Bakugo vs Shigaraki Full fight English Dub | Lemillion vs Shigaraki Full Fight English Dub | Bakugo Death ! My hero academia

  • 3 days ago


00:00Are you scared?
00:10Why are you running away?
00:20Don't get distracted.
00:22Stay in motion.
00:23If you hesitate even a moment, this assault will swallow you up.
00:28Stay close to his main body.
00:30These growths look overwhelming, but it comes at the cost of his mobility.
00:37I straddle!
00:38It's difficult to believe this is simple growth and not the effect of a quirk.
00:46How's that possible?
00:47As all for one's stolen quirks take root, my body adapts to take on the physical form
00:52most suited for the powers stored inside me.
00:55At the same time, external environmental considerations affect my evolution.
01:01Shinya Kamihara.
01:03With this new body and these powers, the whole world will be in the palm of my hand.
01:10A new world, one even I can't fully anticipate.
01:15This society that divides us based on appearance, form, and ability is failing.
01:20It will crumble.
01:22Extinction and destruction cannot be avoided.
01:24Ever-growing disparity has resulted in widespread misunderstanding.
01:30Misunderstanding leads to fear and rejection.
01:33Such is the broken world we currently inhabit, but when I take control of it, everyone on
01:38Earth will be exploited equally.
01:40Don't you think that gets us one step closer to the peaceful existence you heroes always
01:45say you want?
01:46Yeah, blah, blah, blah.
01:47I don't care if you're Shigaraki or all for one at this point.
01:54Ever since Kamino went down, you keep yapping!
01:57It's getting old!
02:00I've got plenty of sweat stored up thanks to running through the arena.
02:04Time to bust out this gear the support corps made for me.
02:08Suppressive Heavy Mobile Unit, Strafe Panzer!
02:13I'm about to fill you with holes!
02:15That oughta shut you up!
02:21We'll blast through to your main body!
02:23Come on, guys!
02:24We're teaming up now?
02:25This is the time.
02:26While Monoma and Mr. Aizawa are using Erasure to block his course, while Kaminari and his
02:43group of spark plugs are still able to keep the floating death trap powered, and Yao Yorosu
02:48You and the others down below are giving us literal ground to stand on.
02:55Misunderstanding leads to fear and rejection.
02:56Kan-chan, I couldn't just stand there and watch you die.
02:57Disparities that are too big.
02:58Don't you dare tell me that you'd rather give up!
02:59Work together with me, Kan-chan!
03:01I advise you not to.
03:02But it's because of me that he ended up losing his power!
03:23And fear.
03:27I'm sorry for everything.
03:30I came to terms with that crap a long time ago.
03:35You may not have noticed, but I've seen people take big steps towards progress in a better
03:42It may take some time, but there are those trying to push us forward, changing things
03:47for the better!
03:48So die!
03:49We don't need any meddling from nutsack faces lackey!
03:52Great Explosion Murder God...
03:56Power Star Impact!
04:15We've got a blown fuse on Engine 6!
04:18We need a new one!
04:19The shaft is warping!
04:20Go find someone who can make us replacement parts!
04:23Altitude is dropping fast!
04:24We're gonna crash!
04:26Apparently Shigaraki's gotten huge!
04:28It's too much weight!
04:29Our messenger slash guard left, heading up top!
04:32Increase your outputs!
04:34This is a first-hand look at UA High in the sky.
04:38Because of the electromagnetic barrier put up to trap Shigaraki, those stationed here
04:42are unable to communicate with the outside.
04:45Stop filming and get back to work!
04:47Hey, wait!
04:48Why are business course students here?
04:50The only connection we have to external forces is via Mandalay's telepath.
04:54Yes, this is a coffin.
04:56And we'll all be joining Shigaraki in his journey to the underworld.
05:00What the heck?
05:01You're filming a documentary?
05:02That's not gonna help us beat him!
05:05Yes it is!
05:06You can't be serious, right?
05:08I absolutely am!
05:09We're capturing a factual account of what happened here!
05:12After all, there's a reason war footage gets preserved, right?
05:17Do you know what business students do?
05:19Our job is to promote the heroes.
05:21Basically, we're the bridges between heroes and society.
05:26We've learned a lot in our three years at UA, and we'll put it to good use.
05:30This will be a record of how they, no, how we won this terrible war.
05:38Howitzer Impact!
05:56Stay strong!
05:57Do not close your eyes!
06:00What's causing that thunderous explosion?
06:02Bakugou must be fighting!
06:04Yikes, I felt that one!
06:06The barrier's utility poles aren't broken, are they?
06:09Geez, is that Bakugou kid out of his mind?
06:12He could have taken down the arena!
06:14What if Nejire's luscious hair got burned again?
06:16She'd have to cut even more of it off!
06:18No need to short-circuit, Haya, I promise you.
06:20He actually pays a lot of attention to detail.
06:23Like when we're eating, for instance.
06:25Every time I put my elbows on the table, he starts yelling.
06:27What does that have to do with anything?
06:30Trust him.
06:32He's not someone who would fight without considering his surroundings.
06:35He knows what he's doing.
06:39You concentrate your explosions so they don't injure those around you.
06:43In doing so, you also raise the strength of your attacks.
06:47Impressive. And annoying.
06:51So fragile.
06:57Sorry to break it to you,
06:59but I have no interest in this path towards progress you speak of,
07:03or your journey.
07:14Oh, yeah.
07:16Someone said you needed to focus on attacking my main body.
07:19Are you starting to question that strategy?
07:22You're not thinking about the consequences.
07:26I'm more powerful up close.
07:29What will power that's comparable to All Might's do to your bodies?
07:44That was the strongest attack I've got.
07:50Is he really this far beyond my level?
07:55Your aims, your views on the world?
07:58Please, Katsuki Bakugo.
08:02If there's a single thing I'm interested in when it comes to you,
08:07it's him.
08:08You're the person who's closest to Izuku Midoriya.
08:13That's perfect.
08:14Because it means he'll definitely be here.
08:18Izuku Midoriya.
08:22And one for all.
08:29Is Midoriya close?
08:31I can't reach him!
08:32You could earlier!
08:33Even without the electromagnetic barrier, radio waves disrupt my power!
08:37I've heard nothing but static for a while now.
08:40My student is hurt.
08:42Genist, Mirko, Edshot.
08:45You have to protect Bakugo.
08:48He has big plans to graduate from UA and ultimately become the number one hero.
08:59Oh, man.
09:01Our school.
09:04You know, Haro.
09:06I was looking forward to our graduation ceremony.
09:10Then we'll have one.
09:12Should you be up here?
09:14Just following the instructions they gave me.
09:16When this is over, let's talk Principal Nezu into having a bonkers graduation party for us.
09:21A real rager!
09:22That'd be fun.
09:24Can we win this?
09:26We can at least protect everyone until Midoriya gets here.
09:30So put a smile on your face.
09:33Let's show this guy the power of the Big Three!
09:43Sounds like Izuku Midoriya was supposed to be warped here.
09:48No doubt he'll be making his grand entrance sometime soon.
09:52Now that I think about it, it's kind of a good thing my corks aren't working.
10:02He'll arrive to find your corpse instead of a pile of dust.
10:06That boy got so angry when I skewered you last time.
10:10Which means he'll be the perfect present to toss at his feet.
10:16You're a zealot obsessed with all might, if I recall.
10:20Well, here's a reality check, Katsuki Bakugo.
10:24No matter how high you attempt to fly, you'll always be garbage compared to one for all.
10:44Vast Hybrid.
10:46Octopus Mirage.
10:48With added Scorpius Toxin!
11:01Was that your secret weapon?
11:05My body continues to adapt.
11:08If you keep up these weak attacks, you'll be dead in no time.
11:14Don't you have anything stronger?
11:25Heads up, Janus!
11:31Nice catch.
11:34I know you. You're another one of their pawns.
11:37We met in Jakku.
11:40You've got that stupid face.
11:42The name's LeBillion. I'm on double duty as messenger and guard today.
11:46My job's to intercept any villains other than you who try to crash the fight.
11:50And to make sure information's flowing smoothly between all parts of the arena.
11:54It's a perfect gig for me since I get around so fast.
11:56But now, I gotta fight.
11:59I can't just watch.
12:01Why are you so destructive?
12:03I don't like our current society. It's failed us on every level.
12:09There you are!
12:11Oh, I get it.
12:13You're upset because you've never had any friends.
12:20Getting close isn't a problem, but I can't hurt him much.
12:23By myself, I'll bring Hado's energy with me and serve it up right in his face.
12:29If you had people you cared about, you'd see things differently.
12:36There are a million things in this world you shouldn't destroy!
12:43We can't let Shigaraki gain any more traction before Midoriya gets here.
12:47Gotta keep him busy.
12:50Dynamite! Let me see your right arm. I'll stitch you up.
12:54Quickly! We're still in dire need of your firepower.
13:07Let me give you first aid. We can handle the rest ourselves.
13:12Shigaraki is operating on a level we couldn't fathom.
13:15You're here because you fought him before, despite only being a student.
13:21But that prior experience isn't going to be of any more help to us.
13:25Take time to recover.
13:27You did an excellent job, Dynamite. More than enough.
13:31Rest now.
13:33Right side.
13:49Wrap around.
13:57He's badly injured.
14:04He's still...
14:15If you did have friends...
14:17There's no way you'd be doing this!
14:19You'd want to protect them. Destruction would be the last thing on your mind!
14:33Miku and Entomo were feeling left out, so I told them we should make up our own game.
14:37We pretended to be friends, but we were actually enemies.
14:40Miku and Entomo were feeling left out, so I told them we should make up our own game.
14:44We pretended to be pro-heroes. You know, saving people and stuff.
14:49I've got friends?
14:52Miku and Entomo said I was really nice, and Mon always barks to go on walks with me!
14:56So there! You've got no idea what you're talking about!
14:59You don't know me!
15:01I've got plenty of friends!
15:09Oops. Sorry.
15:14What was that just now? Sounds like I must have brought up a sensitive subject.
15:18My bad. More importantly...
15:21Compared to the tentacles he's sprouting, his main body is durable. Super tough.
15:26Even using Hado's power at close range didn't put a scratch on the guy.
15:30This is really not good for us.
15:34His body was complete, so why do I feel a schism?
15:38Tomura and I are supposed to be fully combined. No delineation.
15:44But there's something else. A part of us that isn't fully fused.
15:50A presence that's neither Tomura nor All For One.
16:03I can't let this go on.
16:19Hey, wait!
16:21No more distractions. I've got work to do.
16:24I think I touched a nerve back there. He wavered just a little!
16:29Hado, Tamaki. The two of you should make the first move.
16:33When he's distracted, I'll make my big debut and pull Bakugo out of the way.
16:37After that, I'll stall for time since I can get in close to his main body without taking a bunch of damage.
16:42Of course, I probably won't be able to hurt him, so there's a limit to how long I can keep his attention.
16:47That's why...
16:48In truth, what I'm really doing is buying time for you!
16:59Come on! Do your worst, you walking atrocity!
17:04Don't push yourself. I got a pretty solid hit in earlier.
17:08In fact, I'd bet you're barely able to stay conscious right now.
17:12I won't let you hurt anyone else!
17:18This place was tailored to defeat you. It's your coffin in the sky.
17:24Seems like an actuality.
17:26You designed your own coffins.
17:30It's time to lie down and close the lid!
17:44Hey, hey! Your quirk lets you stretch out your fingers really long, right?
17:48Do you think that'll come in handy?
17:49And if your fingers are stretched out, is it super difficult to type?
17:52Must be strange.
17:53That girl's crazy!
17:55Hey, hey, Kinko! How does your brush quirk work?
17:58Like, if you clean the tub or polish your shoes, is your arm all gross when you turn it back to normal?
18:02I guess then you'd have even more cleaning to do.
18:04That is so weird.
18:06Hey, you can grow your hair out!
18:07Yeah, is styling it a lot of work?
18:09Do you want to open a wig store?
18:10Ooh, or maybe a ghost in a haunted house?
18:13I wonder.
18:16Hey, you! Listen up!
18:18Yes, what is it?
18:20Just because you've got a quirk that can do anything,
18:22doesn't mean you have the right to look down on the rest of us.
18:26Why are you so annoying?
18:28No one wants to hear your voice.
18:32The more I wanted to know about other people,
18:35the more they withdrew and avoided me.
18:51Do you have any favorite pros, or...
19:03Hey, hey, why are you hiding your face like that?
19:06Isn't it hard to see what's in front of you?
19:08Um, it's, uh...
19:09Is that a yes, thumbs up, or just a reflex?
19:11Well, Mirio said...
19:13Are you okay? Should you be sweating and shaking so badly? How strange!
19:16I've made a mistake.
19:20My life now, it all goes back to that first question.
19:25That's how I got to know both of you,
19:27how our friendships started to bloom.
19:33Getting close to you guys made me so much stronger.
19:47I know what Vast Hybrid can do.
19:50It takes some time to activate.
19:52But Togata and I know you, Tamaki Yamajiki.
19:55You can do this!
19:59Super Tarantula, plus Dragonfruit, plus Spider Crab, plus Sika Deer,
20:03plus Japanese Chestnut, plus American Alpora Squash,
20:06plus Japanese Puffin Spot, plus Durance, plus Asian Black Bear, plus Jack's Rock,
20:10plus Mojo Bear, plus Neji Reihado's Energy!
20:14The more you eat, the more possibilities you have.
20:18If there's one person here who might be able to damage Shigaraki,
20:22it's you using your Quirk without holding back!
20:26Have confidence in yourself, Tamaki.
20:29I believe in you. Do your best!
20:33Sun Eater!
20:36If I fail, he'll kill everybody here.
20:39The battle, this whole operation, will be over.
20:42You should be proud of your work, Tamaki.
20:44Wow, you're so awesome!
20:47You have an amazing power, dude.
20:50And it's just going to get better, I'm sure of it.
20:55Those words were rays of light,
20:57treasures gifted to me by people I respect.
21:02Up until now,
21:05I haven't been able to accept them.
21:08Because the weight of such words might have crushed me.
21:12It was so much easier to be self-deprecating instead.
21:18Thank you, everyone.
21:21Now the weight of your words
21:23is making me stronger than I've ever been!
21:27More petty tricks!
21:29That's time, Red!
21:32Plasma Cannon!
21:46Why can't you understand?
22:26It didn't work?
22:28Not strong enough.
22:30Think about it.
22:31Would Golden Age all might have died
22:33from a measly attack like that?
22:35Of course not!
22:37Why are you people so dense?
22:53Use your first aid on the others.
22:59I've got to defeat him.
23:01Right, Iizuka?
23:03No, please!
23:04Don't do this!
23:16Right side.
23:35He dodged the attack!
23:43Quirk, Explosion.
23:45His palms secrete a nitroglycerin-like sweat
23:47he can detonate to create powerful blasts.
23:51The newest move in the boy's arsenal is Cluster,
23:53which has some side effects he wasn't aware of
23:55until this very moment.
23:58The attack is pulled off by storing up sweat
24:00and launching the droplets,
24:02a knack that's extremely hard on the glands in his palms.
24:06As he focused on victory
24:08and stored up more and more volatile sweat,
24:10it began to leak out of pores all over his skin,
24:13not just his hands.
24:16The resulting full-body explosion
24:18gave him even more speed than he was used to.
24:22Everything hurts.
24:25Fighting while in pain.
24:28Trying to spot an enemy's tail.
24:31You're already an old pro at this, aren't you?
24:38Hey, Iizuka.
24:41Can I still catch up to you?
24:47Why is he pissing me off so much?
24:50He doesn't have one for all.
24:54He's an extra,
24:56the same as that pathetic cockroach.
25:00So why is it that panic is rising in me?
25:09I'll obliterate you!
25:24I'll obliterate you!
25:29Oh, that's right.
25:34I, um...
25:38Whenever I finally got to meet you,
25:41I was, uh...
25:43I was kind of a punk.
25:45Because of that,
25:47I never really saw the right time to bring this up, but...
26:03You have no idea how much I wanted your autograph.
26:25You have no idea how much I wanted your autograph.
26:37According to reports from volunteer weather watchers,
26:39the Kanto, Chubu, and Kansai regions are experiencing unexpected temperature spikes.
26:44Given this radical departure from the forecast,
26:46it's possible southern storms will form around these areas.
26:50I don't like the sound of that.
26:53Our poor kid.
26:55He really hates the rain.
26:59You thought you could catch me off guard by replaying our fight from earlier.
27:04Even though you've seen how well I adapt.
27:07We came prepared for anything.
27:10The Demon Lord's body is a marvel.
27:13Don't you get it yet?
27:15Your part is over.
27:18From now on, this is our story.
27:22Hang in there.
27:23This might hurt, but you'll be...
27:31... his heart.
