• last year


00:00Now finally we can start this match right ready when you are traitors
00:09Go Articuno
00:12Come on ash
00:15Now I'll get to see ash in battle. I sure hope he knows what he's up against Charizard use flamethrower
00:23Articuno counter with ice beam
00:32Way to go Charizard
00:35Awesome Charizard push back Articuno's ice beam like it was nothing a fire type should always have the advantage against an ice type
00:42So ash should be okay
00:44Just as I expected Charizard's a match even for an Articuno careful. Don't count your victory just yet
00:52Articuno back into the air
00:56Charizard hit it with flamethrower again
01:09Don't think that flamethrower affected it at all. Yeah, that's cuz it didn't even hit well
01:14It's a fast and elegant Pokemon possibly even more amazing in battle
01:19And why should we expect less it is legendary. So how will ash deal with it?
01:26Let's go spin into a deep dive now
01:31Oh charge right for it Articuno mist attack
01:40Hey, where'd it go?
01:46Charizard mist is usually used to defend or escape. I've never seen it used like that before
01:53Charizard dragon breath dodge it
02:08Hurry and grab hold of it before it can recover dodge it Articuno
02:16Not again right after a direct hit from dragon breath
02:19Does it recover like that never underestimate the supreme power of a legendary Pokemon go use another ice beam
02:32It's okay against a fire type that attack should have no effect
02:40Now another flamethrower dodge and then use steel wing
02:47Watch out ash
02:57No Charizard
03:04Charizard can you get up?
03:11Articuno hit it with water pulse
