Who's the little kid I'm protecting him I'll explain later
12:50We won't get anywhere with firepower like this holy sword mode ship
12:57What kind of weapon is that did you say holy sword
13:07Is it dead please Celia, are you trying to jinx us?
13:13Her weapons output was on par with a face for explosion spell and yet the ogre still stands
13:19Head for the exits. I'll handle this thing
13:24Okay, then you're gonna be all right
13:27Sure, I'm me
13:28Take my hands. Let's move
13:34Nothing is going according to plan the reincarnation ritual failed and given that I've returned in a frail human body
13:41I'm in no position to restore my kingdom to its former glory to make matters worse
13:46These so-called void creatures have wreaked havoc on my mausoleum
13:49I'm tempted to go back there and slaughter it. But this girl is my only source of information
13:55I'll get more answers. If I can feel my identity as a demon Lord
14:06It appears the fat boy has a friend, huh a
14:12Wyvern class a wyvern it does have wings, but otherwise it's not even remotely the same listen to me right away
14:22Should I take it down?
14:24She's going to get a glimpse of my power, but I suppose it's necessary
14:27I am a magnanimous king, but my patience has its limits
14:31You will regret your poor decision to set foot inside a demon Lord's mausoleum
14:36now perish
15:09You can find Regina and get to the surface, please go my sacrifice will not be in vain
15:20Please hurry to Leo you must
15:25Sorry, I wasn't able to protect
15:37Foolish girl
15:41You thought I wouldn't be able to withstand that creatures we could tap didn't you
15:49Heroes are boring be mine Leonis
16:02Ridiculous utterly ridiculous. I
16:06Let her live for my own amusement to obtain information
16:10So then why?
16:12Yes, yes, I'll admit it the girl was brave indeed and I may have taken a slight liking to her perhaps
16:20Still considering your actions
16:22You deserve a faith. That's even worse than death
16:27Phase 8 gravity manipulation spell fear is do
16:34Now you die inferior be
16:36Ah, is that the best you can do then I'll make my move
16:50You aren't going anywhere I shall burn you to a crisp
17:05Well, that takes care of that Oh
17:10Preposterous its bones managed to survive phase 8 sorcery
17:14And this crappy body at best my powers are a third of the strength. They were during my heyday. I
17:20Am a demon Lord the life of a human matters not to me
17:25I must pay tribute to a noble soul such as yours you risked your life in an attempt to protect me and although
17:32Protecting a demon Lord is exceedingly ill-advised. I recognize your courage and fortitude
17:37I whose sorcery expertise lies in the realm of death. I'm not even capable of rudimentary healing spells
17:44But I'll do what I can
18:01When she learns the truth, I suspect she'll be angry with me either that or show anguish over it
18:20That's finally taken care of come in Celia
18:27Magical device for long-distance communication, but I haven't the faintest idea how to use it
18:32Who knew humans would be able to develop such complex magical technology?
18:43Welcome back miss Celia
18:48Thank goodness, you're all right
18:50Shouldn't you be more worried about yourself?
18:53What no way, but how is this possible?
18:57Your injuries looked worse than they actually were. So I used holy sorcery to cast a healing spell
19:03Sorcery what? Yeah, that's correct. How can she not know what sorcery is? I get it
19:09They can't use sorcery so they rely on magical technology instead. Is that a sort of
19:15Holy-sword power. Um, I guess if that's what you call it
19:20Excalibur Academy has documented cases of holy swords with healing powers. Perhaps I should go along with it
19:25Um, I guess I don't really know a whole lot about these powers
19:29Just what is a holy sword?
19:30Holy swords are a power that arose in humans in order to fight the voids when the voids first appeared decades ago
19:37Children who possessed mysterious abilities began cropping up everywhere the majority of those abilities took on the shape of weapons
19:43So people began calling them holy swords. So the blonde haired lady from earlier drag howl is Regina's holy sword
19:50We aren't sure how it works, but they seem to embody the personality of their wielder
19:55Souls that physically manifest as weapons. I have yet to be blessed with a holy sword of my own
20:01That's why she used a magical device to fight
20:07You're hurt. Are you all right? Oh, it's no big deal
20:11Did you end up having to fight a void as well celia, huh?
20:15Leo what happened to that void from earlier? Well, I was shaking because I got scared but when I looked up it was already gone
20:23Voids tend to behave in ways that we don't fully understand
20:28So, did you ever figure out who the kid is
20:30It seems like he was abandoned the voids kidnapped him and now he's suffering from amnesia
20:37Hop on behind me
20:44My name is regina mercedes lady celia's maid nice to meet you nice to meet you
20:52Oh, wow, this kid's unusually lewd for his age
20:56I'm, what don't start regina. I'm sure that's not true. Leo. It's going to get bumpy. Hold tight
21:06Hey kid won't be long till we reach the city so you might as well enjoy holding on to her while you can
21:13Cut it out. Regina. Don't tease him like that. Okay, poor leo's confused and doesn't remember much
21:20Yeah, you're right
21:21Sorry, I shouldn't have teased you like that. Oh, don't worry about it
21:26You know a good shock might help you to get your memories back
21:31No, thanks quit. What if leo ends up turning into a boy with a dirty mind?
21:36I don't mean to be rude, but all boys have dirty minds, you know
21:40The almighty undead king being ridiculed by a mere girl. It's this absurd body and its ridiculous physiological responses
21:53What what is that
21:59That is humanity's last stronghold
22:02It was built to resist the voids the castle of countless holy swordsmen and the blade we use to fight back
22:09That's the seventh assault garden
22:12So this is a thousand years in the future
